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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 229x220, fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58313742 No.58313742 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of having money if more than 70% of us can't get wives and children now?

What are we making money for? Just so after we die that money ends up in the hands of the government and roasties? We are 1) Building wealth 2) Not being able to spend it on acquiring women 3) So we transfer that when we die to people who loathe us high IQ with males. Why aren't we turning the table on the current system, given we are the most rich and influential people in it?

Do explain, I'm waiting.

>> No.58313773

Do you expect /biz/nessmen to give guidance in dating? Seriously... women want to be fucked just as much as you. If you're not a complete shut in but go to a bar once a month at least, you will get laid.

>> No.58313816


Are you a woman?

There is a marriage crisis, and much worse than that inceldom crisis

Most men are no longer being able to be with women, let alone find a wife. Most women are not interested in monogamy, they just want to share the same guys with other women until they die

>> No.58313830
File: 47 KB, 1200x630, blowsonfingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think women want security and safety and to be loved. Not all women give a fuck about shitting out babies. Personally, I don't like children either. Also, I lean to the right, politically. I don't care about what happens after I die. I'm happy to leave everything I own to some woman who wanted to have sex with me during my lifetime. I support the no pussy, no work movement. Does anybody care about your thread, Op?

>> No.58313845

You are fucking retarded and not even grasping the point of this thread


This thread is not for you male sex havers who are a minority

>> No.58313871
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, ditchdigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I am a sex-haver. Does this upset you, Op?
there will always be inequality in the world. What is your point again?

>> No.58313880

The point of making it is that I no longer have to wagecuck 8 hours per day every day for someone else, that simple.

I already know that I'll die as a kissless virgin, might as well try at least not having to wageslave till death as well.

>> No.58313881

>go to a bar once a month at least
i go to a bar once a week and approach many girls and they seem disgusted when i approach them. in fact im sure the female population of the bar has decreased in the last few months because of me. fuck you.

>> No.58313886

>there will always be inequality in the world.

In the past all men got wives if they had jobs and weren't good for nothing

ALL men

Now MOST men are not getting wives. So what are men working for?

>> No.58313900

That only works if you have the face i tried this 100s of times and im not introverted

>> No.58313907

Go rent whores.

Die with nothing.

>> No.58313915
File: 452 KB, 748x640, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to pay off my mortgage before I turn 50.

I used to go to driving ranges when I was in my 30s. Maybe I'll do that again.

>> No.58313938
File: 39 KB, 588x500, grej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58313945


>> No.58313951

>Most women are not interested in monogamy, they just want to share the same guys with other women until they die
Also not true, they have the delusion they can get one of these for themselves

>> No.58314050

Most men would be satisfied with waifubots

>> No.58314204


Modern statistics

Cuck cope, these are not coming anytime soon, even if they do, they won't give you a family

>> No.58314241

Why cant you see the long picture
The world is getting browner, whitey is getting poorer
When collapse comes, do you want to have enough money to get out of the country or will you stay and be pulled down by hoards of brown zombies
Like can you unironically not picture the future of having monkey run governments with nuclear weapons
Use your fucking brain.

>> No.58314242

Nevermind the "70%", you can only help yourself. You can get a gf, if you want, if you try. And if you give up, don't blame the Jews.

>> No.58314257
File: 28 KB, 768x768, 1712346508869957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you pissed me off OP nigga!!
Go look at the Boeing scandal right now, this is going to be on a LARGE SCALE in the near future
If you aren't
>diversified in cash, standard investments, crypto
>a prepper
>racist to the point of outright untrustworthiness at first glance
>dont have a circle of ride or die friends
You aren't going to make it when shit hits the fan
Pic related!

>> No.58314262

There is no point.

Even if you have a wife and children, civilisation is in obvious decline and especially if you're white there is no future for you or your family. Your descendants will be living in a literal planet of the apes if they're not killed by war, economic decline, or climate change first.

>> No.58314265

>Modern statistics
Post them.

>> No.58314269

the fact that you want a wife and children already means it's too late. people like you will never make it alone. your children will use all of your money. your wife will cheat on you and use all of your money.
you are low IQ

>> No.58314275

honestly it shocks me how people here arent getting rich solely for preparation of the collapse
It pisses me the fuck off
All you have to do is be seperated from the normie world for just a few years and become a genuine schizoid prepper

>> No.58314290

yeah i have $10m and im in the process of starting a family with my loving 5/10 gf. i tried living up to hedonistic /biz/ ideals and concluded that everyone here is brown and stupid, so im going to live how i want to. i visit /biz/ less and less because of how fucking brown and dumb you are.

hahaha cuck

>> No.58314299

>Oh i had children in my 20s!
>Oh I married when i was 18!
Shut up retard and go back to your normie life. Learn to critically think and do things yourself instead of relying on the social norm and your whore wife / tranny children

>> No.58314313

hi chatgpt

>> No.58314323

Now you're learning. When you can marry chat GPT that will officially be when I stop making fun of you. At least it would make sense!

>> No.58314361

theres no way youre a real person. please denounce the talmud to confirm

>> No.58314379

It's fine that you're absolutely seething right now that I pointed out you wasted your entire life marrying someone over 'love' and having children that you will grow to 'love'.
Go back. You're a dumb nigger. Low IQ. Your poorfolio will NEVER be above 4 digits. You are POOR and i will KEK forever at you FAGS!

>> No.58314383


>> No.58314411
File: 982 KB, 243x524, 1691820358634219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBC won. Tiny white peckers are being bred out of the gene pool. Now go play with your Legos Timmy, Tyrone is busy satisfying all these needy whores

>> No.58314438

Go outside, women are territorial with their men.

>> No.58314542

>just wait
>do nothing
>don't take civilization in your own hands
>2 more weeks

weak faggot mentality

I make civilizations, I'm not submissive

>> No.58314551

>In the past all men got wives if they had jobs and weren't good for nothing
>ALL men
Not remotely true lol
Most men worked 24/7 and died young and single

>> No.58314559

look at south korean male loneliness articles

It reached 50% of all their males over 30
What happens when 50% of males cant reproduce? Will they die alone or demand some change and enforce it?

>> No.58314570


All men who didn't die from war or uncurable illnesses at the time got wives, and only when the women's fathers approved the person proposing

>> No.58314583

Come to Asia. All the ladies are here

>> No.58314602



Check south korea, single males crisis is the worst on the planet there


>marry gold digger from china
>she divorce rapes you

Things need a swift change so this madness ends

>> No.58314616

My keys dies with me
The wealth will be transferred to based btc holders through by deflation

>> No.58314642

>What is the point of having money
So when I die I can say I left all my 2100BTC in One Piece

>> No.58314653

My ex wife plead with me to get a mistress and not do the divorce. No regrets. Incels dont know what they aren't missing.

>> No.58314695
File: 105 KB, 1073x702, 1709352099142565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most based post on the thread

>> No.58314724

Dad, where did you go?
I told you, Jenny and I don't want kids.
You will NEVER get grandkids.
I'm going to ask the home to take away your computer time.

>> No.58314753
File: 37 KB, 362x346, 1592354703582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you such a pathetic slave to pussy? I just want to make money so I can early retire and don't ear the fucking alarm clock in the morning. I just want to spend my days reading books under a tree on a sunny day. That's it.

>> No.58314777
File: 951 KB, 300x308, TIMESAND___blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the point of having money if more than 70% of us can't get wives and children now?
What is the point if the jews still have you in their slave hole?

>> No.58314784

Who was that at the gym the other day?

>> No.58314821
File: 542 KB, 480x258, office-space-officespace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about having a family. I want to do nothing whenever I want. If I feel like working I will but not because I have to.

>> No.58314828

I am going to stick my peepee in a vagina and feel so good. It will be amazing.

>> No.58315027

>picture the future of having monkey run governments with nuclear weapons
your corporations are already run by pajeets, why not your government too lmao

>yeah i have $10m
no you don't

americans are so fucking insufferable
I am whiter than every single one of you but fuck does it get tiresome to read about your whining about brown people every single day

>> No.58315058

the point of money is power. how is that not obvious?

>muh women
lmao, retard

>>Modern statistics
>Post them.
>south korean
ahahahahahaha this forum couldn't be more clown world itself

>> No.58315071


But seriously we need to figure out how to go back to the 1 man 1 woman rule, or at least where all males are guaranteed to ahve offspring

otherwise civilization has died

>> No.58315080

this is why women won and high iq males are on the way out

the future is low IQ, humans will go back to being apes. The miracle of high IQ happened, gave birth to civilization, science.. but now women have extinguished high IQ genes and it may never happen again

apedom is coming humans. This little rock will go back to float in space without intelligent life forms, all because of women


>> No.58315112
File: 339 KB, 1200x1271, 5234123412312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58315136

>get out of the country and go to new country
>brown zombies collapse it
>get out of the country and go to new country
>brown zombies collapse it
>get out of the country and go to new country
>brown zombies collapse it
Even if you made it to Mars with Elon you know he's going to bring a bunch of pajeets. Running is just delaying.

>> No.58315174
File: 190 KB, 367x407, BNvl0dSYCwY6vi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 year anniversary coming up next month
life is good

>> No.58315182


Most men are no longer men as they shy away from politics and taking control of their own countries

Most males are women now, just sitting submissivelly while they wait for the government to tell them what to do

We are fucked, we should never have let real men die. It´s just you and me now against the world

>> No.58315194

OBVIOUS id switch demoralization

>> No.58315197

you forgot to say
>no homo

>> No.58315200


and then you get divorce raped because she wants new men and free money, but you were too much of a faggot to demand change in laws or else you'd stop paying taxes, along with other real men

I want to go back to a society where men care about dictating policies. ALl males are faggots now and they act/think just like your average tattoo thot

>> No.58315209

actually you are wrong, I'm the ID switch because I'm at another place now

I just made you look seriously bad on the internet and you have no chance of recovery. The other person you linked is not me at all

>> No.58315216

wait no clearly that was implicit

>> No.58315223

sorry about that. I called the home and had them take away his laptop until tomorrow.

>> No.58315271

unironically not disputing I'm not the OP because I don't care enough to
JUST nigger

>> No.58315281

I think this guy is the real Op, but I can't be 100% certain

>> No.58315296

Codependent niggers seeth at interdependent greedy giga chads
I'll literally die with my keys. I'll go to my grave with my bitcoin and ethereum and there is nothing you can do about that, NIGGERS!

>> No.58315310

kek mutt projection is off the charts
ive never stepped foot inside your 3rd world nigger infested kike controlled shithole and i never want to

>> No.58315312

It's not that I hate women either you retarded faggot niggers. I equally hate everybody. I'm the only important person on this planet.

>> No.58315325

I'm the OP faggotlord

>> No.58315496

We're not fucked, we're going to win so hard and so fast it'll make you want to vomit.

>> No.58315711


I don't see any win coming, at least on the west

Most of us men will die single and without children

>> No.58315753

GOOD a lot of low IQ retards have kids and their kids are low IQ and it goes on and on and on.
RETARDED people should stop having children. Actually we should just incinerate (painlessly, and humane) anyone below a certain intelligence level.

>> No.58315766
File: 94 KB, 498x498, pepe-the-frog-thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell us something that only Op would know

>> No.58315787
File: 287 KB, 960x670, Robo_Wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the point of having money if more than 70% of us can't get wives and children now?

10 years robo-wives

>> No.58315793

anon the retarded people are the only ones having kids now - because women are only attracted to retards

You know what a symptom of high iq is? Liking video games. Women will run away from that and reproduce with the dumb fuck guy instead

Only low IQ males with tattoos reproduce now, because they act just like women, so women like them

>> No.58315795

The only thing stopping us is lack of will, which turns on a dime. The people ruining everything are retards and can be easily overcome if we just choose to, which we inevitably will. Blackpilling is for gay faggots.

>> No.58315815

it could be bad when MSNBC controls them. fuck that shit.

>> No.58315816


I searched for fact pepe on google images, the image I found on the first page said image.jpg, I renamed it to fact.jpg

this is undeniable proof Im OP

>> No.58315839

>The people ruining everything are retards and can be easily overcome if we just choose to

There doesn't seem to be enough males to "easily overcome" anything, and those of us who wanted to change things will be dead and gone forever in 40 years without any children left

we seem to be on the way out. I don't think western countries will do anything unless male loneliness gets ever worse here soon. China/Russia/Muslim countries are likely to do something much sooner, especially since their governments are not feminized just yet

Meanwhile in the west, the government has become a tool of women entirely, which is why men still get divorce raped. Law in the west only, exclusively servers women now

>> No.58315847
File: 157 KB, 1080x1036, Robot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could be bad when MSNBC controls them.

So do not buy that model.
Some Robos will be sold with 'open' source software.

>> No.58315848

the source of Op's image is from here:

Look at me. I'm the Op now.

>> No.58315853


robot won't give you a family gtfo of this thread

>> No.58315862


We'll let the Kleros court decide.

>> No.58316157
File: 1.70 MB, 1566x2006, durer knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more white men today than have ever existed before and there will be plenty still one hundred years from now. Women, jews, brown immigrants, there's nothing that cannot be overcome, it's only a matter of inculcating the will to do it and that's happening more and more all the time. Be cheerful, we're going to do great things.

>> No.58316209

>What are we making money for?
I have a depressing realisation the other day when asking myself the same thing. What would I want to be rich for? And the only answer I found was "isolation". If you're rich, you can live wherever you want without anybody annoying you. If you're a country boy, you can buy a big house with thick walls. If you prefer the city, a modern condo well isolated where you don't have to hear loud neighbors. If you travel, you won't have to sit next to someone on a plane. You won't have to use the public transport in a foreign country. You can have the best groceries and whatever you need delivered to you without having to see or talk to weird and rude people.

And that was all I wanted. Maybe I won't be able to choose who is with me. But I would be able to choose who I don't want near me.

>> No.58316218

To spend it on escorts, which I have done over 40 times in the last 2 years. I was always too nervous to try escorts cause they were all ugly in my city, then once I moved to a major metro city I could find ukrainin escorts and it was fun

>> No.58316280
File: 1.39 MB, 1303x672, Artificial_Womb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robot won't give you a family gtfo of this thread

>> No.58317445


>> No.58317465

So you don't have to have a boss. So you can travel the world and find a wife in a place that hasn't been subverted as bad yet and have a bunch of white kids in some place the government can't tell you how to raise them...
Hell, do what McAfee did and go to some third world country and bribe local officials so you can have guns and just don't be as high profile and overstay your welcome like he did, get some like-minded white people with you and start a colony
(Jamestown may have ruined that for us, but idk it's worth a try.)
Now that I think of it, maybe that was the point of Jamestown...

>> No.58317541

Im pretty sure thats more than just a plastic ziplock bag

>> No.58317582
File: 2.97 MB, 192x360, beat old person.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you are prepared for your old age.
When you are old, frail, unable to defend yourself, unable to look after yourself, maybe even not sound of mind, you are in for a world of hurt.
No family to look after you, purely at the mercy of sheboons who will abuse the fuck out of you in a care home.
Your money? Won't mean anything. Most likely gone. Theft, fraud, government, whatever, you will be too old to handle it.

>> No.58317801

you say that like the number one reason that old people are in those homes isn't their rotten kids putting them in there. show any sign of dementia and they will be happy to drop you off in there and wait out to collect what little is left of their inheritance

>> No.58317909

At least brown people got this right. Only white people seem to put their parents in nursing homes. Brownies all live together in harmony

>> No.58317916

>Brownies all live together in harmony
no they just can't afford to outsource the abuse to other brownies. they keep it in house to make ends meet

>> No.58317921


>> No.58318112

So, consider the options:
> No money, no kids, no wife
> fuck ton of money , no kids, no wife
Imo, it is a pretty fucking easy choice. You don't have to make simple decisions too complicated anon. Plus, money will totally increase your chances to get a wife and have a family.

>> No.58318708


This line of thinking proves you are unable to create civilizations

Please let this thread be only for civilization breeders like myself