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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 528 KB, 543x881, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58325640 No.58325640 [Reply] [Original]

Has made it to the airport. What is his endgame from here?

>> No.58325667
File: 141 KB, 1280x576, 1712344567166861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked.

>> No.58325677
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This is giving Apu some hardcore lore. Just the kind that the masses love to talk about.

Apu is gonna reach the mainstream with drama like that, goddamn, Netflix doc material right there. This might just surpass Shiba with all it has going for it. Absolutely insane.

>> No.58325687

Kys austist fags this only gives me more reason to nuke the c(s)hart with my hidden wallets
stop trying to be tough on the internet

>> No.58325711

this. So fucking bullish my god

>> No.58325719

Hi palladius

>> No.58325722

ftx has some dope lore

>> No.58325723

do it faggot

>> No.58325727
File: 8 KB, 188x263, photo_2024-04-02_14-26-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This might just surpass Shiba with all it has going for it. Absolutely insane.
APU will hit 10cents. It is written.

>> No.58325730

dump it like your spiritual nationality

>> No.58325731

this, it makes me want to buy it but I still won't

>> No.58325744

Should I all in FTT bros? There were rumors about a relaunch right?

>> No.58325758

>got too greedy and has to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life because some mentally ill baggie might appear one day
Bet he's going to regret that pretty hard by the time his brain matures at 25

>> No.58325763

no this is Patrick

Once the liquidity gets bigger
Max pain incoming faggot
you will thank me later kek

>> No.58325772

>gets bigger

>> No.58325783

>unregulated shitcoin
>we're exploring legal avenues

>> No.58325787

Thanks for the sell signal, based dev

>> No.58325793

He beat you guys, and he still owns a lot.

>> No.58325805
File: 335 KB, 677x671, 1582906274106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me that if you buy this stupid frog coin you're going to be having your portfolio under a gun that may go off at any moment the dev decides to dump one day?

>> No.58325806

>attention whoring on /biz/

>> No.58325817

I agree, this is what makes crypto great. It's the wild west.

>> No.58325818

No one cares nigger. Kys

>> No.58325831

>getting dumped and rugged and people still buy your shitcoin while hosting the hostage
Based dev, what can I say

>> No.58325834

>attention whoring on /biz/

>> No.58325836

its almost as if you shouldnt go willy nilly throwing huge sums of money at every shitcoin that gets shilled on this god forsaken site. no one with any substation amount of funds will ever be able to realize their gains on apu.

>> No.58325840

He fled to Argentina? Kek this has to be a LARP

>> No.58325849

This is retarded, he doesn't even hold as much as other whales, you're just gonna freak him out and force him to sell, just forget about him

>> No.58325850

im not giving more attention to this bullshit, i have enough with devs dont launching $LRDS

>> No.58325857

I want to sniff satanichia's butt

>> No.58325862

I’m sure 5G has whales on stand by to buy the -70% rug if palladius decides to market dump it all at once

That would be unironically super bullish for the chart as it would get completely eaten up and Palladius would be out

>> No.58325866


> What is his endgame from here?

avoid getting killed by autists and that's it, there is no legal case to get him arrested, he lives in a four world country and didn't stole millions

nothing will happen

>> No.58325869

>threaten to kill a guy unless he doesnt give you millions of his money after he created a token that made you immensely wealthy
5G and cohort are the most ungrateful punks ever.

>> No.58325892

Yeah it’s pretty cool

>> No.58325897

>four world country

>> No.58325908
File: 242 KB, 865x477, 654654353453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao it always cracks me up when you little fags try to get any law enforcement involved with crypto scams
I wouldn't be surprised if the actual 'dev' of this shitcoin is the OP himself creating this attention and the person in the screenshot in your TG as well. I'm surprised this piece of shit is even still up.
You will all lose in the end with this garbage lol

>> No.58325913

Palladius should just give up desu

He’s fucking with people who have tens of millions of dollars and are terminally online for the last 20 years

>> No.58325917


you know what I meant faggot

>> No.58325918


>> No.58325922


>> No.58325926


what is the worse thing that can happen to him lets get real, he hides, like actually hides and isn't a retard

> nothing happens to him

I don't think these 5g and other people know that what he did wasn't illegal, yes, he sold, and then the token flew to 100m marketcap

>> No.58325928

id scam the fuck out of you
actually ive probably scammed well over 25,000-30,000 anons from this board SINCE 2018
Like actual legit scams back then too with etherdelta and copying contracts to phish you with.
Come get me niggers! I'm waiting. Contract the FBI!
Seriously though, find my old posts on some archives and find me. I created a lot of garbage on etherscan back then.
Come get me. I'm super scared just like the APU dev should be

>> No.58325931

this entire thread is the most massive sell signal you could possibly have. if youre lurking and bought this shit because youre new to crypto, take your 2x or 5x or whatever and cash out.

>> No.58325934

Wait, so why are they trying to cut him a deal for 50% of his tokens? Are they just trying to shake him down or is there some extra context here?

>> No.58325935

but i bought today :(

>> No.58325942

Terminally online implies they can hire people off the dark web to do “things”

Combine that with a whale cabal that has 8-9 figures combined

You see where I’m going with this?

If I was palladius I’d rather just take 50% hair cut and stop this bullshit of being on the run having to look over the shoulder

>> No.58325943

It’d take a PI like max 2 weeks to track him down. You dont think any of the 7 fig whales might set aside $10-20k for that? The guy is genuinely retarded, kek

>> No.58325948

either this shit hits 1B MC or goes to zero. I bought In with some ETH gains so if it tanks I lose nothing

>> No.58325954

You guys are acting like this guy holds all the cards? You're over focused on one guy that doesn't even have the biggest bag. It's soo weird

>> No.58325958
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i'm going to laff at every midwit shaken out

>> No.58325960
File: 32 KB, 499x499, 1711869592627273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought, but never invested on the community. Can I get quick rundown. Did /biz/ put altogether their autism to track a scammer?

>> No.58325967

it's entertaining lore, we'll be back to regular funposting soon might as well enjoy it

>> No.58325970


> he sends 50%
> they track him anyway

I would just hide well desu and tell the 5g guy to fuck off


what else can he do lol, yeah I know the guy scammed some whales but does it really matter lol

>> No.58325974

It's part of the lore and ironically makes the memecoin even more valuable as more and more people will want to follow the development of the story

>> No.58325981

kek only thing i bought on etherdelta was link

>> No.58326001

Dev was sloppy with the OPSEC

>> No.58326002

exactly. apu already had the strongest memes, but now it also has the strongest story and lore of all the memes this cycle.

i'm going to make so much fucking money off this

>> No.58326004

is there anywhere I can read through the rundown of the story? I'm new to this coin, only up 2x atm but im very interested in the lore

>> No.58326010


As a matter of fact yes there is


>> No.58326025

Rope is going to be very expensive when the supply dwindles

>> No.58326040
File: 11 KB, 250x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren

>> No.58326042
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>only retard who panic sold because he thought this is bearish and did not consider that it will lead to tens of thousands of new eyeballs on apu

>> No.58326045

No different than Bitcoin with Satoshi's wallet

>> No.58326050

Keep buying and rope like some of your telegram faggots did

>> No.58326055

i sold, had enough of this uncertainty and the community is really immature. i'm off to buy some blue chips with actual utility.

>> No.58326058

lol thanks for playing

>> No.58326061

My portfolio is carefully and rigorously balanced by its MEME potential and this is a significant development because it's hilarious.

>> No.58326064

yeah, I get old internet vibes with crypto shitcoins. amazing.

>> No.58326066

>lol thanks for playing
Very inappropriate of you typing that message when your comrades ropers roped

>> No.58326073

There is no selloff happening because very few people are as retarded as you are

>> No.58326078

Want to check from your telegram that has suicide hotline from the beginning? Enjoy the despair when the time comes.

>> No.58326102

ima shoot some ropes soon, that's for sure

this one is gonna retire me

>> No.58326230

About 3 weeks ago when we we're at like 12 million mcap, in the middle of the night dev posted in the TG "Frens. I am rugging", he then proceeded to dump 80 billion coins at once dropping the price 97%, and then immediately deleted the TG, Twitter, and Website. The community however bought the dip, made a new TG, new Twitter, and new website and took over and we got all the way to 100+ Million mcap. During the past 3 weeks tho while the community worked on the bringing the coin back there was a separate smaller group that was dedicated on trying to dox the dev (this group consisted of people who fucked up and sold the bottom and wanted revenge), they ended up succeeding and are now trying to get him to burn the coins he has which is 7 billion in a symbolic tribute to those that panic sold the bottom and lost all of their money, they want retribution and for him to feel their pain.

He only has 7 billion, took him 80 billion to dump it last time. Basically it's not a gun but a stretched back rubber band now, it'll sting but we'll be fine.

>> No.58326241

>you shouldnt go willy nilly throwing huge sums of money at every shitcoin that gets shilled on this god forsaken site
You can't buy shitcoins with money, you can only buy them on layer 1 networks, which themselves need layer 0 coins such as BTC or USDT which are not money either.

>> No.58326275

This finally puts to bed the fudder cope that 5G and Palladius were in cahoots together working on some elaborate plan with multiple wallets. We've literally got a dev fleeing to Argentina in a state of panic. Incredibly bullish.

>> No.58326286
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>> No.58326290

>What is his endgame from here?
Can't be much of an endgame if he's posting his actual location. This dude's IQ is on the level of the plant kingdom.

>> No.58326379
File: 82 KB, 1021x788, 1710892890624143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top cringe "we're exploring legal avenues..."

>> No.58326399

and then everyone started clapping

>> No.58326402

you really shouldnt be commenting on anyone's iq if you unironically believe this theater.

>> No.58326420


>> No.58326437


>> No.58326458

Oh hey, it’s you, the retarded script writer.
I see you have updated it from “5G and Palladius become friends” to this.
So did you secure the movie rights yet?
Or are there some more hoops you have to jump through? (Get it? Like the mental gymnastics you keep performing to say that these two are in cahoots)

>> No.58326487

you could not have written a guiltier post if you tried. you retards aren't getting away with this

>> No.58326507

Lmao, he's dabbing on you

>> No.58326525

lol this is mid

>> No.58326538

dont worry anon, you are definitely not being farmed. all this unbelievably cringe james bond shit is totally genuine. there definitely wont be a suicide prevention hotline number stickied on this board for all the poor saps who were convinced to baghold this into the dirt with all their savings. liquidity? price action? what even is that?

>> No.58326555

Literally every single thing you fudders said would happen went the opposite way. What happened to the double-top you were warning us about last week?

>> No.58326562

>1 million liquidity for 100m mcap
anything you say is irrelevant
you are poor and stupid
you have been robbed twice and are currently being robbed a third time

>> No.58326569

i dont give a single fuck about what this shitcoin is doing short term. im trying to warn people who cant afford to make these mistakes to not listen to fucking idiots like you who believe this shit. theyve been convinced to hold this coin into the sunset, and its going to doom them. this coin is a ticking time bomb

>> No.58326591

same has been said about pepe, shib, etc

>> No.58326595

It depends, I know people in APU who have 6-7-8 figure portfolios who said theyre holding till at least 1 billion at a minimum, their $10k investment into APU doesn't really matter to them if it goes to zero.

But I would agree with you if you're someone who put $10k into APU and its 100% of your stack and its now worth $50k - $100k you should probably sell just in case it doesn't work out.

People are being told to "HOLD" but whales who aren't really impacted if APU goes to 0 because as I said they already have 6-8 figure stacks outside of APU

>> No.58326608
File: 324 KB, 941x1317, GKIN9tNaMAAw4Vv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never see anon expressing this level of concern in other threads about other normal memecoins. and yet when a coin appears that is incredibly bullish and looks to be the next big thing these anon then magically appear out of nowhere and express huge amounts of concern for holders of that coin. they just want to help guide these poor impressionable holders they are very caring people and they are very concerned for you

>> No.58326623

concern troll go away please. I'd rather lose 10k than having to listen to a fag like yourself

>> No.58326663

Thank you for caring enough about my financial well-being to spend 10 hours of your day, every day repeating the same nonsensical arguments that apply to every memecoin in existence in every thread, but I’m fine. Sorry, I will not buy your employers memecoins to get dumped on by him and his crew of twitter influencers because I only buy the ones that grew organically

>> No.58326680

lol ive been in APU since day 2 or 3, lets not kid ourselves, we're raiding and shilling just the same as any other memecoin, if not way harder because we have 15 years of pre-built memes

The "dev rug and community take over" is becoming the new "thing" now

>> No.58326682

I sold some of my stack, while I do believe in the long term, I do think there will be a panic and dumpage.
If there isnt then well, I guess worst case I took some profits early

>> No.58326698

I just doubled down on my position. thanks for your bags

>> No.58326716

There’s a huge difference between coins that grow organically and the majority og memecoins being released right now that are outright scams where a group of 10+ twitter influencers own +50% of the supply spread across a lot of wallets and agree to start slowrugging together at a pre-set market cap. Those fucking rats take full advantage of the fact that it’s not illegal to do in most countries

>> No.58326729

The liquidity is right there my friend.
There even is a market maker providing more of it for CEXs. Oh did I mentions CEXs yet?
Price action is going along nicely. The volume is blooming.
Thank you for your concern.

It’s 2mil in the uniswap pool my dear friend. There are also CEXs with active market makers to provide more if that is what you prefer.

I wish all my LINU baggie friends a successful future. I’m sure your time will eventually come

>> No.58326741

Do it bitch. I get to benefit from the dip and you piss off the people who are already tired of your shit even more. Win/win.

>> No.58326837
File: 36 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-51184ebb3f5780245adea9891e1f8462-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its pretty based kek

It was worth a shot to try and get some funds back. Didn't work? oh well no harm in trying and anyway palladius is just another whale now, who cares about him. Buying more bc this token packs more entertainment than any other community in crypto

>> No.58326931

Seethe. Cope. Dilate. Pajeetius. Apu can go to 0 but you still will be an onahole in prison.

>> No.58326966

That's just crypto in general

>> No.58326989

>1 million liquidity for 100m mcap
What difference does that make?
Start making sense or gtfo

>> No.58326994

>Implying a bunch of 4chan nerds will do anything besides posting crying soijacks to cope
4chan stopped being the weird website for insane people in like 2014

>> No.58327009

no it definitely got weirder and more autistic

>> No.58327047

Your market cap is the price of the token multiplied by how many tokens are floating around out there. Liquidity however is how easy it is for you to trade the actual token. If there's no liquidity in the pools, then you won't be able to cash out or swap your token, no matter how much the actual price is. The total pooled right now is 1 million, not 2 due to it counting both sides of the pair. MEXC has about 330k worth of APU at current price. That means that if you try to cash out 1.5m USD worth of APU, you actually won't be able to and you'll completely collapse the price and rug everyone. I hope I don't have to tell you why this is a problem. The liquidity ratio for APU is completely fucked, and you only have the goodwill of the community to tell you that don't worry, none of the whales will rug. You'll get fed the story that all memecoins have terrible ratios, but you'll have to rely on your own risk assessment if you want to trust that none of the whales or even mid size holders won't decide to make a run for it and try to bail out.

>> No.58327068

>t. someone that doesn't know how liquidity works

>> No.58327089

big sells now

>> No.58327094

Great time to buy brother

>> No.58327098


im not buying this scam

>> No.58327100

No problem, I'll buy back in at 0.00015

>> No.58327108

Enjoy being poor

>> No.58327120

Where can I find dox info about this faggot?

>> No.58327122
File: 92 KB, 974x612, 1704104055087496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe one day you will learn how the curve on buys/selss work in uniswap.
If someone tried to sell 1.5m worth of APU (or even 2m, see picrel) it would not drain the whole pool. It, in fact, is impossible.

I understand why you keep trying to scare people away, but man you should really lurk for the first few months before posting.

Yes, this is also why wales are not incentivized to dump and most want to wait for a big CEX to sell OTC and not directly to the pool because they would only get a fraction of their total worth. Or in most cases they sell off slowly.

Probably no matter how many examples I give to you will not understand why or at least refuse to acknowledge it. Go to any top shitcoin there is, even chainlink if you wish so, and you will see that they have a worse liquidity to marketcap cap ratio than APU right now

>> No.58327130

after reading and considering your post, it makes more sense why the organizers want the contract creator's tokens for the "community wallet"

>> No.58327309

ummm it says warning there so it must be a bad thing and now i'm scared

>> No.58327339

Yes it is a warning to sellers :)

>> No.58327373

warning them that they are making a really good decision

>> No.58327383

I'm glad you keep interacting with this thread.
Thank you for bumping APU related threads friend.

>> No.58327461

i know you are the snake who talks shit behind my back on the tg so don't even try that fake niceness crap with me :)

>> No.58327463

>He made "community token" and abadon it, give it to community. He bought Apu with his own money, so he can sell and do with these tokens whatever he wants.
>Telegram faggots want to be internet police

>> No.58327465

So they are forcing him to give away money that they aren't entitled to?

>> No.58327478

You literally don't hold a single APU my dear friend.

>> No.58327485

Can a whale sell a significant amount so I can swing pls

>> No.58327735

sure, it'll happen at the 30

>> No.58327764

I mean you are larping but Pajeetius will die if he keeps this up.

>> No.58327835

Yes, either honor your word or be treated like a faggot scammer. Ez choice, but honestly looking forward to the dox. You know how many hungry people are out there? Desperate, hungry people.

>> No.58327906

I heard if pajeetus pink socks himself he can keep his tokens

>> No.58327917

I wish I wasn't sick with the flu 3 weeks ago. I remember seeing some APU JUST RUGGED threads, but I didn't check the chart and the community to see if this had community marketing. Most 4chan projects don't make it past 10 million.
How do you guys market with no funds? what marketing firms or shillteams do you get for free?

>> No.58327928

apu was already a preexisting meme

hence its success

google most coins and put meme after the coin name
if nothing comes up, dont buy

>> No.58327941

It’s theater. Wouldn’t surprise me if pajeetus dumps again so that 5g and friends can buy up the bottom and push the coin up higher with the narrative about how the dev is finally out. They are probably all on the same team. The dump won’t be as brutal as last time and will be eaten up quick, so I’m not personally worried about it. Pumping a coin requires unloading at tops and buying up dips. If they are able to do it in a way that is violent then it will be able to rise quicker since the swing is significant… it’s a good story. I’ve been both entertained and impressed. Just trust the process and you will make it

>> No.58327989
File: 522 KB, 868x598, IMG_2898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s pepe btw

>> No.58328256

>what marketing firms or shillteams do you get for free?
it’s called autistic community dedication to making memes and it’s how shiba and pepe became big. if a shitcoin has to pay for marketing, sell

>> No.58328287

Never a dull moment with this coin lol. Also pajeetius, do the right think and donate you ill gotten Apu stack.

>> No.58328962
File: 105 KB, 1280x857, photo_2024-04-01_18-32-20 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58329882

His name is Santiago, his username on telegram and other websites was @santiago_109, he lived in argentina.
He recently deleted all his social media accounts.

>> No.58330886

Interesting development - Pallidus moved tokens to a multi sig from Youwillthankmelater.eth

>> No.58330940

Supposedly a pepe holder donated 1% of his bag to a marketing fund I think.

>> No.58330982

>getting rugged and robbed multiple times

Baggies, for real?

>> No.58331733

Someone has found Pallidus

>> No.58331932

He's at my house and I'm beating him with a rubber hose and fucking his butt.

>> No.58333210

What'd I miss? The dev rugged and is now running with the money?

>> No.58334157

>20 percent drop from ath after rising 400% in two days

>> No.58334193

>im trying to warn people who cant afford to make these mistakes
Whenever concern trolls pull this "I'm trying to warn people" line, it always reminds me of the pedos on To Catch A Predator who'd say, "I just came over here to warn her not to talk to older guys online!" Like, bro, I'm pretty sure everyone talking about their shitcoin investments on a basket-weaving forum understands there's a bit of risk involved.

>> No.58334285

Pepe whales came together and saved Apu.

>> No.58334364

Yeah, it’s not concern that motivates that kind of post. “Please guys, don’t buy this. I can’t cope with it going up knowing that I missed out.” We get it.

>> No.58334408

Write an anime script for that you retards
Pepe is perfectly made for that and let some AI anime nerd fag create it for you for cheapies

You can find and hire dope ass nerd artists on /g/ in the Stable Diffusion threads, who're developing for more than a year every single day and would love to earn any money from their hobby.

>> No.58334423

You wouldn't do that because you have no fucking balls anyway.

>> No.58334501

What app do you use to make these images fren? They rock

>> No.58334542

How the fuck did they manage to do that?

But it's funny as fuck that he's seriously on the run and literally hiding from autists of an anonymous image board kek
This is some He Will Not Divide Us Movie shit right there

>> No.58334583
File: 284 KB, 1089x889, 1627983925266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's actually a healthy liquidity ratio fren?
And should that ratio kept the same on every liquidity provider or what's the best procedure for liquidity handling?

>> No.58334714

>Gets his money stolen.
>This is good for the shitcoin, just because it is!
Baggie are you ok?

>> No.58334913

Holy cope you think the whales won't cash out and keep you from winning, they feast on people like you and your moonboy wonderland fantasies

>> No.58334937

ah yes the masses just LOVE buying a shitty rugpull abandoned by its lead dev who is a scammer.

Not like there arent TONS of other, better, more reputable coins to buy that arent outright scams. You apufags infested everyt thread I made to shill my humble bags arrogantly and acted like obnoxious fags so Im glad to watch you fail.

>> No.58334968

>abandoned by its lead dev
hmmm reminds me of something

>> No.58334974

>You apufags infested everyt thread I made to shill my humble bags arrogantly and acted like obnoxious fags so Im glad to watch you fail.
Strong resemblance to linkfags shitting up every single thread

>> No.58335017

Do you really think a single person here is down?

>> No.58335371
File: 144 KB, 810x724, pajeetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58335510

Officer, he stole my apes

>> No.58335899

That's a very serious crime, mister.

>> No.58335934

I will bet my soul it's a LINU baggie, they're obsessed with liquidity ratios since it's the only thing they have being an ancient shitcoin that has been rugged a billion times.