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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58324928 No.58324928 [Reply] [Original]

What a ride it's been, huh? 7 long, excruciating years! Long live $1000 EOY
>Google blogpost tweet, $1000 eoy!
>Oracle slides say Chainlink integration, we're so fucking rich anons!
>Coinbase listed Chainlink, we made it!
>SWIFT invited us to sibos next to the toilets!
>There's a fat brazilian guy at Oracle who LOVES Chainlink
>I found something called Microsoft Cryptlets and it uses Chainlink omg
>Blythe Masters is going to make us all so filthy rich anon, mommy!
>Smartcon is unironically a big deal, allllll of the hottest industry players like Celsius and Bancor are attending
>This guy John Wolpert from Baseline is 200IQ and is going to make us all so rich, he's going to setup a Chainlink node inside a Coca Cola bottling plant!
>SWIFT and Chainlink are best friends, 1000 eoy
>Apple slides on Sergey's laptop, $10000 eoy
>Libra integration is so bullish
>We are integrated with Bored Apes oh hnnng
>The NBA is starting a partnership with Chainlink using NFT's and real time data! $1000 eoy!
>Circle CCTP uses CCIP it's over $1000 eoy
>We got the camel from Google who started tensorflow, we made it anon!
>Two Sigma, the world's largest hedge fund, became a node provider omg omg $1000000 eoy
>Staking any part of the supply will cause a mega moon because... because it just will ok? $1000 eoy

There is unlimited "Catalysts" from Chainlink and none will ever cause a shiba inu style run. It's truly amazing to witness

>> No.58324939

i think i've given you advice here before...
i know you fucked up the last bullrun and actually believed DR;NS
you are still up a lot from 2018 so just get over yourself and TAKE PROFIT when we hit the bull market highs later this year

>> No.58324941
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>> No.58324975

it's been very profitable to sell tokens for them, they created them for free. it's been a great success so far. why threaten status quo with change? keep selling tokens for as long as you can, that's the winning strategy

>> No.58324981
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>Yorke Rhodes is a gigabrain chad from Microsoft and he's vouching for Chainlink wow what a smart fella, he must be ri-ACK
>Fidelity is coming to Smartcon, they must be using Chai-ACK
>Chainlink is such a well run organization, they don't hire a bunch of women who post lifestyle reels and company merch all over social medi-ACK
>Eric Schmidt just signed as an advisor, it's over for the fuddies $1000 EOY
>Oracle's new startups program has produced some heavy hitters like gravel coin where they like... have a coin for gravel!
>Dude did you hear about the new partnerships with moab token and lady luck coin? $1000 EOY
>I really like this Jonneh fella from LinkPool, I'm putting half my LINK into LPL
>Once you start seeing CCIP transactions on mainnet, $1000 eoy
>Every tradfi chad is building on top of Chainlink but it's a super secret tee heee no one is buying on exchanges!
>They invited this super cool guy Sam Bankman to headline Smartcon! omg omg this is bullish for everyone!

>> No.58324985
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uggg only 230 quid this run

>> No.58325001
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Weren’t all the gullible link marines conned by an anon that encrypted a message and then larped as the decrypter of said message, which was some sort of a pic of a screen («this means it cannot be photoshopped ever!!!!») that showed a graph where LINK be like 81k in 2026? Tick fucking tock fucking marines. Seems like that fucking german boomer faggot 42 conned you all!!!!!!

>> No.58325010

imagine if chainlink becomes the only coin with any real use case

>> No.58325018

>We know they keep saying CCIP is coming but this time it SURELY will and it'll make LINK go to $1000 eoy
>Bro the build tokens are going to pay each staker $1000000000 a year because... because they just are OK?
>Every single staked link will be worth $1 a month in 2023 because... YEAH like MATH said so ok?
>ANZ bank said they're going into production with Chainlink, $1000000 eoy
>CCIP isn't used by Uniswap, Sushiswap, Curve, or Compound but IT'S THE INDUSTRY STANDARD OK? $10000 EOY
>Staking v0.2 is going to make Chainlink moon because they increased the POOL SIZE so it's like... just going to go up ok? Stop asking questions on why it's still $17 dude

>> No.58325089

chainlink is only useful when other projects bring actual users to multiple chains. then it hopes to leech off of them by being a middle man. great business model, lol

>> No.58325097

Kek baggies!

>> No.58325104

who's this asian thot?

>> No.58325125 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58325141
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>> No.58325158

So glad I sold made little profit but happy. Imagine someone paying ccip when they don’t and never will have to.

>> No.58325237

If this is from something you should post a link.

>> No.58325276

>We are the link marines and we name drop like nobody else!
>Christine Moy
>Blythe Masters
>Eric Schmidt
>Ari Juels
>Balaji Sjifodshsdpara
>Hong Kong Monetary Authority
>China BSN
>Alex Mashinsky
>Valued less than shiba inu

>> No.58325277
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if you bought below the dollar it is still a very good investment, however the FOMO for chainlink has passed and from now on you can only sell and dedicate yourself to buy something else like TRX, DAI, SUPER or XRP.

>> No.58325299

>>Libra integration is so bullish
man i forgot about libra

>> No.58325318

Chainlink broke me inside. I’m not the same man I once was.

>> No.58325373

The talk about juels is funny since he instead sat down and wrote a novel with the time and money he got, about some smart contract conspiracy iirc instead of making chainlink functional related to any of that.
He could have made it real but instead he wrote fiction.

>> No.58325721

>FOMO for chainlink has passed
I still see everyday a nigga shilling that shit

>> No.58325729


>> No.58325800

It was once the talk of the town on /biz/. I remember anons thinking Chainlink was about to run the American banking system through Zuckerberg kek

When you make so much money from accomplishing nothing but research whitepapers and selling vaporware, you write books and travel

>> No.58325927
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Many of those events actually happened, It's kind of mind boggling how Chainlink keeps getting all this attention in the news, yet its price doesn't seem to skyrocket like you'd expect. Remembering how the rumor about Litecoin partnering with Walmart caused such a big price jump makes you think about how different things are with Chainlink. When you think about it, comparing Chainlink to Shiba Inu and Dogecoin purely based on what they can do and their potential, it just makes sense to lean towards Chainlink for investment.

>> No.58326249

Crypto only goes up when people pile into it, the news from op literally proves it will never moon. Normies don’t care about swift or paypal, they care about line go up and hype

>> No.58326314

>it just makes sense to buy something which never fucking pumps
this is your brain on link bagholding

>> No.58326956


>> No.58327001

Chainshit had actual hype last bullrun and /biz/ along with normies were piling into it, yet it STILL underperformed then.
Now there's zero hype, normies don't give a flying fuck about a dead 2017 alt and /biz/tards have been betrayed and dumped on.
Chainshit will underperform even harder this run since there's nobody left to buy lol

>> No.58327015
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>yet it STILL underperformed then
and we know exactly why

>> No.58327022

>b-but bitcoin!!
>i-it's not fair, chainlink good coin trust me sers!!!
>b-but bulgarians! Nexo!

Lmao, shut the fuck up cultist.
Nobody cares about your excuses as to why chainshit can't pump, the fact remains the same; It's an underperforming piece of shit that gets outdone by literally any other crypto.
Nobody will buy your heavy bags this bullrun lmao

>> No.58327026

>noooo don't look at the actual reason!

>> No.58327044
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>Remembering how the rumor about Litecoin partnering with Walmart caused such a big price jump makes you think about how different things are with Chainlink

Had to dive deep into the catalog, but I found it.

>> No.58327049

Keep looking and coping all you want linkcuck, doesn't change anything

>chainshit underperforms (reason doesn't matter)
>chainshit is a lolcow on crypto twitter and /biz/
>only the most rabid cultists and paid advocates continue to defend it
>nobody left on /biz/ to dump your heavy bags on
>normies who will pile into crypto will see the dogshit price action, shitty sentiments and cuck memes and also won't buy your heavy bags

How does $35 at the peak of this bullrun sound lil linkie?
Hope you enjoy seeing zoomies buy houses with their DOGE/PEPE gains as well as the boomers outperforming you AGAIN with a simple BTC/ETH portfolio, lol.

>> No.58327056

why did you change IPs, OP?

>> No.58327074

Kek at the frenzy of fud itt!
I want you guys to know i have 10 staked wallets and no intention of selling any of it, inc the rewards. Gonna restate those in v1.0
It brings me so much happiness, watching you all typing walls of text, and yet I still hold this extraordinary power over all of you, simply by not selling. That actually makes me semi-erect. You're all my minions and will do anything I wish. All I need to do is to not sell.
And I never will.
Feels wonderful. Like chocolate.

>> No.58327116


kek baggot

>> No.58327157
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>> No.58327215

kek baggie

>> No.58327246

>>only the most rabid cultists and paid advocates continue to defend it
And you continue to hold it.

>> No.58327479

yeah sorry, i don't read manifestos written by effeminate brown discord nufudders or make investment decisions based off of it - just like everyone else that staked in the early access pool and filled it up in under 7 hours
(that pool is still full btw)
all fields

>> No.58327521

Crypto is useful for moving money over borders if literally nothing else.

>> No.58328865


Im now up $30k on APU. It’s not weak and cucked like Link where with Link if bitcoin sneezes it drops 2%

THE Cuckolds of crypto

I kept telling them for years, their hubris was their downfall. Couldnt happen to a bigger group of assholes

>> No.58328954

Why you shills never address the fact that it’s Sergey’s dumps that make the price go down during critical inflection points?

If you correlate Sergey’s dump to link price dumps, they almost always happen at the top or right after link starts dumping. As if the team wanted to suppress the price and build up their warchest at the same time.

To each their own, but being a link holder doesn’t seem to be a logical decision. Props to all of you guys for putting up with it, I’d rather make money than be part of a cult desu

>> No.58329030

>Sergey’s dumps that make the price go down during critical inflection points
source pls

The only thing we can see happening during "critical inflection points" is bitcoin dumping within hours of Link news.

>> No.58329036 [DELETED] 

Can someone bless me $1k for the Eid day? :)

>> No.58329155

>source pls

Here you go fren:

>> No.58329274
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Fucking kek, out of Sergey's last 4 dumps, 3 of them were immediately followed by pumps and 1 was followed by crabbing.
Why would you post something that completely fucks your argument in the ass like this?

>> No.58329282

>Pool is full
>Sergey hires "LinkPool" guy on full time to solely work on filling the pool with a bot after every withdrawal

You stupid fucking retard, of course it's full. Sergey made sure of it.

>> No.58329314

>Why would you post something that completely fucks your argument in the ass like this?
It doesn’t. Take a look at your chart, that’s what suppression looks like. Just as the price action is about to get hot, there’s a multimillion link dump so as to keep the price stable and not let it get out of control.

I understand why Sergey would want to keep link’s price stable so that developers that use that utility token can get some peace of mind, though. With the added benefit that he adds millions of dollars of fiat to his warchest, which give his company more runway.

Smart fella that guy Sergey.

>> No.58329338
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>Just as the price action is about to get hot, there’s a multimillion link dump

This is complete nonsense, Link is clearly crabdumping for weeks before 3 out of 4 of those token dumps.

>> No.58329350

Also, take a look at the price action and the increase of circulating supply since 2018. It’s pretty obvious link won’t be let run hard until all of the supply is circulating. At that point I don’t even know if there’ll be a new cycle or if link will still get peoples attention.

I just don’t think it’s a good investment right now. Not telling you to sell btw, to each their own.

>> No.58329358

Care to zoom out for the last 7 years, and not just the last 2 months, fren?

>> No.58329377

>the price action and the increase of circulating supply since 2018
That Glassnode chart is missing Sergey's 2019-2020 dumps, fyi.

>not just the last 2 months
My chart shows 12 months.

What the fuck am I even talking to.

>> No.58329406

Pity the pool's closed and you won't get in now. Dang shame.

>> No.58329472

>My chart shows 12 months.
Yah, missed the 1 before the 2 in the previous post. Apologies.

Continuing with the core of the matter. It’s obvious that dumps come at critical times when the price is about to fly, regardless of if the price is crabbing or already going up.

Chainlink lab has a dedicated person to handle the treasury and that person is in charge of dumping at strategically optimal moments so as to grow the cash reserves of the company, so I understand how that person would have the financial knowledge to be able to time the link releases to maximize cash returns.

This person probably has a trading desk background that allows her (yes, her) to dump without hurting the price action too much.

Yes, link dumps are what’s suppressing the price action, however they’re done at times when the damage is minimized and cash reserves are maximized.

Some people would call this “farming your community”, however I think Sergey has a very profitable endgame that will make chainlink go well past $200 once all of the supply is circulating.

I’m just not going to bet on chainlink this cycle, that’s all. Maybe the next one.

>> No.58329497

>It’s obvious that dumps come at critical times when the price is about to fly
This is complete and utter nonsense.

Link spent WEEKS crabdumping prior to nearly all Sergey dumps during the past 12 months.

>> No.58329507
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> It’s pretty obvious link won’t be let run hard until all of the supply is circulating
with the current speed of 60million link per year dumped, thats like 7 more years lol

weird how they changed from smaller stairs to those big dumps.
Maybe they were actually dumping on the market in 2021 and during the last 1 1/2 year they were selling OTC since the price action didnt do anything. There were mentions of grayscale that the unlock isn't actually sold immediately

>> No.58329518

Chainlink has a goal to expand the community pool in the future, so I wouldn’t worry too much if anyone couldn’t get in to the initial pool.

Additional staking services will also pop up over time, as that’s the goal of the chainlink team, to have a decentralized marketplace involving staking.

If you could get into the initial pool and have conviction that’s good, I think chainlink will go to $200 some time in the future. Just not this cycle.

Maybe $35 this cycle.

>> No.58329534
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Here's another doozy for you:

>pumps from $13 to $35 as Sergey is dumping
>dumps from $35 to $6 as soon as Sergey stops dumping

So not only does Link pump after Sergey's dumps, but Link also dumps (MASSIVELY) when Sergey stops dumping.

>> No.58329540

you're tiresome, you've been posting with this exact same semantic hair splitting bullshit style for 4 years, always tip toeing around the crux of the matter and always resorting to a singular statement you repeat until the other party is exhausted
you didn't even take some time to read his post, you immediately retorted with a literal non sequitur
pathetic and desperate, I TRULY hope the team is not paying you for this shit

>> No.58329548

>hair splitting bullshit

>Sergey dumps just as Link is heating up

>Link is crabbing for weeks before Sergey dumps

It's a direct objective refutation of your bullshit. Cope.

>> No.58329550

LINK leaving Sergey's wallets and ending up on Binance DOES NOT MEAN those LINK are dumped immediately you unironic imbecile
there, your entire thesis is destroyed

>> No.58329560

>Sergey dumps just as Link is heating up
because he has been in position to do so by sending his LINK weeks before
there, your argument is btfo
show us your 4chin pass, shill

>> No.58329567


I wasn't the one who claimed Sergey's dumps were correlated with Link's price action.

>> No.58329581
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>> No.58329583

>useless, void of any meaning post
cool, what the fuck is even your point?
>inb4 triple posting while individually quoting all of (My) posts

>> No.58329590

>Link spent WEEKS crabdumping prior to nearly all Sergey dumps during the past 12 months.

Yes. Dumping at bad times would kill your token price action. Dumping just as things start looking good would mask your strategy and make people think your dumps are not hurting the price.

The dumps do hurt the price, however. When you dump at the start of a run that should take your token from $6 to $30, you sacrifice short term action and make your token crab at $20 but give you company stability to continue its operations and accrue value long term.

With dumps, what could be, is not, due to sell pressure at inflection points.

Chainlink should be trading at $100 right now if it weren’t for dumps.

It’s all part of a greater plan, however. A stable price of $200 with “real” demand for the token would make chainlink one of the biggest companies in the world.

That just ain’t happening this cycle, though. I’ll just let the rest of holders be farmed and buy once the supply is 85% circulating regardless of price.

>> No.58329607

it's no use, now he's going to post his BTC suppression collages
he's been doing this ever since LINK topped against the market, I really think he's a top buyer like Zach

>> No.58329619
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>> No.58329631
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>Dumping just as things start looking good
This is complete nonsense.

Link starts pumping AFTER Sergey "dumped".
This has been true three out of four times this past year, see pic again.

>> No.58329632

at least make some OC you retard
there's all kinds of watermarks on your low quality memes

>> No.58329653

>Link starts pumping AFTER Sergey "dumped"
HOW do you KNOW tHaT?
do you have insider access to Binance order books?
shut the fuck up, I ALREADY TOLD YOU, sending LINK to Binance ≠ market selling those LINK at spot

>> No.58329661

>weird how they changed from smaller stairs to those big dumps.
I would also change my strategy to big dumps during a bullrun. If I had 500 million link and the market could take all of them at once in a big sell at $20, I would take the deal and I bet Sergey would too.

That’d be 10 billion fiat in your treasury, which equates to around 70 years of runway with 1000 employees being paid $150k each.

>> No.58329671

Anon, the person I'm talking to claims that Sergey is suppressing Link.
He is the one who posted the glassnode source.
HE is the one claiming Sergey is dumping at specific times.
I'm simply using his own logic against him.

>> No.58329701

and I'm telling you you're not actually disproving him by repeating the same shitty retort over and over, especially when it has been pointed out to (You) that your argument is flawed
are we clear now?

>> No.58329706


Hence my question: >>58329030

>> No.58329717

source that Sergey's deposits on Binance are definitively NOT market dumped whenever LINK tries to climb up

>> No.58329723

You're asking me to prove a negative kek

>> No.58329734

>Link starts pumping AFTER Sergey "dumped".

I’ll challenge your reasoning by posting one of these famous “greentexts”

>be chainlink treasury manager proficient in reading financial/trading indicators (I have a >80% hit rate with my calls)
>see the price of link is about to jump due to my indicators
>sell a chunk of link at the start of this price action
>without my dump, the price would’ve gone from $6 to $30
>with my dump, the price went from $6 to $20, as my sell pressure relieved some of the buy pressure
>fell happy with myself. I masked my strategy and anons say my dumps are not hurting the price.
>get $200k bonus at the end of the year


>> No.58329737

I know hilarious right?
now how do we know when Sergey chooses to liquidate those LINK? huh? we can't?
case closed
you can't disprove me

>> No.58329768

>>see the price of link is about to jump due to my indicators

Thanks for the laugh, anon.

Source pls.

>> No.58329771

>source that Sergey's deposits on Binance are definitively NOT market dumped whenever LINK tries to climb up

If I were chainlink’s CEO I would not want to keep more link than strictly what I’m about to dump on a CEX.

Hard lessons learned from FTX and Celcius.

So game theory would indicate that whatever quantity of link is moved to a CEX, is dumped before a new batch of link tokens arrive to the CEX.

>> No.58329776

source pls

>> No.58329777


>> No.58329797

You first have to prove that he is dumping right as Link is pumping/breaking out.

>> No.58329811

the quantity of the tokens dumped is not being disputed here, what is being disputed is the precise timing of those dumps
nah, I don't have to prove anything, I'm speculating
now unless you can definitively prove he doesn't, there's no point in arguing here

>> No.58329868
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>> No.58329872

>I don't have to prove anything, I'm speculating
kek you sure are.

>> No.58329874


>we can literally see Bitcoin timing its dumps to Link pumps
>"this is not happening"

>we have no idea if Sergey is timing his dumps to Link pumps
>"this is happening because I believe so in my head"

Complete and utter delusion.

>> No.58329875

>Thanks for the laugh, anon

Why is it so farfetched to think the treasury manager can detect trends in the market and act upon them to dump link whilst minimizing the damage caused to the price?

Take a look at the resume of one of chainlink’s employees related to treasury management.

>PJ Roberts Digital Asset Manager at Chainlink Labs
>Previous experience: Senior Financial Analyst
>Identifies key market trends and investments to align with market trends
>Monitors custodial, operational, liquidity & regulatory risks based on Treasury policies
>Actively participates in recommendations for crypto & global fiat cash management
>Manages fiat liquidity needs and assists in up-keeping the Chainlink network.

Fren, your thoughts?

I’m not here to convince you, though. I’m quite enjoying our conversation.

Perhaps I’ll buy some link with my precious APU gains once we achieve a market cap of 10 billion.

Yes, APU will go to 10 billion market cap, in case you want to hop on the train.

t. VC

>> No.58329878

Why is it hard to understand that sergey is simply a better trader than his paypig holders? he dumps when the token pumps. remove the causality from your mind between his dumps and the price. The price gets dragged up by BTC or some other new retarded whale buying some, sergey then notices that and dumps his tokens into the pump. The realization that Link would be probably trading in mid triple digits at this point if every pump was not sold into should make you sick. His dumps are not causing pumps or causing the price to go down, he is merely reacting to price movement and subduing any pumpability.

>> No.58329914

Professional daytraders generally do slightly better than randomized number pickers.
But Sergey's in-house traders can pinpoint major pumps pretty much to the day with a 75% success rate.

Sure thing lmao

>> No.58329916

>Concerned about you bro, sell your Link bro. I don't care if you sell bro, but sell anyway
kek you guys still hurting? no one's selling... bro

>> No.58329923

>bitcoin timing its dumps
show me blockchain txs of the Bitcoin CEO sending his BTC to Binance whenever LINK breaks out
I'll be waiting

>> No.58329939

We can tell by the charts, you know

>> No.58329963

he puts link on binance and then sells it when the price moves up. how is this too complicated for you to understand? the human mind is never more creative than it is when it is trying to justify holding chainshit.

>> No.58329967

you mean the cherry picked super zoomed in 1m charts you spam all the time?
yeah, how about no
there has to be a trail of evidence left behind this grand 6 year BTC suppression operation
I mean we actually do have txs of Sergey sending LINK to Binance lel
btw what do you mean "Bitcoin timing its dumps"?
Bitcoin is sentient?

>> No.58329974

>he puts link on binance and then sells it when the price moves up
And he just happens to put the Link on binance on the eve of major Link pumps?

>> No.58329989

if anything, that right there could also mean he's artificially propping up the price a bit before selling at a higher price
I mean, you keep insisting that there is a correlation of Sergey "dumping" and LINK pumping, right?

>> No.58329991

>cherry picked
It happens like 80% of the time, it’s hardly cherry picked.

>super zoomed in
Well yes. Bitcoin often reacts in a matter of hours. You have to zoom in to see it happening.

>> No.58330005

blockchain txs?

>> No.58330008

>he's artificially propping up the price a bit before selling at a higher price
If that's true, then he's pumping the price way more than he's dumping it. Link has been doing the Chad fad for the past 8 months.
And the only reason it didn't Chad fad straight to $30 is because of Bitcoin dumping whenever Link hits $22.

>> No.58330030

You can tell Bitcoin is dumping by the charts.

>> No.58330042

>show blockchain txs

You can't show blockchain txs for Sergey dumping on Link pumps, but you're asking others do show blockchain txs for Satoshi dumping on Link pumps.
tsk tsk tsk

>> No.58330051

the images in this thread show extremely weak data to conclude that. he is sending link to binance exactly every three months, or thereabouts. then when the price began pumping harder, he sent some more. >>58329274
This is mega retarded. middle of june he sends to binance, three months later, middle of sept he sends to binance, three months later middle of december he sents to binance. Price has gone up quite a bit, so he sends more sooner to dump into the pump. it took them all the way to february to react and send more given the november pump. You are totally ignoring the crabbing that happens on this chart between mid june all the way to late october. He is methodically dumping, then accelerating his dumps into pumps as a reactionary trader. It is really that simple.

>> No.58330066

>the images in this thread show extremely weak data to conclude that.

Out of Sergey's last 4 dumps during the past 12 months; 3 of them were immediately followed by pumps and 1 was followed by crabbing.

>> No.58330076

>Professional daytraders generally do slightly better than randomized number pickers.
Chainlink doesn’t have professional daytraders, they have treasury managers that optimize dumps so as to minimize price damage and maximize cash reserves.

When you hold ~50% of the supply of an asset and your only goal is to sell, you don’t need to daytrade, you just need to not completely destroy the price action.

Chainlink will never “trade” link tokens, their business is selling them, not trading them.

>But Sergey's in-house traders can pinpoint major pumps pretty much to the day with a 75% success rate.
Again, there are no traders at chainlink, just professional sellers whose jobs is minimizing the price damage caused by dumps.

>kek you guys still hurting? no one's selling... bro
Oh quite the contrary anon, I would encourage you to never sell. If you have a place in the staking pool you should also never leave it.

Holders and stakers like you diminish the circulating supply and the buy pressure concentrates in a smaller number of tokens, most of which come from the chainlink institutional wallet selling their link.

If you believe in Sergey, allow him to use you and keep holding and staking forever, fren!

$200 per link is very possible in 2035.

A 10 bagger that can withstand multibillion dollar liquidity would make chainlink a safe heaven for ultra wealthy investors and would make Sergey Nazarov a superstar among these circles!

>> No.58330082

>Chainlink doesn’t have professional daytraders, they have treasury managers
And these treasury managers can predict the market 1,000,000 times better than professional daytraders.

Sure thing, bro.

>> No.58330109

>And these treasury managers can predict the market 1,000,000 times better than professional daytraders.

Why, yes of course! Are you doubting the intelligence of our beloved Sergey to hire top notch talent that can do so?

How ironic, you are now fudding your one investment!


>> No.58330167

youre the type of guy that is totally incapable of NOT seeing a pattern or correlation to an extreme fault. It is High IQ to notice patterns, but you are like a vestigial leftover of noticing that goes so far it actually hinders your ability to make sense of something that is not that intricate and in fact very normal and easily explained. TL:DR you are schizo. I know nothing i say will ever part you from your beloved link tokens, so with that I am exiting the thread, you win and you are right.

>> No.58330192

>14 pbtid
>walls of text
>oh i'm not fudding, i'm just concerned for your financial future and i'm an expert, too
no one is selling, anon. we've been rejecting your crap for years and years and we're not about to start obeying you now. It's a nice angle though, i have to say. it works better than the angry fud or the mocking fud. End of the day, we all know it's fud, and so you're having no effect. is it quite disheartening, when you can't convince anyone? i would imagine so...

>> No.58330197
File: 123 KB, 1545x833, 1706679925171627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal child could see the obvious pattern in pic related.

>blue line goes up
>black line goes up right after

And keep in mind that this very chart was posted itt as proof of Link DUMPING whenever Sergey dumps. And then it shows the exact opposite.
Do you have any idea how insane this is?

>> No.58330254

>switches wifi off on phone
>hi guys! sell your Link!

>> No.58330297

tl;dr: token undervalued do not buy

>> No.58330299

>no one is selling, anon
>i'm just concerned for your financial future

Couldn’t care less about your financial situation. I quite literally and explicitly told you to never sell and keep staking your precious link tokens if you believe in Sergey’s vision! >>58330076

For the powers of everything that’s good and beautiful, friend. You are a CRETIN!


>no one is selling
>we're not about to start obeying you
>we all know it's fud
>you can't convince anyone

Dear anon, are you under the influence of some kind of illicit substance?

What are you BABBLING about? Who are these “we” you keep referring to?

Perhaps your performance expectations and disappointment for the so called link token have ostracized you from your loved ones and you have resorted to creating a tulpa to cope?

Multiple tulpas, perhaps?

Tell me, anon. Do all of your tulpas, hold chainlink?


>> No.58330327

>more walls of text
>sell your Link, guys! i'm soooo conceeeerned for youuuu
hehe he's seething now check him out. He knows he's failing badly and it's all been in vain kek

>> No.58330427

I find your delusional energy entertaining, anon. High frequency vibrational beings like you very often posses the energy, but not the direction to achieve their goals.

Here’s quite literally a piece of knowledge that will allow you to “make it” if you have the cojones to act on it and leave your cultish ways behind.

Apu to 10 billion mc.

Here’s a key just for (You)

I shall present the source of the hash in October, 2046. That’s it, if you have the means to board the “ark”.


>> No.58330446

lmao oh my days. don't go, anon! stay here and entertain us, it's great fun! we love you!

>> No.58330531

Lol your boss is going to be disappointed after there isn’t a blip in sell offs after al your hard work

>> No.58330585

>Smart fella
More like fart smeller

>> No.58331624
File: 30 KB, 941x368, 1700325169937404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuude selling and increasing supply is actually bullish!
Imagine the pumps without any dumping. Link Is the only top 20 coin that's at a lower price now than what it was 4 years ago. Token not needed token stagnant

>> No.58331774
File: 730 KB, 1816x1818, 1595555185752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you're pretty knowledgeable for someone who supposedly doesn't own link. Only a marine from the OG days would know about the time travel anon. Kek

>> No.58332815
File: 172 KB, 2048x1325, 1688353988988709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine the pumps without any dumping.
Link pumps are positively correlated with token inflation.

>> No.58333180

He owns loads of Link but is actually an asshole. It's a pity our great community is tarnished with these lowlifes. I suppose any community has its undesirables.

>> No.58334876

per that pic, link should be at $40k right now. it's not and infact no crypto is.

>> No.58334923

a thought experiment: you got lucky and the token you created got popular with a crowd of people that have some disposable income and believe themselves to be technologically savvy while eating up any remotely believable future scenarios you dangle in front of them. what would you do to extract the maximum amount of dollars from your lucky position?

>> No.58335138

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude are le fuddddddderzzzzz are HECKIN ESL

ok but: https://x.com/chainlink/status/1777458146052628977?s=46&t=pxB_5KMjs0qNm4ER3GIweA


>takes breath


THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58335157

Has anyone seen Along came Polly? He sounds like the scuba instructor guy who bangs Stiller’s wife

>> No.58336047
File: 65 KB, 744x471, 3453y4y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember how i felt staring at pic related years ago. and here we are now. we were right, but the price isnt. it was easy for BTC holders and even easier for ETH holders. it seems like its the hardest for us. my only hope left is that the slingshot is being pulled really far back so we mood super hard. its just rough when its confirmed chainlink is working with swift and it didnt move the price on bit, not even a fraction. i cant believe sergey is a multi millionaire, got his dad a lambo, and he still wears the same $10 shirt everyday.

>> No.58336133

Not in this lifetime lil linkie.
DOGE and PEPE holders will see their shitcoins moon x100 this bullrun, meanwhile shitstink will crab at $20 and dump to single digits in the bear.
You fucked up.

>> No.58336191
File: 93 KB, 1543x783, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he starting dumping further after 2021 anon. thats when they released that roadmap to increase supply a huge amount.

>> No.58336692

chainlink is a scam you fucking retard

>> No.58337149

I'm surprised he hasn't been attacked yet

>> No.58338157

>he starting dumping further after 2021
And the price stopped dumping just as the token dumps resumed.

>roadmap to increase supply a huge amount
lmao, 14% annually.
Wanna know how much Solana and Avax have been inflating their supplies?

>> No.58338560
File: 90 KB, 876x722, 1702417816396171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, look at the angles. The supply is increasing at the exact same rate before and after the pause.

>> No.58339482

it's so obvious. no sane institution or person will buy a token %90 of it owned & issued by a ponzi-like company that always hypes 6-upwork-jeety-hour developments like they invented AGI. Especially when the token needed. If PonziLink wants me to invest in them they can issue a stock.

SafeMoon was same, tecno-bla, word-salads, about something can be coded by a jeet in 2 hours.

So nobody will buy your bags schizos, but every year PonziLink you worship will dump on you to pay wagies especially hr roasties.

Your ponzi is long dead. We are just waiting for final nail by some big corpo who will short it like there's no tomorrow and you'll be another BBBY.

>> No.58339617

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude the market isnt fair!!!!

>duuuuuuuuuuude gamestop short squeeze imminent

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58339635

>yet its price doesn't seem to skyrocket like you'd expect.

How can it? Sergey has to dump 50m-70m tokens a year just to pay for salaries and node subsidies. You aren't just competing against other investors, you are competing against Sergey who owns 500 MILLION tokens

>> No.58339646

>increasing supply is actually good for price!

It blows my mind how many retards I see in the link space every single day. It really is a sight to behold.

>> No.58339667
File: 169 KB, 2370x1022, 1694295922191033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember back in the early 2010s when Bitcoin was pretty much the only crypto and it pumped 1000s of x?
Well back then its inflation rate was between 2,000% and 200% per year.

Also, pic related.

>> No.58339755

The only thing I love more than shit linkers with no understanding of supply vs demand is when they try to prove you wrong by only focusing on supply.

Im completely blown away by how retarded and inexperienced the average link investor is.

>> No.58339764

>they try to prove you wrong by only focusing on supply
You're the one who only focused on supply though.

>> No.58339768

70 million links dumped on the market by sergey lmao

>> No.58339772

Which is less than Solana and Avax.

>> No.58339818

>but you said the word!

Are you being autistic on purpose or are you really this retarded?

Chainlink suffers because of excess supply in relation to its demand. If supply is increasing and price is stagnant, or worse, in decline, demand is also stagnant or in decline. This goes without saying to anybody that isn't a day 1 tiktok investor.

This isn't even economics 101, this is Pre-Eco. We teach this to middle schoolers.

>> No.58339821

>DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE the market is wrong

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude we’re just like the guysssssthhhh from the big short, r r right????

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude bitcoin pumped 10 years ago when it was the only crypto. W w were the HECKIN same!!!!!!

>> No.58339830

So Chainlink's supply increase is normal for crypto, but its demand is abnormal.

Why did you focus on the supply side then? Are you some kind of idiot?

>> No.58339851

>talks only about supply


>> No.58339897

Friendly reminder to any newfag lurking: Everyone ITT holds LINK.

>> No.58339906

This shit is pathetic and your gymnastics are retarded.
>So Chainlink's supply increase is normal for crypto

There is no standard for supply increases. Its not inherently a bad thing, its not inherently a good thing. But if you increase supply with no increase in demand, you get stagnant or declining price. It doesn't matter if you're investing in chainlink tokens or if you're a peanut farmer. The same rules apply.

>Why did you focus on the supply side then? Are you some kind of idiot?

Is this you?

The icing on the cake is when your dumb low iq nigger ass tried to compare two tokens from L1 chains that fuel their entire system to chainlink, a centralized network that subsidizes it's entire usage through dumps

>> No.58339913

>There is no standard for supply increases.
Of course there is, just look at what everything else is doing.
Particularly other top 20 coins.

>> No.58339927
File: 44 KB, 1861x479, 1712650100536104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people talk only about supply
>point it out
>WoAh WhO iS tAlKiNg AbOuT SuPpLy NoW

There is no demand & the supply is killing the price. You can see this in any chart. I can't say this any simpler. You can pretend to be stupid and not get what I'm saying, but we all know you do.

>> No.58339952

>people talk only about supply
>point it out
What? You brought up supply.

>> No.58340005
File: 1.20 MB, 828x811, 1703520762323937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ has been so brainwashed by “Be Greedy when others are fearful” that they will cling to their sinking ship to the very bottom of the ocean, hoping desperately it’s about to slingshot them to financial freedom.

Link is done. You’ll probably get an exit pump this market cycle to around $40. I encourage you to use it.

>> No.58340103

Wow, you're right. I just sold all my link for Solana. Phew, dodged a bullet!

>> No.58340115

should i buy more link they are the only threads alive

>> No.58340245

I bought $200 bucks worth last night. Seeing illuminati confirmation from Sergey was the only thing I needed. Obviously they aren’t going to say “Hello we are Chainlink and we work with the elites!” so they hid it in a hackathon announcement. Thats how these fucks communicate anyway. Hes working with banks and the only crypto/blockchain company doing anything remotely legit.

Never selling kys fuddies

>> No.58341302

>>checks the staking pool
>>still 100%

get fucked

>> No.58341480

Are you the kind of person who can’t achieve anything outside of full time time employment?

>> No.58341595

I am buying more Link right now just because FUD fags get so angry about it LMAO.

>> No.58341744

The cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58341964

the supply is infinite and the demand near zero. scam scam scam scam