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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58273322 No.58273322 [Reply] [Original]

When is inflation going down? Are we ever getting another covid crash? So sick of these prices on everything

>> No.58273327

inflation going down doesnt reduce prices bro

>> No.58273333

Uh yea it does

>> No.58273696

This would be deflation, and it only happens when a country's economy stalls out and dies.

>> No.58273717

Never. Historical events that lower inflation are nearly unheard of and were only possible pre-globalization anyway.

>> No.58273736

I don't think prices will deflate. the US national debt reached escape velocity ~18 months ago. this is like the terraluna crisis but gargantuan in scale. just slowed down because there are so many dams in the system to slow outflows. I don't know if anyone really knows what the future will look like, but the big banks are looking to make stateless money. to me that looks like a planned exit. so prices will eventually normalize... but they'll be denominated in a different currency

>> No.58273742

Inflation going down is another way to say deflation idiot

>> No.58273771

Why are so painfully retarded.

>> No.58273784

I agree with this but I don’t think it’s gonna happen for another 10 years minimum. They try anything to hold on for as long as possible, including start new wars and bring in more illegals. There’s no other currency in existence that can replace the dollar right now. They’re printing away now to lower the cost of debt once they cut rates. It’s unsustainable long term no matter what they do

>> No.58273787

Inflation has to be negative for it to turn into deflation and make prices go down, any inflation number higher than 0 makes the price go up, if its a low number it just means it goes up slower. Retarded nigger monkey.

>> No.58273791

Damn you're dumb lol

>> No.58273855

Here is the term deflation from investopedia
What Is Deflation?
Deflation is a general decline in prices for goods and services, typically associated with a contraction in the supply of money and credit in the economy. During deflation, the purchasing power of currency rises over time.
Monkey see monkey do

>> No.58273874

Go ahead and explain deflation smart guys

>> No.58273885

>when is inflation going down
ohh boi, you better prepare, dont keep your money on us dollards, dont be that retard, save it on some altcoins, i personally use $SUPER, since i game

>> No.58274087
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>Are we ever getting another covid crash

who knows? and about inflation I'm pretty sure the pals on truflation has a lot of insight about it

>> No.58274124

I think gold its way better in the long run

>> No.58274130

lol, that's basic math, its amazing you have to explain shit like that

>> No.58274135

that's almost impossible and likely improbable to happen

>> No.58274139


so inflation is necessary

>> No.58274144

cuz this fuckers were educated by peppa pig on tv

>> No.58274145
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i bought APU and it keeps rugging upwards i can't stand it. my gains keep inflating and i don't know what to do

>> No.58274147

most likely the do, who else?

>> No.58274153

If inflation decreases, prices are still increasing, but at a decreased rate. You are so retarded that you forced me to reply.

>> No.58274322

The term you're looking for is disinflation, where the rate of inflation is decreasing.