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58278992 No.58278992 [Reply] [Original]

Will this continue going forward? Memecoins clearly aren't securities, make investing fun, and are usually community-driven, hence the future of the token rests in the hands of all investors rather than a small team of developers.

Tempted to go all-in on memecoins

>> No.58279103
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>> No.58279125

I mean, I bought my first two coins since 2021 this past month and I have made around 10k.


>> No.58279133

This is a scam. The real $APU Apu Apustaja coin is found from apu dot community

>> No.58279135

The problem with "serious" altcoins is that everyone has to pretend to be professional, which means they cannot spam shill like crazy everywhere. Where as everyone knows memecoins are a joke, so the spamming and shilling is done relentlessly, so the word gets out.

Thats really all it is, "serious" altcoins just can't get the word out, so nobody knows they exist. Not to mention memecoins are far more "relaxing" because nobody is pretending like its a serious thing as "serious" altcoiners do

>> No.58279258

Really, nobody reads whitepapers anyway and the purpose of these coins isn't to hold but just to jump into them for 30m-1hr and jump out after you 2x then jump onto the next chart that looks decent.

>> No.58279537

I think Q2 and 3 it will be AI

>> No.58279767
File: 66 KB, 900x711, tulips soiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude thanks for the chart! I've been looking for this.

For 2Q/3Q 2024, I will focus on shiny new AI and RWA coins.

lol Layer 1 and 2

>> No.58280530

its like MUMU
jeets insta copy good projects and try to hijack

>> No.58280739
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I have my entire net worth invested in BunnyWifCake

>> No.58280767

It's already dead jim.

>> No.58281271

certainly hope so! Been looking at this new dex on solana, totally not Rayduim, that shit sucks and its slow as fuck, no matter what anyone says, but anywas, you can compelety launch new coinz on 1intro, no presale neded.

>> No.58281410 [DELETED] 
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Crypto hasn't really produced anything of use for the masses, other than glorified gambling. Which is good for the the masses, because it's a way to make it outside of the rat race.

It seems to be like the internet in it's early days, the massed didn't take it seriously because it didn't provide any necessity or benefit to their lives. Gambling on Memecoins, ironically, may be cryptos best use case for the masses.

>> No.58281413

Buy $4chan.
>4chan doc dropping April 5
>Tier 2 cex is coming soon, not two weeks
>Ama is April 3 at 6:30 pm American Central freedom time.
>4exc Utility and swap platform for any coin with cash back in any coin
> A memecoin has more fucking utility than link.
>Contract renounced
>21% of supply burned
>Buy it on swap or Lbank
>$1 bln marketcap is fud, it's going to $4 bln because nobody selling and it's 4chan
>Jannies like to delete $4chan threads and posts
>Make money from something jannies don't want you to have

>> No.58281592
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>Making investing fun
>Rests in the hands of all investors rather than a small team of developers
Yeah really fun worrying about rugpulls and scams and whales. Libertarian rhetoric should be put to rest.

>> No.58281597

considering nobody fucking cares about crypto as a tool/utility and everyone just uses it to gamble i don't think they'll keep being top 1 profit wise but they will certainly stay up there anyway

>> No.58281612
File: 5 KB, 200x253, 1680470291850928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no presale? what about sniper bots? or incentives for buyers?

>> No.58281613
File: 8 KB, 212x88, Screenshot 2024-04-03 164725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we need something better. This shit sucks dick.

>> No.58281617

any use case besides being a buncha faggots?
if none its literally upa 2

>> No.58281626

Just so you know both have rugpulled in the past and the apu developer was caught holding 25% of the total supply in secret. He apologized with excuses (or justifications, depends on how you choose to see it) on why he was holding that.

I'm not implying anything nor am I criticizing you but it's good to remember that.

>> No.58281630

lmao are jannies now triggered by the same shit they allowed in this shitshow in the first place? fucking disgusting

>> No.58281634
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Not interested in paying dollars on the pennies to be a part of "fair launches" for god damn shitcoins anon.

>> No.58281647
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better it is already!
there are protocols on security mumbo jumbos to avoid that, and there is a referal system to refer friends and then you get crypto por every transaction they make. or something like that

Now solana may actually be worth something.

>> No.58281650

My chainlink stayss linked.

>> No.58281655
File: 8 KB, 300x168, fi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1intro be like pajeet simulator

>> No.58281661

you actually dont pay nothing, anyone can participate and buy tokens, NO PRESALES.

>> No.58281682

They're a bunch of nigger faggots. That's the use case.

>> No.58281764

The memecoin trade will continue for the rest of the bull. Because this is a normie cycle, no-effort investments that are welcoming and feel "safe" will attract the most liquidity.

AI, dePIN, and BTC L2 will be the nerd trades.

In the last months of the bull, defi rehypothecation ponzis will get popular so that MMs can dump without competition.

>> No.58281894


>> No.58282286

Squidward coin, or $SQUID, will continue this meta. 70k mc currently and great wallet distribution