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58325427 No.58325427 [Reply] [Original]

Average people today are poorer than they were during the great depression

>> No.58325436


>> No.58325511

What deindustrialization and outsourcing does to a MF

>> No.58325812

Late stage capitalism

The elites are going to pass socdem measures soon to keep the system afloat.

>> No.58325854

Yet there is no outrage, have the goyim been tamed?

>> No.58325873

more adults live with their parents also

>> No.58325875

and about 50x more ways to make money... should they attempt to make money. People are also magnitudes more lazy than they were back then.

>> No.58325987

Bread and circus

>> No.58326053

>Late stage capitalism
Shut the fuck up

>> No.58326054

Yeah people used to work in foundries for 16 hours a day to feed their families. Now if they have ti push some buttons on a computer in an air-conditioned office they can't handle it and need "mental health days" fucking kek. Life got too comfortable it created a bunch of soft fags.

>> No.58326243

You were there during the 1910s? Cool story, tell me more.

>> No.58326383

You are a fat lazy loser that can't even make themselves through life without crying about working a comfy job. Need to know anymore?

>> No.58326407
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>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.58326444

>magnitudes more lazy
Goymericans working 3 jobs just to get behind on rent. You're delusional.

>> No.58326485
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What's the psychological reasoning for people to write posts like yours? Do you gaslight people in this dogshit economy because you're that thirsty for (you)s, or are you really that committed to demoralizing?

>> No.58326506

Social security , interest and armed forces in times of peace take up nearly the entire budget. The anti-federalists were right, and the seeds of destruction were there and pointed out more than 200 years ago.

>> No.58326573

>we have the tax rates and regulations of a country with a strong social welfare program but the government infrastructure and services of a 3rd world shitholes while our government actively replaced the population with brownoids to suppress wages
Great thanks

>> No.58326598

Those were simpler times when it took minutes to reload a rifle and ammos back then were limited. Now, it's just impossible. You need millions of dollars to fund a small outrage. Good luck on taking on the military too, they have lasers, tear gases, microwave tanks or something that could easily kill a living being 50 feet under the ground. Nope. Just look at fucking Gaza and tell anybody if they have the stomach for an outrage. They will likely sell you instantly to the authorities for a ti y amount of social credits.

>> No.58326647
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>Good luck on taking on the military too

>> No.58326694

The army held back. They could kill everyone in Afghanistan in a few days without firing a shot if they were ordered to do so.

>> No.58327085

So are you saying the military would saturation bomb every civilian in America? Which tax dollars would pay the military budget then? Who would keep the electricity grid running?

>> No.58327119

retarded take. a lion in a zoo gets free food, comfy space and safety yet the get depressed

>> No.58327123
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Albino Pepe? Wtf poor guy

>> No.58327142

you're making shit up, chances are if that foundry worker was fully employed he could have bought enough land to start a farming business after 5 years

>> No.58327408

at this point with the rich funding most politicians and then the money printed eventually speeing towards the rich, they have become a hyperglorified "gibs". you gibs 1K, its nothing, people call you a worm. you gibs trillions and people praise you

>> No.58327423

During the great depression people still earned gold backed money which is why they still had purchasing power, unlike today.

>> No.58327503

The next guys they fly in from third world nations

>> No.58327542

And that's a good thing, average people are retarded.

>> No.58327559

Yep turns out as this anon said
Sitting all day stressing in front of a screen is way worse than banging metal all day like a caveman for your psychological well being.

>> No.58327612

Im solving math problems in a WFH job. Sure, I have to spend 20 years to pay off my house. I don’t know about you but I prefer that to working in a factory 10 hours a day.

>> No.58327667

And yet there's still a shitload of revolutions happening everywhere around the world. It's only impossible in US because burgers are rifle hugging pussies. Not that a revolution ever helped anyone, it always just gets worse. So why even bother

>> No.58327691
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Going to need some numbers to back that up.

>> No.58327693

They could kill a lot of civilians just like the Israelis are doing right now. Turns out that doesn't help you win the war, just helps the enemy recruit more troops

>> No.58329799

Qrd on you? Why do you post some randos picture , or is this you? Honesty just curious. I see I on pol in a tent innawoods and shit

>> No.58330351

it's unironically crony capitalism aka socialism aka fascism

>> No.58330402

Uh but you have iphones!

>> No.58330433

>Bread and circus
>60 years of digital movies deliberately being engineered to fuck with your expectations of reality, like a pregnant woman screaming while giving birth (to go to the doctor and make sure the child is a stamped slave) when the real act is done while in a field silently

>> No.58330436

poison at the store

>> No.58331543

Those people also generally could provide for a wife and kids on one income, and had a close-knit community they cared about.
Wage deterioration killed the first thing, and urban renewal and suburbanization killed the second.
Even though jobs are physically easier now, people don't have anything to live for and sit in a cage for 40 hours a week just to make debt payments, that's enough to drive anyone insane desu

>> No.58331557


>> No.58333361
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bullshit. People in the 1930s spent more than 40% of their income on food, today its 7%, and 80% of the US population is fat. The poorest of our society (discounting mentally ill drug addicts and other fringe cases ofc) own cars, computers, refrigerators, AC, etc that would be absolutely unfathomable to anyone in 1930. Just universal running fucking water is a miracle - most people today do not realize the level of poverty of the past.

That said, I would give my left nut to time travel back to the summer of '69 and crush endless loose boomer pussy

>> No.58333393

average person in the US today has an iPhone
enough said

>> No.58333433
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>Average people today are poorer than they were during the great depression
Not really. You're probably just upset Biden's in office and you're partisan.

>> No.58333492

Social media, vidya and netflix allows the cattle to keep their mind off of their finances

>> No.58333730

>taking on the military
(You)'re too stupid to realize that this mentality is the exact reason we are all docile and lobotomized. Simply be armed, be strong, be ready, raise a family and live life according to Gods will

>> No.58333736
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You guys can't stop conflating technological advancement with relative wealth. We just have the better ability to mass manufacture unnutritious slop calories and keep the cattle's dopamine receptors constantly stimulated with cheap low value entertainment. Saying people are wealthy because they have a fridge is like saying peasants with dirt smeared over the faces in the 1800s were wealthy because they had glassware, which was a precious commodity in Rome for the patrician class. We have a great wealth of carcinogenic omega-6 toxic seed oil we use to maintain caloric surplus, but things that actually matter like home ownership and raising a family are significantly worse than the lowest days of the great depression

>> No.58334048
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Relative to who, or rather when.

>> No.58334208

most people don't even cook their own meals anymore

>> No.58334392

Always been the womens job, but its impossible to provide off a single average income.

>> No.58334410

Capitalism isn't the problem. It's the niggers killing it with immigration and higher barriers to entry.

>> No.58334951
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skill issue

>> No.58335386

capitalism 100% is the problem. Capitalism literally says you must accept nigger invaders and pajeets because that's how you grow your gdp. The solution is mercantilism.

>> No.58335943

This isn't an exaggeration. I supervise a guy that hasn't worked a real job ever before at 30 years of age. He went to online school for 8 years for illustration, graphic design and web design. Has two degrees. He makes like 2 designs a day and they always suck ass. Complains all day. If he misses a single one of his many medications he somehow manages to become less productive. It's gotten to where I actually have to remind him to take his meds, like he's a complete fucking child. He makes like $28K a year and is convinced he deserves 2-3x that. Our boss is desperately trying to find another candidate but there's just no applicants.

>> No.58335972

Sounds like you're getting the quality of work $28k/yr pays for.

>> No.58335994

Tell your dipshit boss to pay more than fucking 28k/year then. That's a bullshit wage.

>> No.58336016

>because that's how you grow your gdp

they don't grow gdp tho. jeets might in the short term, but their corner cutting ways will eventually sink society down the shitter

>> No.58336024

Lemme get a sleeve of cool mint 6mgs boss

>> No.58336027
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I can barely make the rent
at this point I only eat once a day while I wait for my dextools stuff to give me something else to eat

>> No.58336141

They do. The problem is that gdp is not related to economic growth in real terms. Jamal getting government gibs and buying food with the stamps is gdp increase. Jamal working at amazon is gdp increase. Jamal killing trayvon for his gold tooth is gdp increase because think about all the cops and lawyers moving about incurring all kinds of operational costs.

>> No.58336708

Yes, and with declining birthrates, the immigrants are critical to keeping upward pressure on house prices, which is critical for the issuance of loans that keep the money supply expanding.

>> No.58336731

*raises paw*

Yep :3 just moved back in with my rents im 28 and unemployed and don't give a rats ass

>> No.58336862
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and history will repeat itself, newfags continue to rely on things like APUs instead of buying satoshisync tokens.

>> No.58337428
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As a MUMU holder, it's sad to see people get poorer on biz because they're buying shitty coins on devious exchanges