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582033 No.582033 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to find the best way to invest a measly $50 I have. I was thinking maybe some kind of gold or silver coins or something like that. Im not looking to make quick turnover just looking for something that won't lose value.

>> No.582041

even with $50 I'd look to pay off any debts you have, as the interest rate you're paying on them will be higher than what $50 worth of most "safe" investments could buy you.

If you've no debts, then I'd humbly suggest buying silver. You won't get gold coins for that, and you won't get a lot of silver, but you'll still have more to show for it than if you bought gold.

If you're up to the task, it would be better to buy scrap gold/silver from fairs, markets, garage sales, whatever - haggling for the best possible price you can, then selling it to a scrap dealer for a higher price. If the item is nice enough, stick it on eBay for an even more attractive profit.

>> No.582055

Not the OP but any advice or material for buying silver/gold and identifying its value, among other things?

I had a genius idea to go to flea markets and stuff to find cool deals and interesting little things to buy and I'm guessing they'd probably have silver and gold but I don't really know anything about it so I won't know if I'm getting a fair price(same with most things i guess)

>> No.582056
File: 12 KB, 300x300, sunshineminting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the reply. i'll look for some silver. these things look cool.

>> No.582346
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JM Bullion has a free and quick guide (74 pages) for starting bullion collectors.

>> No.582354

How old are you? Why only $50? Buy clothes, shoes or something.

>> No.582357

>had a genius idea
>I don't really know anything about it

How do you know that your idea is genius?

>> No.582359

>I'm trying to find the best way to invest a measly $50 I have
1) Pay off your debts
2) Save it up and invest later with larger amount of money
3) Buy 3 chickens, feed them and start collecting your eggs (~ 2 eggs a day on average - you will never need to buy any eggs again)
4) Buy seeds for your garden (tomatoes, carrots, etc...) and grow your own vegetable
5) Go fuck yourself.

>> No.582388

$50 is not a sum to invest, so buy whatever shiny stuff you want (you'll feel rich) but don't really believe this is an "investment" because the sum is just too meager

>> No.582392

Put it aside till you got another measly 50, then you'll a measly 100. Work till 1000. THEN invest it, be it forex or whatever you're sure about.

>> No.582414

You mean 2 chickens and a rooster? Also you can kill them for the meat when they get old and you have a new generation of chickens brought to maturity by the first few.

>> No.582418
File: 111 KB, 569x768, Amazed catfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3) Buy 3 chickens, feed them and start collecting your eggs (~ 2 eggs a day on average - you will never need to buy any eggs again)
Coop those cocks up even if you have the option to let them go free range. They are truly the stupidest creatures on Earth. If hawks and owls and dogs don't get them, they will kill themselves.

>> No.582450

Even a better idea, I have just assumed OP did not want to be disturbed in the morning by an angry noisy cock.

>> No.582452

>They are truly the stupidest creatures on Earth. If hawks and owls and dogs don't get them, they will kill themselves.
Indeed, having your own chickens is like having people to govern, majority will stay stupid all the time.

>> No.582721


>> No.583249


Buy $50 worth of vapor rub and start sucking cocks for money.

>> No.583765

I'm guessing you are about <15 years old. Start with silver (coins, certificates,bullion,rare coins) just like me. I'm only 17 and I have over $2,500 just in PM's and collectables. Its the only thing that has value and will at least keep its purchasing power.

>> No.583768

>underageban incoming

>> No.583788

Muh 2 VPN's and 2 proxies...

>> No.583802

At my local town i can buy a life young chicken for €6. Buying a cock will be pointless since you'll need to feed it. You'll get mutated chickens by lack of genetic diversity.

>> No.583803

Are you a look a like to a certain Eric Dr. W

>> No.583839


>implying he doesn't wake up to one already

>> No.584469

buy iphone charges in bulk via ebay and resell them for 20-30 bucks individually.

>> No.584475

Get a job and use the $50 for gas money until your first check. Will yield greater returns than a coin ever will.

>> No.584478

>Implying OP isn't a faggot

>> No.584525
File: 10 KB, 250x329, 1417589660793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy urself a fuckin knife and stab urself with it faggot.

>> No.584974

The best way to invest any amount of money is the best way to invest any amount of money.