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File: 213 KB, 1200x900, Contrary to popular belief millennials can still afford houses_ff2a11_6426070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5828986 No.5828986 [Reply] [Original]


Housing bubble burst when

How the fuck is anyone supposed to afford a 500k home when the median income is 55k?

>> No.5829058


Another lanklet trying to get some manlet dick, will they ever learn?

>> No.5829104

Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down. You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments. Small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority. There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority. Have this in mind in 1990 when they ask, "How many bedrooms in your house? How many bathrooms in your house? Do you have a finished game room?." This information is personal and is of no national interest to government under our existing Constitution. But you'll be asked those questions and decide how you want to respond to them.

>> No.5829106

Housing bubble, student loan debt bubble, you better become a millionaire before all these bubbles pop and the united burgers of america becomes a warzone. GOP is making sure this happens quick

>> No.5829127
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I wonder this same thing too anon

I live in CA and make good money (150k) and I can't even think to afford a house.

>built in 1950s
>3 bdrm 1200 sqft

it's not right damnit

>> No.5829273

Blame retards who were willing to take out mortgages for ridiculously marked up prices because they couldn't be assed to do their research and wonder why the banks were so happy to freely give out the loans

>> No.5829633

Truly a recipe for hell on earth.

>> No.5829728


>> No.5829774

Im buying one for 60k this month, its gorgeous, cant wait to move in

>> No.5829817

>500k home
lol where do you live? Utah?...... I can't even buy a one bedroom apartment here with that money

>> No.5829848
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It's not the value of the House going up
It's the value of your money going down.

>> No.5829862



>> No.5829863
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>> No.5829899

he probably lives in mexico

>> No.5829911

Redwood floors and everything, its a 3 bedroom home in an inland city, theres another near it thats my plan b, one is 54k, the other is 59k

>> No.5829921
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Oh, so this has become a meme now. Nice.

>> No.5829964

USA my man

>> No.5830071

>$$80k-$120k salary for 5 years
>live in parents house rent free thanks parents
>save $250k
>buy a $400k house with $150k mortgage
>Pay mortgage off in 3 more years
If you are not a retarded you can buy a modest house. Choosing to live in an area of California with $1m homes is a dumb idea for someone who can't afford it. If I paid rent instead of living rent free, I would have still saved up almost $200k so it's hardly because I had help.

>> No.5830152

Median millennial income is like $22k and we don't already own. We simply cannot buy at the prices homes are. It's all supply and demand and our families are selling the homes to live in $8k a month nursing homes and passing on nothing.

In 30 years the housing market has no choice but to fall or we will have to live like cockroaches with several people per home.

>> No.5830187


>> No.5830224

Kill your parents and massacre immigrants as single home owners and investors. The price will fall over night

>> No.5830240

>live in parents house rent free thanks parents

And for 90% of us that can't do that, we pay about $60k a year for housing almost anywhere that pays us 6 figures. So more like 8-10 years to save $250k even with a good job.

>> No.5830254

>housing bubble
what are you part of the top 10% and you're trying to buy a house in Brooklyn or Bay Area?
If you're looking for those markets to dip, it will happen soon. VC money is drying up and everyone is consolidating into the blue chips.
There is no housing bubble any where else in the USA.
Prices aren't outrageous and they aren't stacking the market full of dumbies like last time.
You fundamentally don't know what a bubble is.

The real issue is that soon, the bottom 70% of America is renting, and that will only continue. Anybody owning more than one house, is renting the other ones out and making a killing.
The rental market isn't regulated like the housing market is now, and that's where the money's at.
As long as the value of the dollar keeps going down, international money laundering funds will keep investing in american property because they know we are cows.

>> No.5830275

Future Yahoo Finance article:
Crypto millionaires drive up housing prices!

>> No.5830305

Move to the Midwest. $120k houses for days.

>> No.5830395

>klan members and tornados

No thanks

>> No.5830412

I'm 26 and live in the midwest. Housing is somewhat affordable. Wouldn't buy anytime soon, if ever though. Taxes, upkeep, insurance, immobility all seem terrible.

>> No.5830413

I live in Ontario, 500k sounds like a steal.

>> No.5830420

so you say
>find people and companies owning more than one house
>kill them

>> No.5830480

Holy fuck I live in the exact thing described at the end

Jesus christ I hate this shit so much. One of the reasons I'm in crypto trying to free myself from this nightmare of living with others

>> No.5830489

Melissa Mayer go home

>> No.5830519

Yes, Maoism 101.

When the 401ks start going sour, it's going to be more advantageous for even the boomers to rent their house out at an absurd rate, and move in with their kids, or live in a retirement community. They'll never sell because they're scared of their capital gains tax.

>> No.5830525

Allegheny County still has affordable houses, but high taxes. That's where Pittsburgh is at.

>> No.5830545

Whats this from?

>> No.5830571

But how? Short the market can be really risky. Are there any inverse ETf for just the housing market?

I wish I could afford shorting Sallie Mae long term, fuck those guys.

>> No.5830594


its so sad that all of the wealth you earn throughout your life will not stay in your family but instead makes some cunt extremely wealthy, i know its just the way it works but come on. am i the only one who thinks this is completely fucked? no matter how hard someone works there will always be a thief ready to take everything from right under your nose

>> No.5830620
File: 11 KB, 226x220, 3b421db8f84072d89b68f00969b77f3b--frogs-i-will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomers want prices to go up
>import millions of shitskins and beaneros and chinks
>house prices go up
>boomers think this is "economic growth"

I will murder every single last one of you 1960s fuckheads

>> No.5830669

What's wrong with klan members? You a nigger or something?

>> No.5830704

During the housing crisis expensive houses sat. The bank refused to lower the price to sell them. So I wouldn't bank on vacancy causing lower housing prices.

>> No.5830815

We are all literally going to be sharing small apartments with our parents and multiple other families. Sleeping on the floors of any room with space. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.5830844

christ just move to rural america. 500k will get you a fucking mansion out here. exaggerating but still

>> No.5830847

Only escape is through shitcoins

Bitcoin is "only" $15k but it could be the ticket for millennials to own a house in the future.

>> No.5830908

So that boomers can profit off of milennials' ingeniousness WITHOUT EFFORT?

Fuck no.

>> No.5830922

>like cockroaches with several people per home
yeah buddy that's already happening.

this is the thing that pisses me off more than anything.
Boomers thought it was a good idea to hire anyone, just on the simple fact that they are asking the lowest wages, aren't unionized, and will never ask for a salary raise.
Real good job Boomers, if you wanted people to withhold and carry your american values, maybe you should have distributed the power inherent in money to the people carrying those values.

>explicitly stating bitcoin is going to experience a new ATH
shiggeroony ma dude

>> No.5830930

It's already happening in countries like Japan and Hong Kong

>> No.5831047

>tfw I told my family to go and die when they got upsetti for me not having a job

This year is going to be fun

>> No.5831081

Kek. Do you at least have enough in crypto already to pull this off?

>> No.5831106

>move in with their kids, or live in a retirement community.

>implying kids won't just throw the weak boomers into the forests and let the wolfs be their nurses.

>> No.5831119

No. It's only the price of financial assets that have gone up, not food, energy, etc. Central banks have created trillions in reserves for speculators to borrow pushing down yields on all investments and pushing up prices. This money has even been seeping into the crypto markets over the last year, why do you think it bitcoin has gone up so much? They wanted these reserves to increase inflation but increasing debt simply decreases GDP growth and inflation, the opposite of what they wanted. The sheer size of the debt alone could cause total system collapse. But unwinding all these reserves at once will collapse it too. This is why the FED is gradually increasing rates and letting these bonds mature ($600 billion per year from this year). This will drain all this liquidity away. They hope asset prices will somehow stay up but that is very unlikely.

>> No.5831133

Idk where you idiots are but in Australia, you can put a ~60k deposit down on a house and then rent out the other rooms for passive income while you slowly pay off the mortgage. That's how everyone does it, no one really pays 600k up front for a house.

>> No.5831152

nope, I made my own business online and used it to get into crypto afterwards though, now I have a sexy wench and im about to get that 60k home I mentioned, so feelsgoodfam

>> No.5831200


>> No.5831205

why dont you guys just move to somewhere exotic and buy a penthouse for 200k?

>> No.5831239
File: 8 KB, 286x200, wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have own business
>parents give you shit for not having a job

Did I miss something?

>> No.5831255

I look at countries like Venezuela to see our future. Our federal debt keeps rising and no one seems to give a fuck. Eventually it will all collapse and we'll all have to sell our homes (or our parents will) to the chinese.

>> No.5831273

tornado insurance plus you'll be forced to not buy anything expensive because you know. and lets face it yer white trash anyways

>> No.5831299

Started a business after I told them to fuck off, just jewtube shit

>> No.5831303

Poorfags btfo

>> No.5831326

Millenials after being held out of traditional housing and family life for so long come to fetishise it. If parents moved in, many would be pleased

>> No.5831325

900 a month for a van, nice

>> No.5831347

Ah. Well done nonetheless, lol

>> No.5831411

thanks, I want to hit 7 digits and upset them somehow

>> No.5831423

You need a visa to live abroad.
Panama is a good option for crypto investors. Low taxes, low real estate, easiest visa in the fucking world, and high potential for growth.

>> No.5831448
File: 33 KB, 686x798, 1514872761059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to move to Saskatchewan and hope for the best because I can't afford a house anywhere else

Love my hometown, but the housing prices have increased about 4* in the past 10 years, can't afford it

>> No.5831478

It's kinda shit that your parents pulled this on you, but don't stoop so low. Just live a happy, fulfilled life on your own terms. That's the best revenge one can get.

>> No.5831511

cause you don't buy a house every year ...

>> No.5831530

>Butt I still has samez amount of $$$$$???
And that same money is loosing tons of value since more and more and more gets printed skyrocketing the price of everything but fucking fiat. FIAT / USD IS TRASH. ABSOLUTE TRASH. Get gold, real estate, stocks, ... Anything but fiat you dumb fuck.

>> No.5831546

My id says it all

>> No.5831568

Not my parents my grandparents, I grew up in fostercare because these shits wouldnt take responsibility for me

So yeah, im going to do something like rent a plane and drop 5000 liters of liquid poo straight from the lands of pajeetistan right on their house

>> No.5831578

you goofy motherfucker. you sure enjoyed walking into the family bathroom after your mom dropped a log, didn't you?

>> No.5831596

>Millenials will welcome their parents
Not really. One half is all about toxic individualism and are rather living with 50 communists and anarchists in a squad and the other halve is aware that their parents and grand parents are to blame for the current situation and would rather hang them from the next tree than help them out. Sorry Boomer, you had great times from your teens to your mid 50's, the last 2 decades you will have to deal with people who want your wealth and pay the debt you intended to give your children with your blood

>> No.5831613

By buying land and building a house? Building houses is piss easy. The foundation and electrics are the only trick.

>> No.5831666

Still, they raised you, fed you, etc. Don't take revenge on them like that. Just show them that you're happy and successfull. If they're good people they will realize their error and ask for forgiveness, if they're shit then they will be resentful of you and it will eat them up (which they will totally deserve in that case).

>> No.5831744

No they fucking didnt, read the post, they left me in fostercare, and blamed me for not having a job when I was out on my arse at 16

Fuck lovey dovey karma shit im spiteful

>> No.5831751

In the areas I would want to live permanently it's more expensive to build your own house than to just buy one.
Also I imagine it isn't exactly a one man job.

>> No.5831817

You probably had shitty ass karma from past lives, pajeet.

>> No.5831860

Oh sorry, it's late and I'm pretty tired so I misunderstood. I thought you wanted to pull that shit on your grandparents.

Yeah I understand now, fuck those guys lol. More power to you man. Don't let the evil corrupt your heart tho

>> No.5831883
File: 66 KB, 750x724, laughing-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>me me at the bottom of the housing crash
>offer 63k for a house
>the market dip is so hilariously low, it only appraises for 54k so that's what i pay
>homeowner at 25
>be 31 now
>home worth 150k
>mfw you faggots didn't buy the dip so now you scream that it's impossible

>> No.5831921

>Still, they raised you, fed you,
fucked the economy, accumulated public and private debt for 5 decades spending it on third worlders hunting the dream of universal egalitarism by distributing "wealth" to Niggers and being greedy idiot investors inflating the most essential things of living. Boomers deserve one thing. A rope around their neck and suffocating hanging from a tree

>> No.5831962

Dont even care, they'll never get the stink out, just miles of liquid india flowing from heaven like a smiting from the most autistic god

yeah, my mother is too crazy for me to be upset with her, my grandparents are pieces of shit

they even told me the reason I needed to get a job was to pay for *THEIR* retirement

>> No.5831970

>haha I bought my house 10 years ago while you motherfuckers were 18

>> No.5832013

>is 31
>hangs on 4chan
sad, really really sad

>> No.5832036
File: 99 KB, 200x239, c03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homeowner at 25
>31 now
>10 years ago

math is a pretty important part of making money, maybe that's why you're poor anon

>> No.5832071

Yellen rising interest rates
Trump tax plan lowering mortgage deductions
Millennials can't buy houses anyways

The only reason it hasn't crashed is
10 years have passed since the last housing crisis and bankruptcies no longer show

>> No.5832074


Lol these faggots like to buy high sell low.

By low sell high masterrace

>> No.5832093

>He bought a Detroit McMansion

>> No.5832117

>bottom of market
>6 years ago

>> No.5832143

The chances of you still hanging around on 4chan at 31 are very high. Don't pretend like have some special moral high ground because you're wasting your time on this site when you're under 20. It's bad no matter what your age is.

At least when you're older its easier to BTFO kids because they're so emotionally weak.

>> No.5832148
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Wait you're saying it's the opposite? Fuck

>> No.5832252

>bought my condo in 2016 in Boston @ $240,000
>in 1 year appraised for $315,000


Worst decision though was buying my rental property. It's netting me $800/mo, which would be great... except if I put that money into Bitcoin/ETH/LTC at the same time I'd be a fucking millionaire. Instead I'm only at $315k NW right now.

>> No.5832296

Even if the housing market crashed today I wouldnt be approved because I have no job and student debt.
How does someone with no official income even get a mortgage? I was looking up apartments and even those require that you disclose your income.

>> No.5832305 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 680x680, woR-RezwkFVL5a-btn41LmNf-YooifUXp0vmLYWGOJk copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the second dollar sign is where i bought.

>> No.5832354

Sounds like you are triggered poppy. Get off the internet and start paying off the debts the politicians you voted and didn't removed put on the current generation.

>> No.5832378
File: 21 KB, 644x317, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the second dollar sign is where i bought.

>> No.5832475

I live in the Midwest and have never encountered either of these

>> No.5832491

>buying a house in a flood zone


>> No.5832654


My friend in Canacuck land just bought a 2 bedroom house in Vancouver for 750k.

His house is the same square footage as mine, but I have a backyard, and my house was 125k when I bought it and it's now appraised at 200k

The housing market is a joke. My house should never be worth that much

>> No.5832656

>home worth 150k
So you live in a shithole.
My parents bought their house in the dip and it's worth 350k now.
I doubt we will have a crash again because congress will be quick to bail them out again.

>> No.5832708

>my city and area code literally in the picture and you can't use google maps to see it's nearly 50 miles from the ocean

holy shit it's like you're trying to lose. stay mad

>> No.5832709

Kys rich daddy faggot

>> No.5832741


>> No.5832818

You American talking this so much bullshits. I see this television shows with buying the houses and is 150-250k for amazing big houses. Really if you cannot be afford this just Give up.

>> No.5832874

must be nice to be coddled by mummy and daddy.

good for you, but you're ridiculous if you don't realize this was a significant factor in being able to save that money.
Housing costs 30k+ a year if you live by a big city.

>> No.5832887

>implying fl won't be completely submerged by eoy 2018

>> No.5832947

the other home i was looking at was around 90-110 in the dip, but it was a fixer upper. this ones smaller but it was move in ready. around 1300 sq feet with some back yard

>> No.5832964

My parents aren't rich.
My dad is a mechanic on garbage trucks.
But when you buy the dip you go big so that when it increases you make way more money.
At 28 I can afford a $150k house with cash.
If there was a dip tomorrow then I would buy what used to be a $350k house just like my parents did.

>> No.5833036

>Rich kid doesnt get it
Yeah nah you sucked daddies cock, thats the only reason you have that house, you dont deserve the crypto gainz desu

>> No.5833117

>lives with his parents
I moved out when I was 18.
I'm currently renting and waiting for the market to crash so I can actually buy my first house.

>> No.5833249

it was literally better to rent for the last 20 years and put that money in the stock market.
much higher return on investment.
Or you could have bought bitcoin back then.
Imagine where that would have got you.

jokes on you frogposter, good luck with your rotting wood framed house in a shit neighborhood. Unless you're already renting out a second home somewhere, you're not going to last much longer.

>> No.5833266

oh shit I thought you were the other guy

this guy>>5830071

>> No.5833294


>> No.5833361

>it all happened word for word
>multi family dwellings being banned across the world
>population below replacement rate in western countries
so this is the power of a conspiracy theory from almost 30 years ago

>> No.5833427

sorr, single family homes banned
multi family homes mandated

is what i meant to say
germany for example, cant have a one family home anymore. orwellian government, thats what happens

>> No.5833480

That guy is just larping anyway.
He would need to live in an area with rich houses to make that amount of money at a young age.

>> No.5833560

and now the un has a policy called "replacement migration" where they send migrants to countries below the replacement birth rate. like japan, or south korea, or france, germany, tghe united states

replacement migration
sink that word into your fucking skull. you are being REPLACED


>> No.5833641

You don't know a housing bubble until you like in toronto mate. 750 Sq ft condo for 700k

>> No.5833704

Not really. Boomers importing heads to put debt on paying their pension, in hope they are gone when the ponzi scheme crashes in a cvil war which non of them will survive

>> No.5833752

I bought a duplex at 220k, appraised for 230k. FHA loan so it ultimately cost me about 5k out of pocket and my payments are ~1300/mo. One side had tenants already that pay ~700/mo. My side is being slowly remodeled by me (and all those tool toys are a tax writeoff, mmm); the basement is done and I have a couple living there paying 500, back room is renting for 300, so basically the thing pays for itself. When I move out, I can rent out my whole side for at least 1100 in this area- it's undergoing gentrification, shit is starting to get hipster around here, prices creeping up all over. Glad I got in before the fomo. The side my tenants live in needs to be remodeled but I have the tools and supplies for that already, can make it look slick cheap. After they move out that'll get me another few hundred from that side.

Dip is coming within the next couple years; make your crypto profits and be ready.

>> No.5833826

It's not a policy.
It's a think piece.
Also this happened during the industrial revolution.
We needed workers so immigrants flooded into the states to fill those shitty jobs at low wages.
It's the only way capitalism can survive.
Income keeps depreciating while prices increase.
One day middle income families will be the ones right above the poverty lines.

>> No.5833907

House in the city of Seattle 3 miles from the center (Pikes Place Market)

Paid $500k, added $100k .... Maybe it’s $900k.. need this to keep climbing to make it B.... bright side is no where to build

>> No.5833950

U smaht
But for real that's what I'm doing. Building up my funds for the inevitable crash, then buying up a duplex in an "up and coming" area.
Build a brewery nearby then cash in on the hipsters

>> No.5833954

Can someone tell me where this conspiracy theory is from I want to go down a rabbit hole

>> No.5833959

>We needed workers so immigrants flooded into the states to fill those shitty jobs at low wages.
Bullshit urban legend. Boomer take the rope exit

>> No.5834012

Need a Cryptofag, Amazon (google Facebook) fag or Chinese National

To make this Seattle Home gold one day

>> No.5834093

stop being poor

>> No.5834116

I'll just build my own cuckshed. Fuck homes.

>> No.5834190

Shit is cheaper today though

Shaniqua can buy a 55" plasma TV off a day's wages at McDonald's

>> No.5834203

I'm 28.
>bullshit urban legend
What the hell are you talking about. Plenty of people have grandparents who are first generation.

>> No.5834320
File: 309 KB, 1920x1200, madi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy land some place for 40k
>get planning permission / utilities wired up
>Buy pic related for 30k
>Drop it on your land


>> No.5834473

There was never a need to import more people because of a lack of worker. It was just a way to keep labour cheap, and have more debt slave. All first generations can be considered traitors to their home lands and useful idiots for big governments in the west. Their children are even worse, the cancer that unironically believes, they have some right to stay in the west, whil they degenerate the culture of their origin AND the culture of the host nations, while their countries of origin become more and more shitholes and an incentive is created for more leeches to flee out of lazyness and help make even bigger communist governments.

>> No.5834482

>live in southcoast of massachusetts
>apartments are no less than $700/mo
>most are $1000/mo or higher
>said apartments include no utilities

this shit should be illegal. it's literally cheaper to get a mortgage and buy a condo or small house, which is what I'm doing.

>> No.5834516

God I hate hipsters so much. They've fucking ruined Washington State.

>> No.5834549

>GOP is making sure this happens quick

Thank God. The libs fucked up university pricing and the housing market in the first place, and the only way to fix it is to force a crash.

Not really lucky, this is common in most of the world. It only wasn't common in the USA for the boomers and gen-xers.

There is in Colorado.

>> No.5834571

>70k for some bullshit
90k can get you a better mobile home.

>> No.5834590

the global establishment which owns the un clearly has this as a policy seeing as how it's actually been happening and continues to happen. like it's actually happening right in front of all of us and it's still just a think piece? lol

>> No.5834670

You dont

You build your own from scratch and stop being a loser.

>new development $300k
>old housing stock $500k
>self build from patch of land $100k

>> No.5834701

Conspiracy theories are sometimes true. That's why they're ridiculed so you irrationally disregard them.

>> No.5834703

replace the french and does the same loyalty to france exist?

replace the koreans and does the same loyalty to korea exist?

no. because these are ethnic countries. replace the koreans and it is no longer korea.

one world global government requires national loyalties to be REPLACED

>> No.5834810

I don't honestly see a date on it.
If it was written in the last 2 years then this would be a "spin" on our current immigration crisis.
NATO loves to spin shitty situations into being a good thing for everyone.

>> No.5834833

which is why the global establishment maintains these middle eastern wars and creates the situation where migrants flee to europe. it's all been planned.

power always seeks centralization

decentralized systems are what the power structure fears

>> No.5834902
File: 691 KB, 1198x913, jaffe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the jaffe memo. It's all about population control. Keep housing expensive with low interest rates, so people can never own and stay renters.

>> No.5834956

Fuck man I live in Ohio and pay $1500 for a loft downtown. This shits getting absurd.

>> No.5835023

Dubs for truth.
This is going to be a very interesting year.

>> No.5835037
File: 81 KB, 728x546, manifesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also read communist manifesto. Communism is a fancy world for totalitarianism, which humans lived under since the feudalism days.

>> No.5835117

Is fiat the biggest ponzi of all times?

>> No.5835214

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.5835373


Not really sure where you live.

All my 20 something friends bought houses here in Baltimore.

Stay cucked.

>> No.5835389

>is in direct opposition to the (((globalist bankers)))
>is somehow affiliated with the (((globalist bankers)))
What did he mean by this?

>> No.5835513

Save 50% of your income for 20 years

>> No.5835562

>90k can get you a better mobile home.
True but you dont know if that mobile home is infested with parasites or whatever.

>> No.5835661

>my parents spoon fed me everything I know and sheltered my in every possible way

kek, why are cubicle cucks all cut from the same cloth like this?

>> No.5835671

Let's see the wench

>> No.5835758

.............Have you tried not living in over priced liberal cities? You can buy a decent first house close to a major city in Texas for less than $120k.

>> No.5835881

Not sure if so dumb he falls for liberal meme's or thinks it's 1936. Spoiler the clan has only a couple thousand members nation wide. Most in prison.

>> No.5835958

Live in a better state. I just bought a nice house for 115k.

>> No.5836083

That's not really that much compared to the coasts though.

I know this is cliche at this point, but the problem isn't housing costs (at least for the interior), it's low wages and salaries.

>> No.5836104

yea right hillbilly

>> No.5836114
File: 113 KB, 1200x675, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agenda 21 is not a conspiracy theory. It is a reality.

>> No.5836264

So this is what happens when you give homeowner's associations power and never rezone.

>> No.5836281

>germany for example, cant have a one family home anymore.
Rabbi Shekelstein finally made it mandatory to share your house with refugees?

>> No.5836295
File: 104 KB, 1200x1167, 1514238976105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well..... maybe people should not all move to the same communsit city? get some property in the great plains, it's dirt cheap

>> No.5836476

nice a good /biz/ thread not about crypto
just bought 100k

>> No.5836561

>Come into /biz/ for info on crypto currency
>Get Deus Ex thread instead


>> No.5836583

Its your fault.

They are ripping you hard by pretending USA™ (and probably the whole first world) is the only country in the universe that can warranty safety and comfort. I bet you believe all the third world is like Africa too when the truth is that a good bunch of the third world has less crime and better offerings for a white guy with money.

You perpetuate the scam by literally engaging in glorifying USA any time you can on the internet.

Remember goy. Usa is the best and the best is expensive!!

>> No.5836862

yes, and I don't think nearly enough people are paying attention to the hidden inflation and employment. shit's going to hit the fan. 2018-2020 are going to be a hell of a fun fucking ride. rise of the neets.

>> No.5837081


This. Amazing how so many people have never heard of it.

>> No.5837191

Marxism is shit that's what it means

>> No.5837336
File: 88 KB, 1190x906, 1448635246667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you 3x your investment, im real jealous buddy

oh hey my lumens is up 3x in the last week

>> No.5837361

you got any recs for places to try emigrating to? I have access to South Korea if I want to change citizenship, but I'm worried about freedoms when it comes to entrepreneurial activities. My language skills are garbage at the moment, but the internet is a great thing.

>> No.5837510

I bought my home for 600k 1 year ago, I’m an agent and I got a good deal. It is now worth almost 1 million. I bout in an area with solid log term growth, high tech firms are building offices here.

Things worked out well but I could have bought even sooner. Would be nice to get a second rental too.

>> No.5837564

Nononooo! Stay where you are americunts and try to fix it from the inside. Don’t come to the “third world” . It’s not safe for you and no air conditioning

>> No.5837601

They're killing themselves quickly enough with soda and obesity I wouldn't worry.

>> No.5837756
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>> No.5837981

Someone explain why the price of housing wouldn't decrease in response to an increase in the number of vacant homes available? Wouldn't home owners of vacant homes just rent out their homes instead of selling them for guaranteed passive incone

>> No.5838070

Snow kills niggers so practically any place with snow.

South Chile and South Argentina are good places. White communities, cheap services, cheap houses. You could live off 2k usd monthly like a king. And I mean like a fucking king. Thete are several naxi refugees communities if you really need a 100% aryan neighborhood.

You wont spend more than 200 usd in services and 400 on food monthly. And thats it. A house on Argentina costs 100k and an apartment 70-80k.

With 500k you could buy a 200k mansion and live from renting 3 apartments. Or vanguard index funds

>> No.5838081

Yes that’s the spirit anon. It’s dangerous outside the USA. Only America can protect you with all its gestapo police.

>> No.5838156

You have no idea what a housing bubble is until you come to Sydney Australia

1m for a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs, median wage ~80k.

>> No.5838335
File: 226 KB, 984x660, kornhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hong Kong

No entrepreneurial restrictions, you can live for cheap, everything is nearby