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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58318839 No.58318839 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58318849

wen 1 billy

>> No.58318870
File: 24 KB, 200x159, 1622898238655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58318875

wagmi frens

>> No.58318882 [DELETED] 

Why do previous threads get deleted lol.

They must be wanted entry before we rocket to 200m

>> No.58318890

After halving?

>> No.58318904

Too right

>> No.58318905

10 bil

>> No.58318910

shitcoin will rug
Dev team owns multiple of wallets with billions of apu.
5G = Palladius or a founding member around him
Telegram is full of gay reddit-tier retarded fags that should get the rope
>inb4 stay sidelined
I myself sniped a nice stack of a few hundred million for like nothing so I couldn't care less what happens lol

>> No.58318920

Already been rugged previously, the Community has got it to this point currently. Back your chat and show us the hundred milly then anon

>> No.58318927

the community is owned by the founding rug team you utter retard

>> No.58318933

Ok, don't forget to post this multiple times in every Apu thread. Still not selling though. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.58318939
File: 15 KB, 480x480, 1531508565141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know many people usually exaggerate their profit targets, but I am genuinely not going to take a single dollar in profit until the market cap reaches 3 billion. I will hold through every single major correction on the way up. We are at the very cusp of the bullrun with more than half a year to go and a lot of garbage memes already have billion dollar market caps so we are going to get there

>> No.58318946


>> No.58318953

ok 5G now back to your telegram to post some cringy posts

>> No.58318965
File: 42 KB, 715x720, IMG_3362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sirs when 0.01 my dear child is hungry

>> No.58318976

When is the Kraken listing so that I can transfer my bags from uniswap and dump

>> No.58318985

kek im not 5g and i dont use telegram niggerfaggot
that shits for 3rd worlders
now please proceed to spew endless amounts of seethe and cope

>> No.58318989


What chain is this shit even on

>> No.58319016 [DELETED] 


>> No.58319019


Eth my fren


>> No.58319140
File: 222 KB, 640x655, 48d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.01 cent is programmed

>> No.58319163

what are the usual stages for shitcoin marketcaps? Like do coins usually dump at 200m? or pump from 300m-500m rapidly? Is it always different for every coin?

>> No.58319185

why you so gay
shit will rug....you bought though
gay shut up

>> No.58319189

>Would need a 15bil MC for my apu to be make it money.
Frens, I know we can do it!

>> No.58319205

is a sell signal

>> No.58319220
File: 139 KB, 720x720, 171172264422161451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhhh pooos
did your chart run out of momentum?
it’s going down
take your profits while you can

>> No.58319222

then sell, pussy

>> No.58319229

How do you guys find these early ? :(

>> No.58319242

Could you write using "~" for the next posts?
I need to cum faster whenever I read your fuds.

>> No.58319276

Airdrop me your bags, then.

>> No.58319504


Our good luck charm has arrived

>> No.58319517
File: 6 KB, 231x232, numbergoup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek still retarded i see

>> No.58319521

after your post it jumped up in price, keep posting I want another new ATH

>> No.58319531
File: 359 KB, 1660x1323, apu-buzz-lightyear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58319533

and we broke ATH again maybe your fud really is lucky

>> No.58319535


>> No.58319547

APU is poised to rip through 100M mcap. This token is worth 200-500M mcap from the way people are holding.

>> No.58319551

you skipped 17
and there's no text in the OP

>> No.58319560

Janjan deleted #17.
Some LINU seethers mass reported the thread.

>> No.58319564

We’ve been hearing this since like 10M Mc. Get fucked retard

>> No.58319576
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>> No.58319587

>retarded chainlink satanist dumping in dozens of ether at 150m mcap

>> No.58319606
File: 214 KB, 1405x882, Image 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is that fucker doing

>> No.58319610
File: 23 KB, 225x225, 171172606564381035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the poos really have lost their marbles
they think their pepe ripoff is going to do more than double top and then dump back to preico prices

>> No.58319615
File: 101 KB, 500x397, 1506108902506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna try and swing and re-accumulate once this pump ends. wish me luck.

>> No.58319621


>> No.58319624

there's a mevbot raping people, I guess he figures he'll lose less to swap fees. but he'll lose it all anyway swapping for this garbage lmao

>> No.58319627

don't swing with too much of your stack
I tried putting 5m into squid last night thinking it could 2x over night cause of the marketcap difference but it went down and Apu just kept pumping
so I am 5m poorer now

>> No.58319645

Alright, you made me ape in. Don't dump on me now.

>> No.58319657


>> No.58319664
File: 5 KB, 178x162, shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going to dump so hard

>> No.58319672

you fucking fudniggers jewed me out of $85,000. I seriously hope you get ass cancer. Faggot. I should've listened to the frens and stayed comfy.

>> No.58319677


>> No.58319684
File: 84 KB, 1027x324, chad fad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait anon the apu chart is literally the chad fad

>> No.58319688

Tranime fag is back everyone! 1bil is inevitable with tranime FUD!!

>> No.58319712

>the poos really have lost their marbles
since you started fudding the price has gone up more than 300%
but you still keep fudding even though you keep being wrong over and over again
>double top
TA on a 27 day old memecoin truly tranny logic
almost as bad as thinking cutting your dick off makes you a woman

>> No.58319728

>swinging a vertical line up

>> No.58319740

Im at the edge of my seat apu bros its happening

>> No.58319751

I masturbate to your posts.
Please post more.

>> No.58319784

pump cycle looks relatively stable, im thinking we'll see roughly a 20% dip, maybe to like 0.0003110+/- then the pump will resume to next ath.

>> No.58319803

Where is the Palladius data dump the team promised or do we love Palladius now again?

>> No.58319815

In the blockchain.
You can read Etherscan.. do you?

>> No.58319818

The way I feel when I play on Dplay, only I don’t blink kek

>> No.58319866


They posted his personal telegram on apy announcements page but then deleted it a bit after. Hope that means he wised up and is discussing with the team how to responsibly get rid of his tokens

>> No.58319901

If Palladius is smart I guess he’d see how either burning or selling only a part of his stack would be a win win situation for everyone involved. He doesn’t get angry autists on his back for the rest of his life and also gets some money while helping the community. The jeet can be absolved from his sins if he uses his brain.

>> No.58319911

Damn I haven't seen this meme in a few years.
Wasn't this originally about Ampleforth?

>> No.58320051

1. Jeet has no brain
2. The angry autists will do fucking nothing, the average /biz/reali is a neet who can hardly even say hi to the cashier at his local store
3. Helping the community is a meme, its all about making money in the easiest and fastest way possible

>> No.58320138


>> No.58320154 [DELETED] 

No brakes on this rape train

>> No.58320246
File: 183 KB, 220x124, 171228876874455760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tick tock

>> No.58320258

Buy singal

>> No.58320268

Fuck somebody sold 45k

>> No.58320293

based I can get some slurpies when I get home in an hour

>> No.58320330
File: 39 KB, 650x323, raiders-of-the-lost-ark-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a mf'ing oracle btw

>> No.58320338

Please keep the price navigating these levels for another four days so I can buy cheapies.

>> No.58320341

Fuckfuckfuck he dumped another 45k

>> No.58320359
File: 29 KB, 713x559, IMG_20240407_183201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Apu there's two of them

>> No.58320364


>> No.58320377
File: 21 KB, 225x225, 171241639085958254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the bottom i wonder

>> No.58320381

You are the seller aint you

>> No.58320387

gecko seriously needs to delist the scam one. It keeps stealing people's money.

>> No.58320393
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 171225713980321401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that implies i hold apu
but no im not little poo

>> No.58320397


>> No.58320403

why are all of your images so small

>> No.58320404

Stop fudding my investment you prick

>> No.58320413
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 171237206371574324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a saying anon
you have to piss with the cock you got

>> No.58320420

Too much investment to fud, of course you hold this coin

>> No.58320422

what do you hold?
I think you might be onto something. Might cop unironically a bag of whatever you deem worthy

>> No.58320434

Why do I feel like this is the top?

>> No.58320436

Why bother baiting him when he is a linucuck

>> No.58320437

uhh apu bros why are we dumping

>> No.58320451

>1. Jeet has no brain
He does. The fact that he’s a bad actor with paper hands doesn't mean that he cannot understand a win win situation. Give him a way out in which he can win and he’ll take it.

>2. The angry autists will do fucking nothing, the average /biz/reali is a neet who can hardly even say hi to the cashier at his local store
There lies the power of the anon. Neet + chronically online is a powerful combination. Don’t underestimate people that due to being outcast by their peers in their youth, have acquired knowledge previously available only to top military leaders.

>3. Helping the community is a meme, its all about making money in the easiest and fastest way possible
Correct. Doing the right thing is ironically the fastest way to make money in crypto while helping most of holders get wealthy.

Apu’s distributions is not something you see very often. Making a lot of money for most holders is better than making a shitload of money only for 1% of the whales.

The dev can either TRY to dump his stack and risk persecution or accept a deal that will make him rich and absolve his sins.

The choice is obvious.

>> No.58320453

Not your bro linucuck

>> No.58320476

One bizlet that bought 2b during the rug is dropping his spagetti, can you please dump the rest and fuck off. Thanks.

>> No.58320480

just shaking out the weak hands thats all

>> No.58320488


>> No.58320495

It's over...
I came.

>> No.58320508 [DELETED] 

whale dumping or something?

>> No.58320524

100m stablecoin

>> No.58320527

I specifically remember that guy losing his marbles here

>> No.58320532


>> No.58320553

uh, a discount

>> No.58320565

Kek baggies

>> No.58320571

I may be able to buy in 20 hours - what are the chances it doesn't pump till then?

>> No.58320573

that dip lasted 2 fucking minutes

>> No.58320574
File: 64 KB, 800x432, 171168809501910118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for such a “strong” community you guys sure are lacking slurpers
is it all of you have ran out of money?
or is it you ran out of fools?
i wonder

>> No.58320578

bought in march 25, still holding

>> No.58320579

guys I got fomo on a few different coins last night and used my apu gains to buy some bell, bapu and squid. I decided I hate checking all these different charts to swung them all back into Apu, increased my total stack by 3.6m
feels way comfier

>> No.58320580


>> No.58320584

Let him buy the most expensive noose on Earth with that money. Braindead people who can't figure out this is not a shitcoin on the ruglana chain and can't see in ten months from here don't deserve to make it.
All that money will be blown out on retarded things like a mansion and sports car, and then he'll live in misery again but surrounded of luxurious garbage.

Imagine selling two weeks before Halving officially occurs. This is the people you're trading against.

>> No.58320586

He is replying to himself

>> No.58320591


>> No.58320592
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 171196049402946647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i don’t think i will
someone is awfully testy right now
maybe take a nappy nap

>> No.58320596

Too early to slurp.
I have $30k waiting on the sidelines, but I won't buy before it dips to $50-60 million MC.

>> No.58320605


>> No.58320608

please stick around
we need you for this next leg up
could you fud a bit harder?

>> No.58320612

here's just one thing that is a bit unclear, can APU be listed on a good reputation CEX exchange when Dev and Team are anonymous?

>> No.58320658

Holding a modest 5mil APU. I’ve got $10k more to shovel into it but want to have the greatest positive impact for my fellow anons.

>> No.58320676


i mean anonymous 5G say only "trust the plan", but as i understand it, to get to for example Kraken exchange, need the project dev to prove his identity

MEXC is a very shady exchange, which lists any shitcoin as long as you pay them a fee

you can read online that MEXC is known to freeze their customer accounts and stealing peoples money

>> No.58320681
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by looks of it, apu has reached its peak. Its been crabbing for days, and apparently this is biz giving all they have, which clearly is not enough.
Its only a matter of time before the whales cash out and leave you all destitute. I predict a 2% chance this coin survives the next 48hours.
No, make that a probability of 1% at most.

>> No.58320691

Please have sex with me Ubel

>> No.58320696 [DELETED] 

>Exploding upwards

>> No.58320695

FUDdies going so hard today, they forget to switch IPs kek

>> No.58320699
File: 59 KB, 640x359, 171248674860526156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off L this is my gig

>> No.58320704

thx anon I sold all

>> No.58320705
File: 199 KB, 1580x767, crabpu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, the infamous climbing crab pattern, very scary

>> No.58320712 [DELETED] 

He's 330lbs and doesn't shower

>> No.58320719

phew looks like I managed to sell local top for once. Any good re-buy range apubros? Or should we buy shiba

>> No.58320746 [DELETED] 


>> No.58320754

Lol no

>> No.58320762 [DELETED] 

buy squidward coin, lotta Apu whales are buying big

>> No.58320767

How many BAPU APU and sht general? We need a gravity general

>> No.58320769
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>> No.58320778

Is this supposed to be some kind of stablecoin? Where is the action?

>> No.58320780

Bot scks

>> No.58320796


i think, many investors are afraid of another rug pull

>> No.58320814

This is the kind of people who keep telling you it's over while avatarfagging with anime pics.
Don't you fags have your own threads? Fuck off you parasites.

>> No.58320825 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1920x1080, 171179849037244313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i assure you anon i am only me in this thread

>> No.58320835 [DELETED] 
File: 600 KB, 1282x936, d82d29w-b18b6d3a-ca0c-46b4-b407-51e189f02368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about being testy. Perhaps it's you that needs a 'nappy nap.'
Or are you just annoyed that I'm the only one that has cake?

>> No.58320856 [DELETED] 

anon asked a question, which I answered. Fuck off if you can’t handle seeing other ideas nigger we’re all just trying to get a bag here

>> No.58320866

And a new generation of sidelined frens is born.

>> No.58320867 [DELETED] 

It's a joke, anon.

>> No.58320886

A joke that made some autist drop his marbles and dump a 2bn bag.

>> No.58320897

I bought that dip
also the pepe shills on x are some of the cringiest faggots I've ever encountered
they are desperately convinced that apu is pepe and won't be swayed despite ample evidence
truly shameful

>> No.58320909

It was a delectable dip.

>> No.58320922

looks like fake pump

you can watch in dexscreener that same wallets sell and buy all the time

>> No.58320925

Got a link

>> No.58320934

I just bought that dip and am up 10% already haha, get fucked fudds

>> No.58320938


one of many such cases

yeah that's been going on from the beginning, with that logic they've all been fake pumps, the last 100x haha

>> No.58320967 [DELETED] 

it’s a fucking memecoin not the nasdaq retard

>> No.58320970
File: 13 KB, 252x252, 151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAaaaaand we're back

>> No.58320994
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>they've all been fake pumps, the last 100x haha

>> No.58321007

holy shit that is some concentrated cringe right there
fucking embarrassing that he cant even do a simple google search

>> No.58321025

> crabbing for days
> blows past $100m and green candles to $130m and then $150m

What's with these fudders? Are they just jeets trying to get people to move liquidity into their rugs?

>> No.58321028

Friends, I hold

>> No.58321043

Holy shit, the average crypto investor. At this point I can't even tell if he is trolling or that delusional.

>> No.58321070

The great purge, holy shit.

>> No.58321077

can you refute without the use of irrelevant memes?

>> No.58321088
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is https://www.apucoin.com/ a legit website for this coin? like, suppose I brought Milions of apu via this coin, they are the REAL apu.... right.... right ??

>> No.58321093

You bought the scam.

>> No.58321108

You're talking to a person who thinks swingtraders are part of a conspiracy to trick people into buying Apu. Don't even bother

>> No.58321112

This is the real one fren

>> No.58321161

your site doesn't work

>> No.58321175
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, 140857bf522b7f18c56df166188d240c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a local top or a fakeout? I wanna buy slurpies
no, that's a scam


contract: 0x594daad7d77592a2b97b725a7ad59d7e188b5bfa

>> No.58321176
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x2520, 1712516203373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your browser is broken, fren.

>> No.58321188

Some weakoids got shaken out a few hours ago, but I have the feeling we'll have to fight our way through 100M to get higher.

>> No.58321241

I did have a dream that Apu became #2 ranked in MC under bitcoin, somehow consuming Eth's marketcap and in this wild and wacky world, I believe it is possible. Imagine BTC MC at 2T and Apu at 1T

>> No.58321266

Nah, that's impossible.
SHIB got #3 before the ETH whales got uppity and sent it back down.

>> No.58321271

anything is possible fren

>> No.58321277

No, Apucoin is the poor man’s version.

>> No.58321295

>#3 is possible

>> No.58321306

I wouldn't mind some consolidation around this area for a few days. I hate it when memecoins go up too fast. Impatient retards should be given some time to exit and replaced with fresh meat

>> No.58321361

Tell me you're joking anon

>> No.58321411

I'm not. I just swapped all my shit coins for the real deal apu coins
now I have like 500K apu coins, witch seems more realistic

>> No.58321437

lmao I knew it you're just a shill

no one is buying your bags

>> No.58321448

weird, i just checked way back machine to see how long their scam has been going on and their website predates apu.community, so their site was online before the community takeover?

>> No.58321471

Not joking.
I had fucking 700M fake apu coins
I swapped them for eth
then swapped eth for real apu again
Now I have 500K coins
no fucking lies here.

>> No.58321483

where did you find the site, coingecko?

>> No.58321508

the fake site was a fucking 4chan ad I clicked like a dumbass.
for the coingecko i suppose you are talking about one site another fren dropped.

>> No.58321515

sorry I couldnt tell if you mean apu apustaja coins or apucoin coins, hopefully the former

>> No.58321544

i saw the screenshot of your post on twitter that said you found it on coingecko

>> No.58321557

I brought 200 fucking $ worth of this https://www.apucoin.com/ site.
Frens says it is not the legit site.
I swap for https://apu.community

Now don't fucking tell me apu.community is not the real site or I'm really gonna flip

>> No.58321567

I don't have twitter.... not eveyone on the internets is the same person.

I maybe a dumbass, but i'm not ALL the dumbasses.

>> No.58321587

APUs coingecko site lead twitter account that say "This account doesn't exist", wtf is happening here

>> No.58321588
File: 33 KB, 436x539, 0caece867f8ab4df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apu.community is legit. That other one is trash!

>> No.58321614


you can check for yourself, click twitter, and its says, "This account doesn't exist"


is their twitter site deleted or what?

>> No.58321615

yes when the dev rugged and the community took over we updated the twitter and site but coingecko hasn't changed anything, they still are fudding us, haven't ranked us by mcap, haven't updated shit
trying to suppress the goodness

>> No.58321626

here is the twitter: https://twitter.com/ApusCoin
here is the website: apu.community
coingecko is being gay and slow or they need the original dev to update it, which won't happen

>> No.58321627

no you're good, my mistake and glad to have you on board fren

>> No.58321628

Just old link. Real twitter is @ApusCoin

>> No.58321630


so you think that Coingecko is fudding?

i thought that Coingecko is very legit

>> No.58321691
File: 27 KB, 680x380, PAJEEEETSUDAUIDIOTTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58321706

>CoinGecko sabotaging us
I swear, if Apu makes it to 1bn or even 10bn, this is gonna be the greatest comeback story in the history of crypto.

>> No.58321713

Coingecko is just waiting to make sure old dev is gone for good. Old dev could turn on his old site and regain coingecko/coinmarketcap links.

>> No.58321735

imagine the fomo once coingecko updates and actually places Apu in the mcap ranking
glorious days ahead guys
we aren't going anywhere

>> No.58321745

My word...
A new generation of baggies...
They don't even know the lore...
Enjoy the rug pull token...

>> No.58321768

Im from the future and in the year 2026 Apu becomes the largest crypto by marketcap, surpassing bitcoin. It becomes legal tender in the USA and other countries follow shortly there after. The worlds 500 richest people were all early Apu investors and /biz/ is now where serious investors come to discuss meme coin investment strategies. Also Elon bought 4chan.

>> No.58321811

yep it checks out

>> No.58321828

One things that brings attention to my eyes is that both BIRDDOG and ANDY are following APU very closely.
Could it be that APU is becoming the BTC of memecoins?

>> No.58321901

>coinmarketcap.com link to Twitter still sends you to a non-existent account page...

t. bought 5,5 mil today because of good memes and a nice-looking website, but could this maybe be fixed soon?...

>> No.58321954

I sure hope so, same with the coingecko links

>> No.58322107


Based time traveler anon

>> No.58322125

Both CMC and gecko are being ass about updating socials. The form's been submitted already.

>> No.58322293

Post Aura instead

>> No.58322313

>I predict a 2% chance this coin survives
everyone knows as soon as L mentions % he is instead already 95+% sure of it

>> No.58322544

I feel you. I think we're trading just fine at these levels. We just need people to focus their buys on MEXC and send them back to the blockchain, and hold them on MetaMask. Gotta rope these MEV swingies.

>> No.58322593

Anyone else here with over 1billion apu? This is unreal...

>> No.58322610

Close. I had 1.2. Got shook out to 500m then amped back to 900m. But I took $20k out so now I will got to dust. Dont GAF

>> No.58322660

Frens, is it even worth for this 35mil apu fren to throw 100usd or so a week to get more apu at this point? I know it wont get me much but I wouldnt mind more.

>> No.58322690
File: 187 KB, 961x732, apulmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders on /biz in absolute shambles. It's really true not everyone gets to make it, only the true believers.

>> No.58322693

10x is the minimum return

>> No.58322696
File: 114 KB, 1285x1015, Ct1fHMtXEAY_3X7.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short nigga but my dick tall
What I told your bitch dog
Only thug nigga down at the Pitchfork
Dirty van bitches wanna suck my dick off
Pop a Xanny for a penny, get to hit floor
Run up in this shit raw
I got a girl, I ain't never got no fuckin' condoms
If she caught me, then that bitch would be pissed off
Real nigga shit, Fergy be mobbing all day, prolly with Marty or Jay
Them my niggas from back in the day, Tarzan ain't showing his face
He prolly the one with the K, fronting then he letting it spray
Two shots to a bombaclat man, Shabba Ranks let it go to your brain
Front then he coming your way
Let the semi dump-dump then he coming your way
Dump when the bad man come, my yout don't romp with me
Coupe full of bad hoes, they all wanna come with me
You got a coupe with a sad hoe, 'cause she wanna come with me
Sha-Shabba Ranks, Sha-Sha-Shabba Ranks
Eight gold rings like I'm Sha-Shabba Ranks
Four gold chains like I'm Sha-Shabba Ranks
One gold tooth like I'm Sha-Shabba Ranks
Sha-shabba Ranks, Sha-Sha-Shabba Ranks
Eight gold rings like I'm Sha-Shabba Ranks
Two bad bitches like I'm Sha-Shabba Ranks
One gold tooth like I'm Sha-Shabba Ranks

>> No.58322703

Its about to pump brah. Bybit amd Kraken imminent. Do the math

>> No.58322721

Did any other APU holders wake up to find BAPU in their wallet? I have no idea where it came from. I'm sure I didn't buy any.

>> No.58322727
File: 27 KB, 289x289, sousou-no-frieren-ubel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart looks like its going to take a giant poo
im legit worried about your financial safety anons
why wont you listen?

>> No.58322732

I ran the numbers and 100usd only gets me 291k+ apu right now. Not sure if that is worth it in the long run.

I have like 28k of that in my cbw. I know they are doing airdrops but I am still weary so I have not done anything with it.

>> No.58322747

It won't dump as bad as my Linu investments. Nothing ever has. Take solace in that.

>> No.58322756

put in 1-10k then

>> No.58322757

I also have 28k. Must have been a drop.

>> No.58322766

If I had the finances to do that, I would...

>> No.58322803

Do what you will with this info, but some APU bros have been buying into SQUID and then transferring their earnings back over to APU.

I put in 250 Friday night and am up to like 1200. Probably will eventually swap it back over to APU.

>t. 80 milly APU holder

>> No.58322835

The airdrop is worth like 20 bucks now, you can use uniswap to swap it into eth or whatever without any risk. The only shit you have to be wary od are the "aidrops" that try to bait you into connecting to their website, these are the wallet drains.

>> No.58322849

I would throw into squid if I had the money, but I'm ultra poor. Hopefully my Apu and Doge gains will be enough to create a few sui stacks someday.

>> No.58322852

ok well youre going to get the highest reward for the lowest risk so you might as well put in anything you can

>> No.58322877

I figured as much. I would have gotten to 50mil or more but bills came in and ruined that for me. They all hit me when it started to pump like crazy.

>> No.58322894

What I am suggesting is to throw 100 USD into Squid, ride it up x5 or whatever, and then cash and swap into APU to get higher leverage there.

>> No.58323021

I'm not even sure which squidward coin we're talking about desu. There are at least 10 of them.

>> No.58323038

>im legit worried about your financial safety anons
thank you tranime xir i know u love us and care about us. unfortunately im not selling though, sorry

>> No.58323088


Keep it Apu related. We don’t talk other shitcoins in here

>> No.58323115

I have 14mil apu am I gonna make it?

>> No.58323209

yeah, like 20 bucks worth
swapping to ETH to slurp up more APU

>> No.58323256

no, you will come out with six figs tho

>> No.58323288

keep using that six figs to bid on the right coins + manage risk and then you will make it. having six figure capital to work with is life changing if utilized properly

>> No.58323292

What would apu's mc be at 1 cent? The mc calculators couldn't give me an answer

>> No.58323301

>others shitcoins started copying APU's death and rebirth narrative to attract new buyers
If you buy APU, you're gonna make it.

>> No.58323303

sure you did faggot lol

>> No.58323319 [DELETED] 

RaveRaccoon in presale now, 100% community driven, based devs, no rugs

>> No.58323359
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, 171188417694844234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will admit one thing
you guys making the pepe fags on twitter seethe is by far the funniest shit i have seen in awhile
back in my day if you called apu pepe on biz you were called a newfag
tells you all you need to know about the pepe shills

>> No.58323381


Okay, so I will contribute sol on the presale and after 2 hours the PEDRO will be dropped to my wallet?

>> No.58323393


>> No.58323403

Rugging upwards confirmed

>> No.58323445
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 171186095363229127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let’s not get carried away now
it’s still going to zero

>> No.58323469

It went to 0 already
Stay sidelined

>> No.58323482
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 171213322377968899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you act like it can’t go to zero again
silly poo

>> No.58323516


>100M cap will go zero because i am a sidelinoor

>> No.58323545

yea, zero point one

>> No.58323548

>you guys making the pepe fags on twitter seethe is by far the funniest shit
they spaz out for a few days then inevitably start apu posting. im waiting for one angry dork in particular to capitulate any day now, i know he's stressed lol

>> No.58323567

>1M liquidity pool will go to zero because it's literally nothing

>> No.58323574

Hahaha we just pumped. Stay jealous

>> No.58323578

I love you, Ubelfudder.

>> No.58323588

They didn't know pajeetius would rug
but you're right, he still has like 7B tokens but he no longer owns an overwhelming share at least.
I got out before the great ruggening as it had all the warning signs (creator was panicking, the wallet masking etc). Despite this I bought back in at like $20m post-rug.

Apparently palladius is being blackmailed into not selling. It's just a rumour but it seems plausible.

>> No.58323739

You're replying to the ESL fudder.

>> No.58323742


Probably true, they issued a warning and then eventually posted his personal TG. Both posts on the Apu announcements page were since deleted. I'd rather see him blackmailed into donating his 7.3B Apu to the community wallet, but oh well.

Check out the new Book of Apu, frens. It covers a lot of the lore. The latest chapter is The Ultimatum


>> No.58323795

What a stupid fudder always do the opposite of him hahahahaha
>Anime avatar fagging gives me prestige

>> No.58323927

I know right, I've been complimenting them when they actually post a Pepe now because they're so used to only posting Apu

>> No.58324016

Anyone that buys Apu is clearly a new fag and deserves to get rug pulled by such a blatant jeet scam coin u faggots. Please send your bobs and vagne.

>> No.58324028

Based just bought more

>> No.58324034
File: 78 KB, 788x627, 1712320791954855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just buyed cuz i think apu is silly and fun bls no bully

>> No.58324037
File: 101 KB, 507x738, 1373644538968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more...

>> No.58324089

Apu will easily go to multi billion mc. A lot coins in the Pepe universe are going to fly this bull run. They are all beta plays of Pepe. Coins like APU, BIRDDOG, ANDY, LANDWOLF, etc.

>> No.58324107

all cringe VC bullshit

>> No.58324115

They're certainly gonna turn into successful VC bullshits this bull cycle if they keep promoting them. That's for sure.

>> No.58324125

you underestimate the amount of meme liquidity that's about to flow to apu. buying anything else when apu is still this cheap is brainlet.

>> No.58324128

unless people realize how gay and retarded and cringe they are
unlikely though
you're probably right
I still think Apu has the potential to lead them all

>> No.58324145

Welcome onto the rocket fren

>> No.58324152

That's the ultimate goal, yeah.
>I still think Apu has the potential to lead them all
Oh, that's for certain. You can see ANDY and BIRDDOG are following APU almost 1:1.

>> No.58324191

apu may have the best community of any coin I've seen

>> No.58324212

There’s only one logical resolution to this and it’s bullish.

Pajeetius is not retarded, he’s just greedy. With his identity known, he is fully aware that making another move would mean that jail would be the least of his concerns and that he’d have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life in case some mentally deranged bagholder showed up. If he doesnt want to leave the situation empty handed then he might just buy himself a big bag, burn those 7B and sell on the god candle for a nice profit once it’s made public

>> No.58324216

no one gives a shit about any of these except apu and pepe, fuck them

it baffles me that anyone would buy into these no names, probably millenial vape addicted marvel funkopop spoyboys, and yes im trans

>> No.58324224

I'm trying to understand why anyone would buy this?

It gets rug pulled by an anonymous dev shortly after creation, so a "new" anonymous dev immediately takes it over to "save the community"...only to rug pull again most likely because it's probably the same person. No CEX is going to list anything with a bunch of shadow figures behind it.

The lore page is a word salad of nothing being explained. Tons of APU spam all over biz with a suspicious amount of volume for a shitcoin straight out of the gate.

Seems like a perfect recipe to steal money from a bunch of gullible autists.

>> No.58324240

if you cant understand the "suspicious" volume, look in the tg, theyre fucking zealots

>> No.58324241

midwits really won't make it. Wow.

>> No.58324242

Is there a collection anywhere of all the Apu songs the community has made? The couple I saw before were bangers.

>> No.58324249

also, how many times have you heard of a coin not only recovering from a rugpull, but thriving? its actually unprecedented and the most bullish indicator ive ever seen

>> No.58324259

some people need to be sidelined so they can learn a very important lesson

>> No.58324299

apu is an anomaly. the only lesson I could imagine being learned on the sidelines is that you lack intuition.

>> No.58324300


Agreed he pulled like 80 ETH from the liq pool when he rugged. Needs to burn or donate the 7.3 bil, then if he wants to ride this rollercoaster to the top, he can use his rug money to buy in like the rest of us had to.


The most bullish part is other communities immitating Apus success and trying to revive other rugpulled tokens. Turns out people love an underdog. People love a token with a non-jeet dev that doesn't dump on holders heads even more, but the Apu communities definitely made the best of a bad sitiation.

>> No.58324308

you're only looking at this through the lens of biz
if you are on twitter and following the community there you would understand
apu is inevitable

>> No.58324332

intuition matters more than youd think in this game, and apu has mine screaming at me to dump as much as i can before this takes off

>> No.58324339

as much cash into apu as i can i mean

>> No.58324358

Same. I’ve been doing this since 2014. Apu is going to rise to the top, I feel it in my bones. Never caught one that I knew this about so early before.

>> No.58324415

Vc? Venture capitalist?

>> No.58324521

virgin cuckold

>> No.58325025


>> No.58325040

I fuckin hope so bros

>> No.58325050

we just did?

>> No.58325077

Same here anon. The moment I started seeing anons on twitter posting about it last week I got the impression that this was about to be something big.

>> No.58325114

Close. MEV bots dumped it.

>> No.58325238

>tfw time to go to sleep and instantly warp 7 hours of price action
I cant watch the charts 24/7

>> No.58325323


apparently he's retarded because he posted a photo of the airport he's driving to.

he's chosen to go on the run. all public in the tg

>> No.58325370

kek so on top of being a rugging faggot, he's also a coward. He could have just burnt the rest of his stack, put it into the community pool or just sold it at like 5% of its total value, and publicly announce that he's out and done.

>> No.58325440
File: 58 KB, 800x450, 171191323396776804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buys have dried up
i hope you get out while you have a chance
i’m going to bed anons
i expect it to be zero when i wake up

>> No.58325449

See you at $1bil and $10bil marketcap bro.

>> No.58325553

shitcoin will rug
Dev team owns multiple of wallets with billions of apu.
5G = Palladius or a founding member around him
Telegram is full of gay reddit-tier retarded fags that should get the rope
>inb4 stay sidelined
I myself sniped a nice stack of a few hundred million for like nothing so I couldn't care less what happens lol

>> No.58325562

Hey that's my pasta

>> No.58325624

Waiter this pasta is stale

>> No.58325642

>5G demands Palladius hands over funds to him
>later changes it to send it to community wallet
>5G threatens to dox and dead Palladius unless he responds within 12 hours for a talk
>6 hours go by, 5G crafts a second warning and animated gifs from his favorite movies for the last warning
>time goes by nothing happens
>he reaches out again saying h-how about just 50% and we call it good
>Palladius says fuck off
i dont know, sounds kind of based ngl

>> No.58325644

last time you posted that picture the price went crazy overnight i think it was thurs or friday. cant wait to see how high it goes tonight

>> No.58325665

I think that if 5G really doxxed him and has his personal info, he should turn it to the IRS equivalent of whatever shithole Palladius lives in and tell them that he's taking a plane and trying to make a run for it with stolen money, and evading taxes.

>> No.58325678
File: 551 KB, 598x610, TIMESAND___Bob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58325690

Based dev

>> No.58325804

>fucking biztards threatening me
>market dumps all 7bn
Will biztards buy the dip again? You fucking idiots are actually rewarding a literal scammerpoo millions of dollars for dumping on you.

>> No.58325843


nobody cares bud, he stole like a few hundreds ks, nobody in the world would work a case for that patethic amount of money, and what he did wasn't illegal, he just sold his tokens, safemoon devs got arrested because they promised the funds were locked and they stole them kek, and those whore like dozens of millions, I am actually getting tired of this whole pajeetius drama

>> No.58325877

this is the only apu coin we're ever going to see. it's the big one. the chosen one. the lore around this is already crazy. it's happening, you can feel it. i'm not mid curving i'm betting the farm. it's a shame some dumb jeet might get to win but if we're all winning too then who cares.

>> No.58325878

>he stole like a few hundreds ks
Is it a few hundred k's? Or billions of tokens valued in the millions? Make up your damn mind.

>> No.58325964

If he dumps then there's just going to be a ton of sideliners slurping the fuck out of it, like last time. pajeetus can get fucked, the coin is moving on regardless of what he does.

>> No.58325983
File: 70 KB, 1024x791, 1712430836055838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's just going to be a ton of sideliners slurping the fuck out of it, like last time.
especially now that people really see the potential here. before it was more speculative. now people know.

>> No.58326153
File: 174 KB, 1080x1513, 1623270391672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58326303

If he dumps I am still 10x in plus so Idc

>> No.58326939
File: 88 KB, 1000x871, 1712547192325443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquidity $1m
How do we fix this?

>> No.58327413
File: 56 KB, 1034x421, suncatcherapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.0005 on eclipse day?

>> No.58327438

by buying LINU or whatever else dogshit bag you are holding I guess. I bet you are the same retard from the other thread.

Verification not required.

>> No.58327688

almost zero mention of APU on ct, they will cope so hard when this shit hits 1b

>> No.58328416
File: 394 KB, 600x793, IMG_2915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based

>> No.58328455

pov of me fucking my wife doggy

>> No.58328543

Man, i always miss the doomps...

>> No.58328587

Hi pajeetus

>> No.58329041

I heard the community wallet sent funds to bybit and kraken. Is this true? Is there any proof?

>> No.58329067 [DELETED] 

Its Eid after a day, but my days are not going so well. I really want to gift new dress to my mother and sister as I am the only earning member from my family. Can anyone helps me with $1k so that I can spend my Eid day better?

>> No.58329089

Kill yourself

>> No.58329863

I don’t think that’s true. Can you post the transactions?

>> No.58329919
File: 51 KB, 676x858, 1636399891436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to share that for the first time in two years my folio is fully green. VINU, DOGE, THETA, ONT and APU are pumping and im honestly proud of my market decisions

>> No.58331352 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 736x870, GKdiqMtXQAAviXj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People selling because they're so terrified by the possibility that a 100m marketcap meme coin of the most popular meme on the internet has topped. This is despite SHIB, which was never a meme before the coin launched, is at 15 BILLION dollar market cap. Genuinely pathetic. If APU matches SHIB's all time high that would put each APU token at 10 CENTS each. Currently, APU is at 0.0003 cents. Unbelievable opportunity. Some people like to say APU could never do this because that would make so many people millionaires. False. Few millionaires will be minted because so many will sell way too soon. Those who buy from those sellers will likewise sell too soon and so on.

>> No.58333971
File: 495 KB, 1272x1212, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to know basis

>> No.58335445
File: 994 KB, 500x277, 1701902831789903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many of these posts do you reckon are real, /organic matter bros/? 49 unique posters, i'd say slash that by around 95% or so, so perhaps 4/3 are actual people? Me included of course

>> No.58335504


>> No.58335710

Don't know which exchange, but the community wallet got 10 ETH deposited four hours ago (37k USD.) Those numbers are awfully close to what MEXC received to launch APU on their exchange, so there might be something in the works.

>> No.58336066
File: 80 KB, 750x734, 1638363020311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you consider to be real