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58297938 No.58297938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My daughter was diagnosed with stomach cancer, the cost of the operation was $20,000, including a discount for low-income families. I had to sell everything I had to raise some of the money, about $3,000, and took out a loan for $5,000. My friends helped me with a portion of the amount, around $1000, and now I’m looking for all possible ways to earn money, I work as a taxi driver 18 hours a day. I have no relatives, since I came from an orphanage. I wanted to know if there is any way to earn some money in crypto or is it worth collecting a little at a time? It’s just that my daughter doesn’t have much time and at the moment I’m afraid that if I save money for a long time, she simply won’t live to see this day. I would like to sell my organs, but in our country this is prohibited. And now I don’t know what to do, after all this I can’t look my daughter in the eyes, she probably deserved a better life and a better father and it’s all my fault that I’m so helpless and can’t let her live in peace.

>> No.58297966

Stomach cancer can be cured with sodium/potassium bicarbonate pills, fulvic minerals, activated charcoal or chlorophyll supplements
Save yourself the money and your daughter the torture
Look into Dr Simoncelli

>> No.58297976

and thats why poor shouldnt reproduce, sorry about your daugther

>> No.58297977

You should be able to take a personal loan out for the $20000

>> No.58298000

Did she get the covid vax?

>> No.58298022

Long silver

>> No.58298029

Yes, they gave it to me and her during quarantine

>> No.58298041

where do you live?
borrow, talk to a charity or do a fundraiser online. crypto cannot help you.

>> No.58298047

I don't live in America, I'm from Mongolia. And I already took out a loan and I was only approved for $5,000, for me this is a lot of money

>> No.58298056

I know it's my fault that I brought her into the world and that I'm poor

>> No.58298248

The crypto world is a place where you spend money that you can afford to lose and it sounds like you can't afford to waste a penny so I strongly recommend you avoid anything to do with cryptocurrency at all.

You could try donating plasma, at least in western countries they pay you a fair bit for this.

Charity is also an option, I doubt your Christian but I know there is a minority in Mongolia, you should contact a Church see if they can help get you in touch with charitable organisations. Christians are pretty big on charity so they should have something for you.

Your already working as much as possible but you should really try finding a better job with less hours if you can. Just working a lot feels like your doing something but its not always the best use of your time. You're also killing yourself and not getting to spend time with your daughter who I'm sure wants her dad right now.

God bless you anon, you're a good father don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.58298269

highly doubt this is legit

sounds too similar to that serial scamming faggot who's been posting sob stories here for years

sorry if legit but calling fake and gay until extensive proof is posted but i'll be hiding the thread so i guess i'll never know

>> No.58298389

I can send you any proofs you want(my face, name and etc), thats not problem. I know here a lot of scammers and i dont want try beg from someone

>> No.58298409

im so sorry op. i suggest you put any and all savings you have into chainlink immediately

>> No.58298442


>> No.58298479

hard to believe a poor mongolian taxi driver who works 18hr/day has time to spend on this cesspool, has any clue about crypto or even knows english at all

>> No.58298491

I wish you and the people you hold dear the best you can get

>> No.58298600

My country is not supported to post something on gofundme

>> No.58298610

Thank you very much

>> No.58298628

I can’t prove to you otherwise, I just used to spend a lot of free time on the Internet

>> No.58298894

Suck 2000 dicks at $100/dick.

>> No.58298978
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Sorry about your daughter. Blame yourself and your fellow sharts.

>> No.58299294

This dude cured his cancer using a cheap anti parasite drug called Fenbendazole

People have also cured their cancer using Miracle Mineral Supplement/Chlorine Dioxide


>> No.58299362

Sorry, I know I'm weak. But I don’t know anything what to do

>> No.58300073

You could beg for XMR like LebAnon :^]

>> No.58300130

I'm afraid of such treatment methods, I'm scared that she might get worse or something else.

>> No.58300154

if such miracle cures existed they would be used in all hospitals retard

>> No.58300162

I have only binance and i check now, here dont have xmr. But if someone want help i can find another way or proof my situation

>> No.58300199

how old is she? if she's 18 she can apply to brothels in europe and earn good money

>> No.58300222

>calls others retard
>doesn't understand hospitals are for profit businesses tasked with enacting the globalist population control agenda

>> No.58300229

fuck off to /pol/ and /x/ retard. if there was a miracle cure all doctors would use it.

>> No.58300242

Fuck off to /lgbt/ faggot. Medicine is a trillion dollar business.

>> No.58300272

She is 11 years old

>> No.58300300

in that case i suggest you contact the founder of polkadot

>> No.58300341

then what's preventing (You) to manufacture that miracle cure and become a billionaire you absolute fucking retard?

>> No.58300366
File: 59 KB, 680x538, 1yzv9gpfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noo you dont understand the whole medical field is suppressing mUh chLorine DioXide!!!!

>> No.58300384

>you absolute fucking retard

>> No.58300406

MMS is a scam, but from what I can gather, fenbendazole is legit and absolutely worth giving a shot.

>> No.58300411

>the whole world is suppressing this [CURE]
literally what retards have said for decades about all sort of snake oil bs