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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58332263 No.58332263 [Reply] [Original]

Im in 6 figures heaven
After starting with 3 figures not even four years ago
I never really believed it was possible but i always said i will never call it hell if im there because its not

>> No.58332279

>i will never call it hell
Yes you will, just give it a few years

>> No.58332293

wow you made $25k/year?

>> No.58332298

Top signal.

>> No.58332324

I did only cash out in that time, did not pay in exept one time but i cashed that out again
Also im no burger, saving 2k a month is basically impossible here in yuro

>> No.58332337
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>> No.58332384
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>6 figure

>> No.58332388

congrats how did you do it? leverage btc, altcoins or memeshitcoin casino?

>> No.58332431

Starting off with huge airdrops, later lots of arbitrage. also generally treated ethereum as stablecoin so eth maxi.
Top 2021 was 50k already, i called the top aswell, but rebought way too early, had to cash out quite a bit, but then i more and more allocated to uniswap v3 liquidity providing, this cycle most in eth and link aside of this...still enought

>> No.58332441

And truebit swinging, it has a minimum price in ethereum you can increase your ethereum by buying there....posted this docens of times here

>> No.58332492

do you think this is still possible now that eth is 3k?
there has to be some risk

>> No.58332511

So this is the power of /biz/...

>> No.58332524
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No, the only risk is that the reserve pool gets drained, but the jew teutsch is known and in the usa and he already mader bank it would be an extremely stupid move
Last month it was at the minimum price again
What is still possible? To be eth maxi? Kind of yes its still a bit undervalued

>> No.58332535
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I have so much extra money that I started entering NFT raffles on Eesee just to feel something

>> No.58332544

That sucks. I'm an American (multi)millionaire simply because I can afford to buy shitloads of BTC and ETH every week.

>> No.58332551
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>> No.58332564

It's not trying to demoralize you. Technically you're better off since you get free healthcare and shiz

>> No.58332626

Nice! Don’t forget to tip the jew on the way out

>> No.58332907

Congrats faggot. Don't let it get to your head. 100k is a good nest egg. will cover about 1 month at 3% if you live a very minimal lifestyle. Keep working, keep other dreams, money doesn't satisfy, even when you get into 11 figures.

>> No.58333018

Thanks makes sense
Well i spend around 1k per month so 3% per years would be 3 months

>> No.58333032

>very minimal lifestyle
A few years ago i lived alone aswell and did only spend 600 per month kek

>> No.58333154

Congratulations Anon. Happy for you :)

>> No.58333233


>> No.58333366
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Six figure FUTURE, my friends. 100k is the very first sum of capital made by successful people. I'm turning 300k into a million this run, no sweat! WAGMI bros.

>> No.58333373

Lets go

>> No.58333752

This is the sad truth of it. I used to think like that 6 figs was the end. However you will come to see that 7 is where it really ends. At least if you want to live comfortable in a first world country.

>> No.58333843

Hey im honest, i never had a ful time job. So im chill at the moment

>> No.58334038

even lower six figs removes you from abject wage slavery. the man with even 100k has significant freedom and power over most.

>> No.58334083

Yes its like you dont have pressure to pay monthly expenses, could do a world tour if you like and so on
Gonna cash out 3k for a teeth treatment soon for example... had an accident years ago and need new treatment

>> No.58334093

>free healthcare
>3k for a teeth treatment
yes we dont have totally "free" healthcare btw

>> No.58334274

It's mostly high six figs where you are basically "financially immune" as I like to call it. Even if worst comes to worst, you can just live off the poverty line indefinitely through your investments. Before that you can realistically lose it all or get wiped out.

>> No.58334330


>celebrating 6 figure hell


Enjoy staying 10 years there now

>> No.58334359

now don't get your metamask drained, I was where you are now, 4 years ago

>> No.58334531

Oh shit did you recover?
I have only a little bit unsafe

>> No.58334537
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Sounds good

>> No.58334692

>said i will never call it hell if im there because its not
>tfw you realize you sell the tax alone brings you back into 5 figures or low 6 figs. realize thats not even enough left to outright buy a house. A new car and you are down to like 50k.
Few months from now you will know why its hell.

>> No.58334696

Is the store water bad?

>> No.58334737

Just don't report it on taxes

>> No.58334767

>7 is where it ends
Seven is where you start existing as a single human in quiet comfort
Eight is where you start moving in luxury
Nine is where you begin to become an outright force
Ten is ascension to demigod
Eleven you exceed the importance of most nations
Twelve you become a global force

>> No.58336267

I know taxes will bring me down a bit
Why THE FUCK would i buy a new car?

>> No.58336296

Welcome to 6 figure hell. Go all in on btc if you've got 200k you don't need and thank me later.

>> No.58336304
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>low 5 fig abyssal hell

>> No.58336577

Based, proud of you anon.

Now go on base and buy doghole

>> No.58336637

Good for you OP, welcome to heaven or hell *dudududuu*

>> No.58337451
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>MUMU TOKEN MENTIONED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!