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58338809 No.58338809 [Reply] [Original]

We’re never going back to utility coins or fundamentals are we? Just jeet scams and lottery tickets

Thanks for ruining things as usual street shitters. Inb4 the hordes of shitskins flood the thread with “cope”

>> No.58338812

haha speaking of "cope" buy COPE on base!
>white hands posted this
>verification not required

>> No.58338822

Do not redeem.

>> No.58339261

I cannot even find any good fundamental coin this cycle.

>> No.58339266

shaddap, dont telling me vat coin to buy you blaady basterd bich

>> No.58339298

I’m surprised the jeets haven’t raided this thread

>> No.58339304
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Crypto """fundamentals"""


We never left pajeet scams and lottery tickets.

>> No.58339310

cope sar

>> No.58339312

Because they were vaporware and exit scams. You are the fool they marketed them to. Meanwhile all the shit they told you to avoid pentamooned.

>> No.58339319
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unregulated gambling and the exchanges are selling the chips.

>> No.58339412
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C0pe: Your latest financial mistake.

> MC: Just 3.5M, like your hopes, tiny.
> 1K+ bagholders: Each more delusional than the last.
> Community: We're all here because we suck at this.
> Memes: Our only saving grace. Maybe.
> Got rugged? Lol, so did we. Now we’re too angry to die.
> Where?: on BASE network

>> No.58339633

>sar my shitcoin did a 1000x from $.001 to $1 sar my village is saved!
No thanks jeet

>> No.58339669

GMC, the anti rug

>> No.58339960

The utility tokens were also complete scams, but at least our autist brains had some framework to judge them by. I have no idea what is going on now in this cycle. This must be how old people feel.

>> No.58342140

Elon musk started this shit with his doge coin shilling this little bitch

>> No.58342159
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It sounds like you're mad. How do you cope ?

>> No.58342180


Alteast they had the courtesy to release a white paper. Then biz use to discuss them. Those were fun times...

>> No.58342372

All true, there is too much noise now and you’re only going to get rich by being lucky now. 99% chance you’ll just be exit liquidity.

>> No.58342389
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i finally understand this meme

>> No.58342931

I bet you've been missing out on IDO plays.
Well you still have a chance with Nuklai upcoming IDO on Apeterminal

>> No.58342992

utility coins are just meme coins in fancy wrappers
it's all lottery tickets
the biggest shitcoin is bitcoin but it's got the most value cause it was first
have fun with it sri

>> No.58343183

I'd prefer to use WeWay for its IDO

>> No.58343208

What is the difference between a utility narrative that isn't at all true, and a meme coin? There is no substantive difference. It is utility altfags who created and moved onto memecoins to begin with.

>> No.58343884
File: 438 KB, 512x392, eclipse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did it take for any "utility" coin to actually provide utility? Like 7 years.
Just get the memes. Start with the anime x ai ones.

>> No.58343940
File: 244 KB, 1600x650, 85fc51993262ea232d1a4e7d615b6042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"muh utiliteeeeee reeeeeeeeeee"

Meanwhile people made millions off memes in 2017, 2021, 2024/25.

Get into small community takeovers and actively work on them. Start with Shinji

>> No.58344140

Literally just buy as much Reserve Rights (ticker:RSR) right fucking now. Any Pie that Peter Thiel has his fingers is worth at least looking at

>> No.58344203
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This. Go check back in on muh utility coins from last run, or the run before. They were 99% all larping scams. For most of the "utility" coins out there, the token isn't needed for its purpose besides to enrich the devs.

>> No.58344844

Pick one


Dumb retard coins like wif, trump, Boden, pepe etc created shitloads of wealth for left curvers this cycle. Investing in left curve coins is the way to go this cycle

Probably the only good midwit fundamentals coin that is pumping is fantom

>> No.58344857
