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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58273719 No.58273719 [Reply] [Original]

we out here

>> No.58273764

Buckle up, we have a banger.
You may have heard some uninformed people say "tserevE is just a wallet"

reverse the name tserevE because jannies banned it

and Cousin realized it would be a good idea to explain:

Q: What is tserevE ID?,
Q: What is the tserevE Network?,
Q: What is the EverWallet, tserevE Widget, & tserevE API\SDK?

tserevE: A Rational Overview of A Rational Solution
-by Cousin

Part 1: Overview of tserevE Platform
To grasp the scope of tserevE #RWA platform, one must understand the context of this offering within the tserevE
stack and the RWA legal landscape. Buckle up cousins, what you are about to read in the next few minutes may change the trajectory of your life forever…

tserevE is a company of immense scope. From inception, the founders
Bob and Brad
aimed to build a stack capable of powering the next generation society. Society consists of economic, political, cultural and social systems. To power a society such that these systems are based on transparency, fairness, agency and freedom (remember the value prop of crypto?), you need: identity, where you can prove that you are unique and human; an account, to store value and credentials; a ledger, that tracks all the ins and outs of that account, attestations, or even money; and a stable currency. Without these fundamental elements, society is not functional or scalable.
So, that is what the team at "tserevE" (reverse the name, jannies banned it) set out to deliver- and they did!

>> No.58273770
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The "Everest Society" can be broken into two pieces, THE Foundation & Everest Network Ltd.

Let's start by explaining The Foundation.
The Foundation is basically a DAO and due to distributed key holding, it means that no one,
not even Everest, a Government, or a malicious rogue actor can open a user's identity store.
Then think of the EverID Datagram existing under the DAO.
If you don't know what the EverID Datagram is don't worry we'll explain it later, just understand that You are your datagram in a 1:1 pairing in the network.
There exists an EverID for regular users & an EverOrgID for businesses on-chain.

The Everest Network is a regulated crypto custodian which has a legal responsibility to run a regulated and licensed network which ensures no money laundering happens on the network; think of EverChain and the ways people interact with it, i.e. the EverWallet, whitelabel widget, and the API\SDK which the widget is built upon.

In practice, Everest looks like a technology platform starting with identity at the base, based on biometrics, credentials, and third-party claims to build an identity attached 1:1 to your EverID accessible via API \ Widget \ or Everwallet (a custodial wallet). Upon that, we have transaction ledgers that enable a fast and cost-effective way of transferring value, and an API to connect to all the different applications in a society or whitelabel certain aspects like Fiat in\out, fairdrops, and more.
This same schema applies for organizations, such that they- like individual, de-duplicable users- can each have their own identity and wallet, connect, and transact. Adding in a licensed credit token that can be programmed to represent any value, this technology platform covers all the requisite bases for the next generation, equitable society.

>> No.58273781
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To recap the integral elements of the Everest stack, we have:
- Identity, to prove human + unique
- Account, to store value + credentials (Everwallet)
- Ledger, to track flows of account + attestations (Everchain)
- Stable currency, to transact (CRDT token)

TO REITERATE- using the Everest stack, individuals and institutions alike are able to prove who they are (identity), their eligibility to participate (credentials, attestation), and have a means to transact in accordance with societal laws (ledger + programmable currency). This infrastructure of truth, eligibility, and flow is incredibly important to keep in mind as we shift to the topic of RWA tokenization.

Part 2: RWA Tokenization
Nearly every ‘influencer’ account on CT has shilled the #RWA ‘narrative.’ At some point, you have probably seen a twitter anon state how the tokenization of real world assets is going to make traditionally illiquid assets, liquid. Something to the effect of, “it’s a $16 trillion opportunity, xyz company is going to partner with Blackrock, he took a picture with the dev, etc.” RWA tokenization is definitely an innovation that will progress the synergies between Web 2, Web3, TradFi, and DeFi. However, 99% of these accounts don’t understand the legal and logistical landscape of what these companies are trying to achieve. Tokenizing an asset such that it can be invested in fractionally is merely one part of the equation.
To accomplish actual RWA tokenization, your platform needs AT MINIMUM the following abilities:
- Origination
- Custody
- Tokenization
- Primary Issuance
- Secondary Trading

>> No.58273798
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If your favorite “RWA” platform cannot custody, issue, or trade value, I have bad news for you. Similarly, if the platform cannot allow for this tokenized value to move outside of centralized platforms, what exactly do you think they are accomplishing? The point is to make traditionally illiquid assets, liquid, AND for this value to move seamlessly/across borders in a legal and secure manner.
Are you still with me? No doubt, this is a lot of info, so let me recap to where we are currently:
1) Overview of Everest and Stack
a. stack enables truth, determination of eligibility, and flow of info + value

2) RWA overview
a. RWA requisite functions

This leads us to….
Part 3: Legal Intersections

To accomplish the requisite functions of RWA tokenization, platforms that wish to offer services in this space need to obtain licensing as Crypto Asset Service Providers (CASPs). The jurisdiction that is paving the way for crypto markets is the EU, so I will refer to their leading legal documentation for the definitions.

Per Article 3, Section 15 of MICAR, CASPs can be defined as “a legal person or other undertaking whose occupation or business is the provision of one or more crypto-asset services to clients on a professional basis….”

Per Article 3, Section 16 of MICAR, Crypto-asset services are defined to include:
- providing custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients
- operation of a trading platform for crypto-assets
- providing transfer services for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

>> No.58273821
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It is pretty clear that any RWA platform with a legal basis needs to be licensed as a CASP given the definitions laid out in MiCAR. So, the next logical question is- what are the requirements for becoming a licensed CASP?

For the most part, the benchmarks are pretty standard. You need an operating address in the jurisdiction that you are registering, funds, a working understanding of the market, corporate structure, etc. The biggest hurdles are the KYC/AML (and sometimes even BSA) compliance requirements. CASPs need to ensure that they are not enabling money laundering or terrorism finance. To prevent these malignancies, platforms need to have foolproof KYC and risk rating procedures- this is where Everest truly shines.
With the rise of AI, transferrable credentials, easily spoofed ‘soulbound IDs’ and ‘perpetual KYCs’ based on ZKPs, it is inevitable that KYC will shift toward human and unique + VC + ZKP. Do you remember CZ of Binance getting a 4B fine for lax processes? Yeah, imagine your favorite 100M marketcap RWA platform taking that hit after it comes to light that their KYCd wallet of John Smith in Australia (consisting of a picture of his driver’s license and phone number) is actually being used by Cousin Kaboom (inputting John’s username and password that he bought for 300bucks) to wash millions.

and lastly Data storage, who actually owns the data?
We've seen in the past some projects literally using googledrives for storing data, it isn't even on-chain.

>> No.58273835
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Everchain is regulated and consists of:
Identity chain, and transaction chain.
that is where YOUR datagram interacts with the network, and it is actually stored in private IPFS where there is no risk of it disappearing and that is where your datagram lives.
each aspect within the cells of information in the datagram are all of the properties of you, your name, transactions, jurisdiction, documents, all of it right here on-chain and it is encrypted at rest and in flight (that means at all times even when in use), and is shareable via ZKPs yet still acceptable by Banks and Financial entities because of the KYC Everest provides in a granular fashion approved by you.

So. Everest has the best- the only- KYC/AML compliance suite that is not prone to being spoofed as an integral part of their platform (due to human + unique + ZKPS + credentials consistently). Other CASPs have a glaring flaw at this level and expose themselves to 1) Not being licensed and/or 2) Losing their license and facing substantial fines come audits for empowering bad actors ala CZ.

Let’s put everything together.

Part 4: The Logical Solution
Revisiting the Everest stack, the team aimed to build a platform that could power society. Thinking ahead, they were wise enough to apply for and obtain the leading CASP license in the crypto landscape- the VFA. By obtaining this VFA license by ways of the MFSA, Everest will be grandfathered into MiCA and can offer their suite of solutions legally. ‘MFSA nailed 98% of MiCA’ years in advance of the regulations coming to fruition.

With this legal clarity, we are starting to see everything fall into place. In the past few months, the team has made public that they:
- are tokenizing 250M in minerals for a multi-billion dollar mining conglomerate as a TEST RUN. Yes, 250M TVL as a test.
- strategically partnered with Onex, Bitstamp, Bitso to grow and market in Latin America

>> No.58273901
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- have secured multiple distribution deals to tier one players for the Everest widget
- are demonstrating their swaps of ETH to AAPL on chain to brokers and regulators for increased functionality

Essentially, Everest is going to market with the most regulatory clarity and best product suite. NOW. And they are selling tokens OTC at a premium to institutions for access to their platform…


A QRD from an autist

page where I got this info

video talking about gold mine

>> No.58274126

who is the thot?

>> No.58274278

Some old cardano ho who didn't know how to market

>> No.58274541
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Nice alpha everbro

>> No.58274552

It is good for teaching people that don't want to read through whitepapers and pdfs

>> No.58274554

/biz/ is really dead when people are too lazy to read a whitepaper

>> No.58274575

anon.. it has been for a while

>> No.58275080

gn niggas

>> No.58275902
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>> No.58276109

didnt read not selling

>> No.58276802

I love this fat lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.58277048
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