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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 474x447, 1556001790127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58264714 No.58264714 [Reply] [Original]

Need more hopium

Previous: >>>>58176609

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.58264719

real previous


>> No.58264759

Everyone in this thread is gay.

>> No.58265295

Wil the AMM have its own dex type thing or will you just buy it somewhere else and chuck it on the AMM?

>> No.58265322

Boomers shilling XRP is so hilarious.
They will literally be dead before it moons.
That's probably why the spend the first five full minutes shilling a future Ripple IPO that they might actually profit from in their lifetime.

>> No.58265345

.59c is all part of the plan right guys?

>> No.58265351

Some people think about their blood lines and want to try to set their kids ups. Others just short term like yourself.

>> No.58265453

Yes, boomers are those people.
We can tell by their lifetime of actions so far.

>> No.58265461

>thinking of their bloodlines
Only if they were thinking about how to fuck over their children. Look at all the western nations. Now, more often, I hear them say “at least I’ll be dead/gone soon” in response to how shit everything has gotten.
Thanks boomers.

>> No.58265536

kek, cripple faggies got the best of crypto - a shitcoin that turned out to be a total meme rugpull except it doesn't pump.

>> No.58265602

Look at the ultra wealthy people that pass down the wealth to their family. They stay wealthy and maintain power.
>at least I’ll be dead/gone soon” in response to how shit everything has gotten
The funny part to that is look at the kids growing up now they are going to be more fucked that people in their 20's and 30's now, who are the young kids going to blame? you guys because you didn't stop it.
Blame the people in control of the government not the citizens. You will learn that one day and it will be a tough one.

>> No.58265647

If you can’t see what that generation has done and want to blame their victims, you deserve the same as them.

>> No.58265697

What I'm trying to say is that shit in only going to get worse, AI will take a most people's jobs away, how are people going to live?
The younger generations are going to blame you in the same way you are blaming the boomers.
I'm am in now way saying boomers haven't fucked the younger generations over, but get ready for younger generations to say it to you, the world isn't getting better any time soon.

>> No.58265739

Some people might, but I dont' "blame" boomers.
But I can look at their actions and the idea they are leaving or gathering wealth so they can leave it to their kids is retarded.

My father was a boomer and did that, but it's like 1/100. You don't need to kneejerk away from true statements.
Boomers squandered the greatest amount of wealth ever accrued.
Would anyone else have done better? Likely not.
But they still squandered the greatest amount of wealth ever accrued.

You have to live in reality.

>> No.58265825

My original statement was that I'm passing mine down, I don't think the world is getting better any time soon and I want my family to get something.
>But I can look at their actions and the idea they are leaving or gathering wealth so they can leave it to their kids is retarded.
I suppose not all boomers are the same. Some are spending all their money and saying fuck you to their kids while others are passing it or some of it down. I will get fuck all from my parents but they have helped me with buying a house so that's better than getting money in my 50s or 60s.

>> No.58266168

They aren't even trying to do it. They are just programmed zogbots 98%+.
Le nazis are bad and the American dream.

>> No.58266230

Guess we live in different parts of the world. The world isn't just america.

>> No.58266526

guys... we're at .589

>> No.58266534

Murica is the only thing that matters for the future of freedom.
You are all fucked if we don' fix it for you.
Your odds aren't good.

>> No.58266732

>Your odds aren't good.
That's why I hold my crypto.

>> No.58267070

>wake up
>check price
>work for an hour
>check price again
the numbers are talking to me again

>> No.58267132

Plans within plans

>> No.58267151

i was in a community organizing meeting with 90% boomers last night and it was one of the most frustrating things i've taken part in recently. i knew they were in cognitive decline post-COVID but this was ridiculous. the question and answer period was just 70 year olds raising their hands and talking for 3 minutes before trailing off.

the thing that struck me the most, besides their blind trust in the inherent goodness of the existing system and disdain for the younger generation, was the prevalence of personal anecdotes. every single one of their questions/comments contained a 1-3 minute digression into their career, life experience, opinions and analysis. they each consider themselves and their self-interest to be the absolute center of the universe.

even the most well-intentioned and informed ones are struggling. it's like universal dementia praecox hit them all over the last 2 years. anyone have any idea what might have caused that? did they all take some experimental medical treatment that's turning them retarded or something?

yeah i can't blame most of them individually but seeing what's been done to the boomers as a generation is bleak, bleak, bleak.

>> No.58267176

that meme of the old lady from Arrested Development about
>i don't understand the question and won't respond to it
was satire when it came out in 2006 but 15 years later it is the most accurate 1 sentence summary of the cognitive state of the entire boomer generation

>> No.58267553

>70+ year olds in mental decline
A mystery.
But seriously, along with other issues, their age can compound things. Just look at how old congress is on average, though they weren’t smart to begin with, just enough animalistic cunning to greedily stuff their maws while blathering about all the good they have done.

>> No.58267721

Imagine how ecstatic Ripple jews must be when market is due for a correction, knowing they will be able to dump even more on retail than they usually do

>> No.58267771

probably has a lot to do with the vax

>> No.58267999


>> No.58268016

Lots of old people have mini strokes and don't really know they have had them, they can cause all sorts of issues.

>> No.58268075
File: 42 KB, 1116x853, game stopped 4chan stock exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm saying they've declined cognitively 10-20 years in the last 2.
ding ding ding

q1 2024 is over
q2 2024 is off to an interesting start. just wait until the official numbers come out. even with all the book-cooking in the world they won't be able to say we're not in a recession. also on the docket
>J Pow forced to hike interest rates instead of pivoting
>Bank of Japan dumping treasuries to back up the yen
>decreasing supply of oil increasing energy costs
>conflict spreading in the middle east, europe and asia
>another pandemic probably
>cyber attacks
let's get it started already. i'm sick of waiting, these last 2 years have aged me 10-20 years even without the vax.
>picrel, 4chan glow-jannies warning us retards that the Cyber Pandemic is about to crash the shit out of the world financial markets
captcha: 0VR 2P
the time 2 Play is 0VR

>> No.58268089

and you know what causes mini strokes? bloodclots

>> No.58268100

oh wow cannot wait for the nothingburger in 6 days

>> No.58268336

All that work and I never even clicked it.
You are the only one saying something is going to happen.

>> No.58268826

Piece of shit coin. I should have sold at $.64.
This fucking thing never does anything. And when the price jumps 10 fucking cents everyone loses their minds like its not coming right back down.
yeah fuck you.
I wasted years on this garbage.

>> No.58268938

Bitter is not a good look sweatie.

>> No.58269127

Neither is delusional.

>> No.58269434

I've sold at 64c and I'll never get back to this coin ever again.

The timing for XRP is very bad (thanks SEC). If we enter a recesion that crashes crypto. XRP won't recover. BTC or ETH might.

>> No.58269774

Did you decide to buy something else?
I am hesitant to get other coins since they all did pump, but staying in this has been a bust for years.
Should have sold when it was above a dollar.

>> No.58269916

you're right...

>> No.58270013

This became my new stable coin.
Whenever I want to park some gains somewhere, I don't use Tether, I now use XRP.
XRP is now my cash box

>> No.58270317 [DELETED] 


>> No.58270416

Has this Forbes fud been posted before?

>> No.58270564

Use this site to bypass paywalls like Forbes:

>> No.58270762


>> No.58270789

Whiggas just buy fucking Casper and XLM holy shit. Xrp is the false flag.

>> No.58270856

REAL THREAD >>58255022

>> No.58271277

check out orchestra.finance, play around with it a bit to see how it works. it's pretty cool and the team that built it are good guys

>> No.58271325

both xlm and dag seem like good side bets. i hold those, xdc, qnt, shx and a few others like flr sgb and xsg token

>> No.58272178
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what a piece of shit niggercoin i cant believe this .... the oppurtunity cost is getting too costy

>> No.58272456

So capitulate and be free. None of us in this general actually hold any xrp. It’s basically an AA meeting for recovered addicts

>> No.58272462

So capitulate and be free. None of us in here hold zerps lmao

>> No.58272739
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Quick reminder that these threads are full of bots or low paid jeets who have no idea what ID is

>> No.58272764

Ikr? Like if you don’t like Ripple and the Riddlers, just sell lol

>> No.58273300

How could someone dislike Ripple, they are about to BTFO the SEC.

>> No.58273611
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The worlds a stage

Previous joker?

Mr ledger

>> No.58273772
File: 381 KB, 441x734, XRP Army General Sauce Walker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa. duuude



>> No.58274125

Piece of shit coin

>> No.58274127
File: 45 KB, 385x400, swamp nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck being nice, man i'm tired of being nice and getting fucking shit fuck u too, my dude

>> No.58274174

Well the first movie was living in a society and robert de niro got shot. How does that tie into it?

>> No.58274715

>2 men on the cover
clown world

>> No.58275120

US Treasuries. 20 year bonds.

>> No.58275155
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>2 men on the cover
>clown world
Who do you think Brad and Chris are? Men? Kek

>> No.58275227
File: 93 KB, 720x720, IMG_8351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 years invested in this shitcoin
>the days feel longer
>the wage cage feels smaller
>the pressures of life keeps piling on and pushing down
brad and david, please flip the switch

>> No.58275469

Luna crashed right before the May 2022 lunar eclipse

Now Solana is going to be sacrificed just before the April 8th solar eclipse.

>> No.58275711

good thing XRP never dumps, we are so lucky

>> No.58275806

Ill check it out thanks.
also bleeds, less common but they still happen. Not everything is from the vax.

>> No.58276342

Flare doing its thing again

>> No.58276543

do you guys really believe this stupid thing? the market is being dictated by the jews, that's the real, scientifically proven, fact that you should only believe in

>> No.58276595
File: 617 KB, 800x393, IMG_4416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW it was Flare all along and life savings is in XRP…

>> No.58276623

Don’t you think it’s a little early yet for another money printing liquidity party? 2008 kicked the can till 2020 and 2020’s injection, even under the law of finishing returns, should last until 2026 at least. I see TLT crabbing downward to the low 80’s for a while, unless illiquidity seizes up the machine.

>> No.58276645

*diminishing returns*

>> No.58276719

Still below its ATH.
Could be a lot worse though. Why the hell can’t xrp pump even a little?
Back up and down from 60s to 50s doesn’t count as any sort of pump, zoom out and that’s one long crab.

>> No.58276882


WTF? Why they are saying "XRP is a crypto zombie" like what the fuck, its performing better than 99% of the crpyots which aren't making any money
why those boomers are fudding XRP so bad?

>> No.58276909

We are about to have a hard landing.

And everyone is used to turn on the money printer to save the day...

>> No.58276919

Qui bono? There is your answer.

>> No.58276950

Well, I am positioned for a hard landing which means it probably won’t happen. Then again, governments have been spending like a drunken sailor, like the bar will burn down before they have to pay the bill.

>> No.58277018


>> No.58277029


>> No.58277484
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We've now been passed by USDC

>> No.58277540

The whole top 10 will be stables in a few years.

>> No.58277568

>spams a thread link while accusing others of being a singular jeet

>> No.58277656
File: 288 KB, 640x720, IMG_4417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why derail our conversation, shill?

>> No.58277673

Devaluing at 5-12% a year due to inflation. There is no helping some people.

>> No.58277873

Pegged to PMs maybe. Stables doesn't always mean the USD.

>> No.58278503

that would be hilarious

>> No.58278528

It would make up for that scam getting pumped.
It was connected to SBF, it skyrockets, it’s so suspicious what happened.

>> No.58279156


>> No.58280358

yeah it skyrocketed and has been getting pumped while the FTX investors have been "getting made whole"
i just assumed they were manipulating the market to pay off creditors. whoever's behind the "new FTX" is probably doing it. dirty silicon valley mafia making billions in the meantime

>> No.58280725

>the jews don't use astrology and symbolism
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.58280847

Oh shit, I just bought more. I’m such a clutz

>> No.58281159

I have 433 XRP left
I had 1.3k and I decided to diversify my portfolio with a few links, avis and lilas

>> No.58281476

I only want a new ath, not $5, not $10 not $589 and not $10k. Do I ask for too much?

>> No.58281500

Goyim, look... Xrp is the only crypto that you can't have profits, or even expectations of it okay? Best incentive is no incentive at all (for you okay?)

>> No.58281771

You buy xrp to be a ripple pay pig so brad and David can live the life of luxury they deserve.

>> No.58281940

James O'Keefe reporting on eth, while normie business news pumps the brakes on the etf? Sounds bullish.

>> No.58283626

whatever happened to the SEC investigating ETH foundation

>> No.58283633

/xsg/ sitting pretty with a nice 2 post per hour average rn

clearly this means xrp is about to pump to $5.89-$13.33
what else could it possibly mean?

>> No.58283687


>> No.58283866

It will probably get slow walked for a long enough period of time until most people forget about it.
Then the investigation will be quietly dropped when no one is looking on a busy news day.

>> No.58284024
File: 74 KB, 1200x801, 0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this comment will get lost in the crowd so I must confess 3 things.
-I support Palestine
-I had sex with my sister
-I invested in 1Intro

>> No.58284027

Instead of getting butt raped by tranny and jew ceos why dont you buy the xrp - icp bridge and actually have a few million in a few years.

Leaving this for the anons with wisedom and discernment.

>> No.58284213

What is that

>> No.58284993

whatever you did, i'm sure Vitalik has done much worse, and Joe Lubin knows and is holding it over him as blackmail

go on...

>> No.58285286

Nah, the fact that it's coming out now is so gensler can deny the ETH ETF and tank altcoins. O'Keefe gets coverage from youtube news, (rising, breaking points, etc) which then percolates up to MSM via hashtags. Most msm business publications have already begun whispering that eth won't get approval. It's the SEC disseminating their intentions.

>> No.58285318



Sec opened public comments ahead of their decision which will allow the informal presentation of evidence against ETH. Gensler already knows about lubin's securities fraud, he said as much in his MIT lectures. Hinman will be set up to take the fall while the altcoin market has a meltdown because now their chains are next, because they all did the same thing. Well, all the chains except this one piece of shit stablecoin...

>> No.58285414
File: 101 KB, 638x788, jbp764oz4p5a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wym stablecoin it's on a fuckin' fire sale right now. Thinking what im thinking?

>> No.58285728

How about no

>> No.58285750
File: 298 KB, 1198x1394, Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 10.23.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Extravod

>> No.58285855

THE STANDARD. XRP's integration into the Agora payment/ QR code system and network looks good too, but xsg doesn't post good news anymore.

>> No.58285915


>> No.58285946 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 1071x1280, squid-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, if you want to be finally early on something check $SQUID in Ethereum. Can get it on Uniswap. Community taken over coin, 200k market cap, great holder distribution, no possibility of rugpull dev long gone....

You heard it hear first

>> No.58287416

did you guys see that?

this has to do with some news, anyone know? settlement?

>> No.58287439

Oh my god

>> No.58287473


>> No.58287520
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>> No.58287524


>> No.58287576

>Launching a stablecoin is a natural step for Ripple
> We have the years of experience

>> No.58287643

I thought it will be USDC? Or it is USDC? No mention of the name, just "stablecoin". If that's USDC, then it's fucking huge.

>> No.58287775

>it's already back down again

kek i should've known this was too good to be true

>> No.58287784

And it's still under 60c


no news can pump XRP

>> No.58287824


XRP never fails to disappoint

>> No.58287843
File: 7 KB, 244x250, 873216735621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like their own, house solution

Now they will be able to print the stablecoin and shortsell XRP futures kek

>> No.58287902

the stablecoin biz is very lucrative as long as interest rates are high. Ripple will finally have a significant source of income other than selling XRP

>> No.58287949

We’re already a stablecoin. Why do we need another?

>> No.58288174 [DELETED] 

Guys I am gonna level with you all.
I have been in XSG since the early days.
I fell for the 2k EOY two years ago (I thought it would happen in Nov with ISO20022 'BIG BANG')
I fell for the Trump military tribunal shit.
I have recently come to my senses and I'm more grounded in reality
IMO, XRP is not ready. CBDCs are not ready.
There is nothing to bridge yet, so there is no switch to flip.
Baba CooLeeYaRee is a complete LARPer, as are the rest of the riddlers.
$0.60 is about as good as we can expect this cycle
I will be selling the vast majority of my bag if we hit these prices again and rebuy during the 85% retracement that ALWAYS happens.
This time ISN'T different. There is no major utility with cryptocurrencies. It's purely institutions using BTC as an inflation hedge narrative.
Hopefully 2028 will be different.
What do you guys think?
Let's have a civilized discussion please.
Anyone else starting to feel the same?
I'm not FUDDING or anything.
I hold my entire life savings in this bloody coin.
God bless you all.

>> No.58288253

>up >200000% since 2014

choose another. you seem too young to remember when XRP used to traded in fraction of cents.

>> No.58288274

So if you can just move the ripple stable coin on the ledger, what do they need xrp for?

>> No.58288296


>> No.58288348

>Ripple launches stable coin as if XRP moves in price and it's necessary at all

>> No.58288396

Let me explain mr. "early."
It's always been 2030 and it's always been about the average person using XRP.
Institutions moving X amount of money is irrelevant. It's the tx volume that matters.
XRPL is incredibly efficient. Without tx volume rising dramatically it goes nowhere.
During a tx a zerp is tied up for a period of time. Unless tx volume is through the roof then large amounts of money do absolutely nothing because of the velocity with which it passes though the system.

I almost think this entire operation was just either fud or marketing.
Marketing makes more sense because "all the money" and the high sums of money in SWIFT and stuff is good hopium and gets people thinking OMGGG!!!!
But it's entirely dependent on the tx volume. Otherwise the effieciency of the ledger is such that no price movement can occur.

Doing even a thousand billion dollar transfers a day will do absolutely nothing to the price.
What is actually needed is 1000 billion .01 transfers a day.
That happens AFTER tokenization and AFTER IoT launches with an incredible number of micro tx as an effect.

>> No.58289089

Ripple Inc. knows that they are better off throwing their lot behind the CFTC and the incoming administration now. Their confidence in re-engaging in US markets recently have shown they are preparing to bat for a different team.
Problem is, if their case against SEC goes to trial, they are going to be held liable for at least part of the additional illegal security sales on top of 770 million SEC is demanding for pre-2020 institutional sales.
Coinbase case is moving forward, and crypto will be regulated appropriately. Ripple is out of options, since the judge will find them liable for additional charges at least in part if the case goes to judgement.
Ripple might be willing to drag this out longer by going through with harsher judgement in order to further entrap SEC, which represents the old guard gatekeepers in the financial sector. The latest attack against ETH Foundation is a move by the old guard to go after those who entrapped them first and forced their hand.
Ripple then decides it is in the interest of their survival to side with those who are going to be in power in the near future, and assist in taking down SEC and the old guard who gave them grief. However, they are not understanding that they are 200% disposable in that game, and running them over at some point in order to ensure a complete destruction of WEF CBDC designs is in the cards. It doesn't matter if they agree to crucify themselves by going through with the judgement instead of settling beforehand, if there is no genuine understanding and compliance with the future incoming administration.
All of that can be avoided, if Ripple ditches WEF CBDC crowd completely and comes under /our/ wing. SEC will not come after them with appeals to reverse the Juy 2023 ruling for secondary market sales in that case, and crypto will be instead regulated appropriately by CFTC's indirect designs through SEC actions.
Settlement is their best option.

>> No.58289642

What's the reason behind this pump?

>> No.58289703


>> No.58289900

i have also wondered if the ETH ETF proposal process wasn't being used as a discreet run-up to the SEC announcing a lawsuit against the entities behind ETH.

>> No.58289928

smart. a natural part of their liquidity hub project.
i wonder if this is why bitstamp ended IOUs.

>> No.58289941

outside of xrpchat.com hyper-autistic tech dads, the number of current xrp holders who bought under .25 is tiny. probably under 1%

>> No.58289951

tether "we completed a gold standard (security) audit" printed a fucking billion dollars out of thin air again to halt the crash

>> No.58290021

>bought under .02
Reporting in.

>> No.58290328

Roughly how many zerpies do you have senpai

>> No.58291138

i ahve around 60.000 zerpies

>> No.58291488

I have 350.000

>> No.58291590

XRP is less than sixty cents. You don't need to tell us to the third decimal how many you have.

>> No.58291761

Other countries use decimal points the way we use commas.
And vice versa.
Other countries that I don't feel like listing:

>> No.58291776

How much of my face is going to be left a year from now?

>> No.58291956


>> No.58292007
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Well played.

>> No.58292388

A stablecoin hooked to ETH, with a potential settlement for ripple, right before the SEC denies ETH and potentially drops subpoenas? AND an eclipse? If we're the only ones with clarity, that value will drain into the XRPL out of desperation.

>Somebody, quickly! I'm smoking hopium again, tell me link is the future, spit in my mouth and rant about ICP, post the pic of that rose chick rock-climbing, anything! It's too dangerous to think this way...

>> No.58292478

>things happen and all of them are about me
This is one of the main traits of a sociopath mate.

>> No.58292497
File: 249 KB, 1598x1039, Enh5BgnW8AI91xq.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you senpai

>> No.58292506
File: 183 KB, 960x1280, F6digQmWUAADW9X.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh crap, wrong image
This will demoralize you, surely

>> No.58292524
File: 326 KB, 1024x1024, theydidn'twriteasongcalledbitcoindidthey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only crazy people would believe ripple is anything but a scam

>> No.58292733

when will the SEC deny ETH?
and what news of the Ripple lawsuit?

>> No.58293048
File: 257 KB, 836x856, meth pinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Word is getting out about #ETHGATE. mETHies don't know what is coming.

>> No.58293247

Sec submitted their demands, 2bn. General consensus is the actual figure will be much lower. LBRY paid a tenth of the original proposed judgment. The SEC isn't saying when, but probably within the quarter, potentially before the end of May.

Did you see the O'Keefe video? God lubin's retarded.

>> No.58293444
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>> No.58293537


>> No.58293896

so the ripple stablecoin is gonna run on the xrpl?
could this be the reason why bitstamp is getting rid of usd ious?

>> No.58294147
File: 287 KB, 200x113, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cant buy XRP as institutional buyer
>But you CAN deposit at the Bank of Ripple on the XRP network
>Tether deposits bullish for BTC
>Circle deposits bullish for ETH
>Ripple stablecoin deposits bullish for XRP
Yessss, yessss...Brilliant *finger clicks*

>> No.58294806

mint work fellas

>> No.58295110

yes it is explicitly going to run on ETH and XRP

>> No.58295171

Total zoomer death

>> No.58295249

how's this encouraging? Satoshi is obviously David Schwartz. But that doesn't matter because DS has already gone out of relevance, he's now a manipulating liar, greedy and deceptive jew.

>> No.58295427

Substantiate your claims, desperate mETH-head.

>> No.58295522

oh this will be so good. oh it will be so sweet.

>> No.58295527


>> No.58295541

it could maybe be the conduit or channel from value to leave the ETH network to the XRPL?

>> No.58295545

your schtick is dumb and not funny, please stop

>> No.58295629

He's not wrong; it's in all the articles. I think it has to do with how the xrpl can issue tokens for other cryptocurrencies

>> No.58295799
File: 310 KB, 2048x1536, En8zDSAUcAEu-wR.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why post hateful things?

The xrpl is here to stay. It has no real competition (well xlm but that doesnt count). You should think about how this thing is going to change the world. Everything is going to be tokenized and put on the xrpl. Think about how much one could glean from looking at all the information of every financial transaction in the world being on a single ledger. Hook that ledger up to some AI and see what marvels you could come up with. The advances in every single industry will stagger the imagination.

We have the opportunity to get in at bargain basement prices. Crazy eddy couldn't handle these prices.

Think about all the things you could do to improve the lives of the people you care about. Give them all lambos, or maybe help with medical or education expenses. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure as hell buys everything else.

All because of some kike. (And jed, arthur, Ryan, Chris, Brad and unnamed others)

>> No.58295904
File: 53 KB, 960x956, IMG_9340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid .589¢ stablecoin…

>> No.58296383

Anyone else miss the big tiddy goth arc? That was sort of entertaining thinking back on it.

>> No.58296478

I could use a big tiddy goth.

>> No.58296484

Gotta find the super secret portal first. Gosh that was a weird time for xsg.

>> No.58296495

>super secret portal
Well, April 8th is a solar eclipse...

>> No.58296547

Haha sorry, was just reminiscing. Havent been posting in xsg much but felt like it tonight. I am loving the reddit thread and the anger over the stablecoin news, people are frothing at the thought of a stablecoin that can potentially undermine tether and usdc due to its speed and costs. I think deep down they know this is a big deal but refuse to consider alternatives. Guess we are sort of the same way eh?

>> No.58296572

Just thinking of all the random warnings about the 8th even though there shouldn't be any issues from the event itself; no pulse like a solar flare.
The news, well, it might be good for ripple but we will see what the future brings. There's rumors of settlements and other good things but so far nothing that has affected the price by a lot other than last July and that jump from Torre's decision.

>> No.58296603
File: 521 KB, 1440x775, Mooncycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh nothing happens until it is time, and anything is possible until it happens. After it happens you suddenly realize there was no other way it could have gone.

>> No.58296688

in other words, if nothing happens on one memedate there is always a next one. Rinse and repeat, year in year out. Meanwhile, the circulating supply of XRP keeps growing. Just dangle the carrot and the donkey will keep pulling.

>> No.58296771

Tether bulls are fucking bizarre. There is no proof it's fully backed and logically it's a method for pumping funny money into the market. Why wouldn't a more secure alternative be welcomed

>> No.58296997

shut up kike-loving nigger, DS is a kike and you are supporting this evil hobo-looking greedy vermin

well it only proves that you can be manipulated by money, Satan offered Christ quick and easy glory without suffering, and here you are obviously falling for a jewish trick and posting everyday on /xsg/ looking like a retard.

these kikes are acting like your typical kike, they want your money, they'll leech every single dime out of us, and they are part of the new world order or some weird Zionist cult thing and you are supporting it. David Schwartz publicly mocked Christ on Twitter, and that alone is a clear sign to not trust this kike unless he repents of His sin to the Lord Jesus.

I know XRP and money are just a tool, but here you are retards trying to defend the obvious evil and deceit of these kikes as if they are your gods. Worship the real God, because He is sovereign to turn these evil acts from the like of David Schwartz for His glory.

>> No.58297005

*he repents of his sin to the Lord Jesus.

>> No.58297068

They killed the Ledger, though :(
>robert de niro got shot. How does that tie into it?
That ties into Robert de Niro being an obnoxious faggot.

>> No.58297101
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, april8thhappening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>April 8th solar eclipse
Either they'll flip the switch or Jesus will come back. Either way - we win.
Wenn will the Jews sacrifice their red heifer to start the apocalypse? Should be soon as well.

>> No.58297131

April 8 is a nothingburger, please stop hyping it up. And if something were to happen, it would have nothing to do with XRP. Nothing will happen. NOTHING

>> No.58297140

things do happen anon, like the time your mom got drunkenly butt fucked at a college party

>> No.58297151

oh come now, this retarded shillbot general has never ever passed up on hyping up a memedate no matter how obscure, why would they start now?

>> No.58297367



>> No.58297404
File: 2.75 MB, 1544x2280, Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 12.39.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A stablecoin hooked to ETH
I still strongly believe that USDC will be involved somehow. Circle is on ETH, and the new stablecoin is hooked to ETH. Honestly, it wouldn't make any sense to launch an "own" stablecoin and not partner with Cir- sorry, Blackrock.

>> No.58297595

>All because of some kike
If they make us rich, they are immediately promoted to top kvetcher status.
>Hebro's: jews that make you money
>Jewtral's: normie jews that don't cause problems
>Judaics: the descent into madness begins with normie tier shit like manufacturing consent through fake platforms etc.
>Chudlings: Chabad Hebraic Underground Dwellers, digging tunnels in major cities near you - with their own internal security larping as cops.
>Kikels: the entire captured political/industrial apparatus
>(((the tribe))): red heifers, ashton kushner, trump and his second gen zionist cock socks, the entire Rothschild family, and anyone who went to Epstein Island, etc...
>Rebbe Sneedson: sold out the Warsaw Ghetto Orthodox jews to Gestapo chief (((Mueller - yes the gestapo was zionist and he is buried in a jewish cemetery in Berlin))) just for free passage to New York so that he could spend decades larping as the messiah after killing more jews than anyone else in north America.

Clearly on this scale DS is barely a jewtral and potentially even a hebro.

>> No.58298038
File: 31 KB, 555x644, 1711713784849828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are a troll so no more (You)s

500 odd years ago the printing press and the firearm were introduced into Europe and proceeded to change the world, forever.
Not all of these changes were seen as good by all of the people. Wars were fought with terrible new cannons and people were killed, because of dangerous new ideas that were spread by the printing press.
But the gun and mass produced literature weren't going away.

The xrpl is going to be similarly revolutionary. Not everyone in the world is going to appreciate its existence.
It's best to understand what it can provide and how best to utilize it. Knowledge is power and you don't want to fall behind the curve.

I, for one, am not worshiping Mr schwartz. I just recognize how important a creation the xrpl is. It's really cool. And if he is bg123 he's even cooler. The amount of effort put into the character, the riddles, and everything. It's straight out of a fucking blockbuster movie. And we get to be a part of it.

As for getting 'money for nothing'. Why do you think anons in these 2260 xsg threads have been telling each other to improve their lives, their family's lives, their friends lives? Why the constant reminders to stay humble and give glory to God?
Money can be used for all kinds of things. It takes a thoughtful effort to try and make good decisions with it. If you're not careful, you'll end up miserable and alone like scrooge. Don't be like scrooge.

>> No.58299187

Anyone remember the IOU test from a few years back? Where like 20,000 xrp was burned moving around IOU's over a short period of time?

>> No.58299541

Anyone else minting a bunch of NFTs on xrp cafe anticipating the bullrun that will come with a native stablecoin?

>> No.58299954

there was a page that listed all the IOUs on the ledger and on one day the USD volume was insane (many 0s).

>> No.58300349

Ripple Inc. should be preparing to write a check for at least $500 million in settlement before this goes to judgement in May. Even the full $770 million is better than being crucified for 1.95 billion and being convicted outright for illegal security sales on top of the initial charges, especially since once they are found at least partially guilty, SEC will proceed to appeal the July 2023 ruling and destroy Ripple Inc. completely.
If they intend to crucify Ripple Inc. further by dragging out this legal process, well Ripple might just settle with SEC right away since they clearly intend on staying in the US market instead of running to UK or Europe.
I can see somebody trying to entrap SEC this way and sap power away from the old guard financial gatekeepers by having them obviously grossly overreach in the legal arena, but there's more than one way to fry this fish. Will Ripple risk hanging itself doing what CFTC crowd wants them to do knowing they are perfectly disposable and might just be hanged anyway in order to make an example out of crapto globalist friendly crowd?
See, none of this would be happening if Brad and David kike supreme brats just understood what people are demanding they adhere to in a sincere way that doesn't require this degree of coercion. People demand compliance from them, and once they choose to do so, they are free to settle whenever they please.

>> No.58300488

Ripple can harp on about how SEC half lost with the 2023 ruling afterwards, since any SEC appeal will be rejected by the appellate courts if Ripple shows genuine compliance. They can play the victim, the persecuted innovators, whatever that helps to further pressure or buckbreak the old guard represented by SEC that way. People will grant them assurance in the legal arena to stay in business if they choose to be compliant.
If they keep living in their fantasy land of bullshit impunity about how the world should be run, they will just be run over to make an example out of that particular idiot 'globohomo' crowd.
TLDR write the check and settle at the soonest opportunity before it goes to judgement, and serve /our/ will against the old guard everywhere. People will grant them protection and cover if they do.

>> No.58300661


>> No.58300676

The strangest things keep happening

>> No.58300757

absolute worst case is they pay $330 million. An appeal would be denied, and the actual fine will probably be closer to $110 million.

>> No.58300780

>closer to $130 million

>> No.58300903

>closer to $128,955,312.68 and a happy meal

>> No.58300955

i remember
it happened a couple times with different currencies (CNY included)

>> No.58300985

they have been printing like crazy this past week too, $2 billion. every time the market starts to dump they print like 500 mill.

>> No.58300995

i agree. but all the press and brouhaha surrounding the eclipse is interesting.

>> No.58301015

Ripple doesn't really care if it is 1.95bn. What really matters is the fact that they will be nailed to the wall for illegal ODL securities sales, and they don't want to be held liable for half of the July 2023 judgement.
>It is a threat to our 'innovation' and industry
Nah, they know everyone else knows they play games, manipulate markets, aid and abetting in money laundering, and that their project in the brainchild of Ryan Fugger, of the famed Fugger family.
As in, they are fully 'globohomo' in every way that counts.

>> No.58301035

Good post and a fine sentiment anon. Everyone knows that DS used to lurk these threads so there is a very good chance he has been reading your messages.

>> No.58301049

This time is different

>> No.58301132

John Deaton and other Ripple lawyers are 'globohomo' kids, and people are suggesting they make themselves useful by getting engaged in senate elections to unseat Elizabeth Warren, etc.
Yeah, I'm sure David and Brad lurk here as do many people.
It's painful watching these kids and legitimately dumb schizos who were drained out of less than in touch with reality part of the Q audience (which was in fact, in the billions world wide) who have been used and abused by Brad and David to shill for their ultimate globohomo shitcoin, but a project is a project, and an asset in the right hands.
Russians and others have demonstrated that they can technologically compromise and destroy Ripple if (((brad and david))) keeps fucking around. Cyberglows will ensure there will be a better, more efficient, and friendlier project to replace Ripple if there is no compliance.
TLDR; Ripple should understand which way the wind is blowing, and strive to comply 100% as soon as they are able.
If people want XRP to be where it should be, which is between $10 and $20 at this point, they will pressure brad and david to settle ASAP before it goes to judgement.
If it wasn't for this disgusting legal drag show they are putting on because kikester brats couldn't admit that their world has ended, than we would already be in those price ranges with XRP ETF and IPOs being put in motion.
Ripple's latest series of aggressive re-entry into the US market signals that they are at least willing to 'shuck and jive' with CFTC and pretend play at being compliant. What people demand in reality, is 100% compliance, both in action and in spirit.
WEF world is going to be made irrelevant. Deal with it.
People are capable and stronger now then ever before in history, and they can match the old guard in every way. But if Ripple chooses to play games now, they will lose everything and wind up in jail for certain.

>> No.58301149

Yes, I know. Runon sentences.
I admit, I should really put in more effort into properly composing these shitposts in the internet.

>> No.58301212

This is either a BTC/ETH maxi flipping out or some real psychotic fud going on this morning. Wonder why

>> No.58301241
File: 8 KB, 165x163, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be all that genius common core DEI education talking.

>> No.58301244

How do you reconcile the fact that the riddlers have proven themselves to be (((elite insiders))) by predicting world events on precise dates numerous times? To me it seems like the only way you do is by accepting this is all a planned play we're watching.

Also, how are you so confident the WEF crowd will lose their grip on societies nutsack? The "Patriots in control" stuff has looked more and more like a lullaby than a leaking of an oppositions fight against globohomo

>> No.58301262

Kek, tell us more about how you understand the law better than the army of lawyers on Ripples payroll. I think it will be fun to see that.

>> No.58301266

I would say more about how things really are, but I really don't want to give DEI mutts anything anymore. A full third of the student body in this country shouldn't even be there in the first place, along with at least 10% of the 'faculty' and admin personnel.

>> No.58301281

This is purely political, and Ripple has been playing political games. They know how to cover their asses legally, and take part in global power politics 'behind the scenes'.
But they are basically in the same category as SBF. What a bunch of freaks.

>> No.58301366

Yet they are winning pretty much every step of the way. Now consider a 3+ year headstart on lawsuits compared to everything else all the while AMM when combined with a stablecoin can very well cause the other stablecoins to depeg. I will say you are right this is political, it seems to me that Ripple has "all of the cards".

>> No.58301411

There hundreds of criminal, civil lawsuits pending against Ripple and their owners personally.
People know what games they are playing.
This is about global CBDC, which people have no interest in being put to motion. Every country is hedging their bets, but it's obvious barring all out WW3 or insane entitled squatter nogs in positions where they shouldn't be, that Trump will be back in the WH by 2025.
He specifically, emphatically stated there will be no global CBDC. Incoming administration is against it on principle.
People will not have their personal financial wealth be controlled from completely centralized sources dictacting what they can say and do, against their personal beliefs and convictions that they believe is the best for themselves and their families and countries.
Almost every one of Ripple's arguments and rebuttals are projections of their own bullshit.
They will comply, and learn to make their living according to the rules.

>> No.58301424

If Tether depegs, then there will likely be a shock to the system reminiscent of LUNC. If XUSD comes into play shortly thereafter, it might be the largest flash crash in crypto.

>> No.58301455

Tether is connected to Rome and Italian mafia orgs, btw.
It's all about control and initiating their own pump and dumps.

>> No.58301521

Will be interesting to see that. Not sure if you realize but Ripple themselves likely have backers with real power behind them(or so the lore goes). Guess it may be time to start the popcorn because at the end of the day, most people posting here is nothing but projection and a hatred of xrp because of its potential.

>> No.58301580

>Didn't read the posts
Their backers are WEF, DAVOS and the old guard who are being phased out.
Trump will be in officer by 2025. If they want to stay out of prison filled with now very aware and hostile nogs and others, they will learn to play by the rules and comply.
I don't know if there is any more mileage to gain from this situation if they decide to crucify ripple and entrapping SEC further, since there is more than enough to run them out of town if laws are actually enforced the way they should be. Activists judges and wahmen legislating from the bench be damned.

>> No.58301691

why would xrp nfts be worth anything? who is going to buy your png

>> No.58301777

"idk" would have sufficed

>> No.58301792

You think the WEF is the "old guard?" If anything they are middle managers meant to suck up all of the oxygen and attention. Its why all of the insiders and riddles are so completely random and dont appear to make sense until after the fact. Oh well, nice chat.

>> No.58301825

yeh I remember
thought we were on the cusp of being millionaires
wtf happened with that

>> No.58301846

This conversation sounds planned.
Cope and seethe retards.

>> No.58301850

Before Trumps birth, he was described by aleister crowley as their "moon child". He is an MK ultra mind control slave with zero free will and definitely does not care about the masses. You sound like 60 year old twitter patriot

>> No.58301855

Yea, they burned like 20k xrp for that. Was interesting to see and reflect especially with all the new developments and lack of "insiders".

>> No.58301862

somebody needs attention? Send location and we'll have a thumb war

>> No.58302075

do you think the SEC will appeal the security argument and will drag this thing out for years? can't wait for another years of misery and depression then

>> No.58302128
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>> No.58302139
File: 44 KB, 1024x482, IMG_4421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Causality on an atomic level is the Hand of God.

>> No.58302689

stupid .589 stablecoin

>> No.58302719

how do you reckon causality with the fact that we live in a probabilistic universe?

IMO it's not so simple as cause and effect, it has to do with probabilities which are influenced by individual and collective consciousness, and so the course of events in our 3D dimension necessarily stems from a higher order dimension outside space and time.

i think our 3D dimension is a projection of a higher dimension in a similar way to how shadows are 2D projections of 3D objects.

>> No.58302775

that gif gave me immediate flashbacks to the absolute worst decisions i made in my late teens and early 20s

the fact that those spikes were posted in /xsg/ within minutes/hours of them happening is interesting too. only actual Ripple/RippleX employees or xrpchat hyperautist tech dev dads are monitoring transaction volumes on the XRPL close enough to immediately notice them and think, "quick i need to post this to the bhutanese central bank digital currency delusion of grandeur discussion forum"
/xsg/ glows so hard, there's just no other solution to the puzzle other than "this thread is an ARG being run by glowies to identify schizos"

>> No.58302829

Well they sure did a number on this place though i think it was done intentionally with so many people having interesting discussions like today but practically every thread was like that. On a zide note i sort of blame myself for the flare distribution being the way it is. Having tax liabilities for several years was not a fun idea in my head, even Schwartz commented on it meaning either the concerns reached him via others or he did in fact come to these threads.

>> No.58302841

>Before Trumps birth, he was described by aleister crowley as their "moon child".
what? bullshit
anyway, isn't barbara bush crowley's daughter/son? so does that make Drumpf a member of the Busch clan and Bavarian aristocracy?

>Trump will be in office in 2025
idk man, it's looking like the Dems will do anything to keep him out

what, you mean you don't think pictures of cute cartoon mushrooms don't have intrinsic worth? i'm flabbergasted.
to answer your question though, NFTs can have value if
a) they let you do something, like participate in an exclusive or desirable community
b) they confer benefits like giving you money or things
c) they represent an underlying asset that has value, like say a carbon credit, a tree, a bond or a gold coin

pronounced "sus'd?" or "exhaust?" or maybe "shushed?"

>> No.58302929

snooting that hopium baby

>> No.58302943
File: 50 KB, 680x453, David Schwartz .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think tenderloin rumors are real? how big could it realistically be? 8 inches flaccid, maybe 6 inches girth? 10? no way he's packing a footlong, soft...

i've gone through literally every Schwartz-picture on the internet and run them through special mental algorithms, gone into trance states staring at them and chanting, rocking back and forth while praying, on this obsessive quest for truth, and honestly his dickprint doesn't look like any more than an 8 inch/6 inch girth. if he's packing, it's more like a .9mm than a magnum. is my entire life a lie? have the last 4 years of my life been wasted?

i need help.

>> No.58303000
File: 48 KB, 1152x1152, IMG_3710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanye is onto something

>> No.58303038
File: 266 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek anti XRP delusion is even more ridiculous than Q cucks.
>he still thinks any government official has any say in their actions
>he thinks the patriots are in control
2 more weeks for CBDC plans to disappear off the face of the Earth.

>> No.58303103
File: 199 KB, 1971x1024, IMG_1793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are basically in the same category as SBF.
This nigger is actually retarded kek

>> No.58303398

i just wanna go to the taylor swift eras tour....

>> No.58303426

sure nfts can have value if an organization uses them to represent something (like what you listed) but I dont see how minting my own xrp nfts would be worth anything

>> No.58303889

>what? bullshit
aleister was apparently criticizing the people behind Trumps creation, calling them, in so many words, foolish. But they're clearly all part of some overlapping group
Here's a video of a guy going over it with a picture of the original letter

>> No.58304250

Shhh not supposed to talk about physical evidence. Must talk about Sergey and link and articles with zero substance.

Honestly it is truly amazing how disconnected the ripple haters are not understanding the implications of what is going on. I would almost feel bad if these people were not so insufferable.

>> No.58304336

>People will not have their personal financial wealth be controlled from completely centralized sources dictacting what they can say and do, against their personal beliefs and convictions that they believe is the best for themselves and their families and countries.
That summarizes the Federal Reserve nicely

>> No.58304501
File: 115 KB, 458x956, 6c561a13-a845-4358-a1c6-a6a0b4c0c5ee.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Financially speaking, should I forget women and instead invest in a sissy maid? I've heard they're very good at giving and receiving pleasure, and much more loyal.

>> No.58304532

Jesus look at those hands. Go out and talk to a real girl anon, please

>> No.58305131

you could like put a cool picture on them or something. how about a cartoon mushroom?

>> No.58305471
File: 101 KB, 674x667, 1711802959225230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna be really disappointed .... I know because I was... Hoskinsons is bigger... It's literally Nick named "the beast Titan." - ask like 20/30 girls on street in HK and one of them will have a story.

>> No.58305793

He's going to end up in the loonie bin. Although he's a nice guy.

>> No.58306096

Why? Will running his own citadel by too much to handle?

>> No.58306117

You're not minting your own. You're paying to mint part of a collection. The idea being when the liquidity arrives and the normies are trading you can dump on them

>> No.58306289

literal .589 stablecoin

hoskinson is rumored to have...exotic tastes

>> No.58306311
File: 132 KB, 1334x508, they are fucking with us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58306383

x100 If ETF and IPO comes out after settlement.
More Ripple fights this, greater risk they run of being crucified and made an example of.
Either way, good guys win.

>> No.58306562
File: 791 KB, 634x810, IMG_4047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the good guys again? It’s gotten so confusing. Some Anons say I am a bad guy because I invested my hard earned wagie shekels into XRP years ago and would like to see it appreciate in price so I can take care of my children. In summary, I am bad because of my white skin, my male genitalia, my low financial status and my expectation that investing in a financial product that can solve a trillion dollar banking escrow problem should make me some return. Crazy.

>> No.58306762

Still loving this cope where you really think Ripple must bend over because...??? Just because ok!!! Jesus the lack of self awareness must allow you for a kickass life. Pro tip they bend the SEC over and this seething that the have 0 chance of winnig to the contrary of reality is beyond surreal.

>> No.58306801

I think i have figured out who you are. Tell us how them big tiddy goths stole all your money, shits hilarious.

>> No.58306944

I didn't accuse you of being a bad guy, i accused you of being a whiny bitch who was/is mad at ripple because you felt entitled to wealth from their hard work. You were sobbing in real life (i could tell) because Ripple hadn't made it possible for you to buy a yacht. You literally said it would be their fault if you ended up homeless LMAO fucking zero responsibility crybaby. Get your binky and you'll feel better

>> No.58307061

what if the $113 million worth of XRP chris larsen got hacked for was actually the court case penalty but since it's a matter of national security (XRP being the future basis of the global economic system etc) they couldn't come out and say it

>> No.58307096

has there ever been an ARG where the people running it actively try to hurt the players? i don't mean religions, ideologies, belief systems and nation states, i mean ARGs in the traditional sense like marketing and recruitment campaigns.
is the XRPL ARG the first one where the people playing it are actively being tortured by the people running it?
also, usually there's some "suspension of disbelief" when players enter the game, ie they know it's not real and they know that they are playing a game- typically this is what substitutes for "informed consent" and makes it ethical. in the XRPL ARG, that didn't exist- in fact, the great majority of players still don't know it's a game! (including the ones who lost all their money or who have suffered severely negative mental and physical health effects from playing)

i ask you because your post is a good example of the psychological abuse characteristic of the XRPL ARG and specifically /xsg/, so i assume you are involved with it somehow. also your UserID says "gay," lol, you're such a fag even the Quantum AI is making fun of you.

>> No.58307140

The guy quite literally said if he ended up living in his car it would be because of Ripple. I'm not an ARG prison guard, if anything I'm an inmate. I'm just telling it like it is - that "man" is blaming literally everything in the world but himself for his position in life, and it's pathetic.

>> No.58307719

i refuse to believe any of you are real
this general has to be ripple funded or bots

>> No.58307755
File: 787 KB, 794x789, vallesan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I find these 3 day long threads quite comfy, how about you anon?

>> No.58308028

Schizochan artist anon should post more updates. Thicc big tiddy schizos > Thicc big tiddy goths.

>> No.58308180

>bakes new bread at reply # 270
it's faking the thread count just like the calendar year

>> No.58308423

Enjoying my humble life. Girlfriend is pregnant and we’re in a 1 bedroom apartment, feeling cozy

>> No.58308829

Kids sleeping with parents until the age of 6 is fine, after that you are risking on raising a commie.

>> No.58309171

>Effects of a end-stage oligarcic capitalism on working population's living conditions causes commies
What an odd thing to say

>> No.58309231

Read the Tartar Steppe to better understand this group.

>> No.58309458

Can this thing do SOMETHING I am financially BORED. Praise the lord for flare

>> No.58309543

It’s sweet of you to take such a personalized interest in me, Anon.

Never said I was a “man”. There are no “men” alive today except at the higher levels of society who are independently wealthy. Wagies, like me and possibly you, can try and convince themselves they are “manly men” being tough and stoic doing “manly men things”, but I think you probably know better. We are Slaves. Born in bondage and categorized as lost cargo. Forced, in the truest sense of the word, to be a transistor, amplifier, switch or relay for currency on an economic circuitboard not of our design. Slaves are not men or women, we are Human Resources with a lifetime earnings bond traded to the Fed as collateral so the Government Slave Masters can use their debt product to keep the Slavery System running. No one in this system is a man. A man would burn it all to the fucking ground and put the heads of his enslavers on pikes. Tell yourself whatever comforting fairytales you need to to feel better about yourself, your place in the world and your personally awesome stoic philosophy on the ownership of responsibility, but in reality you are just a house nigger trying to piss on the field hands for hating their enslavement. You have no idea how hard I have worked for the money invested into Ripple/XRP.

I’ve got my binky and my thumb in my mouth and my snot running down my nose and I’ve got no illusions as to what I am, unlike you, Anon. Thank you for being “tough love Big Brother” showing me how a good, stoic Slave should behave. Maybe your masters will give their good boy Thought Police best boy an extra treat!

>> No.58309903

coinbase having a reward for usdc stable coin what the fuck lmao 5.1 APY

>> No.58310260

create new thread my fellow niggers

>> No.58310360

No, let /XSG/ die.

It's not worth it. It's over now.

>> No.58310371

I didn't read the book, but the plot synopsis sums up my fears pretty well.
Some of the regular posters on here are absolutely certain that certain things are going to happen.
And my concern is that events will play out like the events of the book instead.

>> No.58310393

>about the be a major solar eclipse they are hyping the crap out of
does solana have a physical location for their hq? in the path of totality by chance?

>> No.58310396


>> No.58310418

apparently foundation is switzerland
but there are offices in san fran and now nyc
bout to get cut in half it seems

>> No.58310545

nobody asks for your opinion nigger, did you really fall for the FUD? the market manipulation is so obvious that a low IQ pajeet knows it. hold your coin and stop being retarded

>> No.58310657
File: 1.72 MB, 2048x1536, Freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother.
I sometimes think what would need to be done for us to be free.
It would involve vast sums of wealth and power to try and change the system.
And if you don't have those, it would involve illegal acts.
The kind that would basically mean sacrificing your life, one way or another.
The problem with that sort of sacrifice, is that you may end up like Ted Kaczynski.
You strike a blow against evil and wake up some people.
But its not enough of a catalyst to effect real change.
And the evil world we live in, just continues on.
(I speak theoretically. I am in no way, shape, or form, advocating for any form of violence or illegal act.)

I want to try and change the fucked up world we live in.
Its depressing to me to see evil grow stronger.
Every day, their slave system tightens its grip further.
The people that are awake, are on the fringes of society.
What sort of change are poor people, with no way to network, going to accomplish?
I worry that we'll get rich once it's too late.
Once the wealth we earn will no longer matter.

There are a couple of types of posters in xsg that piss me off.
One is the kind where they are financially secure and don't care about the state of the world.
They are comfortable in their personal life, and don't worry or care about anything outside of that.
The second is the stoics, the manly man.
The ones that have zero tolerance for people trying to commiserate together,
and will attack anyone that complains.
They are proud slaves.
The final kind, is the one that pisses me off the most.
Its the delusional moron that thinks he knows what is happening.
He thinks that the good guys have already one, or are on the verge of winning, secretly in the background.
He is extremely smug about his belief and absolutely certain it will happen.
This attitude creates a learned helplessness.

To find my attached image, I typed the word freedom in Bing, it auto filled in the word mortgage next to it.
Mortgage means debt pledge.
The irony.

>> No.58310714

That makes me very suspicious.
They are trying to trick people into storing their crypto on exchanges, instead of holding it in private wallets.
Someday in the future, Coinbase will say:
"Woops, looks like we had a data breach and someone stole everyone's crypto. Better luck next time. Thanks for playing the game."

That APY is exactly the sort of interest rate I want from xrp.
But at the same time, I don't trust exchanges with my crypto.
I hope that someday the xrpl offers some way to earn interest or fees, that isn't as risky as the AMM, where you can suffer impermanent loss.

>> No.58310748

Damn auto correct.
The word "mortgage" originates from the Old French term "mort gaige," which means "dead pledge".

>> No.58311544

Remember Sky King?
For a moment, he was free in the air, and he died a free man.
Every so often some man manages to throw off the chains and live like a lion for a day instead of one of the many cattle.
Was hoping xrp could help me break some of those financial chains, needing to wage for food and shelter, etc, but this has just dragged on while so many other things have pumped to ATHs.
Just would like to be free longer than a moment before death, and not old and crippled either.

>> No.58311792
File: 74 KB, 1280x960, IMG_4427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said.

>> No.58311941
File: 33 KB, 600x589, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you have left this insane fort and diversified. Link is what ripple touted themselves to be, and I believe pnk will explode in a similar fashion as link and polygon did last cycle. safe high cap/low cap.

>> No.58312162


Same as Luna.

Crashed a couple days before the may 2022 lunar eclipse.

Now we got a solar eclipse in2 days

>> No.58312166

new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.58312488

I've reached my stack goal, should I just keep stacking or diversify some
I was thinking maybe xmr or maybe flr

>> No.58314234

Yes and they dropped the page down after that happened