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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58269767 No.58269767 [Reply] [Original]

>All historic rises marked gray as a recession
>This one magically isn’t
Burgers please explain

>> No.58269803

The US isn't technically and also not subjectively by any means in a recession. China on the other hand is in a deflationary death spiral, same as a great part of Europe and Russia is fighting with galloping inflation

>> No.58269818
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Amigo your budget is getting drained by the black hole giga debt

>> No.58269831

>deflationary death spiral, same as a great part of Europe
Lmao, deflation in Europe, sure thing. Wanna long EUR?

>> No.58269849
File: 133 KB, 924x1594, milkshaking 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the dixy machine. Milkshake 2.0 the last slurp is confirmed, and its the slurp that is going to make the USA literally the third Rome

>> No.58269866

capital deflation you monetarist cretin, so no, I wont long Euro

>> No.58269887

Oh, that's easy. The Fed and .gov will lie to you to hide their own incompetence and to save face.

>> No.58269915

definition is changed by the (((big guys)))!

>> No.58269923

>deflationary death spiral, same as a great part of Europe

>> No.58269933

q1 2024 just ended, when the numbers come out (2 weeks) we'll officially be in a recession