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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58337508 No.58337508 [Reply] [Original]

This was dated around the late months of summer in 2020. I just checked and my LINK stack is worth 313 ETH. I feel sick. Yes I'm a millionaire, barely. 3500 ETH is now worth almost $13 million. The Chainlink team stole generational wealth from me so they could hire remote employees and throw bashes in exotic countries annually. I am fucking SICK.

>> No.58337536

your portfolio is worth more than the entire liquidity pool of apu

>> No.58337543

>Why did you hold all this time anon

I got fooled by the mythos, the crumbs, the old hints (enabling companies like Visa and Bloomberg to come onchain). All these years later and any relationship with the financial world is cast aside for memes. I could literally be sailing the world or enjoying the high life right now, but these retarded faggots spent almost an entire decade tweeting and holding hackathons. Holy shit it's not humanely possible to be more disappointed in a group of people. Why did they even hire Eric Schmidt if he was going to just do a couple interviews and call it a day?

>> No.58337571

Thanks, just sold!

>> No.58337590

you didnt check the price for 4 entire years ?

>> No.58337671

Oh wow thats horrible anon, think I'm finally gonna sell my 2k link

>> No.58337725

yeayea yea

it really cant get any worse.

im just dumping my link at 40 dollars.

i dont think it will pass all time high this bull run.

>> No.58337743

doesn't really matter now does it? its your fault that you didn't check until now

>> No.58337761

I sold mine way back last year to invest in Sol, Navi, and Dua. It all turned out to be profitable. I have no regrets about this move, and I am still holding. Sergey should go screw himself.

>> No.58337776

>pls buy my bags

>> No.58337784
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exactly. I don't think it is too late to do that now, or do you think it's too late?

>> No.58337794


kek. I'm not bagging any other now aside from ETH and BTC. The ones I mention, including a few others, are bought in extreme market condition.

>> No.58337802


which do you consider the best narrative to invest?

>> No.58338093

>be jews
>crypto will make lots of gen X rich
>can't have those redpilled about jews on board
>launch chainlink and spread breadcrumbs that lead nowhere on 4chan, the most redpilled but still mainstream platform online
>all the men redpilled about the jews watch crypto mooning and making literal npc men and women rich which they hold their bags
How do I know this?
>t.2017 linky still unironically all in.

>> No.58338100

stfu I'm not pumping your bags you desperate fuck

>> No.58338106

If they're so redpilled on jews, how do they fall for this trick despite recognizing other tricks?

>> No.58338204

Dude lol imagine you traded for 3500 ETH and then at ETH ATH you traded for NVDA and then right before BTC started taking off again you moved into BTC and then right before ETH started taking off again you moved back into ETH you’d have like 35,000 ETH. Holy shit you fucked up soooooo bad not making every single best trading choice and only getting a million dollars for sitting around clicking buttons! Idiot!

>> No.58338250

total financial humiliation of chainlink baggies
THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58338436

link maxist find it difficult to accept the obvious truth. I don't need you to buy before Eth, Sol, and a few others pick up. yall ngmi holding that piece of crap.

>> No.58338441
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I ditch out oracle. kek

sell ya link and buy RWA.

>> No.58338450

I'm never interested in that sh*t. There are other assets worth looking at that could be print.

>> No.58338540


>> No.58338617
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>The Chainlink team stole generational wealth from me

Wait, the Chainlink team is the one who's been dumping Bitcoin on all Link pumps all those years?

>> No.58338651

already made it tho no need to gamble on shitcoins anymore feelsgoodman

>> No.58338659

your portfolio was also worth 10 ETH in 2017 so be grateful you inbreed cunt you will die in hell

>> No.58338677

Main character syndrome
meds.. now

>> No.58338681

The publicly available and independently verifiable charts have main character syndrome?

>> No.58338765

literally all you have to do is continue holding.

>> No.58338791

Indeed my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, I also am fearful, uncertain and doubtful of my investment and I will be shortly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all of my Top1000 wallet never traded Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens because I've made such a bad investment and I urge every other OG ICO Chainlink (ticker: LINK) investor to do the same because I, an anonymous poster, care deeply about your financial well-being.

We've all held for so long, but in all honesty it's time to stop the cope and just market sell our Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens immediately. I'm just so tired. You tired too? Let's sell together

>> No.58338810

Anyone remember $RVP? Top row, 3rd from the right?

>> No.58338840

It’s pain anon, pure pain
>with a dash of betrayal
>t. Hostage since 2018

>> No.58338862

Name me other old cycle coins doing as good as chainlink or positioned like link faggot larp tards. Are you going to say Xrp? Stellar? Ada? Tron? Tell me show me a old cycle coin that hasn't completely diluted it supply. Chain link kings on top see you faggots at $200.

>> No.58338874

so you have 65k link?
dude you have to look at yourself and take some responsibility... risk management.. taking profit
even so if you have 50k of that staked you're getting $50k passive income a year
take that other 15k and take some good profit in the bull later this year

>> No.58338885

$42k a year*
anyway you just need to get over it
in eth forums there are people like you still seething over the 0.147 ath (it's 0.05 now, ie 70% down vs btc)
basically man up, move on and realize how fortunate you were to pick one of the very few tokens to survive from 2017

>> No.58338920

don't respond to ((you)) harvester

>> No.58339542

You don’t get it. If it goes to $200 I’m still not at 3500 ETH. ETH will be like $10k if LINK hits $200. Opportunity cost of ten lifetimes

>> No.58339575


What? Hahahhahahahahaahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha how fucking delusional. You would need BTC at $500k to drag Link’s weak limp fundraising token up

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58339671

All someone had to do in 2020 was look at the most obvious textbook blowoff top on link/eth and link/btc and sell. It was just that easy and simple and you failed, calling it “luck”. lol

>> No.58340477

Wasn’t that simple. God protocol was supposed to be rank 3, so OP held. Link should be rank 3 today. That it’s not is a direct indictment on how inept the cofounders are

>> No.58340482
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You're such a whiny bitch. I hope you lose your keys.

t. Actual 50k LINK OG

>> No.58340650
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you fucked up

>> No.58340652

You should probably rope.

>> No.58340682

OP’s Argument completely obliterated. Never selling kekkkkkkfuddiesseeesssss

>> No.58340689

One in a lifetime trade and you nailed it. Well done guy.

>> No.58340730

nice work. Question for you: what should i dump my link for right now? I am finally ready to offload this bullshit into other things. What is the best move right now? Is there any point in waiting for a bounce in sats? or should i just dump into btc/eth ASAP? please guide me anon

>> No.58340747

I truly can't help you there anon, all I know is that I'm out for good
it could go up, it could bleed back down below 15k sats
who knows at this point

>> No.58340808

thank you for your honesty. there seems to be some semblance of support around 22k sats, so im going to try to catch an exit off of a bounce there. I know because of that decision though its just going to nuke down to 15 sats and then continue bleeding forever. So tired of this piece of shit

>> No.58340910
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Uhhh stinkers? Thoughts?

>> No.58340979

I’m feeling sleepy

>> No.58341038

you've been sleeping for quite a while apparently

>> No.58341211

>The “check the LINK/ETH chart” fud is back

I haven’t even looked at my ledger balance in 3 years.

>> No.58341667
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I kneel..

>> No.58342985

God like

>> No.58343029

Delusional linktards will try to cope but this man is smarter than any link cultist alive

>> No.58343031
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>we totally need a bunch of shitty gambling chains just because okay, it totally isn't a bunch of malinvestment
>lets connect all the shit just because okay. wow so exciting and revolutionary and bullish

>> No.58343401
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I made so many ETH threads on this board and made fun of LINK and you faggots just wouldn't listen.

It was so obvious that LINK was being heavily shilled and manipulated on /biz/ because no one else talked about it anywhere else on the internet, yet there would be at least 10 threads on /biz/ at any given time.

LINK being a shitcoin was understanding that it's technology is not relevant anymore like it was when it launched. ROSE created an L2 that does exactly what LINK is meant to do, for example.

But the REAL indicator that LINK is a shitcoin was pic related, sergey dumps and the fact that only 58% of CS is out there. 58%?!?! You fucking retards!!! HAHAHAHA. You are going to get rugged as that slowly increases and inflates more than the veneuzuelan dollar.

>max supply

>circulating supply

it's going to be a bloodbath

>> No.58343630

He sure is, if you held from $50 to $6 there’s no cope that can save you

>> No.58343879
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>> No.58343914
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>> No.58343915

Cool. Now sell the bottom

>> No.58344053
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ETH to max out 7-8k EOY