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File: 202 KB, 423x261, fat man ccip april 8th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58307934 No.58307934 [Reply] [Original]

Fat man has spoken, General access launches on the eclipse. Coincidence?

>> No.58307944

Is this true? If true, I borrow money and buy 200 LINKS

>> No.58307951

>Is this true?
no lol just same speech as we've heard before, and GA isn't even anything special.. everyone who wants to build with CCIP can already do so.

>> No.58307957


>> No.58307986

GA announcement next week

>> No.58308003

It is likely that providing general access to Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) would increase its usage. Cross-chain interoperability is an essential feature for decentralized applications, as it allows different blockchains to communicate and exchange data seamlessly. By offering general access to CCIP, more developers and projects would be able to leverage its capabilities to create interconnected and efficient decentralized solutions. This increased adoption would likely lead to higher usage of CCIP and contribute to its growth within the blockchain ecosystem.

>> No.58308034

as soon as GA is announced, a new target will be found
probably lack of adoption for CCIP or staking only securing one feed and being funded from the treasury
this is useful as helps put pressure on team but don't take it too seriously

>> No.58309466
File: 181 KB, 750x772, IMG_1572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i stake link when my bank gives me over 4%?

>> No.58309470

CCIP will be released when FSS is perfected, currently it is in the conceptual phase but should have a second white paper soon

>> No.58309544

Thank you ChatGPT, very cool!

>> No.58309680

Has the purchasing power of the dollars your bank gives you increased 4x since you started receiving them? Because my link did

>> No.58309691

Ccip is already out

>> No.58309746

checked and you win a lolly

>> No.58309853

Link to clip please

>> No.58309879

I have a question.

Link shills say ccip will make link moon due to fees, but general access hasn’t even been released.

For a project to implement ccip would take around 1 year of testing.

So why the fuck would general access would make link moon if it takes at minimum one year to implement, test and audit ccip on a project?

Why do advocates keep lying?

t. Lead software dev

>> No.58309881
File: 64 KB, 442x442, 1692730947551897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58309908

they have been testing for more than a year now lol

>> No.58309915

Just swap for ICP already Linkies

>> No.58309945

Yes, companies that signed up for early access have been using CCIP for a while, however that’s even more bearish. That means the companies using ccip early access are generating minuscule fees.

What I meant is that when ccip general access is open and any company can use it and implement it on their protocol, they won’t be able to use it right away.

Protocols need some time from 3 months to a year to implement new solutions. So even is CCIP is adopted, it’s possible that

1) the fees will be minimal
2) fees will only go to node operators, making companies like link pool rich while holders don’t receive any value
3) CCIP fees trickle down to stakers, but they miss out this bullrun

I just don’t see how CCIP is a bullish even, more so when chainlink has explicitly said that they’ll be dumping a shitload of link tokens every year

>> No.58309951

>So why the fuck would general access would make link moon if it takes at minimum one year to implement, test and audit ccip on a project?
it wont. Community thinks that GA going live means more fees. Problem is chainlink is like AWS, it geard to devs. How many smart contract devs are there? Now how many of those are building daps with chainlink?

>> No.58309953

Also, have you used chainswap? It’s literal shit and they’ve been using ccip for a long time.

A cross chain swap takes over half an hour.

My condolences linkies, but it seems that you really are about to miss out on this run.

>> No.58309963

i wouldn't touch chainswap with your dick. I think Xswap is going to be the lead and im farming points for it.

>> No.58309986

Yeah I still don’t understand why chainlink is on the top 20 projects price wise.

I talked to the CEO of my company a while ago. The motherfucker is a ruthless businessman, and he told me if he were Sergey he would also dump millions of tokens on delusional holders so as to grow his fiat treasury and make his company more robust to be able to weather an economic downturn.

I just don’t see what’s the value of being a link token holder unless you are hoarding tokens for oracle calls. Even then,Sergey is giving link tokens away for free so even that wouldn’t make sense.

Just apply to become a BUILD member and get free link for a token created out of thin air.

>> No.58310005

Oh yeah, sorry I meant xswap. Apologies, shit starts looking the same after a while.

A cross chain swap takes half an hour in xswap. I highly doubt that’ll make link moon.

>> No.58310045

most og's are going to sell. I am going to unload my 50k stack, i know its not alot but there are others with more then me that will do the same.
kek they all do look the same. it doesn't actually take that long. longest ive had at moderate traffic was 20min. im not gambling on chainlink anymore. if you want to make money dont touch anything associated with it. My only exception was Xswap because it hits all the markers but still im not expecting much from it price wise.

>> No.58310101

I can tell You weren’t bullied enough in school

>> No.58310121

>im not gambling on chainlink anymore
Yeah, I’ll sell half of my stack for bitcoin. Less inflation and more buy pressure would make it a better investment than link.

What a disappointing ride chainlink has been. The community has even started waking up to Sergey’s shenanigans and the paid advocates are starting to get a lot of hate for not asking the chainlink team the questions everyone wants to know, like when are build rewards coming.

Even fishy has resorted to spam chainlink thread with shit like “chuddy kiddo lpl”.

What a sad state of things for the chainlink community.

I guess it’s true what they say
>You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain

>> No.58310136

Umm.. kinda weird comment, but


>> No.58310139

you know you're hitting a soft spot when you have twats responding to you like he just did. Just ignore

>> No.58310154

Indeed my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, I also am fearful, uncertain and doubtful of my investment and I will be shortly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all of my Top1000 wallet never traded Chainlink (ticker: LINK) there because I've made such a bad investment and I urge every other OG ICO Chainlink (ticker: LINK) investor to do the same because I, an anonymous poster, care deeply about your financial well-being.

We've all held for so long, but in all honesty it's time to stop the cope and just market sell our Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens immediately. I'm just so tired. You tired too? Let's sell together

>> No.58310191

Hey one post permavirgin. Link a clip or it didn’t happen.

>> No.58310195

>most og's are going to sell
I've heard this for years, I'm still gaming with over ten "OGs" that hold between 40 to 100k linkies and no one is demoralized, I swear you crybabies either bought every top and sold every bottom or hold like 100 link crying about not getting a 100x

>> No.58310208

Yeah I’ll just move on and cut my (opportunity cost) losses. Even if link “moons” to $100 every other project under $100 million market cap will probably perform better than it if BTC hits $100k.

The risk/reward just isn’t good with link. For me, personally.

Maybe other anons are happy with a 50% returns and are playing with tens of millions of dollars. But that that point even the corn is a better investment than chainlink.

No need to be fearful, link will probably pump with the rest of the market

>> No.58311265

lol you arent the "dev lead" of anything
you're a seething fudtard trying to larp
and then there's your gay little lackey from discord playing along

absolutely pathetic attempt

>> No.58311455

Damn, I’ve never seen linkies so demoralized about missing the bullrun. I thought it was going to be funny but it’s sad.

>> No.58311480
File: 374 KB, 1600x2549, 1711486052468533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you prevent lunch money from entering the market, congrats retard lmao

>> No.58313223

>most og's are going to sell. I am going to unload my 50k stack, i know its not alot but there are others with more then me that will do the same.
This. I hold 100k and I'm going to sell in 2 more weeks. Nulinker cucks btfo.

>> No.58313330

FSS and CCIP are two different services. The first iteration of FSS flopped because no one wanted to integrate it into their blockchain and deprive miners of their sweet sweet MEV profits.

And this too.

>> No.58313340

>So why the fuck would general access would make link moon if it takes at minimum one year to implement, test and audit ccip on a project?

It would not. It's just dumbasses keep wanting to latch onto a narrative and fudsters are looking for something to bitch about (Chainlink not reaching CCIP GA launch in Q1 2024).

>> No.58313470

>What is pricing the news and anticipating?
>This company will be worth billions in one year, but right now they are not so I will just not buy it

>> No.58313487

>dude im gaming
>ohhhhhh immmmm gonnna game

Hahahahhah what a pussy ass bitch excuse for a man

Redditors now even mocking the cult: https://x.com/shadzrick/status/1776641006244340057?s=46&t=pxB_5KMjs0qNm4ER3GIweA

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58313927


>> No.58315017

i have the ability to take out the money ive earned on the interest

>> No.58315181

Can't reward Link be withdrawn and sold? Mine can. Choosing not to though.

>> No.58315220
File: 17 KB, 625x99, Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 1.22.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly i hold 11,000 link since 2017

i should have sold already long ago.

no point in selling now... it will probably hit 37 dollars this bull run and thats when im going to dump..

im holding out of spite. and i have not invested into link since 2020 when is was somewhere around 5 dollars...