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58331632 No.58331632 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normalfags so discontent with their lives? Sex, girlfriends, families, status, etc. are all prisons that they put themselves in. If they were actually happy with their lives, why do they insult us so much and have much higher rates of substance abuse and suicide?

>> No.58331756

>Sex, girlfriends, families
Are surely not prisons you retard
Status is

>> No.58331760

Freedom to do what you want when you want is beautiful and rewards itself. However, do not pretend that you never feel alone or would like to have someone to love you. There is no shame in living for yourself, yet as you get older, you may realize that your life is empty. You may be free from society, but ultimately, we are social animals and it will haunt you atleast ocassialy having good friens help it little but it has nothing like having GF that snuggles to you. What i would do if i make it is to go be a little crazy in my 30-40s find some young chick who still have energy to do crazy shit and then settle with her if possible.

>> No.58331868
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I look forward to open source ai gfs

>> No.58331906

Because they still won't accept that society collapsed in 2008.

>> No.58332015

>Why are normalfags so discontent with their lives?
As a rule they're painfully average in every respect, so not very smart, not very good looking, very conformist and thus prone to being codependent. They require approval and validation by their peers for everything because they don't have the intelligence or the will to live life on their own terms.
>Sex, girlfriends, families, status, etc. are all prisons that they put themselves in.
Sex is fun. I'm not a normalfag and I have sex and a gf. The problem with gf's is that they constantly want to take up your time. I agree having a family limits yur freedom a lot. Status is definitely a meme and the pursuit of which is a prison.
>If they were actually happy with their lives, why do they insult us so much and have much higher rates of substance abuse and suicide?
They aren't happy but they still crave social validation and are crabs in a bucket, so any perceived deviation from the norm scares them as they perceive it as a threat to their fragile (((worldview))). In other words, normies are meant to be slaves.

>> No.58332040
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>Why are normalfags so discontent with their lives? Sex, girlfriends, families, status, etc. are all prisons that they put themselves in. If they were actually happy with their lives, why do they insult us so much and have much higher rates of substance abuse and suicide?
Don't forget you woke up to the reality that congress has sold us down the river at every lock further and further, they try to doublethink you everday but resist

>> No.58332070
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>some young chick who still have energy to do crazy shit

>> No.58332089

Very risk averse and crab bucket

>> No.58332124
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>Freedom to do what you want when you want is beautiful and rewards itself. However, do not pretend that you never feel alone or would like to have someone to love you. There is no shame in living for yourself, yet as you get older, you may realize that your life is empty. You may be free from society, but ultimately, we are social animals and it will haunt you atleast ocassialy having good friens help it little but it has nothing like having GF that snuggles to you. What i would do if i make it is to go be a little crazy in my 30-40s find some young chick who still have energy to do crazy shit and then settle with her if possible.
>Things will get better

>> No.58332256

The actual normies I know are happy. The failed normies are the ones actively dying slowly

>> No.58332277

Ah yes, its much better to be a lonely pathetic retarded frogposter on 4chan

>> No.58332286

The common theme you'll see is the feeling of entrapment.
>trapped by car debt
>trapped by student debt
>trapped by marriage
>trapped by credit card debt because everything is designed to break after 2-4 years
>trapped by a nanny state that dictates how effective you can be as a husband/father
>trapped by a mortgage
>trapped by taxes
>trapped by medical fees
>trapped by when you can legal retire and get the money you've been saving
>trapped by media that hounds you for all sides, screaming at you about how evil you are
>trapped by who the government lets invade the country and get away with crime while you get thrown in jail for giving a cop a funny look

The American system has been perfectly designed to exploit people as effectively as possible, while conceding small freedoms to keep people in the illusion of having control of their lives.

>> No.58332305

>trapped by KYC

>> No.58332318

The average person is a thoughtless cretin who has been trained to deny their own essence. They're living one giant lie and can't figure out that it's because they reject what it is to be human.

Fuck 'em.

>> No.58332353

>just give the government 400000 of a million you worked and suffered for
>government accuses you of stealing when you went to a bazar and survived

>> No.58332356

Because they are like sheep being led by the elites using FOMO in the media as a Sheppard uses a stick.

>> No.58332370

The elite Hollywood blackmails pedo rings not waking up normies who still continue to eat that slop has made me hate them even more

>> No.58332409

I agree.
The happiest people i know have the sex they want to have with the girlfriends they actually want to date and have relationships with their families that don't revolve around an unhealthy obsession with looking 'normal'.
Just trying to emulate that in my life a bit has made me 10x happier. Just be honest and your life will work out better, live in reality.
I know a lot of people that live in fantasy, including people that have a lot of family money, they are all fucked up. One girl i know literally has pancreatitis and liver failure at like 25 yrs old from drinking so much

>> No.58332523
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>trapped in a kfc