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58320891 No.58320891 [Reply] [Original]

are you guys ready for the work week? How do people do this for their entire adult life

>> No.58320972

>How do people do this for their entire adult life
The only conclusion I've been able to reach is that they are heavily indoctrinated from birth to see this as acceptable and cope by believing this is "there's no other way" you can live.
Drilled into your head from the day you were born that you are obligated to be a good little worker, that your status determines your worth as a person, that you need to brag about how much you work.

>> No.58321052

This, and the fact that they ain't got life/hobbies outside of the work hours

>> No.58321064

Yup. It's easier as a WFH wagie with not much to do.

Pretty much this. They feel they have no choice and are coping hard.

>> No.58321090

Sadly someone has to produce in order for society to exist. Maybe soon robots will do all of the work so that everyone can gamble coins but for now everything has to come from somewhere

>> No.58321113

>be severely depressed
>mother pushing me to go back to school
>ask her what's the point
>"so you can get a job"
>tell her I don't want one
>she says I have no choice
>ask her why
>she says because the world revolves around money
>ask her why
>she says because that's the way it is

The difference between NEETs and wagies is that wagies have given up. They strongly believe they can't change the system, so they just deal with it.

>> No.58321121
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>At least I get two days per week of-ACK!

>> No.58321130

Take the hunter gatherer pill
Nothing needs to be produced then because everything you need is being produced by mother earth.

>> No.58321131

I don't think it has anything to do with indoctrination. most normies just realize they don't have very many options. either you wage, take the risk on a business, or NEETmaxx, which isn't an option for normies because you need a disability for buxx and if you do get it you're dependent on a shithole system which could fuck you over at any point. you can wage 40+ hours and build a business on the side until it reaches the point it can replace your day job, but most people don't want to do that. they have families and relationships and other shit they need to take care of. even if you're successful with starting a business, now you have to run said business, which is more challenging than working a job, even it it's just because you're your own boss and you need to tell yourself what to do.

>> No.58321148

You're not a man if you work less than 8 days a week

>> No.58321201

I have maybe the easiest minimum wage job where I just have to be there to clock in. I feel trapped because I’m so used to not working hard that if I get a real job I’d regret it or I’d miss out on trading opportunities

>> No.58321205

That sounds much harder than being at a desk

>> No.58321251

Harder yes. But significantly more freedom. Being a slave is easy.

>> No.58321257


I work to make money.

>> No.58321263

>wanting it to be easy

You would rather fill in some spreadsheet instead of hunting with your bros?

>> No.58321274
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>try to work
>all applications rejected
>pseudoneet for months

>> No.58321289


You need to seduce the HR interviewer.

>> No.58321300

Most normies dont actually do anything in their wagie job.

They just clock in, answer some mails, and if something is difficult they tell their boss who finds someone else to do it.

That’s why normies are very religious about clocking in early.

In their eyes this is the mark of being a good worker.

If you go up higher levels with people trying to do difficult shit like system building, programming, business or whatever no one gives a fuck what time you clock in, as long as you are doing good work gettings things done on time.

But for wagies they just clock in, gossip, eat lunch, go home.

So they actually arent that drained when they get back home.

>> No.58321316

Not really but I think I'm too old now. Killing boars with my AR for free bacon sounds fun I suppose but I wouldn't last long.

>> No.58321365
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WFH wagie in a niche tech area. I give myself nap time escape for 2/3hrs lunch break with thots. I f em sometimes. Come back to check if nothing broke etc. For now its ok but i still want to escape the matrix. Some days it could be hectic when things go wrong.

>> No.58322072

I believe you

>> No.58322120

zoomers are so fucking entitled what the fuck is this post

>> No.58322132

I have to get up 4am to be at office at 7am
I want to puke

>> No.58322180

Just some faggot who is mad he lives with his parents and can barely afford ramen while ultra chads like myself own their home and have cool cars and robot vacuum cleaners and shit. He chews the turds that blast from my ass.

>> No.58322203

Good little slaves. Continue to toil for your masters and insult me to preserve with your ego. Looks like the indoctrination worked on you.

>> No.58322229

Wagies in my Europoor country are so brainwashed that they even mention, not how many years they have worked, but how many years they have contributed with the taxes they pay through they work to the social security. "I've contributed for 10 years"! They will say. I wonder how they feel when they see how they give hotel rooms to all the Arab refugees that are storming our borders and then go around raping the native women.

>> No.58322349

When I waged (horrible retail job, physically painful and emotionally abusive) I could observe about 120 coworkers. We can divide them into 3 categories:

>1) The workhorses.
They're stupid as shit. They realize their jobs are abusive and underpaid and they complain about it all the time, but the truth is that they're 100% fine with living like that. As long as they get a house, a car, the latest phone and $200 tickets to concerts and soccer matches, they will never rebel or try to better their conditions. (They will also crab-in-a-bucket anybody who tries.)
>2) The wojaks.
They are smart enough to be miserable, not smart enough to escape the cage. They cope with drugs, alcohol and sometimes by gambling with shitcoins. They will either get lucky and escape or kill themselves. (3 at my job anheroed in 5 years.)
>3) The Pepes.
They don't give a fuck. They put all their paychecks into crypto or in other business ventures, or get certifications and skills, and manage to escape within a few years.

I was in the last category. Basically all my former coworkers were in the first 2 and are still there.

>> No.58322361

>How do people do this for their entire adult life
Ask your father

>> No.58322436

>3 at my job anheroed in 5 years
Is this true or you're just exaggerating?

>> No.58322465

I work solely to dump money into crypto and index funds while living rent free with parents and buying nothing but essentials for myself.
Unfortunately I started doing this later in life than I should but hopefully it gets me a brighter future.

>> No.58322621

I spent 5 years for save my money for a my project, I quit my job at the end of 2019, after few months Corona came out and completely shatter my dream.
And now I become a neet, I send CV but nobody call me

>> No.58322640

How are you changing the system, lazy faggot?

>> No.58322734

he was married and had kids so he was motivated. that's hard to get nowadays

>> No.58322966
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I will give the same answer to every waggie I meet. Put together a 4 figure capital, spend half of it in BTC and the other half in alt coins like SUPER or AVAX and in 6 months you will see results.

>> No.58324161

These threads are the reddit threads of 4chan, just full of liars

>> No.58324198


Fucking cringe. I believe free speech and all but you really should be arrested for being a lazy fuck. If you were my son I’d have your ass up at 4:30am cleaning weeds around my fucking property. Next day I’d just bring in a dump truck of soil and have you shovel it to by hand to where ever the fuck I wanted it at. Yeah that fucking mouth would get real quiet and I bet I wouldn’t hear “wagie talk” again. Lazy motherfuckers like you are the reason this country is dying.

>> No.58324430

I think the problem isn't being forced to work, but rather the utterly unrewarding nature of modern work. My coworkers are total randos I have no connection with, my manager is sabotaging my success because office politics, my boss doesn't even know I exist, and if the whole company burned down one day, the society would miss out on diabetes-inducing candy bars for one week before another company filled the market gap. Most workplaces are toxic and antisocial (you don't want workers to be overly social, they can start having stupid ideas like forming functional unions) and their products have negative moral impact on the society, so it's absolutely natural to feel demotivated and think that maybe doing nothing would actually be better than "working".

Case in point: I grew up in a small town with literally one company. I was talking to someone from their HR about a low-performing employee. I asked "can't you just fire them?", to which I heard the repsonse "yeah but then I'll have an unemployed loser walking around the town and that's worse", which means that the HR was actually responsible for ensuring each employee's success. Compare this to modern working relationship, where you can get fired just because someone's having a bad day, and even if nobody fires you, you know that jumping ship as often as possible is the correct way to maximize your standard of life, so you have literally zero incentive to put any effort whatsoever.

>> No.58324487

Cringe troon larp

>> No.58324500

i want to die

>> No.58324512

>I'm not getting a job mom! It's not fair! I'm just going to be NEET fat loser and I've with you my whole life!
Remember kids behind every obese greasy "NEET" is a "wagie"(parents) that support them. Without them they would he dead in a gutter. Fact is life is easier than it has ever been. We just coddle lazy losers now instead of banishing them from society.

>> No.58324594

>you know that jumping ship as often as possible is the correct way to maximize your standard of life

>> No.58324611


It is better to live on 3000$ a month from bond's interest in a third world country where salaries are super low (250$\month) and you can drink beers and fresh coconuts by the beach for 1.5$ a glass every day instead of waging 9 to 5 for 6000$.

With long term corporate bonds easily paying 7%+ these days it would be relatively easy for anyone with assets like sell the house and the car and likely you have enough money to live off interest in a developing country.

Also buying real estate in developing countries is generally good because they have many kids and that makes prices go up.

>> No.58324647

Welcome to Doghole

>> No.58324711

>zoomers get kicked out at 18 into a housing market where 70%+ of their income is redistributed to housing, utilities, and taxes if they're lucky
>get told they're not working hard enough when they're failing constantly due to insane financial pressures
>and that's assuming they did the smart thing and didn't go into debt to go to college
The only time as a zoomer I have ever been able to save up meaningful money in my life is when I was PAYING rent to my parents at a slight discount compared to market price. Why the fuck would zoomers want to do traditional work in this environment?
I can't blame a boomer too much for thinking like that. Ideally, contributing to your government would be honorable in a just society as that money would be reinvested in your countrymen, but boomers are stuck in the past and don't really get what has happened to them. Any zoomer who talks like that is completely braindead though.

>> No.58324793
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Its real Anon but lately worked picked up and money drying up because I am over leveraged in crypto. I want to escape the Matrix badly.

>> No.58325053

Amazing tits. Still hate women however.

>> No.58325782

you can do work you actually enjoy on projects instead of waging making your boss rich

>> No.58325801

your employer won't give you a high raise. most raises now can't beat inflation. the only way to get more money is to change companies every 2-3 years

>> No.58325842

I like my work. I'm good at it.

>> No.58326195

Get married and have kids. Then you would love going at the office. It's that simple!

>> No.58326214
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I'm 8 months in my first office job and I want to rope. My other wagie jobs had their downsides, but the sheer mental fuckery that goes on in office jobs is fucking terrible

>> No.58326245

>The wojaks.
how do you escape this

>> No.58326539
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The usual suspects here:
1. the NEETs who are slaves to handouts and their mother's basement, can't afford anything, and come here to rage against working people.
2. the 20 something year-olds, who are convinced that their few thousands in crypto are a sensible financial plan. Pro tip, every generation of the last few before you had some speculative mania or gambling that was luring in suckers, hoping for easy money. Most stayed poor or worse.
Just like most crypto bros (MLM sellers and lottery players) will never be rich.

Sure, most jobs suck. But being a farmhand was not more pleasant. Being a worker in health crippling factories was not better.
And if you are so sophisticated and so full of interest, then surely the satisfaction that they bring you in your free time makes up for it. Right? Right?

>> No.58326614


>> No.58326820

So my fellow Anons... I have tried many things when it comes to the "wagie paradox."
>Part 1: White Collar Wagie
I spent years in a white collar job where I had to wear a suit to the office, shave every day, try hard to interview well to get the job, etc.
>White Collar Plus - The Office Hoes
The office women wanted to fuck and wanted me to marry them. They stalked my socials. They would wear dresses with their tits out and lean over banisters while making eye contact. They would ask me, "Don't you want my number?" They had this false idea in their silly little heads that my wage slave job = good for them and all they needed to do to "get me" was get my dick inside of them.
>White Collar Minus - The Office Hoes
None of their high school antics ever helped me. Cat fights are annoying. Any ego boost I felt was canceled out by their female fragility. It was also annoying because none of them wanted to help me reach my goals... they just wanted to use me to help themselves. All they brought to the table was pussy and when that wasn't enough for me they threw temper tantrums.
>White Collar Plus - General Respect
On dates, I could confidently tell women my job and have them ooo and aaaa as if it meant something. Women would tell me stupid shit that doesn't matter like, "I love a man in a suit!" as if I give a shit. My parents would tell me how they bragged about me to people... again as if I give a shit. People took me more seriously for no reason.
>White Collar Minus - It's All Fake
Panties and admiration were all based on lies - I was a white collar slave getting paid a fraction of the money i was generating for my overlords (investors). I wasted so much fucking time doing shit that didn't matter like wearing monkey suits and shaving and commuting. It was fucking awful. The pussy didn't make up for it, and it made me realize most women are exactly the same whether they have a "career" or not.
>Other Plusses
Holidays off.
(cont.... this is now my journal)

>> No.58326901

>Part 2: Retail Wagie
I worked a retail job in an industry I loved for years. I could almost wear whatever the fuck I wanted, never needed to shave, and walked to work a lot. I was on my feet at work and had my bathroom breaks monitored, but I was doing something I loved so it was OK. It felt nice to keep moving instead of being at a desk. Contrary to my white collar job, very few people took me seriously and many people looked down on me unless they knew my past. I hated having to clock in and out and listening to power-hungry fucktards trying to berate me for being five minutes late clocking in. Many of the women I worked with still acted like hoes trying to fuck everything but they were at least upfront and cool about it instead of trying to pretend they were "ladies." I had a lot of fun with my coworkers - way more fun than in my white collar job. I didn't make much money but I made enough to make it work.
>Part 3: Gig Economy
My favorite job by far was charging Lime and Bird scooters when they first came out. I lived downtown so there were hundreds of dollars worth of scooters that needed charging in a 3 block radius all around me. The joy I felt getting high and running out into the street like Ash Ketchum at night... once you claimed a scooter it would unlock so i would be high as a kite surfing on these scooters around my neighborhood late at night listening to my favorite tunes... and Lime/Bird would pay you within 24 hours so I could work as much or as little as I wanted. People used to cheer at me out of their car windows and apartment windows, "Liiiimmmeee Masstteeeeer!" lol. Homeless crazy people would try and chase me. Full-of-themselves assholes who didn't like scooters would try and hit me with their cars or get out of their cars at stop signs... I put several people back in their vehicles. It was wild. People would ask me if I would make sure to put a scooter out on their corner for their morning commute. I felt like scooter Batman.

>> No.58326927
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>This, and the fact that they ain't got life/hobbies outside of the work hours
I feel this. I waste time masturbating and doomscrolling. I will watch a movie or anime if I am feeling adventurous.

>> No.58326978

Part 4: Family Wagie
Some shit happened to my parents and I had to step in and clean up their mess. Typical Boomer bullshit yelling at everyone else what they "need" to do when they can't handle their own shit. But I love my parents so I spent a few years setting shit straight in their business. I found that I liked knowing that my work was for people I cared about. It was hard and took a lot of patience to pull Boomer parent heads out of their asses and make them understand they caused this fuck up and needed to change to make sure it didn't happen again, but I did it and I had a lot of experiences that I wouldn't have had otherwise like renovating and selling property, selling guns, and maximizing people's finances like some kind of family financial advisor. Almost no one understands wtf I'm doing now. White collar wagies literally do not compute, their heads explode. I feel very much outside of the Matrix.. and it's nice out here. There aren't any women though except prostitutes... and holy shit do I love prostitutes. I don't know if I ever want to go back to "regular" women after prostitutes.

I'm not sure what's next. Maybe I'll retrain in something new. But as far as:
>are you guys ready for the work week? How do people do this for their entire adult life
No one is making you do what you're doing OP. The only thing you have to do in life is die - everything other than dying is up for grabs.
>“The minute you understand that you can poke life, and that if you push something in, something will pop out the other side. That you can change it and you can mould it…that’s maybe the most important thing… Embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it. Once you learn that, you’ll want to change life and make it better. You’ll never be the same again.”

>> No.58327926
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>was doing remote work training an ai chatbot for months
>$15/hr, was doing 12-18 hours a day
>suddenly got removed from the platform
>two weeks of back and forth with support
>still no resolution
>will have to look for a real job soon

>> No.58328054

nice gay blog, what was even your point

>> No.58328080

Don't worry about it it's beyond your understanding

>> No.58328095

>Sadly someone has to produce in order for society to exist.
The people running society actively make it harder to produce so clearly we don't need as much of it.

>> No.58328106

just because you were training the ai didn't mean you could sexually abuse it. i saw the logs and you are disgusting

>> No.58328113

You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.58328142
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I can at least majority wfh so I can take extended breaks when my work is done. But fuck me the spectre is still there that my job is completely useless to society

>make IT systems function so solicitors can do their work
>to make more money for partners
>everyone has to pretend that we’re working together to do this world changing thing
If businesses were honest about being for profit and it was reflected in my salary it’d be better, but no we have to pretend business is a family

>> No.58328146

if only it was that simple, but there was rarely any input
I just rated and dissected ai replies

>> No.58328152

Go back to Plebbit, not wanting to wageslave doesn't mean being an obese greaseball living on your Mom's couch.

>> No.58328189

how someone is compelled to write 500+ words about his stupid life laced with some basic bitch 4chan sociology with no relevant point to make is beyond my understanding yes

>> No.58328201 [DELETED] 

Sure, release dozens of millions of hunters at once, and see of mother nature is still able to provide.

>> No.58328323
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>trained the AI
>now the AI trains itself
lmao, how could you not see it coming. You were always the first to get the rope. But don't worry, we're next. Well, not me, I have enough QLD and TQQQ to help me get by once it'll be my turn.

>> No.58328360

they just no longer need fluent english when conversational works so they took me off and divvied my workload to 10 pajeets

>> No.58328371

>I believe free speech and all
Boomer conservatives actually visit this site? kek

>> No.58328375

The average adult is complacent.
Once they started earning the money which fulfilled all of their basic needs, they stopped using their brains financially speaking.
They don't try to get other sources of income because they are usually unaware of it and their first source already is "enough" effort to them. They don't get a side hustle because their work already drains all of their energy. They don't look into financial investments because they weren't taught anything and think it's risky.
Remember you spent 18 years of your life in school getting indoctrinated into becoming a good little boy. The state (elites) has no interest in creating financially intelligent individuals.

>> No.58328449

>have ~1.4M in crypto, proud of my stack but not enough to retire
>make 80k/yr
>portfolio swings +80k or -80k weekly, sometimes daily
>get a biweekly paycheck for $1,750
>I make or lose more than that probably every 5 minutes in the market, I've thrown 10x that on illiquid solana memes in a day
>busy season approaching where I'll work even harder for the same pay
>probably have more money than 99% of coworkers but still can't retire

is this unironically 7 figure hell?

>> No.58328462

what the hell do you mean you can't retire, anon? you have a paradise awaiting you in SEA, hell, even here in burgerland you'll be more than fine

>> No.58328471

you sound like a faggot and yes I'm jealous
if you want to retire just buy property, delegate, and fuck off

>> No.58328525

>1.4 million in crypto
>refuses to sell
If you want to retire just fucking sell honestly anon

>> No.58328548

I somehow doubt that and accountant would be dumb enough to leave $1.4M in crypto instead of consolidating profits or converting to another asset.

>> No.58328564

And by "money" you mean good boy points which deminish in value faster than you can save up for anything meaningful.

>> No.58328667

I have 800k in stocks and bitcoin and haven't worked in the last 10 years. Seems like you would fall apart if presented with 24/7 free time.

>> No.58328694

They literally have no choice
they dug their own grave with a wife, kids, two cars, a 3000 sq ft house, a loooong monthly bill

another way of putting it is that most sex-havers do it for someone besides themselves

>> No.58328708

>How do people do this for their entire adult life
Using substance abuse, religion and family to cope. Booze/drugs are obvious but religion and children give people the hopium required to live the rest of their lives as slaves.
>I may be a slave but my spirit will be free in heaven
thinks a religious slave
>I may be a slave but my children will be free
thinks a family man slave
Once you understand the misery of wage slavery a lot of bizarre bullshit in this world starts to click into place.

>> No.58328869

So moral of the story: open family business, fuck prostitute, ???, profit?

>> No.58328936
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im on the same boat, if i didnt have a buybot following a whale i wouldn't even have a roof under my head, currently considering selling my AGRS (bought at 0.3 so its still a 30k profit) or getting a burger flipper job
>if i sell my agrs i lose all my savings

>> No.58329256

I got lucky with my current job. I WFH and most days I don't do shit all day long lmao.
but most people are poor. they literally have nothing. they are also ignorant of how things work in capitalism. and by the time they start working, they already gave up any dreams they had that they would be free. what are they supposed to do?

imagine LARPing as a fucking hunter gatherer in 2024 LMAO.

so you become slave to your customers, advertisers and have to pay taxes just the same as everyone else?
also, what would you do if you ever get cancer or some shit?

>> No.58329323

>Still hate women however.
That's a man, anon

>> No.58329883

Larp and gay blog

>> No.58329929

No worries at all, I've been fired last month for asking for a raise after an amazing performance review so I don't have to work today! Just scramble to figure out how to not go homeless in the next 3 months when the market is in tatters and there's no way I can get a job in that short a timeframe! Joy!

>> No.58329951

got $52/he doing that and same. Tried up completely after 3 months. I just reapplied and got a different field id learned in college, now at $45 and with significantly more mistakes kek

>> No.58329978

First, no they don't.
Second, it makes sense because they get a fat pension when they retire, nearly the entirety of their paycheck for life in perpetuity. Some countries apply a 15 years minimum.

>> No.58330003

>Compare this to modern working relationship, where you can get fired just because someone's having a bad day,
Literally and unironically me in my latest job

>> No.58330018

Become a pepe
Just Google free courses or certificates. You can learn a lot online for basically nothing. Normies are wowed by certificates. They always defer to perceived authority.

>> No.58330040

I had the "privilege" of never doing normal wagie jobs, only ever office jobs.
Yes, it's insanely depressing. Then you have boomers saying shit like 'kids these days have it so easy, they say they're tired in their air conditioned offices! Back in my days I stood on my feet all day!' (never mentioning, of course, that half this time was shooting the shit with colleagues and not actually working, or that the "work" hours were more like 30h with the ability to leave early on friday's, or the near total lack of office politics at any level below C-level)

>> No.58330085

>everything other than dying is up for grabs.
But that's the problem isn't it? The vast majority of things today are "do the white collar shit or die".

>> No.58330161
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Weirdly enough i talk shit about work as well, but i wanted to kms more when i was NEET
It feels good to chill for like a week or so but afterwards it feels like everyone is progressing and im wasting my life.
My existance would amount to absolute zero and id die if i just stay neet, thats what it felt like.

So i continue ze grind…. Still sum depreshun but at least im building a house and look forward to making some kids in the world (and dont give me that world is hopeless crap)

>> No.58330191

What kind of 3rd world shithole do you live in that you're able to afford a house?

>> No.58330199

Start to realize a lot of higher paid jobs require even less real work.

>> No.58330233

Mostly luck of the draw. You can't have 100% useless eaters or the company just dies. But you can have 80-90% useless shitstains while making the remaining 10-20% suckers work 10 hours a day + weekends + holidays.

>> No.58330247

because there is no other way
in fact this is the best thing humanity came up with
there is no apradise where everyone loves one another and gives them free stuff you commie hippie fuck

>> No.58330256

But as mentioned by myself and other anons, the vast majority of "jobs" are make-work bullshit where people do nothing all day. It's all bullshit.

>> No.58330333
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>The only conclusion I've been able to reach is that they are heavily indoctrinated from birth to see this as acceptable and cope by believing this is "there's no other way" you can live.
>Drilled into your head from the day you were born that you are obligated to be a good little worker, that your status determines your worth as a person, that you need to brag about how much you work.
Congress has been selling us down a river for the past century and can decide at any moment to fix it but won't because they need people to be programmed.
Wagies survive till their 50s then get on gibs somehow after having 4 kids, god help their kids, then send their kids to the same system which turned them into slaves and don't tell them the truth about it.
The rich live entirely different lives. It was one thing to be a noble three hundred years ago and live in opulence, they still paid people to live and work on their estate, the rich now are incredibly alone, liquid, and their entire point is to steal the energy of the masses because they believe those digital numbers will be there forever.. newsflash one day the bank or government or sun will just take it from you.. permanent wealth is in the estate, all these mcmansions are worthless sinks destroying the bounty of the valuable land they scar

>> No.58330411

I got lucky and love my job and the field it’s in, even if it’s full of psychopaths. The parts I hate I cope by telling myself one day I’ll have saved up enough to run my own business, and then I just have to put the right people in place and chill.

>> No.58330437

>no other way
you have the imagination of a shit skin and you have to go back

>> No.58330442

>run my own business
You mean soaking up millions of dollars in government contracts for furry porn and paying yourself 200k out of it?

>> No.58330443 [DELETED] 
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Thinking about stopping going to work.
I've been working there for years now but I think it might be time to stop soon. It just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's not really helping me in any way. I don't get any benefits, hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people and it's barely enough money at the end of the month. I'm not getting any joy out of it anymore like I used to. It also eats up too much of my time.

So yeah after waging for many years, on and off I admit, it might be time to finally call it quits and move on with my life, so my new years resolution was to quit work and just fuck everything. I won't be paying any more bills, taxes, utilities, fines, groceries or any other financial obligations. Just not going to participate anymore that's all.

>> No.58330467

>hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people
Knowing people is worthless
The job will only help you with gold digger tier whores, what women really want is a gorilla looking free man who looks like a drug dealer but secretly has the manners of a saint.. all that matters is you have the loudest while deepest monkey screech

>> No.58330494

>How do people do this for their entire adult life
I'm 29, been working fulltime since finishing uni when I was 22. I took 1 day (one) to realize I need to get out of this system, holy fucking shit. I hope we see a solid new ath for eth so i can quit for good and never re-enter the slave force. My co-workers seem perfectly finde with the whole thing so I think it's me, not the system. Anyways, good luck bros.

>> No.58330514

Yeah, I didn't say all. It isn't necessarily all luck though. You can do things like recognizing red flags at interviews and job hop until you find one that pays sufficiently and isn't too hard.

>> No.58330712

Yes, definitely you have some agency here. But only some. It's very hard to interview when you have to pull 13 hour days, especially at random. It's also very hard to job hop when your response rate is 0.1% due to an economic downturn. Similarly, if you see the same red flags in all companies that call you back, you're probably not jumping too soon.
But all you need is one (1) good opportunity.

>> No.58330814
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Eastern europe, and its not cheap its gonna cost me about 500k euro all in all.
But im basically gonna be in indentured service to the banks for years to come… good times

>> No.58330850

you have the imagination of a women
>why don't we all stop working haha
>when no one works everything will be free:)

>> No.58331289

>2. the 20 something year-olds, who are convinced that their few thousands in crypto are a sensible financial plan. Pro tip, every generation of the last few before you had some speculative mania or gambling that was luring in suckers, hoping for easy money. Most stayed poor or worse.

I feel attacked.

Well, 3x gains over 4 years is still better than some boomer IRA. Fight me fag.

>> No.58331508

What is so hard to understand?
I know someone who did their yearly salary for a night at a casino.
Doesn't change the fact that it is extremely dumb to gamble and make it your livelihood.
Same with crypto - most player are bound to lose.

>> No.58331520


I use my good boy points to buy shelter and food.

>> No.58331924

>nice gay blog, what was even your point
Anon, it's at the end of the gay blog. Just keep reading.
Don't ruin it for him lol
>is beyond my understanding
Do you often attack things you don't understand?

>> No.58331961

>open family business, fuck prostitute, ???, profit?
Heheh I like you. That's not quite what I was going for but it's interesting seeing what people take away. If I had to condense it to one sentence like that it would be
>make your choices work for you, living life is a process, you have more freedom than you realize
What are you willing to sacrifice in order to profit?

>> No.58331994

> "do the white collar shit or die"
Unironically... no. You drive past homeless people on your way to work who aren't white collaring and they're still alive. Are you willing to live in a tent donated to you for free? I'm not saying you should, but you all build your own prison and then claim you have to live in it.

No you don't. You just have to be willing to sacrifice for what's important to you. You have a choice.

>> No.58332063

No shit, that's why you rotate crypto gains into HYSAs and TradFi shit once you earnt a considerable amount.

Point is, it's near impossible for you to be down during an entire bull run. You are in profit for at least SOME of it. You just have to be realistic and take your gains, not getting too greedy. Every losing trade has a winner as well.

I've already made 2x with my crypto portfolio in less than 2 years with some shitcoins being 30x up. Once it gets to 10x, I'll rotate it out, and just take interest from it. Will it be enough to retire on? Fuck no. But it sure beats "hurr durr, wage, and count pennies so I can be 20% better off in 5 years".

>> No.58332071
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>Times will get better
>Just start a business

>> No.58332117
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17 days until the next holiday, it's truly over.

>> No.58332454
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>What are you willing to sacrifice in order to profit?
Nothing of any value. If only there was something that was worth precisely zero dollars...

>> No.58332799

First day of the week and i already wanted to blow my brains out. I hate socializing and i hate waging.

>> No.58333356
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I don't really mind the waging (yet, we'll see) I just wish they weren't 40 hours a week. Getting 2 hours every day or a full day off would go a long way

>> No.58333379

i make 75k as a WFHcel. It's okay. I could be making more i feel. I'm definitely in a dead end position as a mechanical engineer, but I feel like anything else I do is gonna be about the same pay to start with and require in person work. I'm honestly not sure what to do atm.

>> No.58333383

the kicker is what i do isn't really building any experience for me as an engineer so that's what my real hangup is lmao

>> No.58333681

They literally don't make it 3 years
they literally freeze to death one day

>> No.58333706

From your situation it seems that what you do in the little bit of free time you have is very important to your overall life gains. It seems like your day job is just your funding source... so you'll have to do something in your free time that's closer to what you want. Then, once you find a hobby that works for you, you can use it to change your daily job whether that's by making enough money from it to quit your day job or using your hobby to gain enough experience to modify your day job into something better.

>> No.58333725

So from what you're saying, you value:
>Living longer than 3 years
>Not freezing to death
OK that's great; I value those things too. But you know what that is? Your. Choice. The homeless people are making different choices and have different challenges.

Are you trying to pretend that your choice to white collar is not a choice? That it is literally life or death that you.... go work in an office?
> "do the white collar shit or die"

>> No.58333827

You might be right, but I don't think I'm pursuing too much in my free time that is really something I'd monetize in any meaningfl way. I should consider changing that and invest more in my "money making" aspects. I've got the brain power and time I bet to become a better investor. I should maybe consider pursuing that on the side.

I figured I'd take some time and learn to program though, since an engineer type that can program is probably gonna continue to be valuable

>> No.58333863
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start my first job tomorrow. wish me luck bros

>> No.58333882
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only started about 6 months back and i feel like its been centuries. man i feel fucked up already.
how do these teenagers flaunt money on the internet and i can barely pay for my next meal.

Help me here guys

>> No.58333905
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Have you heard about Cryptocurrency?

>> No.58333999
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Shh, he must not taste the forbidden fruit.

>> No.58334160

at least you dont have to warm up your car now that its Spring. Right, wagey? Or are you a train taking wagey? HAHA WAGEY

>> No.58334170
File: 69 KB, 1106x1012, 1630795997044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will the corrupt establishment with their banks and investment companies knee deep in crypto bags already, sell their bags to? The normalfag.

You WILL buy my bags. At significant mark-up.

>> No.58334181

you can participate in Nuklai's price prediction campaign where the winner is rewarded 1BTC..
good luck with that

>> No.58334216

it can make or break you..........

>> No.58334222

It's so lucky to be a WFH tech wagie. Literally one step away from making it. I'm also a wfh tech wagie and actually enjoy my work. Sometimes I fuck my gf and continually question how I ever was able to stomach the commute before. Although I can say that I earned this, I know many people who work harder than me and really feel sorry for them.

>> No.58334596

>dying is living if it's by one microsecond
Go be retarded somewhere else please thank you

>> No.58334636
File: 25 KB, 663x118, Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 6.18.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I just got the job... I'm going to work like a dog but I'll be getting paid. All the work is paying off...

>> No.58334687

Same. Work makes time go by so slowly and painfully. Investing 85% percent of my paychecks into crypto for the dream of a better future is the only thing that pushes me through it.

>> No.58334902
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most people arent capable at investing and just go with some fund. they are reliant on the paycheck to keep life stable which is all they want eventually. being unemployed made me understand their side a bit better. i was getting nervous about no income and worried id be bankrupt.

>> No.58334938

This is essentially what I've been doing for the past 6 years. My NW is currently just over $2 mil and I might hit my goal of $3.5 mil by the end of 2025.
What are you gonna do with your time after you quit working?

>> No.58335202

Well that's a bit extreme!

>> No.58335421


>> No.58335569

how do i find a job like this? i need extra money to dump into coins

>> No.58336318

There are a bunch of services out there like dataannotate, superannotate, I think prolific also does this, and so on. But it's extremely competitive for entry and generally they just randomly selects who gets in and not.

>> No.58336443

>wagie gets delivery app order
>wagie arrives at apartment
>despite a simple layout and property map, wagie choses to deliver to a random door and omit the number in the picture guaranteeing a refund
many such cases

>> No.58336605

thnx m8

>> No.58336613
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>> No.58336652

Better than waging.
t. son who did that type of shit 10hrs every day with dad for $100/day

>> No.58336792

This is exactly my workplace. I dont do shit but so many of my coworkers work 10 hour days and all weekend but only get paid maybe 20% more than i do. It doesnt make any sense. What kind of retard actually grinds at work the entire day. They actually ask for more work and do the fake socializing shit in the office. Wtf? Meanwhile i started multiple businesses dyribg this time and doubled my income this year. 80% passive.

>> No.58336905


I can't do it either, OP. I just wanna make it off crypto (6 figure hell) I have zero interest in my job anymore.

>> No.58337198

did your dad get paid more or the same as you?

>> No.58337414

He ran the farm and I have no clue of his monetary situation. But free housing and $100/day is damn nice.

>> No.58337490

will go back and read through this entire through but just need to get a quick blogpost off my chest. the. im starting to actually lose my self this time, the past 4 ish months at my job have been so stressful and im about to fucking crack. been working a lot of overtime and just have no time to actually enjoy anything. im tired, bros. i either need to find a solution or just find a new job entirely.

>> No.58337769

If I didn't have kids I probably would work 7 days a week, clock an early retirement at 55 or so

>> No.58337826

That's a good question. My number one goal is to escape the wage cage and that's what I devote myself to. If I achieve that, I guess my next goal would be to cure my autism, or at least mask it. If I have time and wealth I can travel the world and pursue my hobbies to the fullest, then I'll be such an interesting person that no one will know I'm an autistic weirdo.

>> No.58337880

Lol you've 100% described my mid to late 20s. You don't need to wait until you're wealthy to travel.

>> No.58337900

You're gonna have 4 days off in that time

>> No.58337958

Hopefully that means I'll make it too. I know I don't have to be wealthy to travel, but I honestly just can't stomach not buying crypto with even 500 dollars. Not until we reach peak bull at least.

>> No.58338261

well, i'm not investing everything into crypto but im earning some change by the side. especiallly from Hydro where i monetized my contents without ads.

>> No.58338321

Crypto is also like a side gig for me. i love opportunities like these but i have built all my life around my work and i dont see myself leaving it anytime soon.

>> No.58338367 [DELETED] 
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>$4chan the real legit book of memes
>better utility then uniswap and chainlink KEK
>$9m mc
>7700 hodlrs
>gained 1000 new holdrs last 7 dayz

I know /biz bros all love larping as plebbits using 4chan memes and derivatives forever being broke fucking jannies but heres your billion mc token do your research on it fuck heads

>> No.58338612

Good luck being a terminally online manchild riding the wave till your parents are dead, warrior. Even if you don't even have a spec of self worth you must realize this will happen sometime.

>> No.58338626

Agreed for the most part, but some wagie job activities like interacting with retards are more mental exhausting than what the average highly educated worker deals with.

>> No.58338632

No, I do it because I need food and a roof over my head. Make no mistake, I fully acknowledge that waging is suffering.

>> No.58338648

I rather not have my head ripped off by a crocodile because I wanted a drink, or freeze to death because it won’t stop raining, or have my kids murdered because a bigger man wanted to rape my wife.

The main problem with waging is how much time it takes from your personal life and how expensive housing has become. Give me decent place to live and let me work no more than 3 days a week and I’ll work behind a desk until I die.

>> No.58338658

In gym right now (wfh gov advanced specialist employee)

>> No.58338661

Advanced specialists in what?

>> No.58339725

In fucking your mom faggot, not gonna let ppl dox my comfy shit

>> No.58340123


>busy season

wtf are you doing bro. go into a comfy corporate job

>> No.58340185

That doesn't work with 10 billion squatters.
Only way the ZOG keeps expanding the base of goyim consumers is with mechanized high intensity agriculture.

>> No.58340304

they have sugar daddies that give them money

>> No.58340316

>only started about 6 months back and i feel like its been centuries. man i feel fucked up already.
it's worse when time feels like it goes by faster than it should. I worked for 3 years at my current job but it feels like it's been 6 months. Doing the same thing everyday makes time go too fast

>> No.58340321
File: 136 KB, 255x255, soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well guys I'm off to my wage slave job

I will be 30 minutes late, once again

>> No.58340371

>30 minutes late constantly
You too?

>> No.58341127

Why are black people allowed to drop the standard so low? At my job we are not allowed to have background noise and yet every fucking black has music playing in the background so often management just lets it go due to all of them doing it. Also, we are supposed to be on camera in team meeting and every single black gets a pass due to all of them disobeying the camera rules and even when they go on camera it’s only their fucking forehead even tho the rules specifically state that is not allowed. Why are blacks allowed every fucking handicap? Sick of these fucks

>> No.58341133

It’s because you get use to it over time. I work from home so it really doesn’t bother me but if I had to go into an office I would simply quit. I can’t deal with minorities or NPCs

>> No.58341160


I’m in my mid 40s and I have worked a grand total of less than 5 years in my life. There are ways.

>> No.58341284

The worst part it's the void of waiting for the time to pass , jut standing there in the workplace waiting for the time to go, the other is dealing with coworkers , people that you don't identify with and it's a forced situation because all are there for the money and nothing else

>> No.58341308

Can I get a hint. I've been treated like a nigger at every job I've worked at.

>> No.58341326

yes but I chill in my home office and play video games

>> No.58341376

certificates and then what? how to escape the 9to5?

>> No.58341387

This is 100% me

>> No.58341393

Get diagnosed with some bullshit and collect gibs it’s literally that easy but you’re fucked at that point as well because you’re on a fixed income like a boomer

>> No.58341413

Get debt free then work seasonally for contractors
Take 6months off a year and thank me later

>> No.58341421

I remember when I was a kid I was determined to always do what I enjoy, have hobbies, live where I want, and not wind up trapped in the waging prison. Now I kind of hate pokemon for leading me to believe I could make more of my life.

Are you me?

You're playing life wrong if you're trying to make things more miserable just to make the first misery more tolerable.

>> No.58341422

I’m 100% WFH lmao if they even try to “‘majority WFH” I’ll quit. Fuck that hybrid garbage scam shit

>> No.58341431

I've got a work-from-home job where I barely work 2 hours a day and get paid as a full time employee.

>> No.58341448

Jesus, did you work for Amazon?

>> No.58341524

Because they're literally too stupid to do better, and it's illegal for an employer to act in any way that acknowledges this fact, even indirectly. If you discipline/fire a bunch of niggers for breaking those rules then a judge will tell you the rules are racist and make you give them a huge payout.

>> No.58341543

Instead of complaining about them forcing less slave tier work condition just act a nig too and profit. If anyone asks you identify as black

>> No.58341692

I quit a wfh job last year because my piece of shit coworker kept dumping everything on me and I ended up constantly working unpaid overtime (because fuck you: you're salary and wfh) I'm too autistic to do a bad job. I either do it right, or not at all. My prior jobs were essentially: go drive a couple hours, bring people food, take inventory, and tell nigger jokes. They paid way more too, so I figured I'd go back. Then after actually talking with the first HR cunt I decided, I didn't want to do that either because I hate working for people. I hate playing the game and going to meetings and listening to dumb people's opinions and pretending to care, laughing at bosses jokes, trying to keep my mouth shut about how abysmally horrible everyone is at their jobs, etc...It literally sucks my energy. Now I trade shitcoins and hopefully, by the end of this year, I can pay off all my debts and never worry about working for someone else again. Some of us just aren't cut out for the social mores of modern society.

>> No.58341926

>I hate playing the game and going to meetings and listening to dumb people's opinions and pretending to care, laughing at bosses jokes, trying to keep my mouth shut about how abysmally horrible everyone is at their jobs, etc...It literally sucks my energy.
This. It fucking causes psychic pain to have to deal with this shit. It physically hurts my brain.
>Some of us just aren't cut out for the social mores of modern society.
Amen to that, brother.
>Now I trade shitcoins and hopefully, by the end of this year, I can pay off all my debts and never worry about working for someone else again.
Happy for you. Would you mind redpilling me on tools to trade shitcoins and generally how even to make money? I've been around for a good while but still haven't figured out how to be revenue positive from it. What do you do?
Godspeed, anon.

>> No.58341993
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So, am I crazy, or is the entire engineering profession a midwit trap? This industry is so much more complicated than, say, Healthcare, for example. And yet, it is much less remunerated. Why? Are engineers mostly just suckers who trade their employers their excess value in exchange for a steady low paycheck?
I'm unironically considering going to work for a municipality to make the same money for less work. What the fuck is going on in clown world? Do I need to jump to capital project management? I know senior guys who make $140k, and yet are responsible for $3m-$4m dollars of annual company revenue. What gives? Why can't I get a piece of that, huh?

>> No.58342010

The one time chinks knew something.

>> No.58342464

I swear they are, they set the standard so low and it’s not just 1 or 2 of them it’s literally every single one of them who constantly fucks off and does not care at all. They are truly pathetic
How can you disregard rules and act like everything is fine? I don’t wanna get fired for acting like them

>> No.58342477

I hear you. I deal with tons of incompetent niggers at this WFH job. They don’t want to take calls and try to shove it off on you. But I refuse to commute so it’s a necessary evil

>> No.58342513

The politics of a wfh job are definitely amplified. I can’t stand hearing NPC opinions either. In team meeting “anon why are you so quiet” it’s like idk maybe I don’t relate to a bunch of women, niggers and nigger women. Maybe I secretly hate all of you dark monkeys with a flaming passion. But I just keep quiet

>> No.58342804

I've been a biz tourist honestly, so I can't speak as a vet with a lot of knowledge. I popped in during the past few bullruns and bought little bags of shit, some good, some bad. I did learn though lol. I spent all my shib gains on more crap right at the 21 peak and lost a lot/still bagholding some stuff.

The advice I can give you is to find something you're interested in/drawn to. Doesn't matter if it's some small network/L2, futures trading, defi liquidity, etc...focusing on one particular area is always more profitable than trying to shotgun money everywhere and hoping something takes off. I've been hyperfocused on base the past 2 months and, even rn with everything down I'm up about 7-8x on my base wallet overall because I researched and bought good projects early. I still buy little bags of bullshit on base for quick gains but, after a little while you get better at kinda feeling how a shitcoin will do and it gets easier to pull profits consistently. The tools I use mostly are: dexscreener, basescan, and tokensniffer. I pour through the order books and wallets and look for patterns/whale movements. You gotta find your own niche though. There are loads of different ways. Best of luck fren.

>> No.58342932
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>did retail and food for 7 years while in college
>finally graduate and get a comfier white collar job
>still hate working
>save diligently
>enter 6 figure hell
>still have at least another 15 years of this if not longer

I hate working. I hate having to get up every day and pretend like the shit I do matters. Im just the janitor of digital slop that does nothing but create more work (Email admin).

>> No.58342993

I made the mistake of thinking I could avoid most office politics by working from home and avoiding meetings. That backfired brutally when my one coworker (who DID want to play the game) was blaming his own fuckuos on me and taking advantage of the fact that I'd fix other people's work. I legit thought I was doing the right thing, even if they were taking advantage of me a little, until I found out what he'd been doing and the work became too much. I confronted him, he evaded, I spoke out, was threatened, and let them keep threatening me. I forwarded everything to my personal email and then quit lol.

Motherfuckers are terrified I'm gonna file a labor suit. They gave me sports tickets when I left and paid my unused vacation time when though I wasn't supposed to get ut. I even got a Christmas bonus direct deposited in December. I quit in September lol. I probably should sue but, fuck em. I don't need those people or their money. I'm happy to keep making my own way in life. I loathe that crab in a bucket mentality. It's just no way to live.

>> No.58343099

Thank you for your reply, anon. Best of luck to you.

>> No.58343101

I stopped working for another person earlier this year and it has been the best decision that I made for myself.
I now run a blog which I'm monetizing via Adsense and Hydro Online

>> No.58343184

Sometimes I start working too hard and then I remember how those fuckers tried to force vaccinate me so I come here to shitpost and blow off steam about it.

>> No.58343229

YW, If you go through the archives, you'll see the same story: I hit 6 figures, 7 figures, finally made it etc...and it's almost always on just a few tokens or particular strategy. The legit anons who made it before us are not shy about explaining that. Find your niche, think longer term (like months instead of days), trade with conviction, and don't spread yourself too thin.

>> No.58343261

Seeing a good number of people now switching to hydro, I think I'm also going to give it a look

>> No.58343326

Do you think it makes sense to stick with three coins at 6 fig hell or should I consolidate into the one with the most conviction and just watch that one like a hawk? I work from home, so all I do is keep up with my coins anyway

>> No.58343339

What kind of blog is it and how much does adsense pay?

>> No.58343493

buy $colony

quit wasting your time on $power

>> No.58343891

Depends on the coins and what you believe will happen in a given timeframe. I'm heavy on Ondo and keep DCA ing into it. It's one of my 3 big coins im bullish on rn and I've been buying it since .25. I've got a conservative estimate of roughly 5x the from current price and I'm extremely hopeful it hits $10. I plan to take profits or cash out in October/November depending on the market at that time. You'll need to figure out which coins you hold will produce x amount of return and make your own decisions, but the overall strategy of consolidation into several better projects seem to be the best potential for growth. Remember that anon who bought small bags of every dog coin during the last bullrun and would post the Excel sheet of them? It was like 25+ tokens. I think he hit 5mil at one point, but he ended up taking much less than a mil in profit. If he'd had rolled much of those shitxoin profits into better stuff, even before they peaked, I garuntee he would've been able to cash out more, and easier too. Less price impact or concerns of liquidity etc...

If you don't have time to actively manage shit, then just find a few good tokens and DCA into them. Many anons have made it that way and I wish I would've done that years ago myself. I personally think this bullrun is gonna be crazy for top tier alts and anyone holding a few winners will be rewarded greatly.

>> No.58344136

I work as a firefighter and do fuck all all day.
I make poverty wage though and I have no options to move though so i think it's even worse then before.
I can never come back to normal life because i'm almost 40 and Either i was doing shitjobs/unemployed or latest work as a fireman. All of those are not real jobs. But I'm hate my life anyway...I don't know what to do about it. I never knew. I'm getting old and it's getting worse.

>> No.58344180

Use your downtime to skill into a job that actually pays. If you like fucking around and thinking about whatever you want all day then I recommend Linux sysadmin.

>> No.58344200
File: 52 KB, 500x379, a0320d06d9f6ecea6ccef46eabd6a95c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good little slaves. Continue to toil for your masters and insult me to preserve with your ego. Looks like the indoctrination worked on you.

>> No.58344677
File: 42 KB, 412x412, 1639601750261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i realize most of you have a clear path on life while im still a wagecuck that faps to the unreleased characters of gravity labs and plays idle rpgs

>> No.58345256

The IT path? I'm a foreigner and trully have no idea on how to make it to the USA, specially with this job market.

>> No.58345446

>hunting and gathering bandwidth to shitpost on /biz/
Choose 1

>> No.58345520

>start working for a company
>hiring manager tells me my starting wage is $24
>this puts me instantly in the top paid employees in my department over people who have been here for years
>have to lie about my wage to coworkers or else they'll hate me
>already getting paid slightly less than the overworked manager

>> No.58345542
File: 52 KB, 714x892, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished my first day. wasnt that bad. I dont know why you guys bitch so much

>> No.58346135

You'll find out in 3-4 weeks.

>> No.58346365
File: 192 KB, 674x859, 1666734493134663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we'll see in due time but that has been lingering in the back of my mind

>> No.58346558

wagie mindset

>> No.58346618

Most people are scared of working for themselves

>> No.58346640

Don't know, haven't worked a real job since 2013.

>> No.58346694

Any wagies here experienced in double dipping? I am considering taking a second fulltime remote job. My first one only requires 10 hours a week. I can likely double my salary if I play my cards right. Anyone have any experience with this?

>> No.58347830

We are about to fire a guy for doing this. So I guess my advice is don't suck at it and assume people are more perceptive than you think they are.

>> No.58347887
File: 208 KB, 652x762, 1684274856270904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witnessed and holy trinity pilled

>those digits

>> No.58348167

Yep been doing it for over a year. The money is killer. Love every minute of it

>> No.58348177

they've started giving me way more work without increasing my pay. But I'm a remote wagie, and beforehand my workload was so light that I frequently took 3+ hour naps during the day, or just got high or something all day. So, I no longer worry about getting fired (before this I was amazed I had hardly any work to do), but now my work from home job isn't quite as comfy

>> No.58349851

Adult anon any advice for a soon to be white collar wagie in consulting, basically Bain but in Urope.
Also does anyone know how much I'm supposed to be making as first year consultant? Currently my "graduate program" pays 50k euro but I fear I'll be at 60k full time

>> No.58350215

breaking into the consulting gig is spending years under your bosses desk sucking his cock for shit pay. if you hold out on the hazing for long enough then you can apply for those "need 5-10yrs+ experience" jobs to actually earn some money

>> No.58350613

Are you in germany? 50-60k is extremely high for straight ouf of school in other countries.

>> No.58350824


please tell me your ways. I have a measly 30k in crypto and I try to think about at what portfolio worth I could cash out and live with free time.

how do you manage the 800k to live your lifestyle? dividends? pulling out only when necessary?

>> No.58350932

>>Part 3
>Scooter Batman
this sounds chill as fuck. Thanks for posting.

>> No.58350970

I enjoyed reading it. It's nice to hear different perspectives and read about different experiences in life. No idea why it triggers you so much to whine about it twice.