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File: 52 KB, 477x612, sparkling-diamonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58338879 No.58338879 [Reply] [Original]

But what about diamonds? How do I profit off diamonds being underrepresented in financial talk?

>> No.58338892

buy ALRS
diamond miners actually make money, different from the bayponies, GDX and GDXJ members who only know how t make their stock crater and crab for decades

>> No.58339011

Because you can grow diamonds in a lab. Alchemy on the other hand is not possible.

>> No.58339349

I think they create gold too.

>> No.58339367

You realize (((they))) have warehouses full of these things and release them into circulation as needed to restrict supply, right?

>> No.58339372

Diamond prices are heavily inflated, there is so much fucking diamonds that they should be worthless.
Not a thing i would put my money in anon.

>> No.58339374

Proofs or you're a lying faggot.

>> No.58339375

Have you ever tried to sell a diamond?

>> No.58339391

Because everyone knows that the diamond supply is artificially restricted, and heavily so, and as such, prices are artificially inflated. It’s called JEWelry for as reason.

>> No.58340707

It's in the pudding, dumbass

That's true

>> No.58340984

Diamonds are a scam but can be useful because you can carry them in your ass without detection.

>> No.58341053

It can be done but only for very very very very very tiny amounts. Fusion is a thing already, but net energy from fusion is not.

>> No.58341072

You don't. The Jews own the diamond trade and they have that shit locked down so tight you have to get your dick sucked by a mohel just to sell and anything above 20% of what you bought it for.

>> No.58341078

diamonds can be made artificial, stock is controlled and artificially held back by kikes.
So you eighter want to pump your bags, create a new bagholder-golem or both.

>> No.58341083


All of the idiots saying diamonds are actually cheap and "in abundance" are the retards that watch one episode of Adam Ruins Everything and they believe it.

>> No.58341089

they can but the energycost is too high so they dont.
Invest in solardesertparks to generate gold with sunpower.
Solar will soon be very cheap since china is flooding the market.

>> No.58341193

alchemy is possible. we just take 2 protons out of lead and you have gold

>> No.58341297

Diamonds were devalued with the invention of lab made diamonds. Their only flaw is they are "too perfect" to be natural. You really cant tell it was made in a lab, costs like nothing for them.

Platinum is also another thing people such as yourself consider, fun fact its not considered platinum unless it has a stamp and the stamp is really the only thing that makes it platinum. They regulate how much is produced, so it never goes up or down more than they want.
t. friend worked in a jewelry store

>> No.58341311

Oh also, Russia bribes people with diamonds. And China does too, thats why Canada just put import restrictions on diamonds. Lot of people being bribed in Canadian government, nobody has any loyalty to that country. Nobody.

>> No.58343313

> buy diamonds

Fuck off, (((rabbi)))

>> No.58343341

I like to pass of lab made White Sapphires to my gf as diamonds. Am I profiting from this?
>omg anon you shouldn't have!
>Oh my this must have been so expensive!
(It wasn't)

>> No.58343360

Nearly all diamonds value comes from marketing towards marriage/women. As both of these become more and more irrelevant over time the price of diamonds should crater.

>> No.58343440

>T. Based Illuminati gatekeeper doesn't want people to print their own gold

>> No.58343483

its considerably easier to turn platinum into gold with a nuclear reactor

>> No.58343509

Only The Lord God mentioned in The King James Holy Bible can create gold or silver thats why its the only Christian money on the planet you mother fuckin servant of Satan spreading your fuckin lies

>> No.58343694
File: 63 KB, 659x654, EE2AF1DF-4CE1-47DA-8C94-E72A07E74AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God: Heh time to make some shiny rocks so some people can be poor and some can be rich

>> No.58343789

Better luck next time poorfag