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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 1024x759, t1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58319308 No.58319308 [Reply] [Original]

Must be illegal to be this comfy.

>> No.58319342

>sold apu and now it's pumping hard

brb roping

>> No.58319379

I think we're hitting 100m by the end of the month.

>> No.58319385

>actually watching and not buying 10k thinking it was gonna go to literal zero and now seething
The actual state of my greed fuck off

>> No.58319391

>my airdrop is now worth $14 up from $1

>> No.58319395

Poast blue apus in every comment sisters I need to collect

>> No.58319399

Same I fucking hate my life bros

>> No.58319425
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>> No.58319437
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after being rugged on base so many times it finally feels good to win

>> No.58319448

Got airdropped a bunch of this. What am I in for?

>> No.58319489

Hookers and lambos

>> No.58319497

I have a question. If liquidity was not previously locked. Is it able to be afterwards.

>> No.58319617

You do you lads but just buy now? Its still way below 1m mc which it hit earlier today. If this does a tenth of Apu itll be at 12m. But yes, I want you to buy in to make my bag fat

>> No.58319652

I was airdropped this and it seems like a blatant rug

>> No.58319666

Yeah I bought at 100k or whatever and took initial earlier. Being a greedy cunt ignore me kek

>> No.58319736


>> No.58319744
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Check ‘em

>> No.58319753
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I don't to miss another Apu
Where to buy? Uniswap?

>> No.58319759


>> No.58319765


>> No.58319767

Yes. Swap it for base eth on uniswap.

>> No.58319770

TG is t dot me/bapucommunity

>> No.58319772


Uniswap Base network.

600k MC is about a 200x from current Apu MC
And its Base season

>> No.58319774

Checked and blessed

>> No.58319905

So every time someone mentions the completely fucked wallet distribution you just make a new thread?

>> No.58320087

No, we keep making new threads because jannies keep deleting them.

APU had a more fucked up wallet distribution yet it went from 150k to 150M. Explain that, retard.

>> No.58320099
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>> No.58320515
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>> No.58320625
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Hey everyone. PJ here. Just got unbanned. Come to the tg if you want the Alpha on how we're taking real steps to address the dev wallets and liquidity. Also, before I get banned again - jannies suck my BIG BLUE COCK and they do it for free.

>> No.58320682

Fuck it, bought a 1mil stack

>> No.58320692

Nob ID big jej

>> No.58321499
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Grabbed myself a make it stack never felt comfier

>> No.58321538
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Liquidity will be locked and BAPU will be burn through a community NFT launch

The only wallet we have to worry about is the 10% dev wallet and when he dumps its getting slurped for airdrops

>> No.58321794
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Deez fags are working bery hard for me bags, frens. I am comfy

>> No.58322477

BAPU is cute that's why I would buy it

>> No.58322570
File: 221 KB, 960x664, 62dda575-2f75-4e20-85d5-b793d72276dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of blue IDs in BAPU threads is a clear sign that we are holding a blessed coin. If you don't understand the meme magic behind this phenomenon you WILL rope and become a perpetually screencapped sidelinorrrrr

>> No.58322607
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>> No.58322618

checked fren

>> No.58322686
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Not even close fren - just a holder like the rest of you trying to legitimately fix this token and generate lifechanging wealth for bizlets

>> No.58322795

I sold my airdrop frens
i cope by saying the dev has at least 10% and the amount of airdrops given out ... he could have more than 10%

>> No.58322822

>I sold my airdrop frens

>> No.58322827
File: 651 KB, 744x636, BBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airdrops exclusively went to bizfrens and holders of APU on Eth. Devs wallets are constantly monitored and posted in the tg. He's still got around 10% but we're going to be releasing an NFT project that is adjacent to the token. It's a first on Base and maybe in crypto. All I can say is that It not only adds to the LP, but burns BAPU. It's going to make our 2 biggest issues go away in one fell swoop

>> No.58322855

>burns BAPU
Burning of the coins has nothing to do with liquidity.

>> No.58322874

but there is no way of knowing out of all of the air drop addresses if the creator controls any of them. he could have dropped himself a bunch in addition to the 20%.
I'll get some when the price settles a bit and the big wallets are empty.
I'm sorry for selling.

>> No.58322875
File: 259 KB, 900x873, e48240e4-c48a-4828-bc9c-7c406b824ddf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to wait for the actual announcement where we outline how everything works. It's gonna be a week or two before we have everything ironed out but I promise it will all make sense. Still fully focused on getting all the fundamentals taken care of for CTO

>> No.58322897
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Feel free to check Etherscan airdrop txs - they went to all APU holders. Devs wallets are tracked (he has 4). He was much more retarded than Pajeetus and made 0 effort to hide his activity/bags. GL on the sidelines tho

>> No.58322930

Just 20k Bapu. Come on baby

>> No.58322986
File: 138 KB, 451x616, bapuranks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made fren rankings.

Sign in frens!

>> No.58322987

He was giving them out to anyone in the tg. I got some I don't hold any apu.

>> No.58323004
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Yep. He manually handed out to bizlets (I was among them), then mass-dropped to all APU holders. Are you having some reading comprehension issues anon?

>> No.58323185
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I used to be a true fren but panic solded for shitty profit. I will fud the shit out of you until you give me a good entry point again.

>> No.58323191
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Nice. I solded the bottom and now it pumped again. Let me know when it dumps so I can buy in

>> No.58323225

Use tg bots fren

>> No.58323235

big agree.

>> No.58323416
File: 161 KB, 716x745, candle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should use sigma to place a limit order, the fag dev selling his 10% will dump the price by 70-80% so when that happens you can snipe the low and ride with us to the moon

>> No.58323461
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You lads should still buy in now.
Just saying 1mil mc was reached pretty ez
Dont be upset if we hit 5mil mc in a few days.

>> No.58323838

comfiest hold of the year for sure

>> No.58324065
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So many TG frens too

>> No.58324083
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If we fud you really hard, you are not going to moon higher, fren. Better give us an entry point or else.

>> No.58324423

frens please allow better entry

>> No.58324491
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That's cool. I'm just not selling is all

>> No.58324909

lmao i want in can't with these green candles

>> No.58325201
File: 222 KB, 960x720, swimgoggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like the BASE chain alpha APU to fix any PnL problems you've got going on fren

>> No.58325707

Tbh once this solves the liquidity issue, it moons

>> No.58325769

Bapu and Apu will be equal in marketcap (over 5 billion shekels)

>> No.58325796

my id color will determine if i switch my apu to bapu

>> No.58325826

Holy based

>> No.58325837

lmao even though its blue you should keep your apus. I'm very jelly i have none.
please stop buying i need a better entry

>> No.58325845

guess i'm joining team blue

>> No.58325979

i buyded

>> No.58325999
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Kek, welcome new fren

>> No.58326006
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>> No.58326100


>> No.58326120

every dip gets slurped

>> No.58326166

when did you have to be holding apu to receive the airdrop?

>> No.58326219

thats a pepe fren

>> No.58326334

Each day acquire something which would fortify you against poverty, frenlessness or fud.

- Freneca

>> No.58326514

how do you track the mc?

>> No.58326568
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We don’t have a BAPU based department call yet

>> No.58326578

Its Eid after a day, my days are not going well. Not being able to buy some new dress for my mother and sister. Anyone may help me with $1k so that I can celebrate my Eid well? :)

>> No.58326699

Sui/make it stacks?

>> No.58326738

There you got it

>> No.58326742

Bought at 100k, jeeted because fud
Now 1M

I want to kys bro, should I jump in again?

>> No.58326746

Sick BAPU bro fr fr

>> No.58326749

1M is still nothing for a coin with good momentum in a bullrun. Jump in bud.

>> No.58326760

Do it now in the dip

>> No.58326773

Is there no one enough kind to bless me $1k for this Eid?

>> No.58326793

When dip ser? All I see is green

>> No.58326823

this is the image that convinced me to invest into this

>> No.58326825

Jump off a cliff, fag
Oops it's going up again lol

>> No.58326860
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>> No.58326891

more like....BRAPU

>> No.58326905

We're going way higher

>> No.58327032
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U kno it

>> No.58327143

should i buy the top?

>> No.58327184

>He thinks this is the top

There's still another 1000x-5000x to go before we begin reaching the top

>> No.58327228

Did the Deb start to sell his bag off yet?

>> No.58327252

Dev is too scared to show himself but he's probably unironically going to ride it to the moon now after seeing the potential of this project

>> No.58327321

Kek that’s kinda funny but I hope he makes it and then stops being a faggot

>> No.58327385

Telling you guys my ranking would doxx me, top kek.

>> No.58327391



>> No.58328154
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>> No.58328891
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>> No.58329485

We are breaking new ATH and biz is still sleeping on this.

>> No.58329785
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Gm bapu frens

>> No.58329809

I wanna make 10K. I have 200,000 BAPU as I am a poorfag. Is this a reasonable amount? I guess I'm praying for a 15x.

>> No.58329825

ID: N++G1R

>> No.58329835
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Check the chart fren.

I feel that as long as u have 50k.

>> No.58329940

How far is fake apu going? Tell me what mc i should sell my small bag

>> No.58329961

That makes no sense, I have 150k and if it does a 15x from here I would only have 3k

>> No.58330216

1.3m market cap. sell at 265m market cap.

>> No.58330264

Yeah 15x is just a low-ball prayer for me. What marketcap would we have to hit for my stack to be worth 10K?

>> No.58330331

Also rolling

>> No.58330827

I’m trying to sell the airdrop but Uniswap says I don’t have enough gas to cover the transaction, but I do? What’s the deal

>> No.58330935

Make it stack ? I'm buying the dip

>> No.58331157

1m is make it stack

>> No.58331174

Fate is forcing you to hold.

>> No.58331344
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You probably have no bridged ETH on base, but you’d be a retard to sell now

>> No.58331672
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Niggers I’m retarded and I can’t sell

>> No.58331704

100mil when?

>> No.58331795

Literally soon

>> No.58331827

Thx, I only have 250k, but I also have 20Bn dMOON so maybe I'll be ok

>> No.58334004
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If I missed real APU this is my chance right?

>> No.58334034

I don’t come from here or belong here at all

can one of you faggots tell me what is going on with the sudden surge of new trashcoins being spammed here and elsewhere

it seems like there’s a new one every day

>> No.58334045

Buy apu he is now blue. $Bapu.
This is all the information you need.

>> No.58334077

I don’t understand what is happening, I am retarded, please don’t make me use google or do my own research into this incredibly gay subject. I just want someone to spoonfeed me a quick answer and then I will fuck off back to the whole “touching grass” thing I do normally

>> No.58334098

I don't know either, made money on squid and bapu, now waiting for bell and rosa to pump. I'm not touching doghole though

>> No.58334213
File: 501 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bridge eth to base and paste this ca into Uniswap


>> No.58334243

Go back to twitter niglet

>> No.58334276

I need ideas for my contribution to the meme contest

>> No.58334294

You probably don't have any ETH bridged to Base. Use Base bridge on the official base website.

>> No.58334376

Just bought 1.55M BAPU, am I falling for a stinky jeet scam or am I brilliant?

>> No.58334761
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1M make it stack, you’re set

>> No.58334920

I don’t use twitter and I am a white supremacist anti semite. I’m simply too busy with other stupid shit to pay attention to this stupid shit, but I am curious about it

>> No.58334928

What about 10 million?

>> No.58334946
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Safe to say a 10x make it stack will leave you comfy as fugg, fren

>> No.58334967

twitter is gay and for edgy jeets and jeet coordinated groups

>> No.58334981

why is base bridge charging me gas fees now

>> No.58335023
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Someone has to pay the validators fren

>> No.58335106

Dude just use changenow, you don't have to do the 7 day wait bullshit

>> No.58335882

it always did

>> No.58335937

Thats 10 lambos

>> No.58336327
File: 526 KB, 1024x818, bapuubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be in Dubai shitting on the chests of IG models and crypto influencers at zero 'cost' to yourself but the time it takes. You've made it.

>> No.58337690

How did you get the airdrop? previous APU holders?

>> No.58338039
File: 536 KB, 1024x759, thinkpad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One airdrop was given by the faggot dev to bizlets to the order of 555,555 tokens, another airdrop was given to APU holders to the order of 28,000 tokesn

>> No.58338047

Yep I got 28000

>> No.58338051

My 555,555 are a fair wage for being lied to by the faggot dev

>> No.58338164
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>> No.58338446
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This play is so obvious

>> No.58338458

And here I am wishing for EVEN MORE BLUE FROGS
This is easily the easiest money on /biz/ rn

>> No.58338460
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>> No.58338585
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Kek bless this thread with trips, let the frens see your rule is immaculate chaos

>> No.58338591

Finally got 1M BAPU - is this the make it stack?

>> No.58338620

I hope so. I got my 1m bapus for 50 bucks or so

>> No.58338667
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720kek babu reporting
Make it or not to make it. Is still comefy bros

>> No.58338717

Hello retard. This is normal operations for /biz/. All of these retards want you to buy their bags so they can sell, it is the same with every shitcoin. They'll tell you to hold for a year but you are playing with fire and they do not have your interests at heart. Don't become a cultist and DYOR you dumb faggot.

>> No.58338778
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Test fuck jannies