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File: 3.06 MB, 324x576, fire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58259246 No.58259246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>buy a 500k shoebox apartment
>gf burns it down

>> No.58259265 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 512x468, 1711046202152656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't be more than a few feet from a water source. How are women this stupid?

>> No.58259268

Being a white woman and seeing Asian girls online must be so hard. They must feel so much envy and jealousy

>> No.58259281

at least a white women like me knows how to put out a fire incel

>> No.58259295

>Oh no a fire!
>Quick! Setup the camera and to a tutorial on how to put out a fire!
>Can't even do that properly

>> No.58259463
File: 107 KB, 952x1024, 1711986937482829[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody tell him

>> No.58259519
File: 923 KB, 369x252, 1709812312579734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually throwing water on an electrical device on fire may not be the best idea there genius.

>> No.58259556

The fire blanket was actually the right move if they didn't have a fire extinguisher. Throwing water on an electrical fire is dumb.

>> No.58259602

Open your eyes it was a fucking paper towel roll you dumb shitskin

>> No.58259625 [DELETED] 

Are we watching the same video? I'm pretty sure those are paper towels, and as far as appliances on the counter go I was more picturing her using the hose so she can spray only where she wants<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.58259685


>> No.58259713

Only a woman....

>> No.58259722

She actually did surprisingly well there, didint panic got the fireblanket out and acted.
I know some bitches who would start flailing around not knowing what to do and maybe even start calling people
Asians are fun for short term fucking and exploring, but not marrying EVER

>> No.58259753

0:23, she really tried to extinguish the fire by blowing on it?
it's amazing they are only alive because men provided everything for them

>> No.58259778

"knows"... women are the niggers of gender. GTFO /biz/.

>> No.58259789

Why not? My Chinese gf cooks and cleans for me on top of working a fulltime job as an engineer. A white woman would never.

>> No.58259818

There are no women on /biz/, please try harder.

>> No.58260055

you mean the ones you had a chance with would have never

>> No.58260058

your kids will never look like you lol

>> No.58260193

god. Imagine being born with those genetics. Imagine looking this good. Imagine being able to be happy at every concievable moment because no matter what happens, no one can take THAT away from you. Imagine life on easy mode, everything on a silver platter. Imagine being born to win, and continuing to win every nanosecond of every day of your life from the moment you are born to the moment you die. Unless some freak accident happens and you get acid attacked and all the beauty gets ruined, you can just stay winning - permanently, forever and for all time.


>> No.58260291

Wtf pick it up from the unburned side and toss into the sink. Now other things under there will be fire damaged and so will the cabinets from wasting time.

>> No.58260354

They're ESPECIALLY for marrying, I mean who else really? Brown women maybe but idk they might make you convert to islam

>> No.58260423

Doesn't fire give you the ick though?

>> No.58260505

she literally has 2 braincells ,i'm surprised she doesn't suffocate outside

>> No.58260509
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1703729550083053s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be retarded. It's a piece of burning plastic, of course water will work. It's not a pot of burning oil anon...

>> No.58260539

>simp is a dumbfuck
checks out

>> No.58260564

>he can't afford electric paper towels

>> No.58260632

tfw no dumb cute gf

>> No.58260719

Friendly reminder: they are are allowed to vote and have equal rights with you.

>> No.58260786

lmao you're dumber than a gook tiktoker LMAO

>> No.58260806

lmao you would have died
>toss water in the paper towel
>it will totally not land on the appliances behind

>> No.58260832

Not in china.

>> No.58260934

No she didn't
Wasted all that time getting the blanket out
Could have easily tossed the paper towel in the sink.

>> No.58260976

>not giving safety briefings to family members regularly
Military+autism usually doesn't work out but I do this all the time. People just humor me at this point. I briefed my siblings on what to do if we got pulled over by cops and then immediately briefed them on what to do if a fight started while in the NYC subway.

Nothing happened but I was much less anxious on that roadtrip.

>get wife/gf/concubine/bootycall
>give access to kitchen
>brief her on fire safety and what to do if there's a problem
>make sure she uses the chainmail glove if she's using a knife

>> No.58261107

She needs punishment

>> No.58261126

I think this is true on any setting. They just lifemog them in every way. One in particular is the aging where Asian women do wayyyyyy better and this is basically all a woman's self worth is based on.

>> No.58261133

not worth it

>> No.58261172
File: 9 KB, 239x211, 15799773284772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grab the side of the paper towel that isn't burning
>toss it in the sink
>Turn on the faucet

>> No.58261178

>Wasted all that time getting the blanket out
I would like to add that she spent some time on choosing the camera angle as well. It`s either staged or she`s that acoustic and retracted.

>> No.58261187

They do. They quickly realize being a manly slam pig is gross.

>> No.58261224

The stove is gas and if any appliance like the air fryer got somehow so completely soaked that it started shorting, the gfci would just trip.
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>> No.58261230

asian girls are manly too. Fuck u, u never saw women.

>> No.58261373
File: 142 KB, 1080x1262, IMG_9221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And risk getting burns on ger skin for life? Fuck no, girls dont need scars on their hands
1. Your kids wont look like you, asian features will take over your family legacy. And are likely to be failures, short, standout and never fit in betas, school shooter cucks not meming
2. It is a beta move to have an asian wife, we all know its easy mode, theres 1.5billion of them, and they settle for mid white dudes all the time, so its embarrassing, no chads go for asian hoes long term
3. They will stand out, and not be able to be a part of the family, ever. Imagine a family meeting and shes always the alien and you will feel it in the air all the time
4. They have different values, they may act one way but one day she may take the kids to grandparents and never return, or do some shit u dont expect
5. Different political stances, she worships ccp and thinks taiwan is not independant and shit, no meme
6. Communication issues. If shes from China her english is broken and the barriers. You wont be able to have truly deep meaningful conversations, because she or you wont truly get each other due to language barrier. This is on the last place since its the least important believe it or not

>> No.58261392

Those little button noses are so cute

>> No.58261414

>deep meaningful conversations
This nigga never met a women before

>> No.58261908

Kek. Im laffin i am in the double digits now, i dont remember some of their names actually

>> No.58262105
File: 132 KB, 1096x1209, 20240331_091411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point 1 just doesn't stack up to the actual "hapas" I know irl, several of whom have Ivy League educations and work in exceptional fields and the others are just decent common people who I'm sure struggled with their identity in some way but not any more than the rest of us.

Point 2 really says it all and is completely zoomerbrained. Why do you care what "chads" do and why do you think emulating them is the right answer? Why are you analysing their behaviour in the first place? What bearing does that even have on the point of building a happy relationship with someone? Why do you let your perceptions of the actions of these other men impact your own life's direction?

Point 3-6 are all equally cheap and dependent on the person. You've written all this in address to white guys who specifically seek Asian women rather than to any wmaf couple including those who meet one they are interested in, which really is the common conflation whenever this argument pops up. That's fair enough given anons you're answering may be doing that, but you don't have to overlay the most broken examples of a loser white guy finding his way to a desperate lost Asian chick across every wmaf relationship even if that is an undeniable stereotype you might observe from time to time.

Your post smacks of the kind of angry lonely brain that will never be grateful for anything they have and a self-imposed incapacity for fulfilment. Everything is negative and not good enough. You should learn gratitude before you cast yourself off on that miserable voyage for the rest of your life, anon. Yours is the actual loser mentality here.

>> No.58262141

> she takes the time to pose with the fire

>> No.58262206

Yes, exactly. This is either the apotheosis of stupidity or staged, fake and gay attentionwhoring bait.

>> No.58262349

I want to anal her in the ass. And I'm rich enough to buy her.

>> No.58263180

Listen, while its tru it may not apply for everyone, at least in my country thats exactly how it is. Especially with chinese girls.
No you dont have to follow what chads do, but it is a good starting point if you want to lead a life that you look up to. If you consider someone a chad you approve of what they are doing and think not everyone can do it. No chads lock down chink bitches.
> Your post smacks of the kind of angry lonely brain that will never be grateful for anything they have and a self-imposed incapacity for fulfilment

Thats a loaded sentence, but youre off mark im not lonely, i have a gf and am looking for a wife rn, have a great big family. But its not about me, my experience with women and specifically dating asian and chinese girls as a white person leads me to conclude all my points are correct.

I want other anons to skip the delusional yellow fever perfect asian wife seeking mentality that so many have (even i had for a while)
Thats not what you want or need in the long term white anons. Especially with the chinese girls which are the primary demographic given their numbers, with chinese being like 10 to 1 compared to japanese .