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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5821517 No.5821517 [Reply] [Original]

>Ordinary sunny and semi cloudy day.
>starts raining
>hmmmm... enjoying the cute little raindrops for a few hours
>fucking flash flood out of nowhere
>flood water at max was chest deep rising to the neck
>Panicking to get out while water was gushing inside, almost died
>almost everything important was drenched in water
>FUCK!!!! MY COLD WALLET! (30 BTC in currently connected with my other laptop)
>FUCK WHERE THE HELL IS SHADOW!!!!! (2 month old puppy)

My entire house filled with mud. aside from the meager shitcoins I hold on the exchanges, 90% of my accumulated wealth is gone. I've sent my external drive to 5 repair shops already, and 3 technicians. 1 of them had it working for 30 minutes and the files just can't be read anymore, then it just stopped working.

my only pet of 2 months was just playing outside when it started to rain. Nowhere to be found when I got out. Earlier today neigbhour brought his lifeless body to me. "2 months huh? uhm well, at least you haven't been emotionally attached to him, right?" fuck off neighbour.

At this point I'm directionless in my life. I don't even know what to do anymore.

>> No.5821547

You could always go for a swim

>> No.5821600
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water has receded. now mostly mud

>> No.5821658
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>> No.5821678

Are you insured at least?

>> No.5821724


>> No.5821738

Sucks anon. What shithole third world country do you live in? At least you know that you did it once and can do it again. Start over, there is another tomorrow.

>> No.5821755

on this page you can find some suicide hotline numbers if you feel that bad.
You can rebuild dude. I'm sorry about your puppy. If you can come back from this you can come back from anything.

>> No.5821764

dont do it bro

>> No.5821765

Oh shit mate :(
Poor puppy and yeah, poor you
Post your eth address or so

>> No.5821808


>> No.5821827

be grateful some people do not have enough water

>> No.5821848

There was a thread the other day about storing your wallet keys/ledger recovery phrase in a bank safety deposit box or similar . People thought it was a stupid idea

This is why it isn’t . Sorry anon

>> No.5821900

Vlog about it get money from yuppies looking for crypto tips and bonus sob story and how you're inspired to recover

>> No.5821910

Your coins aren't lost. Look into forensic recovery services. They aren't cheap, but $10,000 to do a bit by bit recovery is a lot cheaper than losing 30BTC. Best of luck to you, OP and RIP Shadow.

>> No.5821918

Fucking hell OP

Sorry dude but that is such an epic story that you have to STAY ALIVE and tell your grandkids someday

>> No.5821950
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Damn I'm sorry for you OP.
Don't kill yourself tho, remember we're all gonna make it. Suicide just leads to eternal damnation and that's shit.

>> No.5821967
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houstonion here. city is still recovering from our flood.

sorry to hear about yours. good luck, buddy. someone in houston is rooting for you.

>> No.5821983
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insurance only covers about 1/4 of the total damage in my house. currently talking to a lawyer but have no money to talk to him anymore.

where I live, this external drive is worth more than my house

I can't start with around 1 btc with literally nothing on me. I can live, or survive but I don't know where I go from here

life's gonna be hard

>> No.5822019

Jesus christ of this is not a larp.. thats absolutely insane... Go to reddit set up a wallet and ask for donations

>> No.5822061

HDD can be recovered bit by bit. Water doesn't change magnetic charge on the platter. You'll be able to recover it all, but it won't be cheap. Look up hard drive forensic recovery.

>> No.5822086

Do what ever research you can to recover it m8

You'll feel like a million bucks once you figure it out.

>> No.5822090

Go to a specialist. Your data can be restored despite the damage because the mechanisms involved don't change the magnetic orientation, which is how the data is encoded onto a physical disk. It's not cheap, but they can get your bits back.
>t. InfoSec

>> No.5822096

Remember separate hidden locations. Remember watertight fireproof storage. I feel awful for you anon I would be SICK! But to everyone else please learn from this

>> No.5822109

Can you get a new interim wallet? Post your BTC wallet address, I'll send ya some sats.

Thats heartbreaking man, I lost my dog this past Fall and it was rough.

>> No.5822136

are you stupid. don't bring you harddisk to a repair shop, there are companies that fucking disasemble it and read the bits with laser.

considering you havent fuck the hard disk even more, there is still hope. It wont be cheap though.

>> No.5822138

This is why I store keystore files on multiple encrypted USB sticks, one being at my parent's place as a backup.

>> No.5822141

Is this a subtle begging thread?

>> No.5822181

this please get it looked at by experts.

>> No.5822186

sucks and i hope its not tru but why didnt you grab your hdd and puppy before you ran out? its not like your house flooded in 2 mins

>> No.5822191

Also why keep so much money on a single wallet without private keys engraved in metal?

>> No.5822210

>no waterproof safe with a laminated paper wallet in a ziploc bag
Better luck next time, OP.

>> No.5822228

Oh yeah you're right, if that's an HDD and not an SSD or another kind of flash drive the data should be easily recoverable by the right person.
One benefit of magnetic drives I suppose.

>> No.5822274

I think your techinicions are shit >>5821910 this>>5822061
Also you can recover from the paper if its not totally shredded and the ink just ran, im pretty sure your paper will have micro impressions

>> No.5822298

I don't think I'm doing it, but for some reason I'm already entertaining the thoughts. I guess this is where it all starts

I ACTUALLY saw it and was considering it but it was a busy week for me to have it done. and the banks here were closed for the holidays

thanks man. I only literally have about $10,000 in bittrex and binance and other exchangers. If I cash them out, + tax, I need some assurance that I'll be recovering those btc. I've talked with a lot of people here, they all seem to tell me that I should give up on trying to recover.

implying i will have grand kids if I stay broke throughout the rest of my life

I don't play that game.

thanks bud.

>> No.5822304
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>> No.5822365
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>> No.5822382

You could possibly recover the data from the hardwallet. Just get professional help.

>> No.5822401

Nearly half a million in bitcoin and no backups and shit? Dude if i had half a million I’d make a ton of backups and hide them in relatives houses. I feel bad for you, but poor planning. You story sounds half fake anyway.

>> No.5822440

Damn, that's horrible. Lost my dog not too long ago so I know how it feels. I know it might feel like replacing him, but due to the state you're in I'd recommend getting another one as you'll likely benefit from the companionship. Don't give up. Try and get your BTC back but even if you can't, you made it once so you can do it again. I'm rooting for you, anon!

>> No.5822458

10k can easily become 50k to 100k in a year. Invest smart.

10k in cryptos is more than over half even have here.

>> No.5822462

Seems like we need a better solution guys, this crypto business has a major flaw, coins arent safe online or in paper form. Can we somehow make a dna wallet so it litterlly yours and in you? Maybe a virus (harmless one) encrypted with the hash?

>> No.5822472

>only literally have about $10,000 in bittrex and binance and other exchangers

>only 10,000 to start again with?

wtf dude. i've got like $300

>> No.5822502

>they tell me I should give up trying to recover
These are basic techs with an A+ certificaton and probably don't know shit outside of using a paid program to do the work for them. There are professional services but they take time (weeks to months) and are not cheap, but unless you were flooded by magnets, there should be no issue with recovery. I've had to use them before when an employee decided he would smash his hard drive after stealing $127,000 from the business. He beat the shit out of it real good, but didn't physically destroy the platter, which we sent off and recovered the evidence from. This was 5 or so years ago and I think he is still in prison. So there's that.

>> No.5822507

How much for the drive? I'll buy it off you.

>> No.5822508

Same more than 10 whatvi have you be ok

>> No.5822552


just offer them 1 BTC if they are able to recover it. It's more than 10k and you dont need to withdraw your trading funds and pay taxes

>> No.5822604
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>not keeping your money on the exchange

>> No.5822617
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>> No.5822645

I don't think OP understands the concept of bitcoin. There are no true cold storage. Anything can be recovered with the private key/

>> No.5822646

You got scamed this is what i would have done fix hdd get the keys permanently brake it and say it isn't recoverable get rekt kek

>> No.5822680

Seagate literally shilled me that their drive is water-repellent. Had it for 2 months and some rust is forming. Now I called customer service and they said they can replace the drive. cool! can you replace the btc too? "what's btc?"

I'm not techie but I'm researching what you guys are telling me. Then again, I only have $10k, my only and final money to spend on everything, so if I use it to attempt to recover wish me luck.


an external hard drive seemed the best idea at that time.

they shilled me to get the drive

nah man

sorry about your dog too man. really crushing my heart right now. not sure about begging on /biz/. I never begged but I gave a couple of times.

>> No.5822702


then those people shouldn't have 20 kids each

>> No.5822728

It only gets better from here anon. You can do it!! I believe in you, now please believe in yourself

>> No.5822879

Or just laminate your paper wallet and throw it in your own safe.

>> No.5822953

Nigga hard drives work by magnetizing a platter in a specific way that corresponds to the data you're saving on it. Water could've destroyed the electronic parts of the drive which prevents it from operating the platter head but the data on the platter itself is still fine because magnetic fields can only be affected by other magnetic fields or simply wear off with time.
Your wallet's fine you just need a real specialist to take that shit apart and read it.

>> No.5823037

Come on guys, take it easy. I've had those btc since 2014 so that's why I prefer to just put em in a single place. I'm also not a techie, most especially about hardware.

I'm really grateful for the suggestions about the recovery. I was hopeless but now I think I might just have something.

My problem now is that I'm seeing $10,000 to $30,000 service fee for that kind of recovery (googled) and even the most trusted ones don't offer even a good 50% chance of success, some don't even give out a percentage at all, they'll just try and if they can't do it, they'll take a quarter of the fee.

I'm in my neighbour's hosue eating hot ramen. $86 in cash, house not usable, no working computer, and talking to a lawyer that charges me $250 per consultation (5 minute talk) about my house and property.

tonight I'll be hungry

>> No.5823053

How strong is the encryption on a say a micro SD? Can I use the same passphrase for all of them?

>> No.5823122

>doesnt have 20 kids
get on my level anon

>> No.5823150

>had those btc since 201

you amassed 1/2 a million dollars in 3 years and never learned how to keep it safe?

>> No.5823198


>> No.5823232
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Damn OP, idk how you can hold 30 btc and not own a waterproof safe

I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.5823243

I just remembered, the last guy pried my drive open and wiped it off, then it turned on for 30 minutes and shut down permanently.

>> No.5823306

>trusting some random tech
Chances are by giving it to that guy, he fucked it up even more.

Please please please do your research anon

>> No.5823336

pretty stupid of you not to secure your holdings
at least you have your life, which is more than some people can say after a devastating and sudden flood like that
consider it a life lesson

>> No.5823411

>I'm also not a techie, most especially about hardware.

You know what, nevermind. Fuck you, retard. You exploited technology to gain wealth, and then never actually learned how to protect or properly use said technology.

You deserve this, and more.

>> No.5823423

I asked him why he opened it, he said he needed to wipe off the water and rust inside.

"okay do your thing"

>> No.5823426

You can literally remember your 12 word key.

>> No.5823472


>Most importantly, Datarecovery.com provides a no data, no charge policy. If our engineers aren’t able to recover your data successfully, we don’t assess a recovery fee (evaluation fees may still apply for expedited cases and for drives with fire or water damage).

Good luck anon, these guys seem legit.

>> No.5823480

Storm Eleanor? Hope shit sorts itself out breh

>> No.5823488

Explain to me why you think your bitcoins are on your hard drive?

Where is your private key or seed?

>> No.5823535

>live in a shithole where a FLASH FLOOD can fuck your house up
you deserved it

>> No.5823666

this right here

>> No.5823679

I can fix your drive. If it's a HDD, it's as simple as cross-installing the platters into a new rig. If it's an SSD, it's gonna be harder because the controller and associated electronics will be fried, so I'll have to either replace the electronics (which will be ass if they're microscopic) or cross-solder the flash memory into a new rig. I've got some spare rigs and a micro solder so it shouldn't be too difficult, let me know if you're interested. Sorry about the dog, I can try to cross-transplant its brain into my retarded cat (fuck that little shit I've been trying to get rid of him for weeks), but I'm not a good surgeon.

Seriously, hit me up on either offer.

>> No.5823705

do you have fiat though? I need a place to eat and sleep tonight and rent a pc with internet. that would help me a lot.
I'm already hopeful with the suggestions provided.

>> No.5823731

And I'll do it for free. You don't need forensics goggly shit. In return, all I ask is you try out my new ether-based gambling service and give me a genuine review.

>> No.5823779
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I just came here to say I wish you all the luck in the world man. Hang in there, you got this.

>> No.5823820

> I've had to use them before when an employee decided he would smash his hard drive after stealing $127,000 from the business.

Please anon elaborate on this. I'm curious

>> No.5823829
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>>FUCK!!!! MY COLD WALLET! (30 BTC in currently connected with my other laptop)

i think you misunderstand what a cold wallet is

>> No.5823839

I mean not hanging yourself lol
I mean get that sorted and live a nice life.

>> No.5823847

you had insurance right OP?

>> No.5823857


I've already contacted someone here to try and do it, I'm not in the US so.

I'll post again on /biz/ in a few days if I had no luck.

>> No.5823905

>Implying OP was retarded enough to tell them he had 500k in crypto in that hdd

>> No.5823926

Gl, let me know how it turns out (including if you recover your data): bigkentuckyenforcer28@protonmail.ch

>> No.5823939

yeah I got it. thanks bud

like I said above, 1/4 of the house damage is covered. lawyer being greedy and insurance wont cough it up. more interested in recovering the btc

>> No.5823998

Genuinely sorry for your loss

That drive can be rescued 100%, did you try ontrack?

>> No.5824010

t b h if I had 30 BTC on the line I'd would spend the money to overnight the drive to one of those US based recovery services

>> No.5824012

Holy shit, I need that.

>> No.5824031

where you based at anon? Aus?

>> No.5824043

no I haven't told them anything. I just told them there's a really important file inside I need to get.

saved. thanks bud.

I haven't. But I was just talking to someone I know here who will try to do it.

>> No.5824129


>> No.5824136

>don’t keep ur crypto on the exchanges

Use that btc to start a bounty to kill the pajeets shilling this

>> No.5824141

reminder that XRP moves 4x the speed of the average flash flood

>> No.5824221

seriously tho don’t kys bro

>> No.5824348

I heard about the hectic storms up the coast, shits fucked bro.

Couple of good data recovery mobs in Aus though, just expensive af (from experience 6 years ago)

>> No.5824357

yeah it's pretty pretty pretty good for exactly the scenario that OP is finding himself in.

>> No.5824359
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Where do you live OP?

>> No.5824416

These drives are hermetically sealed. You should be able to take it to a recovery expert and they will most likely remove the platters and read them directly. I wouldn't fuck around with the amateurs anymore, they will do more damage to the platters.

>> No.5824472
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>> No.5824528
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>> No.5824549

>Seagate literally shilled me that their drive is water-repellent. Had it for 2 months and some rust is forming. Now I called customer service and they said they can replace the drive. cool! can you replace the btc too? "what's btc?"

Sue. Them.
30 btc+cost of trial+Emotional distress.

If fatties can sue McDo, anything is possible.

>> No.5824696

>Go to reddit set up a wallet and ask for donations

>> No.5824781

>These drives are hermetically sealed.

>> No.5824888

yeah I was stupid. literally thought that drive was indestructible since seagate shilled me to buy it.


that's my main problem now. should I spend my last 10k on trying to recover it or try to grow 2k on crypto while using 8k on my essentials (food, clothing, house, laptop, etc).

I wish I could

I still have xrp on my exchanges though
Guys I think I have to go, maybe check on this thread for few while. Aside from trying to recover the btc on my drive, I need to do a lot of things here. I will try to cash out the rest of the money I have on the exchanges, but I reckon it will take a whole while. 2PA is giving me the shits right now and i just can't explain that my laptop has drowned itself.
I'll be hungry tonight, need a place to sleep, and a laptop with internet. If any of you are in NSW and could take one soul in, please let me know. Other than that though it's pretty shameful to do this, any immediate help is highly appreciated since I'm not thinking about kms anymore.

I have this spare btc address

do what you want with it. It'll be spent mainly on food and shelter.


>> No.5824972
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>literally thought that drive was indestructible

waterproof =! water resistance

>> No.5825054

Yeah, this. Nobody can take this knowledge from you. You learnes how the market works, what to do and what to avoid.

>> No.5825101

this is the most elaborate beg bread i ever seen, well done anon
Jk keep your head up, you will make it.

>> No.5825139

At least give us an address of a crypto that doesn't take 3 years and 30$ fees to use, newfag

>> No.5825196

Just call one of the recovery services. Explain the situation. They are most likely hardcore techies so they know what crypto is. Tell 'em you'll pay double or triple their fee if they can do it, but that you can't pay much if they can't.

>> No.5825210

>I can't start with around 1 btc with literally nothing on me
Yeah, fuck right off, matey. You know how many people on this board are still poorfags who have not (yet?) accumulated enough to get one full BTC. Fucking spoiled brat.
Sorry about the puppy, though, you cannot buy life.

>> No.5825221

Just take whatever you have left, leverage as much as you can and buy the right coins. You'll be back on top in no time.

>> No.5825339

I've got Eth: 0xa24ceb6c6538802ea0165c681b9a8d0db5b9963b

and XLM:

come on man, I wouldn't if I didn't have to.

>> No.5825344

Recovery wont be 10k anon, it shouldn't be more than 5k (from experience)

So cash out 5k for recovery and 5k for living expenses. Take out a short term loan with CBA until the drive is rocovered. It suck paying crazy interest on stuff but it'll get you by. Hell even credit cards give you 50 days before interest kicks in. If they cant recover the shit in 50 days they're doing it wrong.

>> No.5825397

>1 of them had it working for 30 minutes and the files just can't be read anymore, then it just stopped working.
He probably stole your coins Anon.

If you still have the hard drives, pros can take the platters off the old one and put them onto a new one.

If he couldnt read the files it could be because the filesystem was damaged and not necessarily the data.

Take it to data recovery PROFESSIONALS.

Most hard drives are actually waterproof to some extent.

>> No.5825472

I estimate around 8K to live for a month and start small. 2K can remain in the exchanges but what happens after that. I already quit my job. Those poorfags here start with $500 or less but they can sustain themselves everyday and sleep comfortably at night despite crashes or moons. I on the other hand have literally 10k to spend wisely including my daily living.

>> No.5825484


>> No.5825579

You can't stay with any family/friends for a short period till the proper recovery mob fixes your drive?

>> No.5825604


>> No.5825627

Nearest and most trusted one here takes 6-10k. I was thinking about cashing out 8k, get a loan or something for the recovery, while 2k stays on crypto. I'm more worried about what to do the next few days or where to get the money. If the 2k on crypto won't have moon missions, life's gonna be harder.

>> No.5825686

Salvage what’s left, Buy XRP, it’s not too late to get ready for the next moon mission

>> No.5825738

they're overseas. closest relative is miles away and we're not even close. I'm looking for unit for rent near my place, probably for a month.

no shilling pls :( but I have xrp though

>> No.5825750

>random shill link

>> No.5826000

Goddamn that absolutely blows im so sorry to hear that OP

>> No.5826337

What’s your xrp wallet? Also give us a selfie with you holding a fruit halfways in the one water so we know you didn’t photoshop the writing on that piece of paper

>> No.5826433

I’m sorry anon but you’ll make it. This next year in crypto is priming to be insane. Just get back in and daytrade your way up.

>> No.5826522

sorry about your loss OP :'(

>> No.5826555

I know CBA do same day approved loans for up to 50k, easier if you have security (eg car/house), however its not unheard of to get a 25k personal loan unsecured. (my mate is an area manager)

Centrelink also do crisis payments (they pay for accommodation etc), same with Salvo's/Vinnies

>> No.5826802

Sent you 100MILL in dogecoin god bless

>> No.5826865

godspeed op. wouldn't wish this to happen to anyone. keep your head up

>> No.5827334
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I'm on my other neighbours right now. waters have receded. but just to prove.

my xrp requires me to generate a tag, and it meets me with error everytime. just eth, xlm, and btc :/

>> No.5827600
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lol hard wallet cucks are so funny, keeping all their valuable coins on an easily lost/stolen/destructible meme usb device

>> No.5827700

Good enough

>> No.5827750

Haha you kept a seen on an ecrypted text file on Google Drive... right?

>> No.5827759

Why are we helping OP, we should let him die.

>> No.5827922

>living in a 3rd world poverty country with homes made of mud and twigs

>keeping 30 btc on a physical drive

>> No.5828354


Don't you fucking dare to kill yourself, faggot. This may be a setback, but at least you're not dying of terminal illness or something.

You seem to have young hands, so most of your life is ahead of you. Do everything in your power to recover the data, IT IS POSSIBLE.

If there is nothing left you can do about it, just start anew in crypto with your $10k... Jesus fkin christ i started with $150 and 4x my money in two weeks with shitty trades and weak hands.

You will feel better and more confident after overcoming this obstacle. But don't fucking end it, world is way too interesting to do it. There are plenty of people alive for no reason.

Wish you well, best of luck!

>> No.5828531


But lose some weight too after everything is done and you will be healthy

>> No.5828565

Nigga if they can recover the info on the drive they can recover the btc. Get an expert on "hard drive forensic recovery" like the other anon said and you're set.

>> No.5828749

that tech probably stole your coins and just said he couldn't recover them

>> No.5829001

anon I was about to leave a snarky comment like an absolute /biz/tard that I am, but then
> FUCK WHERE THE HELL IS SHADOW!!!!! (2 month old puppy)
them feels mate... I'm sorry for your doggo. fuck

>> No.5829227
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>> No.5829307

>Why would anyone post about their personal tragedies on the bangladesh cryptocurrency pictoboard?
This guy already made a thread like this with another picture and date on /b/ and /biz/ where he uses things like imaginary sob stories and pets to trigger sad reactions and post his wallet eventually to scam people out of their money

>> No.5829381
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>> No.5830017

You will need a dark room, a working version of the exact model of hard drive you have, and a person who has moved platters between drives before without destroying them. People who are in hardware forensics have probably done this enough to not fuck it up.

Order a dupe of your exact HD model and find a person to rebuild and recover it for you. Best chance you got.

>> No.5830696

Triggered fa/g/got detected

>> No.5830773

why would you go to a normal computer repair shop and not a data recovery specialist?


why do I have to ask this?

You probably still wont go to Drivesavers or something like that because your afraid to mail your hard drive but your fucking stupid enough to have some kid down the road boot up your waterlogged external and keep doing it over and over and over until it gets worse and worse you stupid piece of shit

take my advice, it is fixable but you just made it harder you asshole

>> No.5830835

>mfw i live in a penthouse suite not a fucking swamp
stay poor faggit