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58313751 No.58313751 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58313767

>Let’s fix one government mandate with another.
Commies never learn.

>> No.58313771

Unfortunately that's a fake article.

>> No.58313781


I called this recently in some /pol/ threads and /biz/ threads that got me banned for not "keeping /pol/ in /pol/"

Most men are no longer finding wives.

>South Korea has 50%+ single males now who can't even touch a woman. Recently they voted in an "incel" anti feminist president into power
>China had a surge of female trafficking because males couldn't get wives
>Russia recently made abortion more difficult in russia
>Hamas is literally going around and collecting women to rape
>Western incel forums are full of men talking non stop about revoking women's rights, and how that is better for civilization

I called that China/Russia and possibly South Korea, along with muslim countries, would be the first to revoke women right's in the next 5 to 10 years because males can't get wives - and they simply won't settle for dying alone. And once that happens western countries will soon follow suit

I even tried warning roasties about this: they deleted my thread from their forums. I told them "figure out how to please men or they are gonna revoke your rights"

Well here it is

>> No.58313788

>my grandma's facebook

>> No.58313800


The thing is anon, the reason we fall for the bait is because it rings beliveable, it is coming

Russia took a step in doing just what OP's image says. They lost too many men from the war and want to replenish stock, and now women getting abortions has been made much more difficult

Chinese government has already turned a blind eye to female trafficking because their males were not finding wives, OP's picture is becoming a reality in the next 5 to 10 years.

5000 years of civilization where every male got a female throuhg work, then suddenly that vanishes in the past 100 years and now most males can't get wives. They won't settle for that, something drastic will change soon

>> No.58313807

>incel king feels validated by fake articles

>> No.58313814

>it is coming
No it isn't, the world is ruled by demons who want humanity extinct.

>> No.58313833


Already happened in Russia anon

Forcing women to give men children is dangerously close to happen if women don't figure out a way to please most male population

The world is ruled by us you schizo cuck. Everyone has equal power, we all can kill each other equally and we all depend on each other's labor. Someone gets an army of AI robots, yeah, that would change that dynamic, until then men especially dictate what happens. And now that most men can't get wives, they are making demands already

>> No.58313857
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4chan has degenerated into mentally ill boomers posting fake headlines

>> No.58313873

the first one worked. why wouldn't the second?

>> No.58313879

always has been

>> No.58313888

>The world is ruled by us
No. We are occupied. You live on a prison planet, and you can't do a thing about it.

>> No.58313910

Alright I'll bite since you genuinely seem a bit lost
>China one child policy: between 1979 and 2015 to curb the country's population growth by restricting many families to a single child.
Yep turns out that if you limit families to only one child, and boys are "worth more" because they can work and earn money instead of just having to be married, you will not have as many women in your country anymore.
>From 2016 to 2021, a two child policy had been implemented in China, replacing the country's previous one-child policy, until it was replaced by a three-child policy to mitigate the country's falling birth rates.
>Russia took a step in doing just what OP's image says. They lost too many men from the war and want to replenish stock, and now women getting abortions has been made much more difficult
You know it takes more than a year to produce more humans right?
>Hamas is literally going around and collecting women to rape
Yep we sure should get inspiration from traditionalist & extremist Muslims.
>South Korea has 50%+ single males now who can't even touch a woman. Recently they voted in an "incel" anti feminist president into power
Maybe they should stop trying to become """elite pro gamers""""
>Western incel forums are full of men talking non stop about revoking women's rights, and how that is better for civilization
That's you

>> No.58313913

>Says its fake article
>Dismiss the idea article is there to gather data and how people feel about it and how it would be accepted
>happens daily, all kind of ceos and politicians get reports on it daily
>you dont think at all
Start thinking dud

>> No.58313914

I'm not a cuck like you so no thanks

I take things into my own hands unlike faggots such as you. Keep being a passive little bitch

>> No.58313918

>something drastic will change soon
Easier to just mass produce female slaves, something that's only (last few decades) been possible

>> No.58313935


You sound like a woman, no logic, no facts, only feelings final destination

The majority of males in the year of our lord 2024, will die alone and without children, and many of them virgins. Female freedom is a recent event from about 100 years ago. Men dominating women has been going on for 5000 years

Shit is about to get ugly for women in my opinion, it´s just a matter of time if some solution to male loneliness is not found

>> No.58313960

You'll continue screeching impotently into the electronic void of cyberspace as you slave away your life chasing illusory goals set up by forces you cannot hope to comprehend. Your slave soul will never find rest or catharsis.

>> No.58313966
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This. The demons in They Live were less evil.

>> No.58313972

>You sound like a woman, no logic, no facts, only feelings final destination
>Shit is about to get ugly for women in my opinion
>No fact, no logic, just feelings
You fucking retard

>> No.58314209


Keep me posted, your replies are really interesting and insightful and full of arguments

>> No.58314259

>why wouldn't the second?
Puts pressure on China's corrupt as fuck healthcare and educational sectors, drives up wages as people now have to care for kids making them uncompetitive with Vietnam and Indonesia leading to an officially recognized recession, mass migration of young women worsening the gender disparity.

>> No.58314327

Right now they're banning abortion, next they'll be banning porn and limiting the amount of time you can spend on social media.

>> No.58314349

Muslim countries have no problem with marriage/birthrates though? Neither does Gaza lol 40% of their population are children. Theyre just redpilled on the woman question.

>> No.58314392

>they're banning abortion
>The original ruling allowing it was a violation of the legislative process and the courts ruling from the bench
So vote for it?

>> No.58314404


>> No.58314417

Imagine all the BBC inside hundreds of millions of pale Chinese women

>> No.58314429

The horror of having children while its still possible

Not like they grow up in time

>> No.58314488

>making them uncompetitive with Vietnam and Indonesia
Oh, you want to outsource to Vietnam and Indonesia?
How can you do that when your company is now CCP property?
Thanks for playing.

>> No.58314501

>How can you do that when your company is now CCP property?
You may be retarded if you think that's how subcontractors operate out of China or possibly not reading the news about the manufacturing rout in China with companies leaving China for cheaper nations.

Like Vietnam and Indonesia.

>> No.58314511

Anon, the point is that China will just nationalize the business, or worse, disappear and re-educate the board and replace them with people who'll play ball, like they did with Alibaba.

>> No.58314534

>the point is that China will just nationalize the business
Again you're retarded if you think that's how subcontractors to foreign multinationals operate.

That's a danger to Chinese brands, which typically don't break out overseas in a cost effective manner.

>> No.58314535

Muslim countries gave women freedom like 10 years ago, watch as they become very much like the fallen west in just 2 generations of women choosing their partners

Unlike the west, as soon as their women start doding the 1 man 1 woman rule, they are likely to make them property again

>> No.58314538

>it rings believable
No it doesn't. How would you ever enforce a two kids by 35 rule? Are they going to have police watch to confirm each woman without kids had sex without it resulting in a successful pregnancy? Are they going to execute all the infertile or fertile and pregnant one time only women? The one child limit that actually happened in the past made sense because you could tell when mothers of one preexisting child were pregnant and could coerce them to get abortions. A two child minimum would be a lot less practical to enforce.

>> No.58314543

>don't have kids!
>no wait, have kids!

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.58314547

>Maybe they should stop trying to become """elite pro gamers""""
And......that makes more woman appear?
Yes based but needed

>> No.58314558

Not to mention there's just a shit ton of fertility issues in the polluted parts of the country. Not like India's but basically forcing a few million kids to be born severely asthmatic with fucky polluted water tables is just a disaster.

>> No.58314561

But yes op source or fake this is not pol.

>> No.58314677

>marry and reproduce
>this was considered evil in 1988
Oh, how naive we were

>> No.58314704

Muslim countries have legal polygamy and did so for centuries. Funny enough their countries have become far less liberal with time not more. Women could vote in Egypt since the 50s I believe.

>> No.58314793

Disregarding the fact tha this is fake and gay, I can't believe you faggots haven't noticed by now that the state involving itself in love/romance/family is a bad thing.

Or maybe you did at some point, but you're just too horny at the thought of a chink woman who is literally being forced at gunpoint to bang you to care.

It's really just that progressives have always been antinatal, and They Live is, at its core, ideologically progressive. It just managed to be cool because it was made back when they could believably paint themselves as countercultural rebels (not saying they actually were, mind you).

>> No.58314906

Cool, well it takes about 20 years of labour for the average person to afford a house, so basically I cant even date properly until I'm 40 fucking years old

>> No.58315067

>How would you ever enforce a two kids by 35 rule?
by increasingly higher tax rates that increase every decade you're over 35 and don't have 2 kids until retirement.
Easily justified too, xi could just say the taxes are to pay for the childless womans retirement

>> No.58315091

>I can't believe you faggots haven't noticed by now that the state involving itself in love/romance/family is a bad thing.

You are right

That means we must immediately abolish all alimony/divorce laws. Women get NOTHING from men

I can absolutely stand by your point anon, let´s enforce it then.

>> No.58315110

lol better than importing "foreign workers."

>> No.58315258

>watch as they become very much like the fallen west
Just watch Iran now. The boomers there are dying and the young men are cucked af fighting for "female's rights" lmfao. Iran is falling, Japan is falling and the west is falling. Russia is kinda falling but at least tries to upkeep a "traditional family" stereotype but they already have a lot of immigrants and lgbt there and whore culture there.

>> No.58315315


Men treated women as property of the father and then husband, which of course had its problems, but ultimately the father of the woman wanted to give her a husband that was similar to himself and hard working, and give her a nice life and loving family with values

Women once they became in power 100 years ago, basically saw a bunch of lonely guys sad and just said "ew incels give me the ick, now go die alone"

I have little sympathy for women as a whole if countries start revoking women's rights, when they had zero sympathy for lonely men

>> No.58315336

>lonely men
thing is, girls only want the top 10% of men. I dont know why we have to give these men girls or something. Why cant the top 10% just keep harems and let the bottom 90% have a few scraps when they do things?

>> No.58315366

Have you ever heard of the competency crisis?
It happened because women dont value IQ on mating, only sexual attraction. What you call "top men" are actually generally low IQ men with no analytical skills, who cant create science nor technology

Here is one reason to not let women be in charge of reproduction. Civilization as we know willl end, and we'll go back to tribalism unironically

There has to be a better way

>> No.58315405
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not to me

>> No.58315409

>Here is one reason to not let women be in charge of reproduction.
So this way, girls are almost forced to settle for a beta male. I dont like this way of thinking. Beteamales are undesirable and here you are, pretty much mandating a gf for them. I propose if a betamale does his job well, I will allow one of my girls to birth a child for him.

>> No.58315439


The fairest way out of the current crisis IMO seems to be this: Women start surrogating in masse, whether government mandates that or by their own will

Then, if you are a high IQ male (IQ = money and success typically), then you'll be able to afford a good surrogate or many surrogate children

Women only lose a year of their life providing for a man, instead of their whole lives

At least fat neckbeard turbonerds who created bitcoin can at least have children who love them now, and they can also propagate their genes. Too few women surrogating right now, all men need easy access to it

>> No.58315451

I say the alpha men have the harems, and the surrogates for these "high IQ betamale providers", they have to purchase from us.

>> No.58315458
File: 202 KB, 837x657, slut culture breeds imbalanced dating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its caused by our slut culture we all have
source https://imperiuminvictum.com/b/ZWKHF..

>> No.58315500

Do you like this?--->>>58315451
This is good. The "high IQ betamale providers" purchase surrogates from the Alpha Males. This is the best decision. Win win. Let me know.

>> No.58315511


There won't be "alpha men". See, a man is not "alpha" because he is valued by women. This is a corruption of the term that came to be once women got in power and society got feminized in values

A man is alpha if he is valued by men. You know who alpha men are right now? Russians and chinks, who have more control of their women and who happen to be higher IQ generally compared to most of the world

These men are your alpha, who will dominate the whole world economically or through warfare, and they will be the ones with a harem of women and deciding how to share them

The west is losing and now not as influential as it used to be, because it gave women freedom first - so the west IQ dropped first. Now china and russia have the edge

If china and russia undo women's rights, which they are leaning that way already, they will remain on top and they will be the alpha males - a bunch of ugly looking small men, who are capable of the best technology and businesses, for warfare or norma civilization

>> No.58315522

>A man is alpha if he is valued by men.
When it comes to marriage, most women will choose the rich beta provider who she can dictate terms to over the less resourceful but sexy alpha. In fact, many women specifically marry men they know are much uglier than they can get to maintain a dominant frame in the relationship where the man is more scared to lose her than the other way around.

>> No.58315532

The very word “husband” further proves the point. The images that don’t come to mind when you envision one are warrior, killer, barbarian, sexy, or famous. Instead, you may think of words like compliant, hard worker, reliable, hen-pecked, fatigued, and boring. I may very well be a husband some day, so I’m not criticizing those who are married, but the nature of marriage will stuff a man into a beta male mold that then creates desire in his wife for an alpha.

>> No.58315537

women are irrelevant in struggles of power and competition

alpha men are not the ones women thing are worht something

try reading my post again. WOmen are about to lose their rights worldwide because china and russia will dominate the entire world and they are about to revoke women's rights in the upcoming decade

>> No.58315548

and these chinese/russian men, who are not tall, who are not sexually attractive to women at all, will be the ones dominating the world

these are the alpha males

>> No.58315549

>A man is alpha if he is valued by men.
wtf. lmfao. cope harder. So girls pretty much naturally only want the top 10% of men, not for betabux, but for genuine attraction. And the bottom 90% of men cope with "a man is alpha if he is value by men." lmfao.

>> No.58315558

but what women want is irrelevant, why are you juding the value of men by how women perceive them?

I'm done replying to you at this point

Women are not capable of passing judgment to what makes a valuable male, only males can - and only the ones not efeminate at this point

>> No.58315576

>, who have more control of their women and who happen to be higher IQ
They have control over their females cause of the culture and the female craaaveee for the alpha hasn't been unleashed yet. The Chinese is very patriarchal without being obvious. More so than russia.

>> No.58315589

>These men are your alpha,
these men are not the alphas. If a girl wouldnt like you if she was 18, then she doesnt like you. Thats the test. Alphas are real and not some mythological creature you betas can pretend doesnt not exist so you can make things up and say "oh this is alpha too." If you need money to get girls, then you are a beta. Not saying one should be poor and broke, but reality is, if most men werent betabuxing, then they would be single.

>> No.58315602

>and they will be the ones with a harem of women
no they wont. See, now you are legit talking about capturing girls. if these "men" have a harem of women its because they are betabuxing. we are already walking into different paths. You want a girl to get wet, not see you and see dollar signs. LMFAO. So fucking beta. I am speaking to someone in the bottom 90%. I love these convos, its very similar to talking to a poor and how they rationalize about how the rich should pay more taxes and shit.

>> No.58315609

>A man is alpha if he is valued by men.
>Russians and chinks
I wouldnt call them alphas. Its like being in a group project, and one guy decides to lead the group project. Thats it, a beta male can do that because no one else wants the responsibility.

>> No.58315626

>and they will be the ones with a harem of women and deciding how to share them
No they wont. lmfao. beta cope. if you need to be like 30 year old plus and have money to have a harem or have worked your ass off, you're a fucking betabux. lmfao. FUCK. these convos ALWAYS go this way. its like you and other people lack awareness. Do you hear yourself? LOL. OHH she didnt like me before, but NOOWWW she will. LOL omfg. no wonder the term "betamale provider" exists. It wouldn't exist if you and your way of thinking did not exist. omfg.

>> No.58315631

>If china and russia
>and they will be the alpha males
No, the top 10% of russians and chinese will the be alpha males. omfg. do you hear yourself. What a fucking beta. you think hitting 50 and having a job and having girls want you to betabux for them makes you alpha. omg.

>> No.58315642

>power and competition
cope harder. money power respect.
70% of americans live paycheck to paycheck.
Dont bother with "power" and "competition" fantasy. If you need power to get girls, youre a betamale cause some 18 year old player stud can get a harem with out the "power" which comes with work and responsibility. Alpha fux, beta bux.

>> No.58315655

>these are the alpha males
No, the top 10% of Russian and Chinese men are. The rest are beta males. You can be a hard worker, smart, reliable, but that wont you an alpha. No one looks at Bill gates or bezos or elon musk and thinks Alpha Male. lmfao.

>> No.58315672

>but what women want is irrelevant,
Yes it is. But we are talking about alpha fucks beta bucks. What you're talking about is just some guy working on his career and "power." lmfao so bloody what. You're trying to turn this into game of thrones. In reality, you cant buy alpha status. You can buy hardest working status or all that, but reality is, the top 10% of men is all that matters, and most men arent in it. Hence we have people like you trying to rationalize it.

>> No.58315692


I'll give you a last attempt of understanding what I'm trying to say, you seem to be struggling.

Here it goes: I believe Russia and China are about to revoke women rights, they will do so in the next 5 to 10 years. I also believe they will conquer the entire world, economically and through warfare, also because of this: they will keep their average IQ much higher than other countries, because they force their women to marry one men, and that ensures high IQs continue to reproduce and thrive - even more so than low iqs once you go back to 1 man 1 woman rule

As China and russia dominate the world and revoke women's rights, the concep of "betabux" dont exist anymore, because women will be property. A guy can have no money, but if the father of the woman told that woman to marry that men, then she is now forever the property of that man

So there won't be a "harem of alpha guys", because women will not be free to all flock to a same guy. The father of the women will not let them act like whores and all fuck the same guy.

So the real men is not your "alpha" because he is valued by women, the real men ended up being all of the russian and chinks who took control of their women by force - they ended up dictating life on earth and subjucating all other nations and all women to their way

now that you understand what im trying to say, maybe the thread can go back on topic

>> No.58315716

anon, 4chan has been a psyop for a long time. go read about, say, weev, and how he manipulated this and other forums to push for his ideology.

>> No.58315725

>The father of the women will not let them act like whores and all fuck the same guy.
thats NOT whore. All girls fucking the same guy is not whore behaviour. It's normal. fuck you betas.

>> No.58315762

>but if the father of the woman told that woman to marry that men, then she is now forever the property of that man
Shit, this seems like the only way betamales get girls. Arranged marriages, and betabuxing. Do you hear yourself?

>> No.58315775


That has been the way of this world for 5000 years of civilization. This only changed recently when women were given freedom

Are you confused on that as well?

>> No.58315788

>they ended up dictating life on earth and subjucating all other nations and all women to their way
And history repeats itself. Females "stay home and take care of home and kids" while still craving that alpha cock. Youre going against female nature and going against alpha males.

>> No.58315803

>That has been the way of this world for 5000 years of civilization. T
There are rises and falls of every global empire. All i know is almost all empires last the same amount of years and fell the same way. Always too many girls working the mens job near the decline of the civilization and feminism and too much immigration.

>> No.58315812

Humanity deserve to go extinct for cucking themselves in favor of empowering women.

>> No.58315837
File: 80 KB, 658x800, img-1685493272-6476961897bf38.41105544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to getting laid, being alpha is key, because it’s raw attraction that you transmutate into fast sex, but it’s not the key for relationships. This is why men who are good at casual sex often don’t get into relationships and men who are good at relationships don’t get much casual sex.
> raw attraction
Cope, beta male provider dorks. If i was a betamale provider, i would have more respect for myself by saying "i purchased my wife/gf" instead of larping as "real alpha men provide and girls flock to us" while avoiding the term "betabux provider" and needing to flaunt something so girls notice us.
Pic related, westernized male. (you)

>> No.58315857

, I rather be seen as a side dick to a girl than a stable provider because then I will experience no hidden deceit in believing she loves me while fooling around behind my back. In other words, I choose truth over love, because I know that if a woman has targeted me for marriage, it won’t necessarily be my idea of what a marriage should be.
I get what youre saying, females as properties. But we can't just let the betamale issue slide.

>> No.58315872

beta male/alpha male are things only women care about

you are a the wrong thread coming here trying to promote feminized values. No men of value should care about what is alpha or beta according to women, are you some sort of women's faithful lap dog?

>> No.58315875

>power and competition
A common belief is that women want strong, dominant men. This is not the full truth. A woman wants to fuck strong, dominant men, preferably when she already have a stable provider, and maybe even cuck her husband with superior alpha seed, but she doesn’t necessarily want to marry the alpha. There are two reasons why: (1) a true alpha offers little long-term stability since he has so much choice in women, and (2) he can’t be controlled.
The average male, be it Russian or Chinese, are not alphas. Doesn't matter how powerful China or Russian becomes, the Chinese and Russian females will still only want the alphas.

>> No.58315887

>No men of value should care about what is alpha or beta according to women,
No man should care, but they should accept that girls don't like him outside of betabux. And men do care about females and what they think, why do you think we have simp culture and feminism.

>> No.58315893

who the fuck cares about women want?

Most of them can't even run a business. You are a special kind of retard im done

>> No.58315903

>beta male/alpha male are things only women care about
and alpha men and top 10% men. lol. It feels like a gift knowing girls like you because you are you and not because you "provide" aka "betabux." Alpha men can buy things for girls too like a meal just to hasten the dinner, but it's the person that dictates alpha, not the behaviour. A bottom 90% male pays for dinner, and he is doing his "duty as a betamale" and an alpha does it and its something else. But in todays climate, its better to not pay for shit or at least put her on the spot and let her know this aint some free shit.

>> No.58315916

>who the fuck cares about women want?
All men do. That's why we have simps and the term "betamale providers" and simps. And men should care more so we don't have simp culture and men not knowing how to deal with females. And we should care about what girls want because I see too many men being dancing monkeys to females. If these men cared more and studied females, we would have less of a male population that is so pathetic and innocent. No amount of money or power can get rid of the innocence most men have.

>> No.58315930


>> No.58315939

risk of having issues with children is too high at 35, so yeah 27 would be more logical

>> No.58315950

Muslims in the west already are succumbing to globohomo within first generation. Tons of Muslims whores I banged at college

>> No.58316342

9/10 of women in college are whores. No big deal. It's the slimy marxist influence. Red professors should get it first.

>> No.58316459

I guarantee you're going to start seeing divorce and paternity laws get rolled way back in the US in the next 30 years. The "red pill" shit has become completely mainstream now and social media is exposing how brutal the family courts are and how men take so much risk for no upside. Most men are not even incels, they're just average men, and average women don't want average men anymore. It's hilarious that feminists don't understand that the entire point of their movement was to bring modern day harems back

>> No.58316542

>Chinese literally have state mandated gfs

>> No.58316552

>this seems like the only way betamales get girls
The reason societies got rid of harems was because it was devastating long term to any kind of civilization. The king fucks all the women and now the cobbler and blacksmith have no son to pass their trade down to and everyone is just a barbaric tribe of eunuchs and concubines.

This has happened in animal population where one male dominates and then there is no genetic diversity and the entire population in that ecosystem dies. I know liberals hate these facts, but certain things were done in the past simply because they were best for society in the long term

>> No.58316561
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Why doesn't the U.S have better incentives for having kids? I'd put an extra baby in my wife before 30 if I got a good return. Not just mild tax breaks

>> No.58316647

Why would they do that when they can just let in millions of illegals and let the corporations rape them with no recourse?

>> No.58316712

It's believable that China would attempt to solve a problem with government intervention in a way that isn't grotesquely evil, which is the Western way

>> No.58316716

It's believable that the Western press would through a game of telephone and malice take something said by Xi and twist it out of proportion.

>> No.58316859
File: 131 KB, 1434x975, havekidsinfert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58316997

>You sound like a woman, no logic, no facts, only feelings final destination
>cites the cult of Saturn book
>cites his opinion
>lists 0 facts
>refuses to elaborate
>leaves with nothing to show but a puddle of drool

>> No.58317001

You do nothing but talk tough online, probably have a loud car and are a weak manlet

>> No.58317196

>Hamas is literally going around and collecting women to rape
Oy vey, still 0 proof of any rape happening on October 7 or after

>> No.58317471

>reason I fall for the bait is because
your retarded

>> No.58317754

>And......that makes more woman appear?
Women are there. Retard

>> No.58317794
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Sound money and the end of affirmative action programs fix declining birthrates. But most governments won't do that because they want to keep the ponzi scheme going.

>> No.58318061

Alphas and society will have to start enacting ever increasing security and tyrannical measures to keep the beta in check and slaving away.

Women literally would rather society collapse then marry average dudes, and alpha dudes who get pussy would rather kill every other male on the planet then give up their easy access to puss.

>> No.58318111

This boomer is a legit schizo
He’s down to start raping women

>> No.58318133

you haven't learned from your ban then. it is time to go back

>> No.58318161
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What happens when they figure out cloning?

>> No.58318167

No man is entitled to sex and any man that can't find a woman to fuck in the current year is a fucking loser. Not surprised this shit is happening outside the states considering men typically are lesser there than here, but their rape crusades will be a wasted effort when their economies collapse anyway because their currency sucks.

>t. White American who enjoys non-American women

>> No.58318248

>imperium invictum
Chuds really just need to take a break from the internet every once in a while.

>> No.58318335

>No man is entitled to sex
No man is entitled to free fake Commie salary via welfare taken from truly oppressed people who truly works, yet here we are. If the mob was strong enough to impose artificial AF demands like welfare (= "equal access to money stolen from *other people's work*"), surely they can get together and impose other stuff, especially more natural demands equal access to sex

>> No.58318630

Turns out money is not the same thing as people. Funny how that works.
You should also provide equal access to sex for gay neets dear anon, they demand it. They need more bottoms, please wax your ass.

>> No.58318650

have 2 kids
western women have lost their minds.
i have 5 kids, and they have been the source of most hapiness in my life the same as all my ancestors before me.

>> No.58318702


The boss of a government is the tax payer, since the tax payer is the one paying the salary of the governmental worker

That means us, as bosses of the government, should tell them to end these bad policies

Shrimple as unironically. The real problem of the current world is that tax payers are not getting together anymore to make their demands against the governments

>> No.58318768

>getting married and having kids is a dystopia for women
Literally just stop having jobs where you don't have to do physical labour. Even office workers should have to lift boxes. This immediately removes every woman from the pool and forces them to either stop being fucking retarded or starve to death.

I am BEYOND tired of women in fakework jobs stealing resources from men.

>> No.58318773

>and they simply won't settle for dying alone.
Only women think this is a preferable option- "give us all the money so we can get fucked by chad and you go die in the corner unless we need you". I will always laugh how these literally useless roasties are so fucking conceited and evil.

>> No.58318774

organising is banned for being communism

>> No.58318862


>women fucks chad
>gets pregnant
>single mother on welfare
>the one paying that welfare is the incel

This is not sustainable and incels are absolutely right to revolt and to stop paying for this shit

>> No.58318884

incel should just fuck a woman and leave her. apparently chads don't pay tax

>> No.58318941

No one's entitled to anything, you dumb cunt. You either get it or you don't, but the failed men would be more successful if they actually improved themselves and their countries instead of devolving to rapists again.

>> No.58318948


Women are going for only 20% of men, while the rest are now being fully single and without a family

You think those 20% chads are paying the welfare tax for all those 70% single men?

You are absoultely right that chad is not the one carrying those taxes on his shoulder, chad is probably on welfare himself anyway

>> No.58318962

>No one's entitled to anything,

Why are we paying welfare tax then, for women who are having tons of kids they can't support?

And no, fuck of with the "it's men's fault they can't get wives, they just need to improve so they are up to women's standards" bullshit

Being up to women's standards means not enjoying computer/video games/science, having to have tattoos and drink alcohol and do drugs, enjoying low IQ parties, and posting on instagram.

No, just no.

>> No.58318984

aren't you on disability welfare?

>> No.58319009

ecks dee

>> No.58319062

>No one's entitled to anything
Exactly (except in contracts), but 99.99% of people think the contrary and it's the root of all ideologies and movements
>you dumb cunt
I didn't say anyone is entitled to anything, just that no entitlement still coexists with massive claim for goodies and success at getting it, you smart cunt
>failed men would be more successful if they actually improved themselves
"no entitlement" yet it's also true that "I should get it probabilistically". why to improve if there are no rewards for it due to hoeflation? I risk for rewards, not for a boomer hustle culture while the president is a p3d0 corrupt crook with a family of drug-abusing conmen
>and their countries
nope, no State involvement in my sexual success or in anything, thx

>> No.58319356

I believe I'm understanding your point better, but the reward from making lifestyle choices to properly take care of your body is what will enable people to make more radical choices since they will feel empowered. But to get to that point, people must first make the choice and commit to abstaining from all the bullshit modern life has exposed us to, especially the consumption of terrible food and ideas spread on shitty message boards. The more people ignore their individual autonomy, the more likely we're going to see people continue coping in worse ways as things collapse globally because almost everything is owned by a relatively tiny amount of the population.

>> No.58319460
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t. proud nigger-cattle

>> No.58320189

you can't be racist on the internet anon wtf