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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58240235 No.58240235 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58240533

I'll give you a paid day off but you have to give me a blowjob.

>> No.58240545

neither me

>> No.58240615

The best thing in life is sex. (Sex with drugs if you’re brave). Working increases my testosterone and when i cool off from work i get very horny which makes sex even better. That’s why i like to work. The fact that i help other people while i work is a bonus. Just neeting away my life would be a more numb existance. I also wouldn’t get sex with as hot women as i do now.

>> No.58240628

neither do I
you're gonna pull through

>> No.58240724

I wouldn't mind if society wouldn't be so shit.

>> No.58240782

Eh i still get sex and live without material worry so society isn’t shit.

>> No.58240875


Take the grugpill: work lots, get horny, have lots of money for sex, fuck a lot

>> No.58240954

Literally it keeps getting more pozzed by the year.
Cultures and traditions have been replaced by cheap consumerist slop and the governments hate their own citizens.

>> No.58241110

Kek nothing is stopping you from practicing your ancient traditions. Between work, working out, being with my friends and being with chicks i barely have time for consumerist media, as it should be.

>> No.58241173

There should be a lot more to life than that. I am a chrisitian so I cannot fuck mindlessly unless I want to bring 15 children into this hellhole.

>> No.58241215

Like what? What could you possibly want more in life than that? Just replace multiple chicks with one woman if you want romance.

>> No.58242483

GOD, community, tradition, culture and family just to name a few.

>> No.58242541
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Ultra top Signal
The normiest of the normies are here
Maybe that your people dont get slowly genocided? Maybe that jews dont get to start their next ww?

>> No.58242632


Nobody is stopping you from going to church

That’s literally work and friends

>tradition, culture
You’re free to practice both, but keep in mind that both things have always been fluid

I see my family regularly, also you can start a new family with a woman if you want.

>> No.58242896

>Maybe that your people dont get slowly genocided? Maybe that jews dont get to start their next ww?
also this

>> No.58243043

I've been working like an animal for 14 years now. I hate it so much. Worst part is I lost a lot of money in bad investments.

>> No.58243724

> Maybe that your people dont get slowly genocided?

Nothing is stopping you from having children or voting for the anti-inmigration party in your country. That being said, demographic changes because of immigration are a very natural phenomenom and don’t really affect your quality of life.

>> No.58244368
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You think they ever loved you?

>> No.58244662

>he still believes voting matters
>He believes that modern immigration is a natural phenomenon
go back to plebbit please, I beg you.

>> No.58244713

Bad attitude.

>> No.58244720

Many monarchs actually cared about their citizens. Even the late soviet union was a much lesser evil than what we have now.

>> No.58244766
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I'm 23 and I've never had a job

>> No.58244832

How are you neet If I may ask?
Inheritance? Disability? Shitcoin luck?

>> No.58244949

Uni loans and staying at my parents house. Currently £30,000 in debt, not including student loans (they won't give me anymore.) If you included student loans I'm like 100k in debt, I have no plans on paying it

>> No.58244986

kek, based retard

>> No.58245069

I'm Uni educated and you're not. Who's the retard now

>> No.58245074

There was also never as massive of a demographic change ever in human history. The government is basically inviting and even paying undocumented, uneducated and unskilled workers to stay in Europe for bad intentions.

>> No.58245121

>Doing financially better than someone who went to university
>calls me a retard for it

>> No.58245212

I meant to use immigrants instead of "workers". Overwhelming amount of migrants are unwilling to work and leach off of government gibs.

>> No.58245335
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>such a normie he doesn't even get autism bux for life
No sympathy from me, normie<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.58245400

Life isn't just about money, but I guess brainlet wagie wouldn't know much about that.

>> No.58245490

why did you waste your time in uni then? Kek. Do you think you can sustain leaching off of your parents forever?
Do you have 0 shame and guilt? I bet your parents are very proud of you

>> No.58245535
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> from fledgling investor to rich investor
time is ticking for me, only a few minutes before bedtime. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. Good luck bro and good night!

>> No.58245576

good night fren.

>> No.58245607

Also good lualso congrats. What are you going to buy?

>> No.58245649

*also good luck and congrats

>> No.58245714

>30k in debt
holy fucking shit. you should be scared out of your mind. you have no idea how much that is.

>> No.58245782

you fucking idiot lol

>> No.58245962

he said 100k in total, kek

>> No.58246282

lol I was so flabbergasted by the 30k I stopped reading what else he wrote. his life is fucked. he will literally never pay that shit back.

>> No.58246600

He could file for bankruptcy but probably still fucked regardless.

>> No.58246712

is that even possible with student loans? in america it isnt but he is from the uk so I dont know the rules over there.

>> No.58246730

i actually like my job at the moment. i am an entitled cunt and people dont usually give me the respect i dont deserve but they are at the moment so i feel unjustly vindicated. so tomorrow should be fun.

>> No.58246776

Idk, I am not from the UK, lol.

>> No.58250081

I have the same sentiment everyday anon, but i need it for now. Even if i managed to make around 360k with crypto, even if i manage to buy 3k and make it 28k in a week like i did with loafcat, it's still a long way to go before i have enough shit on me to "make it" and retire to live a good life without having to ever lift a finger again.

>> No.58251385

neither do i want to die of hunger. tell me the surest way to retire

>> No.58252057

try predicting the price of Btc on halving on Nuklai, if you win, you walk away with 1Btc. if you dont, you still get paid if someone buys the dataset.

>> No.58253035

Is 30k really that much money in the UK?

>> No.58253211

get a website, monetize on Hydro and start earning without ever having to go to work again

>> No.58253457
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30k is that much money anywhere in the world

>> No.58253664

I wish I could work. I have submitted hundreds and hundreds of applications. My resume gets thrown in the trash. I tried getting a job counselor. They gave me a measly list of six things that I can apply for and they say that's all they can do. I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do.

>> No.58254013
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I'm quitting tomorrow with no backup.

>> No.58254132

you can become a content creator and win directly from your bed

>> No.58254215
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>> No.58255414

You're circumsized aren't you?

>> No.58255432

This faggot looks like the future of the muttblood NWO and it's fucking horrifying... And that's a GOOD thing!

>> No.58255463

>same. I made so much on the yotsuba stock exchange today, I just can't bring myself to wage anymore

>> No.58255482
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tell me about it

>> No.58258070

he just looks italian

>> No.58258768

These contents creators are making a lot. Hydro lets you monetize without any form of ads

>> No.58258997

same but 34
i was making 20k a month on youtube
i have 450k saved and im now gambling to try to 3x this and live off interest
saved it all because im a monk that lives with mom
i will never job, this is a war against wagecuckoldry.

>> No.58259112
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>> No.58259226

I was able to watch an hour long documentary at work today.

>> No.58259428

I am not unoccupied for longer than 5 minutes on most any workday
I am an engineer

>> No.58260581

does that make me wrong?

>> No.58264505
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, Robotics Notes - 11 - Large 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw getting back to work today after 3 weeks of paid leave
It hurts. It fucking hurts. I had a blast during those 3 weeks. I didn't do shit. Nothing. Not even traveling somewhere for a week or two. Just living the hikkikomori life at home for 3 straight weeks. Went out twice for groceries, that's it.
I think I could live as a shutin for the rest of my life. And it looks like I don't even need much capital to live that life.

>> No.58264917

afraid of what? He has nothing to reposes and lives at his parents, the idiots who loaned him the pony are the ones who are about to lose it to bankruptcy

>> No.58265142

Give it time

>> No.58265214

that pic is literally me about 5 minutes ago

I love waking up at 6 am to go to the wage cage ha ha

>> No.58265987

Thats why you should engage in passive income. I do arbitrage trading with Afriq, and the gain is enough to sustain me for the year.

>> No.58266022

Best not overthink it and just grind it out.

>> No.58266183

I always had this feeling before but now I quite 9-5 to focus on content creation and I've been making some money from my blog which I'm monetizing via Adsense and Hydro Online

>> No.58266650


>> No.58266795

I'm also considering that Hydro Online for my app since it pays out weekly and also won't display ads on my app