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58308274 No.58308274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Next week. Watch it.

>> No.58308331 [DELETED] 

Sound project, biz better join the club while it's under 200k MC. When you get prices out and miss joining you'll regret it.

>> No.58308342

Watch the slow bleed, kek?
Bought a micro bag because of the aesthetics and active devs but won't be hanging my hat on this one not just turning to dust.

>> No.58308391

I did realise that Rosa is not Biz subject. As of now, has been shilled here only and it got insane results, peaked at 700K and sitting comfy at 100K floor.
And that’s hyper bullish.

>> No.58308404

Remember two things;

1) biz is always wrong
2) biz has no money

Next week they’re going to attack traditional social media. If you live in this world and you can forecast trends, you know that the combo Base (unconditional CB support and monopoly for the next bull run) AND so called “old money lifestyle” + 80s vibe will take internet by the storm. Just watch it.

>> No.58308436

What parts of the internet do you frequent? What demographic is even the target here?

>> No.58308461

Joined the TG and devs seem based and commited so I've got a mini bag just in case it moons. But people in crypto don't have te patience for long term plans so they have to keep momentum going.

>> No.58308473

Yeah, it really needs good, consistent marketing that keeps the hypetrain rolling. I think the aesthetic is nice and the Devs in the TG seem to be working quite hard, marketing to the normies needs to be executed correctly which is the tricky part.

>> No.58308493

Rosa club looks like a third world attempt to be a luxury brand.
Can't quite place it...
Lack of good taste. No aesthetic quality.
It's mid at best,
but that might attract the degens stupid enough to think this is going places.

>> No.58308554
File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_8136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stands out from all the blue copy pasta on base. If the team keeps grinding this will take off.

>> No.58308678

Bro, it’s obvious you’re a fucking boomer and do not surf traditional social medias.
Then, keep scrolling.

Lack of taste. Kek. Where are you from buddy?

>> No.58308714

The real world - not some idiot facsimile jeet scam market.

>> No.58308752

Yeah, I can tell. Bet trends hit you in the head ten years after they’re around. Lmao. Anyway, one of the dev is a professional designer, go figure.

>> No.58308759

Become real man, play GRAVITY

>> No.58308760

stfu child

>> No.58308764

Looks like sht

>> No.58308767

Already have some

>> No.58308768


>> No.58308804

>professional designer
waht some kid who just got photoshop and found out that he can download fonts?
Eat shit.

>> No.58308813

Anon, I…. Hop in the tg
No, you fucking dickhead. One of the dev is an ex Polka marketer and also works as a designer irl.

>> No.58308823

You must be the dev.
Your taste sucks.
>fund your bullrun crisis
ever heard of Freudian slips?
Eat shit.

>> No.58308841

I’m not. Believe it or not, they don’t want to target bizraelis. I can pretty much say that they’re right, since you guys are always wrong. lol.

>> No.58308865

Anyways, your narrative designers is hella hilarious.
You have no sense of pedigree.
You are disgusting.
Unironically, this appeals to the average degen with no design sense is exactly why it's perfect for the average shitcoin bidder.
Get fucked.

>> No.58308899
File: 1.84 MB, 1024x1024, 1711972018474641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p.s. it's also hilarious how you claim this isn't a 'bizcoin' yet the project was spammed here during prelaunch, and keeps getting posted.

The people who this project is attempting to facsimile would immediately recognize the atrocious design quality.

>> No.58308922

Wine drinking boomers. Not really the demographic that is flipping base coins desu

>> No.58308943

We get it nigger, you just got hip to the word 'facsimile'. You're like a kid that first picked up a little phrase that it thinks sounds smart. Holly hell real life conversation with you must be so cringe, pick up a bag of social awareness, kek.

>> No.58308960

No, your attempt is literally a Machiavellian attempt at facsimile in order to procure monetary investment.
Get fucked wastoid.

>> No.58309369

Facsimile this cock.

>> No.58310837

Seething so hard at a project lmao bro.

>> No.58310873

Agreed, it fails the vibe check

>> No.58310932

I think these are the same guys that did cobraswap.

>> No.58310986

The cobraswap fud is new. What’s the deal with this? Can you fucking elaborate?

For what it’s worth, I’m pretty close with these guys and they’re legit. But hey, fud is gonna fud right?

>> No.58311077

Damn it's already happening