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File: 277 KB, 800x1147, proletariat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58319902 No.58319902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism will inevitably destroy itself.
Two arguments.
1. Class dialectics
It is in the interests of the capitalist to seek lower costs and greater profits. Thus, the capitalist will seek to pay workers the least he can and replace him with technology like AI which will make workers redundant.
However, because this is a trend in every sector of the economy (from agriculture to programming), it will also lead people to earn less and less, due to their wages falling, until they can no longer afford whatever companies produce. When they can't afford to buy the produce, the companies have no more reason to exist, so capitalism falls apart.
2. Tendency for the rate of profit to fall
Capitalists always, again, seek to lower costs. They also compete for consumers. Thus they adopt labor saving technology. Their competitors do the same.
You cannot produce more than what is already demanded by the market, because it is simply not socially necessary (much like how Apple would never choose to double their production if they had low profits in a given year). No one would buy that produce.
So, the only way companies can compete is through labor saving technology. But as one company gets that technology, others will try to get it too. But they will never drop prices that much. If a commodity had an exchange value of $1.50, and a company, which seeks profit invents a labor saving machine, they will only lower it to $1.49. Then another company will do the same. But with this process the rate of profit has a tendency to decline.

>> No.58319965

>Capitalism will inevitably destroy itself.
Two more weeks, amirite? How's the USSR doing by the way?

>Two arguments.
There's the same large flaw in both of those arguments, I'm actually interested to see if you're able or willing to spot it yourself.

>> No.58320028

>There's the same large flaw in both of those arguments, I'm actually interested to see if you're able or willing to spot it yourself.
I'm not going to do your work for you.
>Two more weeks, amirite? How's the USSR doing by the way?
It wasn't socialism. It was state capitalism because prices still existed. In a socialist system you would have the use value (based on objective scientific measurements) replace the exchange value (market value).

>> No.58320050
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>> No.58320053

>use value (based on objective scientific measurements)
lol, very trusting of The Science.

>> No.58320067

It's clear at this point that late stage capitalism is a huge failure. Socialist market economy is the way to go.

>> No.58320070

No, it's actually pretty simple. Use value for a consumable commodity is something like the amount of energy in an apple. That is what I meant by a scientific measurement.

>> No.58320086

The tendency for the rate of profit still does apply to a socialist market economy though.
One of the more interesting proposals of a socialist economy would be labor vouchers. In exchange for your labor time (SNLT) you would get a labor voucher, which you could exchange for whatever thing you'd want. But for, say, an apartment, you would need to work exactly the amount in your job as it 'costs' to make an apartment.

>> No.58320105

>Oh wagie! Sure, I mean comrade, right.
>We're moving you into the ghetto (don't worry, The Science™ says it's better because of extra square footage)
>And we're replacing all your foot with a blend of bugs, söy and SSRIs.
>Better not complain, The Science™ says it scores very high on the Wagie Slop Index!

>> No.58320132

Which WEF, which globalist as they are called now, which one of them is a Marxist economically? No Marxist would ever call for a 'stakeholder capitalism'. And they certainly do not call for an end to capitalism.
They want to try and reform capitalism to make it never fall apart.

>> No.58320150



>> No.58320158

You're missing my point. How do you "scientifically" price food for example, without creating a Wagie Slop Index which will be inevitably subverted?
How do you
>Take into account individual needs
>Take into account individual preferences
>Determine how much of food X should be produced?
Because market pricing achieves all of that.

>> No.58320162

>One of the more interesting proposals of a socialist economy would be labor vouchers
So money - but let's not call it money because that's capitalist, racist, sexist, and fascist. Right?

>> No.58320169


Marxism was debunked more than once century ago. Now it's just a religion, just like christianism, islam or judaism.

>> No.58320179

It's money except with no motivation to do useful work, only to do as easy "work" as possible kek.

>> No.58320193

Kek, these redditors have yet to walk into a DMV to see the marvelous efficiency of the government.

>> No.58320206

communism is just rage against entropy

>> No.58320241

>Take into account individual needs
Individual needs can be calculated. We know how much people /need/ to eat in order to survive and grow. It's probable that this knowledge will only get better.
>Take into account individual preferences
I would say that we have to flip this argument on its head. Individual preferences do not actually arise from the individual, but the general superstructure.
Why do people prefer 'real' diamond rings compared to synthetic diamond rings? Materially, they are essentially the same and look the same. But through film, culture people are essentially influenced to have 'individual preferences'.
In a socialist society, this would simply not exist. People would not want things they do not need.
I think you're referencing Hayek's arguments here. In the end, Marx didn't promise that people would get what they want. But they would get what they need. It's far more useful to look at the core principles of Marxist economics (like the previous arguments I mentioned in the OP).
>Determine how much of food X should be produced?
We can calculate how many calories people need to survive and be healthy. This has never been implemented in a planned economy before, but today we have the capabilities to observe productivity by each worker, factory and such in an entire economy. Soviet planners did not have this ability.
No, money specifically is used for exchange value. But labor vouchers would be closer to what buying stock is today. As capital today is dead labor, a labor voucher would essentially just be a representative of labor.

>> No.58320254
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>Now it's just a religion
What most people don't realize is that's kind of what Marx was going for. This shouldn't be surprising considering Marx was the son of a famous rabbi.
This explains it well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6rk1mYiOAw

>> No.58320273

>whiteness is a form of capital
I can tell this is just a chud who is going to rant about muh woke Marxism with zero understanding of the core ideas of Marxism (socially necessary labor time, tendency of the rate of profit to fall, class dialectics)

>> No.58320276

Capitalism should have been destroyed by the subprime mortgage crisis. If all the investment banks would have been allowed to fail, and not just Lehman Brothers, we’d still be trying to climb out of the wreckage of that mess.

>> No.58320277

>"labour voucher" = "representative of labor"
>spend the next 50 hours digging a hole for absolutely no reason or purpose
>collect comrade gibs without no one being benefited by all this whole
>economy grows 1000%

>Marx didn't promise that people would get what they want. But they would get what they need
And you *really* can't see how much this is dystopian?

>> No.58320299

2. Has been debunked for years. LMFAO

>> No.58320314


>> No.58320318

You don't understand what the labor theory of value in Marxism is. It's difficult to explain it, but it's actually called socially necessary labor time.
For a given commodity, its market value is not the amount of labor an individual has put in, but the average macroeconomic labor time. That is the value. I'm sorry if I haven't explained it adequately enough.
In truth, the hole would have zero value. It would have almost no use value, it is not socially necessary (therefore it would never even be dug by a rational actor)
>And you *really* can't see how much this is dystopian?
Is it not dystopian today to be, for the lack of a better word, brainwashed into consuming one good or another good?
The only way you can ever want real diamonds and not synthetic diamonds is simply because mass culture (owned/influenced by the capitalists) pushes you into wanting them. It's essentially just conformism. Some are more susceptible to it, some are less. But it exists as a measurable effect.

>> No.58320326

Just say you’re poor.

>> No.58320388

marxists are invariably losers from what ive seen so i assume anything they espouse is wrong in principle

>> No.58320786
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>Capitalism will inevitably destroy itself.
> Two more weeks

>> No.58320939

I can fix her.

>> No.58321854

We have lived in a communist Marxist society feigning capitalism since 1914.
You’re a moron and also manipulative.
Your Marxist system is collapsing (fiat + central banking)
>verification not required

>> No.58321865

Marx was 100% right literally nobody can argue against the Labor Theory of Value. The only people that claim he is stupid are the people who have never read his work. Everything in Capital is 100% true.

>> No.58321905

Would love to see a single person in this thread try and argue against the labor theory of value. Only reason yall hate marxism is you know all of the wealth you have gained through bullshit is not deserved and really comes from someone elses labor. This is a very hard thing for alot of you to accept.

>> No.58321917

...you do realize that albeit this is called "Business & Finance", almost no one here actually owns any means of production, right? Most of us just speculate on the leftovers dropped from banks, funds, and normies FOMOing every halvening. Having more money than the average person does not automatically make one a bourgeois.

Even from a Marxist perspective, you're still a failure.

>> No.58321923

>answering a question with another question

>> No.58321925

Commie filth, rest in piss with the rest of the faggots back on reddit

>> No.58321985

Any day now.

>> No.58322000

Actual production doesn't play much of a role in the US economy anymore. Most of our buisness is in service and technology. It's an economy an old school marxist coulden't even predict would exist.

>> No.58322011
File: 528 KB, 1022x1491, Bix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is avoiding the fact that all these economic and political systems are Jewish funded and created

>> No.58322021

Nice wall of text you fucking faggot. I know your first semester of college is exciting and all but they don't really teach you anything there. I'll be making money and dabbing on commies every second of every day. Stay devastated comrade.

>> No.58322026

It's subjective. I could say the value of your labor is whatever someone is willing to pay you for it. In reality, that's exactly what you're going to get for it. You could say your labor is worth $10b an hour. In fact, let's say it is. I think your labor is worth 10b an hour, and it's a shame no one will pay you for what your labor is REALLY worth. Maybe someday.

>> No.58322037

Yes, one has to be profoundly retarded to believe in everything some old German guy wrote 170 years ago. Yet this thread exists.

>> No.58322043

Not all people assume jewish=bad. Most of you nazi cunts love jewish mythology at least.

>> No.58322061

Jews are bad though. 109 countries can't all be wrong.

>> No.58322066

>Capitalism will destroy itself
Consider the following

>> No.58322085

Jews are fine. /pol/ is bad. That shit is poison for your soul bro

>> No.58322086

This mother fucker wants a government overlord to rule over them and control every aspect of their life. From where they live, what job they have to even how much food they need to "survive". Kys commie nobody is buying your bullshit. The only people that want this are lazy fucks who could never amount to anything so they need the government to subsidize their life. Get a job, faggot.

>> No.58322096

did you ask the palestinians about that?

>> No.58322108

Lots of jews are pro palestein anon. The young progressive ones specifically.

>> No.58322109


I don't listen to women.

>> No.58322130

>they hated him (also couldn't even begin to refute him) because he told the truth

>> No.58322133

Your choice, but I can tell you after years of going on /pol/ everyday, it only ever made me miserable, angry, and bigoted. I'm much happier now that I don't use it. Just saying.

>> No.58322139
File: 107 KB, 600x790, Balfour_declaration_unmarked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably still think Hitler was evil and just for no reason at all...

>> No.58322147

the ones that dont matter

>> No.58322155

He's also wrong. Nobody needs diamonds. They're a status symbol, not a necessity. People want real diamonds because most people can't have them. This has been a thing since the dawn of humanity. It's not capitalist influence, it's just the human condition.

Do you want to know why liberalism defeated communism? Because liberalism necessitates we be human, and communism demands we fight our humanity.

>> No.58322159
File: 439 KB, 846x656, Screenshot_20211126_205330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Marx's own definition the proletarian doesn't exist because you'll always be the owner of your body and time at least, and your own expertise in a craft can be considered invested capital. So you'll always have at least that means of production at your disposal.
There is no "nothing to lose besides your own chains" people besides the criminals Marxists have tried to use in their favor ever since the Commune of Paris; and when those criminals reach power you have manslaughter by the millions like what happened in Vietnam and China.

>> No.58322160

LToV only models the supply side of supply and demand. It's not wrong, but incomplete.

>> No.58322165

I think Hitler was evil, yes.

To you.

>> No.58322170

no to you

>> No.58322178

1. deflationary spiral
solved in the 1930s with Discretionary spending
2. This assumes that everyone is an economic machine at all times and ignores the power of branding and marketing. Branding is the reason why Reece's Puffs cost $5.99 while Great Value Peanut Butter Chocolate Spheres cost $2.99.

>> No.58322196

I do not think or care about jews besides Ben Shapiros sister. That's your shtick.

>> No.58322200

if you know nothing, then why do you open your mouth?

>> No.58322211

>Marx was 100% right literally nobody can argue against the Labor Theory of Value. The only people that claim he is stupid are the people who have never read his work. Everything in Capital is 100% true.
The bible is 100% correct literally nobody can argue against Genesis. The only people that claim it is made up are people who have never read it. Everything in the Bible is 100% true.

>> No.58322219

That’s why they devalue the currency and anchor that currency to assets that can only be purchased with devalued currency. Bidenomics, chud!

>> No.58322225

I used to browse /Pol/ all the time. I was there during /GME/ when they linked maxwell to terramar. For pizzagate pt.2. The buffallo shooting. DoD leaks about Wuhan and the eco health alliance.

The nazi shit is all stupid. Let it go before it swallows your life anon. God bless.

>> No.58322230

He wants to suck your dick.

>> No.58322251
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>>58319902 | >>58319965 | >>58320028
>>58320050 | >>58320053 | >>58320067
>>58320070 | >>58320086 | >>58320105
>>58320132 | >>58320150 | >>58320158
>>58320162 | >>58320169 | >>58320179
>>58320193 | >>58320206 | >>58320241
>>58320254 | >>58320273 | >>58320276
>>58320277 | >>58320299 | >>58320314
>>58320318 | >>58320326 | >>58320388
>>58320786 | >>58320939 | >>58321854
>>58321865 | >>58321905 | >>58321917
>>58321923 | >>58321925 | >>58321985
>>58322000 | >>58322011 | >>58322021
>>58322026 | >>58322037 | >>58322043
>>58322061 | >>58322066 | >>58322085
>>58322086 | >>58322096 | >>58322108
>>58322109 | >>58322130 | >>58322133
>>58322139 | >>58322147 | >>58322155
>>58322159 | >>58322160 | >>58322165
>>58322170 | >>58322178 | >>58322196
>>58322200 | >>58322211 | >>58322219
>>58322225 | >>58322230
> About Capitalism
> "It's NOT Capitalism!"
> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux
> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"
> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.58322267
File: 869 KB, 720x1250, 1692452189633703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (((Marx's writings))) and (((The Bible)))

>> No.58322279
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>> No.58322291

>It was state capitalism
lol, you fucking retard.

>> No.58322315

Yes. Although communism is a lot worse since they are narcissistic enough to replace god with themselves which removes all accountability.

Which is why its the belief system that has killed the most innocents ever

>> No.58322372

>We can calculate how many calories people need to survive and be healthy
>A couple of bottles of vodka for the week and the comrades are good to go

We should like, make a huge fun camp were we would compel people like you to partake in usefull proletarian friendly activities

>> No.58322616

Actually read Capital. Marx goes over this yes its subjective the value of the labor is determined by the use value to the other party. Like first chapter is just Marx going on and on about coats and linen and how its subjective. Either way that labor is where the value is originally created and capital is just a storage for that labor.

>> No.58322630

Actually read Capital the demand side is what use value is about.

>> No.58322636

Nobody ever actually reads theory shits messed up.

>> No.58322643

No, it essentially says adding processing steps increases price, then confuses it with value.

>> No.58322669
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Cool starry, bra.

>> No.58322682
File: 340 KB, 600x505, hammer and sickle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wasn't socialism. It was state capitalism
So that's why shitlibs use its symbolism in their shitty memes, or make claims that the USSR was a successful society that was only subverted by capitalist infiltration?
Kill yourself, pedo.

>> No.58322710

Good morning sir

>> No.58322722
File: 142 KB, 1400x700, 1_ZXYXM3bpyENtie3KF8CEOg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx sees price and value as 2 intrinsically different things. Seriously read the book man stop talking out your ass.

>> No.58322735

Read Marx. Communism can only exist after the collapse of all states and the abolishment of all monetary systems. Its a utopian idea that would only be possible through and international revolution of the proletariat.

>> No.58322764

The society which organizes production anew on the basis of free and equal association of the producers will put the whole state machinery where it will then belong—into the museum of antiquities, next to the spinning wheel and the bronze axe - Engels

>> No.58322796

1. automatization means one pair of hands can produce more. it makes products cheaper, so lower wages ain't a problem. but anyway it's not the case, because wages probably won't go lower (even inflation adjusted) - automatization through all of it's history made more better paid jobs requiring higher qualifications. it doesn't seem that it gonna change.
2. the rate drops to a level below which it is no longer profitable to go down and there is nothing wrong with that. then there is motivation to change the business profile to a more profitable one - where the demand is not yet met. that's the beauty organic-like features of capitalism.

>> No.58322838

All true but you're missing the point that it was initially designed to inevitably fail and end up in communism. Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.58322871

>Yesterday I took a piss and blood came out, it wasnt pleasant. - Some random bloke.

Eat shit.

>> No.58322972

there was one such time that happened, it was the fall of the roman empire in the west. it lead to serfom. just like your dumbass takes on politics and economy you filthy tankie

>> No.58322984

The whole reason why we got the subprime mortgage crisis was because we're on a fiat standard where the state and central bankers control the money supply, and in its aftermath can choose to bailout friends of the state from taxpayer money. (and the inflation tax aka money printer go brr)

>> No.58323092
File: 21 KB, 594x737, FC115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fucking insane how much people talk without reading. Yes this is exactly what Marx said retard. What you are talking about was the transition from slavery to feudalism.

>> No.58323119

holy shit youre such a fucking retard.

>> No.58323159

This is why I said earlier I have never seen anyone actual refute Marx. It always just turns into them getting angry as fuck lmao. Make an actual point or stfu

>> No.58323183

marx was a capitalist only talked that bullshit to poor idiots who don't know any better.

>> No.58323186

ok, here it goes

>primitive society had no excess of wealth/class conflicts
>conflicts were driven by slaves against their masters in the classical era
>medieval era was about conflicts between serfs and lords
>there was a transition from slavery to feudalism

all of them are wrong you dumbass. i actually studied history but i wont spoon feed you. kys

>> No.58323197

so your argument is nuh uh

>> No.58323214

Im not really arguing with you. Im mostly saying you are a retard.

>> No.58323215

Marx was a thinker he didn't practice any of this. He was funded by and best friends with Engels who was actual bourgeoisie.

>> No.58323234

I know, because you have no argument.

>> No.58323238

No thinker, just the typical agent of the ruling power. His script was given to him by his family to sell to the public. He is rothschild.

>> No.58323265

oh trust me, there is no arguing with your kind, the only thing you deserve is some lead in the back of your skull

>> No.58323289

World is so cooked. Jesus wept.

>> No.58323323

I see you can't refute anythign I said. You say Engels was bourgeoisie as if Marx wasn't also. kek

>> No.58323357

You said some /pol/ dumbshit it is literally not worth responding to. Marx did not hate the bourgeoisie it was those who came after him who did, he just wanted to dismantle the class system. Marx would be considered an Intelligentsia, he did not own any means of production so he was not bourgeoise although he did benefit from it through Engels. Marx was not Lenin, he was not Stalin, he was a poor guy supported by his rich friend that wrote books. Thats it. Books that completely changed the world.

>> No.58323408

I didn't say Marx hated the bourgeoisie. Putting words in my mouth that's an old tactic. Can you not read, he is in the family of Rothschild by marriage, end of story. Those who fell for the marxist/ communism schtick are mainly only poor people. Marx didn't believe in any of the shit he was spewing and no decent human would want to live in a communist society.

>> No.58323426

You think Marx spent his entire life studying and writing about something he did not believe in. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

>> No.58323463

You are a simpleton only you may just be a con artist. Yes he spent "half his life writing about something eh didn't believe in". See the trickery in that statement? So if I'm a rich ruler sure I'll write to the plebs about how they need to be enslaved and how it's good for them and how they will ultimately rule the world, hahahaha what a joke. Sure if I'm a wealthy ruler I'll write manuscripts for the poor and decadent about how they should just love making the same low income while never advancing in anything. I always found it hard how people couldn't see through this bullshit but now I realize humans are lazy and simply dumb as fuck and also don't think for themselves.

>> No.58323487

You believe Marx was a rich ruler? How? Dude was broke as fuck

>> No.58323500

Just try to make as much money as you can and get a lifestyle as comfy as you can before you get priced out.

>> No.58323604 [DELETED] 

kek broke, keke ekekekekek. he was rothschild several times you obviously didnt know that but Im sure you looked it up and you still come back spewing stupid shit instead of admitting how youve been fooled all along just like hundreds of millions also. Your ego won't allow it.

>> No.58323733

Using the word "socialism" as a synonym for "communism" is a tell tale sign that you're either a dumbass left leaning college student or a dumbass meth smoking fox news junkie.

>> No.58323735

>>58319902 | >>58319965 | >>58320028
>>58320050 | >>58320053 | >>58320067
>>58320070 | >>58320086 | >>58320105
>>58320132 | >>58320150 | >>58320158
>>58320162 | >>58320169 | >>58320179
>>58320193 | >>58320206 | >>58320241
>>58320254 | >>58320273 | >>58320276
>>58320277 | >>58320299 | >>58320314
>>58320318 | >>58320326 | >>58320388
>>58320786 | >>58320939 | >>58321854
>>58321865 | >>58321905 | >>58321917
>>58321923 | >>58321925 | >>58321985
>>58322000 | >>58322011 | >>58322021
>>58322026 | >>58322037 | >>58322043
>>58322061 | >>58322066 | >>58322085
>>58322086 | >>58322096 | >>58322108
>>58322109 | >>58322130 | >>58322133
>>58322139 | >>58322147 | >>58322155
>>58322159 | >>58322160 | >>58322165
>>58322170 | >>58322178 | >>58322196
>>58322200 | >>58322211 | >>58322219
>>58322225 | >>58322230 | >>58322251
>>58322267 | >>58322279 | >>58322291
>>58322315 | >>58322372 | >>58322616
>>58322630 | >>58322636 | >>58322643
>>58322669 | >>58322682 | >>58322710
>>58322722 | >>58322735 | >>58322764
>>58322796 | >>58322838 | >>58322871
>>58322972 | >>58322984 | >>58323092
>>58323119 | >>58323159 | >>58323183
>>58323186 | >>58323197 | >>58323214
>>58323215 | >>58323234 | >>58323238
>>58323265 | >>58323289 | >>58323323
>>58323357 | >>58323408 | >>58323426
>>58323463 | >>58323487 | >>58323500
You guys need to look at this post: >>58322251 <--- that's the best post in this thread.