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58331699 No.58331699[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are landlords just lazy middleman leeches?

>> No.58331732

Am I the only person who thinks Landlords arent an issue but also think that the majority of them over charge for what they rent?

>> No.58331740

No, it's a pretty basic service. They buy a place, commit to maintaining it, and renting it out. Renters don't want to commit to buying a place, maintaining it, having a stake in it, they need someone to do that for them and streamline the process. They aren't the reason for your high rent either, the government could spam endless new housing at will, they choose not to and to block new construction. Landlords just are what they are, a thin abstraction between you and the property.

The most landlord hostile states are also the highest in rent, rentfags get the situation they deserve in the end when there's only the state and big time commercial landlords to rent from and supply is extremely scarce.

>> No.58331753

>lazy leeches
just like poors?
pot, meet kettle

>> No.58331763


see: >>58331740

Landlords don't pick the market rate. The market rate is a product of available supply. Supply is artificially restricted by the government. You'd think this is obvious but it needs reiteration: the most heavily regulated markets are the highest in rent. It has nothing to do with how much you bully and harass landlords lmao that makes the situation worse by only leaving the richest and most assholish left standing.

>> No.58331931

what if we banned all investments and people actually had to work to get things?

>> No.58331963

What business is the home "investor" investing in? Slavery?

>> No.58331982

Poor faggot detected
I’m getting paid 50 an hr to shit at work right now
It’s my 3rd shit
Stop being a faggot

>> No.58331988


Leads to molasses low growth, low prosperity economies. Investing is good, when handled responsibly. When people are cagey and unwilling to invest their spare resources into new endeavors everything creeps to a halt.

>> No.58332056
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Poorfag malding
Average real estate prices aren't really that high, look at the Truflation chart, they actually went down this month

>> No.58332061

>No, it's a pretty basic service.
not exactly. would be live if i bought up all the food from every grocery store and then sold it to people at 50% mark up and then claimed "its a basic service im providing people food!". landlording can only exist in white countries where people are naturally well behaved, otherwise properties would get smashed and youd need to hire a secruity guard for all of your properties and it wouldnt be economically viable

>> No.58332080


How do you not understand what I'm saying? What does a hotel do? A landlord does the exact same thing on a longer time horizon. A shelter, with lots of physical things that need constant maintenance. Money. Investment. Handling the leasing. This is work, it doesn't magically apparate. It's a service. Not a significantly high effort one but one nonetheless.

>> No.58332096



You WANT too many landlords. You WANT tons of landlords saturating up the market with rental supply, having to compete with each other for your lease. It drives rent down, it drives quality up. Commies get hoisted by their own petard, it's hilarious. Over and over again.

>> No.58332110

>if landlords bought every single house
But they didn't so what the fuck are you saying this for

>> No.58332116

'Landlords' had a larger scope back then.
Back then you could be given a title and then handed like 2000 hectares of land and everybody on it had to pay you rent/dues/taxes.
You had to build your own house on their land and do everything yourself most of the time, the landlord wouldn't just give you somebody else's homestead that they had made for themselves for obvious reasons, unless the entire family passed away from plague or something.

>> No.58332130

you dont have to visit a hotel. a hotel would be analogous to a resturant. hotel do provide services, they'll clean your room and stuff just like a resturant provides services where they cook your food. but lorndlording is analgous to my food example. it fits it perfectly. food and shelter are both needs, and a middle man has bought it all up and jacked up the price. there is no difference. the only reason people "invest" in realestate is because they are to ostupid to invest in anything else. a house is a tangible asset thats easy to understand and cant be uprooted and stolen so thats why boomers buy extra homes. but its not even a good way to make money and like i said is only economically viable in a well behaved modern majority white society where renters arent destroying your property. if you want to invest in something tangible, just buy gold and stop robbing the next generation

>> No.58332134

I want 0 landlords

>> No.58332161

>Are landlords just lazy middleman


landlords dont produce anything
> they dont design houses (architects)
> they dont construct houses (developers, governments)
> they dont build the houses (construction workers)
> they dont do the wiring (electricians)
> they dont do fix the sinks or toilets (plumbers, handiworkers)

landlords DO NOT provide housing. the housing already existed. other people already did the work and built it.

landlords provide housing the same way scalpers provide tickets.

landlords make the housing process worse. the house already existed and it was already for sale.

landlords just compete with real people who want to live in those houses, driving up prices. becuase they have access to loans which others dont.

they are middle man parasites. who pass the cost of the mortgage off to you.

you pay the cost of the downpayment and the mortage and the landlord gets the property for free.

>> No.58332166

>You WANT tons of landlords saturating up the market with rental supply, having to compete with each other for your lease.
wow sounds like a perfect world where i will own nothing and be forced to rent everything i need. thanks boomer

>> No.58332201


You don't have to rent a modern house. You can live in a tent, a van, a car, or in a cave, like your ancestors did. You demand modern space, modern conveniences, a developed neighborhood, you have to pay for it. Idk how this isn't extremely obvious.


In that case you only get 1: the state. They tell you where you're going to live, no matter how dirty and dangerous it is. They tell you how much you're going to pay for it. No choice. Have fun! Faggot

>> No.58332222

Remember every single time: fags who choose security over freedom get neither. There is no free lunch, or entity that is going to replace what your parents were for you. Sorry

>> No.58332225

>modern space, modern conveniences, a developed neighborhood
landlords produce non of these things which is the problem

>> No.58332232

Yes there is, its called Autismbux

>> No.58332242

What the fuck are you eating, raisin bran in date juice?

>> No.58332248
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why are boomers threatened at the thought of the next generation owning their own property? you are lucky you arent being retaliated against for stealing from them

>> No.58332280


Sure. How is that going for the leftist paradises of Canada, California, Illinois, New York? Have we beat the landlords and boomers yet? Rent affordable again? They're passing everything you could ask for.

>> No.58332292

You should build a house

>> No.58332313

>There is no free lunch
this is wrong too. some people do in fact get a free lunch (even if they arent aware of it) if they are the beneficiary of money printing. you have a perfect storm where the prvious generation passes their wealth down to you then on top of this you steal from the next generation via debt. i guess when you are so privileged your whole live you dont know what its like to earn anything

>> No.58332346


That isn't what the term means. Of course some people "win", but that economic malfeasance comes at a price to the greater nation. The corrupt buy their lunch with your money.

Statist retards think there will ever be a situation where the state is this God-like, benevolent entity that simply exists to provide for and care for them, "free lunch." Will never happen and has never happened. You are fruit to be squeezed.

>> No.58332357

its a disaster. they saw how boomers got away with buying multiple homes and not having to do any work, so now corporations are buying up al lthe homes. real eastate is skyrocketing. no one will be able to afford anything since land lords (individual and corporate) have stolen all the property. very sad to see one generation faciliating the enslavement of what was the most economically prosperious civilization.

>> No.58332362


>the most megastate regions of our continent

you will never learn. Dogs and vomit

>> No.58332428

>boomer doesnt understand how corporations and the state are one entity
literally a revolving door, the same people work at one instituation the get hired at the other. your 60 years old and still have no clue how the world works. you must have lead in your brain

>> No.58332675

Literally fucking retarded and deserve to be smothered in the nursing home or left to die after falling and breaking a hip and no one giving a fuck, chatting and looking at their phones and ignoring you desperately pushing the alert button.
You deserve the shit you've forced on us.

>> No.58332677

don't rent from landlord and problem solved
is salesman also a leech that gets between consumer and producer?

>> No.58333184

So basically the same but with one less middleman

>> No.58333239

labor leads to prosperity. we need proof of work society with tokenomics that mint new coins per labor hour worked and a banning of speculation.

>> No.58334594

>love to reap where they never sowed
didnt they buy the land for a shit ton of money?

>> No.58334615

Market rate is a retarded concept in the first place. Why are landlords buying houses as investment vehicles on leverage such that they are liable for a mortgage and use rent to cover it? Once paid off, the expenses are so minuscule that the choice of rent via "market price" is also a scam: the righteous pricing strategy is some amount of margin (10-20% depending on risk pricing) over labor and costs, not 5000% that same value just because "b-but the neighbor".

>> No.58334626

Typically no, they inherited or bought for pennies and then all of a sudden the prices absolutely exploded to high heaven.
Not that purchasing something is sowing.

>> No.58335497

No you stupid commie

>> No.58335516

Your initial premise is untenable and entirely disconnected from reality, and therefore has no relevance to discussion of the real world. Damn commies, their dialectics have driven them entirely insane.

>> No.58335701
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>They aren't the reason for your high rent either, the government could spam endless new housing at will, they choose not to and to block new construction
This is the main problem with your extremely dated propaganda from 1970, is that you treat landlords like apolitical bodies that have no personal philosophies or never lobby politicians to forward selfish financial ingerests. The fact of the matter is landlords ARE the ones pressuring scumbag politicians to restrict housing developments and pull in many millions of third worlders in to slurp up housing supply. Without all of these artificial measures to choke the life out of supply, housing and rental costs would crash by massive quantities.
>The most landlord hostile states are also the highest in rent
You leaked out a bit of truth here, but for opposing motives, and you're absolutely right that more price controls = more expensive rent

The free market would demolish housing costs and most rental properties would get liquidated in a purely open market. Obviously a non-insane society would treat housing as a thing that should get cheaper every year, but now we're trapped in a situation where usless financial speculators NEED housing to get more expensive. The number MUST go up, or boomerjews will fucking shart their diapers. No, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend landlords are accidentally failing upwards, and they're accidentally always on the winning end of the stick of hyperinflation. This gaslighting doesn't work anymore, and free market enthusiasts see you as the real commies you accuse others of being.

>> No.58335755

>Are landlords just lazy middleman leeches?
yes. the majority of landlords are boomer collecting social security(welfare) from the government while voting against food stamps or section 8. they need to reform the tax code so property owners can't collect government benefits, that way they would be forced to sell. if they were all forced to sell housing priced would go down.

>> No.58335891
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>rentfags get the situation they deserve in the end
And landkikes get the melting pot muttfest you deserve when fertility rates to 0 because nobody with an IQ over 95 realistically can support children. I'm not gonna post some tough guy keyboard warrior larp about killing landlords, because you're trapped in the banana republic with me and will reap the rewards of terraforming the west into Mogadishu for short term profits. You're gonna need someone to change your dipey one day, and it's gonna be an angry brown woman who doesn't speak english that abuses you. Go on, take the money and run

>> No.58336008

Build more houses is the obvious answer here.
Why do collectivists always miss the obvious solution if just creating more things? They're locked in this world view that not only do they produce nothing, but also that nothing new can be produced.

>> No.58336020

Building more houses doesn't work. Read The Tenant Class by Ricardo Tranjan, ISBN 9781771136228

>> No.58336206

Just build more stuff. It's literally that simple. Either new houses, or new other things that let you complete with the landlord financially. Everyone benefits from this.