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58341889 No.58341889 [Reply] [Original]

What are the implications of the singularity, financially speaking.

How do we prepare for human labour being replicated by semi-advanced AI?

>> No.58341927

Buy ICP, use and promote Open Internet Services and true decentralized, blockchain based AI, and bask in the glory of the coming singularity.


Buy some other shit, keep using big tech services, allow the elites to harness the power of the singularity for themselves, and either die or spend the rest of your life as human cattle.

The choice is yours.

>> No.58341938

Idk build giant mech and fight wars with it? I didn't watch the anime

>> No.58341961
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Implications are that I'll be sitting at home watching Evangelion while AI does jobs and guvmint pays out UBI

>> No.58341962

This is the story ‘bout a boy named Shinji
Living in the flooded streets of New Orleans
Gendo, Shinji's father, is a scientist, okay
So he built a giant robot for Shinji’s birthday

>> No.58342004

Why did they clap for him

>> No.58342031

Cause he was a good boy and brought about the singularity.

>> No.58342201
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>> No.58342240

How many ICP to make it

>> No.58342295

honestly the ending of the anime went over my smooth brain but i liked misatos yummy tits, also accidentally watched the last movie first

>> No.58342324

The end of the anime is about accepting who you are and overcoming your self doubt and ego to connect with people.

End of Evangelion is about individuality, forgiveness and and life.

>> No.58342380

god i'm so fucking tired of thinking about money. after all the mining and staking and pooling and forks and burned GPUs, whales are still whales and I'm still poor. just this time it's not the satanic federal reserve fucking me but a bunch of fucking retards on the other end of a phone.

also i've been thinking about the singularity, my mother, sexy evangelions to plug the holes in my body or my soul whatever the fuck. i guarantee that shit is going to jack up the price of living in tokyo 3 even worse than it already is. fucking quants and tech billionaires thinking they can play god and create some perfect digital utopia- unironically thinking everyone will be happy with their endless summer and universal basic income. fuck that- say goodbye to human society as we know it because once we let the machines take over, it's game over. you might get your nerv or seele, but at what cost? personal liberty, free will, the few institutions we have left- all gone under the weight of the united nations bureaucracy, instrumentality, so-called destiny of mankind or whatever.

i'm sick of this shit so im just gonna gamble everything on one last memecoin. and if that doesn't work, i'm buying a fuck ton of guns and ammo and holing up at the south pole with my pet penguin instead of becoming a formless entity in gendo's fever dream fantasy for the future

>> No.58342520

We seed the world with the idea that it's chronologically cheaper and lower risk to keep humans around than to recreate billions of us when the time comes to genetically reengineer us to endlessly spit out the same child and integrate it as biological hardware.

Early on, invest in companies able to rent seek computational resources. Try to identify frontrunners in creating "gods" of different types of customer service. Like expert systems with hundreds of thousands of hours of experience in X or Y. Whether it's reading medical scans or sex chatting or profiling people. If you can find companies that specialize in fixing hallucinations, that'll probably be a thing too.

>> No.58342630

ok. i'll bite. what's with all the eva posting i've been seeing lately. i feel like I'm being truman show'd

>> No.58342638

There will be no singularity.

That's right, no singularity.

Here is the story, you might be surpised to find out why this is the case!

Computational intelligence caps out, and you actually need emotions to problem solve beyond a 'ticking boxes' brute force approach. Emotions are required for innovation. The issue is that if you had a system that had max intelligence, but also emotions, it would fold in itself, either instantly lobotomising itself or becoming a super boring true neutral character with no desire to do anything. A totally inert observer, entropied out of it's mind.

>> No.58342680

Try $Hoppy

>> No.58342885
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Holy cope, that's some anime reasoning right there.

>> No.58342966
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it's a community revival on sol. I'll just drop the ca to not be a fag, 25f4SEFpExeZTmorMvDi7zWAx9h2zxM7Q7SgkSra9mYz
but I recommend joining the tg honestly: evangelioninstrumentalityproject

>> No.58343127

>How do we prepare for human labour being replicated by semi-advanced AI
Yes. How do we, indeed.

>> No.58343158

So anyway. Who liked the ending?

>> No.58343425
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2nd > 1st > 3rd

>> No.58343544

I liked the one where it got to 1m mcap the most

That one was really well animated and the music was nice

>> No.58343633
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Asuka ending best ending.

>> No.58343641

Fucking I knew something was up. Why don't you niggers just shill like normal people? Now I'm late!!

>> No.58343663

Imagine calling barely 50k mcap where dev owns 0% "late"


>> No.58343665

anime ending was a bit too schizo for my taste, still have to watch rebirth and maybe the end again

>> No.58343955

Watch it again

>> No.58344776

its 50k lol
also if we shilled normally it would look like just the newest rug
we want to differentiate from the jeets a bit, have more autism / biz energy

>> No.58344936

im so scared gaiz

>> No.58345253

Fucking christ I thought it would dip. I can't take this anymore I'm buying and turning my phone off

>> No.58345997