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58340407 No.58340407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My daughter was diagnosed with stomach cancer, the cost of the operation was $20,000, including a discount for low-income families. I had to sell everything I had to raise some of the money, about $3,000, and took out a loan for $5,000. My friends helped me with a portion of the amount, around $1000, and now I’m looking for all possible ways to earn money, I work as a taxi driver 18 hours a day. I have no relatives, since I came from an orphanage. I wanted to know if there is any way to earn some money in crypto or is it worth collecting a little at a time? It’s just that my daughter doesn’t have much time and at the moment I’m afraid that if I save money for a long time, she simply won’t live to see this day. I would like to sell my organs, but in our country this is prohibited. And now I don’t know what to do, after all this I can’t look my daughter in the eyes, she probably deserved a better life and a better father and it’s all my fault that I’m so helpless and can’t let her live in peace.

>> No.58340517

Possible options for you, assuming you're in the USA:
>Take out another loan to finish the amount you have in cash (when you pay at the hospital, get with the billing dept and ask for a cash discount)
>don't pay, after the surgery... after a few years, it'll go to collections or just get written off
>get a credit card and put the balance on there (less optimal, but doable)
>get your goofy ass to the social security office and enroll her into medicare/medicaid (also look into state funded medical care to supplement it)

As far as overnight coins... idk man, it's definitely gambling, but you could look at really early coins on dextools or some shit like that. Plenty of those around here.

>> No.58340555 [DELETED] 
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just buy apricot seeds for like $20 problem solved
but ofc you will ignore my advice and give Dr Shecklestein your life saving instead

>> No.58340563

reposting beggar



>> No.58340570
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I dont know man, cant your wife help?
Anyway stop giving her so many vegetables and whole grains in the future since that caused it in the first place likely
Or even ful carnivore..

>> No.58340571

Are there no children's hospitals in your country that will allow you to finance the medical payments?

>> No.58340583

i am not begging money

>> No.58340596

I will not be able to transport my daughter because she is in serious condition

>> No.58340597

Just see if the hospital has some kind of charity care system going and apply for that, if not, see if you can apply for Medicaid

>> No.58340614

There’s a special place in hell for you pajeet fucks who use terminally ill children stories as your way to scam people into giving you money. It means the real stories are often ignored. Fuck off

>> No.58340632

Get a HELOC. You do own a home and you're not raising a family in an apartment, right?

>> No.58340654
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You can
>get on a payment plan with the Healthcare provider and tell them you can only pay $150/mo. For 134 months
>tell them to fuck off until they sell the paper to a collector, haggle with the collector to pay 15% of the face value
>file bankruptcy because you don't have any assets so they won't liquidate you
That last one might be a good idea for you because the bankruptcy court will leave you with your residence and one car I think.
Godspeed to you, fren. The important thing is to keep your head. If you let them frazzled you and stress you out that's when they will get you to agree to some bad deal.
Also remember that you're not a bad father as long as you don't give up. As long as you fight for your child every day, you're being the best father you can be. Keep the faith. Believe that you can win.

>> No.58340674

Church has always been good for this. You didn't have children as an atomized family unit with no ties to the community, did you?

Either way, try givesendgo. They're a Christian org who would happily promote such a thing.

>> No.58340694

Give out boowjobs

>> No.58340721

get your story viral on social media and set up a gofundme

>> No.58340722

If you're white, you had 300 years of privilege. That means you don't know what it's like to be poor.

>> No.58340742 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 723x720, j45e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you brown retard
>you lived 300 years
>no poor whites