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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 319 KB, 713x1014, negative sentiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58283975 No.58283975 [Reply] [Original]

congrats on this negative sentiment

>> No.58283997

boughted more

>> No.58284006
File: 4 KB, 263x63, HE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a new thread about his tweet

>> No.58284120

what thread? i see none of this in this stupid board

>> No.58284135

literally who? have a bump faggot

>> No.58284455

HR roasties are grateful

>> No.58284579

>fully remote
>pingpong table
>new water dispenser
>relocation assistance

>> No.58284608

What exactly is the problem here??

>> No.58284620

Lots of companies have these benefits, worked for multiple which have this and more. It's a smokescreen to attract employees.

This will be a service they are purchasing to get discounted insurance for their employees at common providers. It's really unlikely they're going to be paying these bills for their workers.

>Unlimited vacation
Try pushing the vacation time and you'll find yourself in meetings with roasties. The same thing happens with companies that have unlimited sick pay, it's "unlimited" but you'll be walked out the door due to poor performance. Other friends workplaces have this and they're expected to be available and work still whilst on vacation.

>> No.58284652

did the ethereum have employee health care?

>> No.58284677

>This is not another clandestine LPL chuddie kiddos thread

>> No.58284688

Why exactly do mentally unhinged trannies and literal pedo monsters *need* healthcare again anon?

>> No.58284706
File: 40 KB, 200x200, 27768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why anyone would buy link when you can just daytrade sol memetokens on something that will

>> No.58284708


>> No.58284723

>Literal unironic memetic psyops direct from Langley
Glow harder nigger kike

>> No.58284791

yep many link hodlers are neets or non-skilled workers though
unlimited vacation is a new trick, no good for employees

>> No.58284803

This seems pretty normal benefits for that industry. I don’t get it.

>> No.58284829

These retarded NEETs have never had a real job.

>> No.58284837

link holders are chafing at anything that looks like CLL spending money on something "not directly" related to improving the token price. And because most of them aren't in tech and maybe have never even had a job they don't understand that perk packages draw talent.

>> No.58285002

LOOOL bro what do you expect they literally retired from Bancor and LPL gains during the 2018-2019 bullrun. Big thanks to 42 and chainlinkgod for shilling them Bancor and LPL

>> No.58285083

I expect them to know companies with billions have dollars have good benefits. If they were smart enough to get in early shouldn't they know?

>> No.58285095

how does this company have billions of dollars again? oh right.

>> No.58285114

All we know is that LPL + Bancor partnership confirmed = early retirement

Nothing has changed about that investment thesis since the 2018-2019 LPL bullrun. You're obviously seething uncontrollably and not making very much sense. You should work on that anon.
LPL and Bancor made Chainlink billions of dollars I won't deny this fact.

>> No.58285154 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve been shilling this shit hard all week I have more respect for the common thief than someone shilling this pi’s. Here is chart just for today I’ll post career chart in a sec.

>> No.58285158

Dilution, sure. Lots of companies do it to raise capital.

>> No.58285166
File: 324 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fkt

>> No.58285174

You retard nobody ever retired from shit, least of all dump tokens that never did anything but go down.

>> No.58285184

>low iq fudfag trying to make yet another twitter thread, this time using a screencap of his 11th sockpuppet account because the other 10 were blocked by most people for spam and he's still butthurt over it
>"lOoK aT tHe NeGaTiVe SeNtImEnT"
>also for bonus points, trying to reuse the already stale company benefit fud
yeha uh sorry I know you sit on biz all day every day posting this kind of shit but im just not gonna unstake them (my linkies)
ugh I know... I KNOW.... hahahahahahahaha

>> No.58285195

Trannies need alot of health care actually, those hormones fuck you up bad and they all are on anti psychotic meds

>> No.58285208
File: 312 KB, 1153x2499, LPLreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes more than one based LPL chuddie kiddo to shill the token you NEED to steak anon.

Which nodes do you plan on steaking with? Oh... yeah thats right I can see your mind putting two and two together as you read my post.

It's okay bro I was once like you. Here's the real chart by the way get fucked pic related.

I am lmaoing at your life no LPL poolers are basically cattle

You tell yourself whatever you need to cope anon KEK LOL

>> No.58285214
File: 87 KB, 380x200, Brian-Cohee-Parents-Terri-Brian-Cohee-Sr-What-Did-380x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58285229

Not one person here can post positive returns pics from lpl staking as of 2924 m. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow bud

>> No.58285248

I would post my LPL returns but they are all steaked. I know this makes you seethe but I won't unsteak my LPL and risk my limited edition AI generated Jonny Bollocks NFT collection.

Have you tuned into the LPL dev livestream today? I generally switch between that one and the gym live stream with based eric.

Big shout out to 42 and Chainlinkgod for letting me retire early thanks bros

>> No.58285278

based and wholesome pilled this is what I love about this community

>> No.58285279

okay, okay, I'll sell