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58305817 No.58305817 [Reply] [Original]

Now i don't wanna dwelve in deeper than most of you fuckers here, I've been larping in 4chan for a millenia but still never bothered in this board, But still i just wanna get some money for College debt. So Can i get an insight about shit coin, I wanna start with 20$ i'm broke as fuck, And i just want to get 100$ or 200$

If someone's willing to help then proceed and thanks

>> No.58305876

It's basically like betting at the casino. No matter what you do there's always the chance you'll get unlucky and lose everything.

>> No.58305917

What are the best shitcoins to start with, Honestly i fucking hate gambling if that was the case, But still i might try it and see if it works

>> No.58305942


>> No.58305976
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You’re gonna get a lot of shills here buddy. I’ve always thought there should be a newbie general. I think a lot of people here are newer than they let on. Degenerate gamblers will tell you to throw it all on shit coins. Use 100 to start and invest a little into a lot. Use dex screener and token sniffer to make safe decisions.

Now for the shill.

A certain video game token is pretty hot right now. Jannie’s are cleaning up posts about it because they’re apu baggies

>> No.58306013

If you really wanna make money you gotta do some extra work and bridge to a relatively small L2 with potential and buy the top meme with the most liquidity on the network. Blast, metis and shibarium are some that come to mind

>> No.58306026

I kinda agree on the newbie thread, But many here fear being called newbies :/
I can't find work in my city that's the problem why i'm trying to use crypto with 20$, i'm too fucking poor

>> No.58306030

Don’t fall for this anon. There will be no AVI game. It’s a delay token

>> No.58306046

The extra work in learning how to bridge to an L2 and use MetaMask. It’s gonna be difficult to figure out at first

>> No.58306155

Don't listen to anyone anon. Just buy BTC and ETH and never sell. People on here telling you about their meme coins, selling you a x100 don't mater. They're just poor pump chasers.

>I wanna start with 20$ i'm broke as fuck, And i just want to get 100$ or 200$
You're shit out of luck my buddy. You won't make 100$ out of 20$ buying BTC and ETH, you're just too late to the party. I'm sorry, that's the reality. Yes sure, you can listen to these pump chasers above. But that's not how you build wealth. You build wealth by being patient and buying every single month, for the same amount and doing that shit for decades. You can literally be a millionaire in 10 years by just steadily accumulating BTC and ETH. 1 Bitcoin will be 1m$ in the next 10-15 years, if you get that you're set. Also try and get 32 ETH in the next 10-15 years. DON'T EVER SELL, if you sell you can only make mistakes. If you never sell you can never make a mistake, therefore you guarantee that you'll get that 1m$ BTC price for sure.

Don't fall for x100 meme coins, it's not worth your time.
Buy BTC & ETH and never sell.
Repeat that for years to decades and you'll have a lot of money in a relatively short period of time.

Just think how much money your job will net you in the next 30 years, by just doing what I told you you'll get more than your job will get you. If you decide to go down the x100 moon shot meme road you'll probably end up broke

>> No.58306264


Not what I meant nigger. Avi threads are everywhere. That would be another coin to look out for though, big on biz rn soon to be elsewhere. New project with lots of potential, not exactly a meme coin

>> No.58306737

This guy's the least retarded person in this thread, but even he isnt giving you the best advice. You're not gonna 10x with Btc or eth at this point unless you wanna wait 5 years. Meanwhile there are coins out there that are legit but will still melt faces. You need to get your money on a shady offshore exchange like xeggex to get it, which you can't/shouldn't connect to your bank account, so you'll need to buy a different crypto with something like cashapp or preferably coinbase (preferably tether because it should be always equal to $1) and then transfer it there to buy the real winner.
Crypto is 100% cyclical. Look up the halving schedule of bitcoin and then look at its price action. Then look at the price action of every other coin in existence. It all follows the general shape just with different multipliers. It's not the absolute best time to buy right now but it's better than the hyper mania phase when everyone wants to get in because their friend made 10k off $100 with 0 effort. Thats in about a year.
Only buy things with their own blockchain and preferably that are mineable. When ETH went to proof of stake a lot of miners went looking for a new home and most of the more promising ones shot to the moon. The one that seems to still have juice is Kaspa. It's actually been crab dumping lately after melting faces so it's a great time to buy. Definitely will 10x in a year or so, probably more. Honestly that's the only coin I can really recommend. Don't buy anything that is hosted on another chain and you have to use uniswap or whatever to buy, those are always scams and will have the loudest cheerleaders. Also don't keep crypto on exchanges, withdraw it to your computer using the wallet that's on Kaspa's GitHub page. It's called kdx. Do not lose your 12 or 24 recovery seed, it'll help you get the money back if something happens to your computer.

>> No.58306894
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If your first impulse is to stop by biz and learn how to make money from low effort but self-interested shit posters, you have entirely the wrong idea and mindset from the start and there is an especially high probability you will do nothing but lose money while becoming confused and jaded by all the numerous crypto narratives out there (most of which are dubious). I only come here to pass time as someone already informed on the subjects shitposted about, not for "investment hot tips". Honestly I always have a bit of contempt for people whose entry into crypto looks like yours, because mine was totally different and stemmed from my genuine interest in subjects like economics. I could give you strict fool proof advice like I would if you were a family member, and you would probably just disregard it in favor of chasing some illusion which will seem compelling to you as a newfag.

You could just buy bitcoin and gradually learn more about it over time, as the relatively low risk and sane play that will snowball and benefit you more and more for the longer term.. But you probably won't do that but instead will just become yet another highly confused shitcoin nihilist degen that is typical of biz, reddit, and crypto twitter. You will opt for the lower effort path and chase illusions until they wreck you. Just lurk biz just for a little bit and you will see what I mean with threads talking about poopoo and dogpisscoin, with every anon sounding jaded and nihilistic about it while still somehow expecting to flip the very things they are cynical about for a massive profit.

>> No.58306911

Well said.

>> No.58307675

well son, i came here to shill.
but saw your thread. so here i am be dropping u understanding.

wat is btc? wat is proof of work?
wats going on on the planet?

150 years ago we found oil. and it made our current age.
energy for all.
now, we have entered the information age.
but how does it relate to energy?

well, comptuing power is the oil of the 21 century.

but lets take a small digression, into wat you gonna hear from others.
others gonna tell you btc has introduced a global financial consensus on a
new decentralized monatary system. we agreed on halving scheme and proof of work.
now miners mine blocks, and we get a system where we can trade with each other
this "hard" currency. it being the next step after the fiat currency we still live
under and is at play.
those folks thinking thus, will bite and scream at you, or me, when i'll say the following.

the monatary system btc introduces is a seconadry feature.
the main feature of btc is energy transmission.
details are here >>58306827

but, why am i telling you this. it's all so you understand the playing field.
we got two political camps.
one - ethereum/deep state/u will eat the bugz -
its mission is to burn as much energy as possible into trainning AI networks, thus
chaining souls into the machine, while fudding you with co2 propoganda.
two - btc - its mission is to burn as much energy to provide a "freedom" enviroment
so we can live how we choose. though a bit paradoxically.

those who burn more compute power - reign supreme in our age.

now, u ask wtf and how should you move in crypto space?
as usual. read read read. start making wallets. start making transactions.
1$ 5$ 10$ will be enough for you to participate.
participate in anything you see. this will provide for you the groundwork
for holding wallets, keeping them safe. after this bootcamp - you'll feel comfrtable
journeys with the goal of provi.... fuck the char limit pastebin c0m pPmM3768

>> No.58307739

true true
its a personal journey. those who disregard thier own internal psychological states. are bound to end up like this anon says. thats why i think is important to understand the grand scheme of whats going on. and then judged it withing your soul in order to know whats the best approach for you is.
degen nihilistic style - i don't judged. but do expect you not to be carried away into it without your will , ie conscously participate.

>> No.58307750

i am writing response, as if to OP. not the poster i am quoting.
>Only buy things with their own blockchain and preferably that are mineable.
this is a political statement anon is making here.
he thinks profits are aligned with your political conviction.
>Don't buy anything that is hosted on another chain.
go over all the fucking chains you can. the more you visit and participate the more you know
>always scams and will have the loudest cheerleaders
yes, thats why you want to buy them with your 5$ or 10$
education and expierence

>> No.58307762

>I can't find work
beware, if you are entering crypto with a desprate set of mind, and no order in your household. most of the chances, FOMO will chew you and spit you out in a blink of an eye.
ohhh.. btw... you gotta make a devotion altar for FOMO and FUD next to your bed.

>> No.58307819

Sounds like you're here from /pol/?
>Buy Kaspa Jewcoin
Look OP, don't buy fucking XRP, kas, LUNA or FTX. All Jewcoins are scams. Bitcoin is a good one. It's the safest. Bitcoin Cash is a good one with ETF potential. Litecoin is a good one with a good narrative. But stay the fuck away from any Israeli bullshit. With Jews you lose.

>> No.58307822
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reminding the entirety of everyone reading this that only kaspa and Bitcoin follow a power law

>> No.58307856

kek, i just read their optical pow. they be whining muh energy. muh co2 fud. they have no clue. enjoy your overlord daddy- burning the energy instead to feed its AI's and digital cages.

>> No.58307905
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I don't understand what you're trying to to say here, but nevertheless I think optical pow is Yonis fantasy, I don't think we really need it

>> No.58307924

if you want maximum safe gains, buy TRUMP and sell at 4x at any point over the year.

LTC is another safe bet, albeit longterm imo. 7b market cap, high name recognition, BTC alt, etc.

>> No.58307936

np mate. i tried explaining the compute energy situtation we are dealing with, in a previous post.

"However, the growing
energy consumption of cryptocurrency mining has some un-
desirable effects. This paper proposes a novel approach to
alleviate this reliance on energy cost by designing a PoW algo-
rithm, oPoW,"
from opow pdf

>> No.58307945

are u implying kaspa baut to change minning algo?

>> No.58308046
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if it's long term, go for btc, some useful alt or memecoins, like vinu right now it's still going up but fluctuating a little (tho for me it's an opportunity of multiple buy low sell high moments)
so don't worry about it too much and just take your time and analyze and study your options before spending

>> No.58308309

bump for posterity