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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5828777 No.5828777 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who owns some of these?

>> No.5828860

Nope, I got 158 of em

>> No.5828869

No - but people on this board only buy coins that could 100x in a week.

>> No.5828883

Nope, me too. Only have like 23 left. Used to hodl 500 of these @$8, but got bored when it treaded water around $30 for months.

>> No.5828891

Literally the only altcoin of mine that brings me green numbers

>> No.5828899

i'm at 11 :(

>> No.5828919

Yes you are.

>> No.5828965

Still holding 300 of my original 600. I still think NEO is undervalued but most aren't patient enough to wait. I think we'll see $250 NEO before long. Then $500.

>> No.5828983

glad im not the only one, I traded in a lot of mine for hookers over the summer but still have like 40

>> No.5828998


Way better cryptos to spend your time/money on desu.

>> No.5829000

Got 70 of them, wish I could have gotten more but feeling pretty nice

>> No.5829008
File: 208 KB, 640x480, FortunetellerBaba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few months ago, almost everyone on /biz/ had some NEO in their portfolio, now everyone is chasing DAG hype.

I'll be back on the NEO train from 100 --> 300 in the comings days OP... wait for me?

>> No.5829010

who would win?
ETH - american
NEO - chinese
ADA - japanese

>> No.5829049

ICX - korea

>> No.5829126
File: 272 KB, 852x483, FortuneTellerBaba.GreatSaiyamanSaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you haven't heard about LISK?
Don't forget QTUM - korean
If you want to make the real gains you got to take the road less traveled my friend.

>> No.5829192

is there really this many copies?

>> No.5829344

1.5 gas a day

>> No.5829452

how many coins is that

>> No.5829463

if you own NEO, you better support your chain by buying DBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5829493

215 NEO here.

>> No.5829567

Holding since ANS. Remember $100 EOY? 3 days out aint bad.

>> No.5829599

QTUM is from singapore, also Dai is a fucking scammer

>> No.5829649
File: 12 KB, 306x227, 92-what-the-fuck-is-this-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read that NEO can't be divided up
>have 0.78 of them on Kucoin

What the fuck, /biz/?

>> No.5829722

just under 5k

>> No.5829789

why dont you try sending it off the exchange retard

>> No.5829945

Do this goy, everything will be fine

>> No.5830374

I got 2 of them

>> No.5830411

12000 Neos calling in...

>> No.5830491

damn I'm jealous if true

>> No.5830503
File: 1.09 MB, 1074x1144, Nuuuuuls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sold 6000 of my 18000 Neos to buy Nuls. This will be the next Neo. Market cap was 50 M a few hours ago and is now 80 M. It will go at least to 2 Billion.

>> No.5830718
File: 25 KB, 500x282, 1348390752883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell the fraction? Should I hold on to it? Should I buy more so that I have rounded amounts of it?

>> No.5830839

>not holding multiple full neos

u fucked up 2 steps back f.a.m

>> No.5830870

Only have 4
Make like .03 in gas each day
still feel somewhat happy for Ronnie weenie dividends
Might buy more if it dips because $90 Is a little rich for me, but probably won't dip
Continue on with humble little gains

>> No.5830944
File: 142 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-175836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips, going on quads gains

>> No.5830962

Should I just sell my fraction? It would be profitable for me to do so, actually

>> No.5830966

I got 22 left since the Antshares days, feels good and comfy, good luck!

>> No.5830999


And how come Nuls will be a next NEO? Nuls does not have so much backing like NEO does

>> No.5831091
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>> No.5831129

If by next NEO you mean going up 500% then doing it again in a month, probably. If you mean NEO 2.0, I think you're mistaken.

NEO is going to get first mover status in the blockchain-backed version of the current economy. NEO understands that the world can't just forget everything and jump straight into the world computer way of doing things.

>> No.5831132

p-pls respond

>> No.5831136

My god Neo did neither January 2017...Do you think I would be so rich if I were stupid? Stay poor...

>> No.5831233
File: 193 KB, 1462x638, Nuls3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500%? It already went up 500%. Im talking about 25x market cap from here on...I know when you will buy: When it fucking mooned and I will dump on you!

>> No.5831268

I have 2.72 on hitbtc so I can't do shit. The neo wallet on that site has been "down" for 20 days or more...

So no gas for me, just watching my locked away neo make scammers money until they let people access their neo again

>> No.5831270

It looks like they're trying to be the Wordpress version of blockchains. You drag and drop some concepts and a smart contract gets created. Kind of like the rules module for Drupal or something like that. It's cool, but this is not quite on the same level as NEO's vision.

NULS has potential on paper though.

>> No.5831429

Dude, I was saying it will go up like NEO, but that it's implementation and design goals are not the same as NEO's. So you're not quite right on it being "the next NEO" unless you are only speaking in a speculative pricing context.

From the price point and moon potential, I agree. Have ANS from 1.50 and was reading about it sub 100M market cap also.

>> No.5831451

We are here to multiply our money...do you expect Neo to do a 25x in the coming weeks? Then stay in Neo. I doubt it. I will buy back in Neo when Nuls hit 2.5 Billion Market Cap. And then I will quit and live on gas.

>> No.5831460
File: 229 KB, 700x520, 15071752275897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get. Neo.
Get more.
Get 1, get 10, get 20.

>> No.5831534

I don't have any capital m8 :(

>> No.5831846
File: 368 KB, 1906x966, last chance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be your last chance to buy it at 3.50$

>> No.5831856
File: 358 KB, 1602x894, 150486583935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf r u doin u fukin poofer? iswearonmifeckenmumm8i'llsmashuritenurgabberafter6bongs


>> No.5831934
File: 223 KB, 789x720, content-anime-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes OP

You're the only one who owns any NEO


>> No.5832260
File: 234 KB, 600x599, bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have the capital, m8
>The realization that NEO is now unaffordable to at lot of people on biz

Was my first moon coin OP, but I got out of it long ago. Jumped between being in and out a few times since I rode it from $5 to $50, but don't see the point of getting back in now when there are better opportunities. I still believe in the project and wish it the best, but I look for shit that'll supermoon, and Neo's already past that point.

>> No.5832779

But vitalik is Russian and Cabadian

>> No.5832911

What are your supermen prospects?

Mine are Lamden, ICX, ENG

>> No.5832914

easy 1000$ +

25 icos coming. every ico is quality not shitcoins like eth.

just listed on japanese exchange with fiat pair

half supply of buttfuckers eth

>> No.5832936


>> No.5832957

>b-buy my bags guyz

>> No.5833525

>Make like .03 in gas each day
That's what you get each month dumbass

>> No.5833878

which wallet do I put these in to get the GAS?

>> No.5834156

this one

>> No.5834227

>buying ETH clones past 10 bucks

Dump this shit and buy UBIQ, dork.

>> No.5834401

i bought it past 10 bucks and it worked pretty well my man

>> No.5834496

Exactly, you bought NEO, I bought ANTS.

Now it's time to move on.

>> No.5834556

nice! sent :)

>> No.5834588

>comparing NEO to shitty ass UBIQ

>> No.5834662
File: 52 KB, 512x512, moonmanneo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 3000+ at 60 cents, still holding 2000+

>> No.5834699

100 NEO reporting in, bought and held since Antshares $5 days

>> No.5834702

>doesn't get mad that that I implied NEO is shit

lmao, heard some anons have some Verge bags you might want.

>> No.5834748

The fuck is ANTS? You mean ANS newfag?

>> No.5834812

My b, senpai, focused on my ANT bag atm. Can't be ass'd to really care what this shitcoin does anymore.

>> No.5834857

or maybe you're just a stupid newfag. be quiet

>> No.5834929


>> No.5834955

Posts like these make me happy there's always someone to drop a bag on.

>> No.5835004

bought at $7, sold at a profit, still holding 150. NEO has been nothing but good to me.

>> No.5835181

>holding from 7 bucks
>7 months ago

Like I said, someone to always dump a bag on.

>> No.5835370


How comfy you feeling right now?