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58304832 No.58304832 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people always act like popular people and bullies will fail after highschool but the losers will be super successful? If anything having social skills is a better advantage in the business world than being a nerdy loner

>> No.58305206

The meek shall inherit the earth

Believe in karmatic justice

>> No.58305261

It's cope mostly but in the cases it does happen it's a complete inversion, my dad knows a guy who was relentlessly bullied in high school and founded a company, now has a net worth of over $200 million

>> No.58305269

>If anything having social skills is a better advantage in the business world than being a nerdy loner
If you look at the most successful people of these past couple of generations. All of them are a bunch of ''nerds''. Being good socially can only get you so far.

The world changed and the skills that nerds have are seen as more valuable.

>> No.58305273

>The meek shall inherit the earth
No, it turns out that just get a sword run through you. Looks like your pacifist religion collapsed Rome and the contemporary west.

>> No.58305307

Those movies are peak blue pill propaganda. Just be yourself bro.

1/8 of the entire fucking internet is dedicated to debunking that logic (red pill).

>> No.58305315

Athiest cope, the collapse of the west is specifically rooted in the French Revolution and abandonment of religion, since Catholicism kept Jews in check until Protestantism undermined the faith.
QQ Pagan larpers

>> No.58305389

Absolute insane mental gymnastics. England reached the peak of her empire during a harsh repression of catholics. Same for America. Catholic countries like France spearheaded globohomo.

>> No.58305413

>having social skills is a better advantage in the business world
>popular people and bullies
These are independent traits. Popular people are likely to be more charismatic and social, and will carry this advantage forward in life. Bullies are likely to cause insult and burn bridges, which will lead to negative consequences over time.

>> No.58305676

>France spread globohomo after secularizing
>Protty england protected rothschild interests
>The now-atheist UK is why it's an imprisonable offense to call men in dresses men
Yeah all Catholocism's fault lol

>> No.58306368

"Why do people believe X"
"Here is a restatement of the principles of a people that explains why they believe X"

Yeah it doesn't matter faggot. I'm explaining why people believe something not why what they believe is correct. There's also no karmatic justice, and the mere fact that you're a dick to some people doesn't mean the universe will align itself to punish you to even shit out. Though there are often some consequences for being a bad person, especially if you do it enough.

>> No.58306433

I can save Alison...

>> No.58306501
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because is better to become a nerdy loner billionaire, than a bullie that probably gamble all hes money into eesee

>> No.58306508

Jewish Hollywood always writes its scripts to glorify losers and bring down Goy winners.

>> No.58306514


>> No.58306625

Are you speaking from experience?

>> No.58306626


>> No.58306703

Most of them at the tippy top came from well connected families so that doesn't really apply here. High IQ social retards tend to do well in crime and shitcoin trading though.

>> No.58306713

Because that's how things are in a healthy, properly functioning society. It's not supposed to be the dystopic hell that it is now where the only successful young people are attractive internet whores and assholes with rich parents.

>> No.58306803

the dynamic is most people dont like bullies and popular people become complacent and dont put the required effort into succeeding.

>> No.58306927

>karmatic justice
Not in the Bible

>> No.58306981

I'm 39 and the most successful kids from my class were the popular good looking ones. It transfers into adulthood that being charismatic and likeable will get you good jobs. The kids who got bullied were technicians, retail workers, blue collar, etc. there's a reason you rarely see hot women working retail or warehouse or see hot guys who are poor and homeless

>> No.58308018

The guys who flushed my head in a toilet in year 9 are now running a multi million dollar brewery company
Life isnt fair unfortunately

>> No.58308029

love that movie unironically

>> No.58308113

Bluepill programming. Actually it was proved bullies get more sex and female attention. World lies to beta men because it keeps world going. It import to keep morale of lesser men so they wont suicide themselves before 50, after that they can die

>> No.58308122

Bulling is just strong genes trying to kill off lesser ones if they cant kill you thy will demoralize you so you cant make it in life