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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58267698 No.58267698 [Reply] [Original]

>luxury bags
>going out to eat a bunch

How do normies afford this shit? I can barely save keeping up with this and it all on my dime. She doesn’t ever pay.

>> No.58267759

>How do normies afford this shit?

>> No.58267781

Normies don't save money, they spend every cent they come across, plus more. Talking to normoid friends that make six figures, they go into cc debt for vacations and Christmas gifts.

>> No.58267795

I make about 2k CAD a week and my COL is about a 1100 CAD a month.

>> No.58267817

I could easily afford to go on a vacation right now and pay out of pocket. If I wasn't able to pay out of pocket, I could lever myself and still "afford" it due to credit availability. But I do not.

>> No.58267829

My sister's family is like this. Her husband makes $150k/year and they still live paycheck to paycheck because they are constantly consooming. I mean, I guess it's fun to spend $150 per day eating out at restaurants but imagine if they had DCA'd that into Bitcoin instead

>> No.58267875

I mean it's literally free money, why wouldn't you use it

>> No.58268662
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The real redpill is realizing that the jews are unironically right about the goyim.
You can use "normie" interchangeably with "goyim"

>> No.58268712

Hey, at least he admits that it was his choice to be a wallet for a narcissist.

>> No.58268722

Normies look out for each other. In particular, normie men make sure the women in their lives (wives, daughters, etc.) don't go without.

>> No.58268783

Experimenting with cc debt lately. Only doing minimum payments and my credit score dropped like 50 but then stopped dropping. Hasn't moved significantly for months. I always paid off in full before, which gave me the 30k limit, but this bull run I'm putting my all into the folio and loading my dues to later. Hoping my bags blow up so I can delete that debt experiment.

>> No.58268784

They work until they're 70 and live paycheck to paycheck, that's how.

Don't date materialistic, expectant women. And when your woman starts to get expectant, curb her. Keep her working, remind her she doesn't get to live her little trad fantasy if you don't either.

The only time I'll respect it is if it's working both ways. The man provides, the woman submits, child rears, and keeps house. If it isn't working that way you're a dumb cuck.

>> No.58268984

Is this what Andrew Tate tells you incels?

>> No.58269014


It's the existence I'm currently living with a woman (that has a vagina)

kys tranny. If a woman actually loves and respects a man she will listen to him and value his presence and commitment.

>> No.58269039
File: 199 KB, 816x554, 1708290628343256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your """woman""" know that you're obsessed with trannies?

>> No.58269042

so it's over?

>> No.58269044

Normies, especially normie femoids, literally wither and die like an unwatered plant if they don't take at least 2 trips a year to places where they can take photos and post them on social media to pretend they have perfect lives.

>> No.58269046


I make fun of them on occasion whenever they decide to try to force themselves into the news, like replacing Easter. Seems like I hit it on the nose though huh? You had a pic all ready for that

>> No.58269069

Not that anon but you're a pussy and you'll never get any either. Stop.

>> No.58269082

What can I say? Vatniggers are pretty predictable.

>> No.58269102

I'm not the anon you just responded to, I'm just too lazy to change my IP.

>> No.58269104


>he's also a IVANNNNNN poster

A tranny redditor glowie is calling anyone else predictable lmfao I'm not sure if you aren't an AI bot my guy I read you like a book from one post

>> No.58269118

>tranny redditor glowie
>I have a """woman"""
Does your """woman""" live in Kyiv?

>> No.58269142

If you are getting dinged interest. You are paying more for things that you could otherwise afford.

>> No.58269163


Absolutely after all only Russian people think trannies are mentally ill freaks

>> No.58269199

You'd think so when 90% of tranny posts on 4chan are from vatniggers forced to subvert american politics at gunpoint

>> No.58269224
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Yes the commissar is right here next to my desk, forcing me to make fun of a tranny for being a tranny. How else could someone find a man dressing up like a little girl and painting his face funny and ridiculous?

>> No.58269257

Fair point. I do try to mix my dca with cc control, every other paycheck I'll split my dca with debt payoff.
My main variable is how happy am I making the zorglords by giving them interest money and playing their game. Credit score hit a hard cap for years and I want to see how i can change it.

>> No.58269266
File: 169 KB, 724x545, 11674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd think so when 90% of tranny posts on 4chan are from vatn-ACK!!!

>> No.58269272

Break up with her.

>> No.58269446

Yes, we already know that, Ivan.

>> No.58269461

>Seems like I hit it on the nose though huh? You had a pic all ready for that

>> No.58269496

wow they could have no food AND no money

>> No.58269525


We do already know that. How many people are inside of our head, btw?

>> No.58269542

>planet with bodies buried showing intentional mutilation
>it may never be know why this extinct civilization buried mutilated bodies of both their genders.

>> No.58269552

All of the trannies and ukranians laughing at us
mocking us

>> No.58269561

I used to REEEEE and autistically screech along with the basement dwelling incels on here but at the current levels of Weimar inflation maybe it is smarter just blow it all and create memories vs being the rice and beans eating crypto virgin with a 500k folio. The normies will at least be able to look back on his experiences/photo albums and still will have the same shit as the autist 20 years from now potentially with current inflation rates. Even if you spent 10 years in the markets/waging and investing what good is it when the average house cost 1.5 mill, bread is 10 a loaf? I’m still penny pinching and refusing to consume more than is absolutely necessary and will report back after this bull run if the autist route worked out or not. Would be a bummer if all that sacrifice winds you up in the same place/my decade of grinding doesn’t even let me escape the cage this cycle. My dreams of a nice house and world traveling have been reduced to “I’ll just stay in my apartment if it means escaping the wage cage.” If I truly get robbed this cycle I might crash out and just start assaulting CEO’s and ZOG stooges live on stream for donations.

>> No.58269572


Are these trannies, Ukrainians, Russians, vatniks all in the room with us?

>> No.58269574 [DELETED] 

just don't live in vancouver or toronto. move to Calgary or Winnipeg and you'll be fine.

>> No.58269630

Let me ask the commissar

>> No.58269633

there is only 2 sexes
everything else is semantics
cope all you want.
i avoid all troons. if your business hired a troon i stop going.

>> No.58269655

If you think Buck Angel is a woman, you might be a fag.

>> No.58269846

Even if you started DCAing unto bitcoin from the absolute peak of the last cycle, you'd be way up in profit now. People only lose money because they try to time the market by buying high and selling low. It's amazing that people still don't understand the basics of investing on /biz/.

>> No.58269948

Redditor detected

>> No.58269954

She's a mentally ill woman who only appears a certain way because of hormone therapies and surgeries. Real men look like men without trying

>> No.58269978

Confirmed fag. That thing is more man than you'll ever be.

>> No.58269985


Working wife is probably taking dick at work.

>> No.58269987

Credit cards.

>> No.58269993
File: 15 KB, 400x300, 1692685276509494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broo if you don't think this guy is a tiger then there's something wrong with you

>> No.58269997

>credit card debt dot web em

>> No.58270016
File: 108 KB, 929x1175, 1710474974823066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin PLUMMETS to $65k
Stay salty, nocoiner

>> No.58270076

>Credit score hit a hard cap for years
How high? Could just be age of credit

>> No.58270154

That's a woman. I know because Ivan told me that Buck Angel is a beautiful woman.

>> No.58270272

i went to argentina and got a poor wife so now she stresses about spending 20 dollars so i dont have much to worry about. i lost 100 in the casino last night and she has been supporting me as if my father died

>> No.58270275

Where can a burger buy crypto with credit cards?

>> No.58270329

Wouldn't budge past 749 no matter what.
Been actively reporting credit for almost a decade. Just using the cc's as a proxy debit card got me there, and then stalled. Took out an easily repayable auto loan without early overpayment fees and fair monthly, and been floating about half my credit limit. I'm waiting for it to tank but I haven't missed any payments and now I'm chilling at like 699 cs since December.
Not worried about pumping that up now, I can liquidate some and clear my debt any time. I want to see if the hands behind the veil notice or change anything uniquely.

>> No.58270346

Not buying coins with debt, I only put my usd in direct from my cu. Debt is living expenses like food, bills, and fun

>> No.58270356

(And also my gf, so relevant to OP)

>> No.58270661


>> No.58272156
File: 2 KB, 89x125, 1561945766436s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you realize you could have 3 20 years old subarbabies with the money you spend with a 40 starndart wife, ahhhhh

>> No.58272235
File: 32 KB, 683x683, 1648163861233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make about 65k a year
>consooooom my fucking eyeballs out
>triple-digit online shopping orders all the time, drinking $15-20 worth of booze/mixers a night, ordering delivery multiple nights a week, killing time by buying junk I don't need and never use, spending freely on experiences, dinners and drinks for girls, drive-thru meals nearly every time I get in the car
>still manage to keep my accounts in the black despite having no budget at all

Is it really this hard? I am spending as hard as I fucking can, and I cannot FATHOM being stretched this thin unless I had a wife, house, children, etc. Which like, yeah. That feels sufficiently out-of-reach that I'd not bother attempting it. But aside from that it's "Fuck It, We Ball" 24/7.

>> No.58272253

where do you live

>> No.58272285

All the well crafted memes and witty retorts in the universe won't make you a woman.

>> No.58272296

credit. go read about how debt fell during the pandemic and how it's growing now again...

>> No.58272301

I don't want to be a woman but thank you for the compliments you tranny-obsessed freak.

>> No.58272548

In an "urban core" neighborhood in a top-5 American city and my housing costs are something like $1350 for a 650sqft one-bedroom condo which I own. Still. I pay an extra $150 to principle each month and I haven't felt a major dent in my expenses.

I'm not contributing to my 401k anymore because I don't think I'll be at my current job for long enough to vest their match, so that's definitely differentiating from the "contribute maximum allowable towards retirement each year" crowd who make much more but feel tighter on their budget. But at this tax bracket I'm not as worried.

>> No.58272606
File: 56 KB, 578x715, thedudefromthespongebobmovie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn’t ever pay.
always ask yourself this question: are you with a person or a sexdoll that doesn't like sex, that traumadumps on you and steals your money?

honestly, relationships are meant to be equal. we can't keep this shit of "he pays, she does nothing and MAYBE cleans and looks after the kids at home". Not possible with this economy niggers.
Either leave and find a new partner, make her pay for the shit SHE wants unless it's a gift or something or perish in poverty because your fat fuck of a wife took WAYY to many photos at the wedding and got tickets for a cruise with YOUR money that you can't cancel.

honestly, living alone while working and investing on decentralized coins with dextools was one of the best decisions i've ever made.

>> No.58272624
File: 1017 KB, 1430x1424, cholorx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you aren't buying status items.

>> No.58273190

>Only doing minimum payments and my credit score dropped like 50 but then stopped dropping. Hasn't moved significantly for months. I always paid off in full before, which gave me the 30k limit, but this bull run I'm putting my all into the folio and loading my dues to later. Hoping my bags blow up so I can delete that debt experiment.
Already bough a house because of last cycle, have $100,000 in crypto again by DCAing in the bear. Also dating, she just happens to not be a fucking retard with money.

>> No.58273246

Remember this thread the next time someone recommends finding a tradwife to leech off of you for the next 50 years.

>> No.58273314

wait, I hadn't read this line...
>She doesn’t ever pay.
lmao, you are a fucking RETARD

>> No.58273407

Lmao the absolute state of US federal loyalists

>> No.58273459

You don’t by crypto with credit cards. You out 100% of your normal expenses on credit cards and instead of paying them off, pay the monthly minimum and put all the rest of your income into crypto.

>> No.58273571

I guess you're right. But is that what sinks so many peoples' ships?

>> No.58273664

>my housing costs are something like $1350
This has a lot to do with it. You're saving a ton on housing relative to other people living in a "top-5" American city, where rent of $2000+ a month is pretty much just expected. A quick look on zillow for Boston has studio apartments starting around $2200, with $2500+ being way more common. And you have a one-bedroom.

If you can manage to reduce housing costs in a living situation that's bearable for you, that goes an insanely long way. And you know the average dullard isn't looking around/tapping their network for actual deals.

>> No.58273706

Ukraine Status: Two more weeks

>> No.58273796

You didn’t buy the $800/month vehicle with $100/month insurance, buy or rent a home that takes up 30% of your pre-tax income, and max out your credit cards so you’re perpetually paying hundreds per month in interest like normies do.

>> No.58274650

Yeah truly that's unfathomable for me. Boston isn't even Top 5 - I was going by population metrics (I live in Chicago). Though it's not quite fair - If I were working in pharmaceuticals or biotech or something in Boston, I'd be making much much much much more than working in real estate management in the midwest and that should balance out relative to wage at a certain point.
Still I have a middling wage in a mid-high CoL city and while my housing costs aren't particularly devastating (mostly due to a small amount of luck) they aren't negligible like "living at home with parents rent-free". I can't imagine most of /biz/ is paying less than $900/mo in housing costs.

>> No.58274673
File: 82 KB, 645x614, 1706328628648381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're on a crypto board and you can't figure out how to make a lot of money? literal brainlet

>> No.58274702

It’s called doomspending. When you’ll never be able to afford a home, why save? If you’re never going to get married and have kids, why save? What’s the point? Everybody on Zoom uses fake backgrounds now. People just blow their money on Stanley thermoses and fast food.

>> No.58274737

Fucking kek

>> No.58274742


>> No.58274796

>potential for insight on how not to fuck up finances
>just some retard humblebragging that he managed to get low rent in chicago

>> No.58274887

I mean - Live in a less-desireable-but-still-safe neighborhood that might require car-ownership to get to business and/or social hotspots (rather than living in exponentially-more-expensive neighborhoods that scale with access-to-local-nightlife and walkable-public-transit) is no crazy loophole. If you think $1350 is preternaturally cheap rent in Chicago, you're probably coming direct from Ann Arbor or something.

>> No.58274895

Investing? This is a gambling board

>> No.58274921

Average person can’t save. Saving skills are sign of high IQ.

>> No.58275050

>hehe they're winning but not as fast as they said they'd win

>> No.58276594

>10 years later
>heh, we're winning, stupid americans, just give us two more weeks again and we'll take kyiv after we claimed we could take it in two days initially

>> No.58276599

Debt you fucking idiot.

>> No.58276763
File: 939 KB, 1284x1544, 1000044922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just braindead normies anon.
one bad day and they'll be utterly fucked.
get yourself a smart gf and this won't be an issue

>> No.58277252
File: 209 KB, 1175x1524, Luxury shopping millennials zoomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently having just $1000 in savings already makes you better off than 1/3 of the country. People can't budget or save for shit.

>> No.58278995

Nobody in cucknada making more than 6k a month has a COL less than 5k a month.

>> No.58279198

the average savings rate in the US is 5%, meaning for everyone who saves 15% of their income there are 2 more who spend at least 100% of what they make.

im married and we both make ok money, mid 6 figures combined and we talk about this a lot. how are all these people who make less than us spending way more? they just don't save. if every month instead of saving we took the 4k for 401s, 1200 for roth IRAs, 600 for HSAs, and 2000 investment transfers our life would look at a lot different. the difference is i wont have to work until i die on the walmart floor, they will, hope the latte and sushi delivery was worth it when you're 80 and your feet hurt.

>> No.58279535

It's in the first sentence of your pic. Debtmaxxing