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58300758 No.58300758 [Reply] [Original]

There are retards on this board who believe the pharma industry would be able to suppress cheap cancer cures if they existed. Such retards believe the market wouldn't sort itself out.

>> No.58302564

if there was a cure, they would just charge alot for it.
>be me
>i work at one

>> No.58302683

hating big pharma is a midwit test that proves somehow has entirely no understanding of how or why the industry actually works the way it does. The fact some people think more regulation is the solution to expensive meds is halarious

>> No.58303023

they even think it's possible with things that can't be patented like this schizotard shilling chlorine dioxide
>dOcTors aRe SupRreSsinG tHe MiraCle cUre becoZ theY wOulD gO ouT oF bUsinesS!!
of course it comes from some retarded cult:
those few /pol/tards are not even midwit, they're low IQ schizos.

>> No.58303115

According to the forced meme that election tourists love, the low IQ retard agrees with the high IQ genious on everything and they're always right.

>> No.58303150

there are cures, depending on the type of cancer and genetics. and they are expensive. and the medical industry does supress them. if you are diagnosed with cancer you immediately have a dollar sign over your head of how much money the industry thinks you can be milked for. Don't have a few million in the bank? You're not getting cured. Do have millions to spend on good treatments? Good luck anyway because you probably have a fucking indian doctor that doesn't know what the correct treatment is anyway

>> No.58303155

There is no “cure” for cancer. Cancer is your own bodies cells glitching and multiplying out of control. Its virtually impossible on a cellular level to differentiate a cancerous cell and your normal body tissue. Thats why best we can really do is cut out the entire affected area or nuke everything with chemo. Cancer isnt a regular disease its a mutation in your DNA, that replicated into billions of cells
There are real evil jews in global corporations conspiring to ruin your life but suppressing a cancer cure is not on their agenda. We literally dont have the technology yet

>> No.58303159
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>there are retards that
Yes. I'm one of them

>> No.58303173
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>You don't get it, everything's a conspiracy to stop me having sex!

>> No.58303174

I believe this, but more of in the sense that advanced technologies are hoarded to keep them tactically advantageous. If the NSA have the ability to crack like SHA256, they certainly could get rich hacking Bitcoin and lock up everyone trading CP on Tor, but you could make a fucking empire just collecting that information of everyone unimpeded and only tactically using it. Maybe a brainlet take, but I do believe it happens

>> No.58303177

I just told you in the last thread to go back to /lgbt/ faggot.

>> No.58303205
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>the matrix is tactically attacking my bitcorns

>> No.58303223

the meme can be correct in some circumstances but not when it comes to thinking that bleach can cure illnesses.
it's not a conspiracy it's about cost/benefit. some treatments are not reimbursed by health insurances because they're too expensive

>> No.58303231

Nobody is trying to find one even, so we won’t find one. It’s much more profitable to find a management system than it is to cure something altogether, such as we did with HIV.

>> No.58303260
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>stop smoking
>omg we cured 90% of lung cancer

>take this vaccine
>omfg we cured 90% of cervical cancer

>wear sunscreen
>wow we reduced 90% of skin cancer

>omg guys a patient cured is a customer lost that's why they will never make a cure to cancer

>> No.58303262

Nah sir, I’m saying the opposite. I’m saying if you do have the ability to attack Bitcoin, not doing it so everyone thinks the platform is safe is a way better strategy.

>> No.58303264

>Nobody is trying to find one even
these are the kind of retards we're talking about.

>> No.58303267

They could definitely suppress it.

>> No.58303288

Pretty simple just defund or disallow promising areas of research. Then push treatments with barely any efficacy. There are evil people pushing filth and ideology and misanthropy everywhere. Especially how you even get to everyone getting cancer like

Promote eating grains and seed/vegetable oils. Eat carbohydrates. Promote poor studies in the media and trick non scientific people that somehow eating eggs and yogurt is bad you should rather eat oats in the morning.

Everything is also childish and have every discussion forum be in bad faith off the bat. Anyone with a different opinion is immediately ridiculed.

So yes when you ask me if there is some conspiracy to promote bullshit instead of things that actually work you fucking bet I'm going to believe it. Plain dumb people ARE bad actors to me by virtue of their stupidity

>> No.58303300

there is already strong evidence that restoring oxidative metabolism in cancerous masses stops and reverses their growth. you can do this with a combination b vitamins, aspirin, and caffeine, all of which are unpatentable and therefore offer 0 roi if tested in the current rct meta.

>> No.58303321

>It’s much more profitable to find a management system
If pharma companies A, B and C are all competing with each other providing treatments, do you think it would be more profitable for company D to release a cure if they have it, taking all customers from A, B and C or to try and compete with a similar treatment?

>> No.58303350

>you can do this with a combination b vitamins, aspirin, and caffeine
we can do this but the evil doctors are suppressing this truth?

>> No.58303368

What if the cure was free and you didn't need to see a doctor?
What if the cure was literally doing nothing?
I guarantee 99% of Americans have over 50 pounds of fat on their body.
Nobody in this country needs to eat for at least 2 months.

Fasting. Fasting kills cancer.

>> No.58303387

>there is already strong evidence
Share it.

>you can do this with a combination b vitamins, aspirin, and caffeine
So there's a clear negative association between caffeine consumption and cancer rates? Or does it have to be some kind of esoteric mix of all of the above? If so, how are you so sure about it?

>> No.58303401

>Fasting kills cancer.
damn, another truth being suppressed by doctors.

>> No.58303470

there are crispr based techniques where they harvest your t-cells and modify them know to kill the cancer cells then run your blood through what is like a dialysis machine. that is just one example. it only works for specific people but it's a cure.
my advice for you is just never find out if you have cancer because with your attitude you'll end up on some fucked up treatments that make life miserable when the cancer death might just be organ failure one night. gl bro

>> No.58303489

the doctors are not evil, they're retarded and don't understand the first thing about metabolism. that's why they widely prescribe medications that do things like block the production of ubiquinol (statins) or poison ECT complex 1 (metformin).

go down the list of b vitamins and cancer and search pubmed. here's one about thiamin inhibiting proliferation of cancer, which makes sense when you understand that cancerous growth hinges on unnecessary aerobic glycolysis, which thiamin directly works against by dephosphorylating pdh and promoting oxidative phosphorlyation.


>> No.58303492

>Share it.
warburg effect. heavily researched. mainstream medicine ignores it but the evidence is there that essentially low oxygen and high sugar grows cancer, high oxygen and low sugar starves it and at least slows the growth

>> No.58303493

>Fasting kills cancer.
now imagine if it was true and it would effectively cure any type of cancer. no pharma/medical lobbying group would have the power to suppress this because that's not how the world works.

>> No.58303502

it's true but if you cancer developed far enough to notice it the tumors are too large to eliminate through fasting alone. fasting will extend your life if you have cancer and it will help to prevent cancer if you dont have cancer

>> No.58303529

the issue with this logic is that your body maintains a baseline level of blood glucose; you can't just not eat sugar and expect cancer to lack for it. you ideally prevent the cancer from fermenting it into lactate, and that means restoring oxphos

>> No.58303538

i didn't say it was conspiracy. it's mostly controlled by the insurance companies algorithms. there is conspiracy to train medical professionals in a way that maximizes profits but nothing is stopping you from doing your own research and finding a real doctor if you have money. don't expect to go to your local hospital or university and find someone who knows anything about your specific cancer, and do expect to be told there is no cure whether or not there is

>> No.58303540
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>who believe the pharma industry would be able to suppress cheap cancer cures if they existed
Yes, they are only for the elites. Keep the cattle sick and full of cancer, chemotherapy is very profitable. Curing people easily and cheaply would be terrible for their business. This world is run by greed and you're a retard if you don't know it

>> No.58303554

exactly. never attribute to malice or stupidity what can be simply explained by greed and market forces

>> No.58303563

>who believe the pharma industry would be able to suppress cheap cancer
Just another easy IQ litmus test. Anyone who believes this simply can't think two steps (or even one step) ahead.

>> No.58303576

but the point of this thread is that if this becomes the best and sure way to treat cancer then all hospitals and all doctors would eventually go that route. the treatment would become less and less expensive with competition

>> No.58303618

they already have the cancer vaxx.
but first they must create a cancer panic.
their methods are irrefutable.

>> No.58303712

Well retard that's exactly what happened in 2021. Pharma pushed bioweapon jabs while surpressing already tested protocols. Fucking idiot.

>> No.58303768

>while surpressing already tested protocols
if you're talking about hydroxychloroquine, you're the retard

>> No.58303866
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>Fasting kills cancer
True in a really dumb sense where obviously cancer, much like any other cells in your body, need some form of nutrition to survive. The issue is your non-cancerous body parts need nutrition to survive too. And there's no guarantee the cancer will die before you will. More likely both you and the cancer will deteriorate until both you and the cancer are dead.
People with cancer losing their appetite and eating little to no food is already something that happens naturally and it didn't "cure" cancer for everyone who had it in the past.
A more realistic proposal would be the ketogenic diet meme except for real instead of the version modern people do where they just eat lots of bacon. The whole point of that diet originally was to try to allow for the benefits of starvation seen with juvenile diabetics in a way that could be prolonged so they don't all die before they hit puberty as was their universal fate back then.
Although the limited amount of testing done with that so far suggests you'd get better results just from eating a plant based non-keto diet.

>> No.58303890

>cures cancer

kys plus you failed the test

>> No.58303913

>the jews are making me eat sugar again

>> No.58304023
File: 31 KB, 575x448, jews trying to poison an aryan kid with veggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jews are trying to make me eat vegetables

>> No.58304025

>eating little
Not fasting.
They're also so far gone already that they're going to die in a week no matter what.
When you actually fast your body stops doing shit it doesn't need to do. Autophagy sets in and your body culls unnecessary cells that are taking without providing value to the whole.

You're all knocking it but in this very thread another anon said that's what chemo is about, nuking your whole body and hoping the cancer dies first.
Well you don't need to pay for that sped up process if you just don't eat for a month.

>> No.58304380

pharma companies are fucking vultures, man
seriously sometimes i hate living here and having to pay so much just for a quick check up or a not-so broken arm.
Also, a lot of shit doctors say or recommend are specifically designed to drain you dry when the solution is something MUCH cheaper
maybe i should just leave somewhere with free healthcare and continue working from home while getting a bit of profit from my pay to earn games, like ether orb. i'm just tired, man.