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File: 10 KB, 1506x107, Screenshot 2024-03-31 002738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58205991 No.58205991 [Reply] [Original]

Bought at $43 years ago, just couldnt handle it anymore. I am going into DOGE with all of it. LINK is never going to go up cause fat fucking sergey keeps manipulating price.

>> No.58205995

That took you a while, almost as if being cuckolded was a kink of yours

>> No.58205997

>buy high sell low
>about to buy high on Doge
kek good luck anon

>> No.58206005

how long until OP ropes?

>> No.58206010

two more weeks

>> No.58206014

what should i put it in then? I bought LINK from an influencer on tiktok years ago but wish i didnt. Found 4chan recently and all the FUD posts just convinced me link just is not good

>> No.58206016
File: 249 KB, 2960x1770, 1711863377648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>157 Link

>> No.58206031

Let the relief wash over you, anon. Now you can make gains.

>> No.58206033

Idk man, I only hold BTC, LINK, and GPU

>> No.58206038

hey it costed me $6000 back then, almost all i had

>> No.58206039

At least he is rid of them now. That's all that matters.

>> No.58206064
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i just hate it
i just loathe it

>> No.58206076

Smart move, baggies are jealous and wish they could release sergey's cock from their mouths but they are addicted to sergey's jizz

>> No.58206106

I make that much link from staking in 5 weeks

>> No.58206110
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>> No.58206154

and some people make your net worth in a day whats your point

>> No.58206159

BUYING LINKIES.... at $43....
oh you midwit, LINKIES above $20 is only for selling

>> No.58206188

Point is how do top buyers of chainlink feel and is it bad enough to account for the 24/7/365 fud posting on this indonesian picture board or is there something else at play here

>> No.58206197

I'm convinced the number of holders who bought stinkies sub 50 cents (me) or sub 1 dollar are a rarer breed these days.

But I have also swapped my stinkies for something else. Sirgay has served me well.

>> No.58206205

You hold 0 link? I dont believe you.

>> No.58206215

and now it moons

>> No.58206216
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Uh Oh! red alert red alert! Another one escaped!! advosisters assemble in the advocate discord immediately! How do we spin this xisters....

>> No.58206237
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>> No.58206259

>Bought sub 0.5
>Shows transactions totalling less than 1k link

>> No.58206411

I was a brokie in 2017

>> No.58206488

And you are a brokie now

>> No.58206748

checked and 60k Link staked. how does it feel?

>> No.58207097

About the same considering I have 43k staked and 7k left to sell
Also my BASE memeshots are doing good

>> No.58208245

Looks like a good sell

>> No.58208262

Why didn't you buy at $5 if you bought at $43? You retards make absolutely zero sense.

>> No.58208277

Becuse i was new to crypto and got in cuase of tiktok

>> No.58208297

>Can't read a single sentence properly
Never mind. Stay poor.

>> No.58208307

I am not poor i sold $3000 while you baghold

>> No.58208438

Again, you are not focusing on the right things. I wasn't asking why you bought the top, my question is why won't you buy when it's low? It makes no sense.
You need to come up with a strategy to buy and sell at certain spots, otherwise you will continue to lose money. Doge could pump, but it's also already riding high and nothing is changing to make it be better or appreciate in value. Why are you buying Doge?

>> No.58208512

thanks for playing!

>> No.58208555
File: 5 KB, 893x61, boi+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you were the person selling the LINK to me!

Thanks for the LINK OP! :3

>> No.58209179
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>sells one hype wave shitcoin for another
>thinks he's learning from his mistake and moving on

>> No.58209593

Doge goes up, link stagnates and dumps

>> No.58209618


>> No.58209770


I had 2300 link left from my original stack. I solded 8000 of them the first time it hit 20 during defi summer. I just swapped 2300 of them for doge on coinbased and have a 1k bag left that i will keep for the keks.

>> No.58209918

>after years of suppression and paid fud, the insiders finally managed to get one single newfag to sell his 157 link
topkek, I might go buy 157 right now just to undo all their hard work

>> No.58210055

>undo their hard work
no need for that when you have Sergey dumping millions a year LOOOOL
Pay up baggie :)

>> No.58210081


>> No.58210090
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>> No.58210104


>> No.58210118
File: 416 KB, 598x800, slurper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the slurper strikes again

>> No.58210149

>finally managed to get one single newfag to sell his 157 link
i doubt even this is true. they realised they're having zero success rate with decent stack holders so they're now trying to demoralisation-fud the small fry. fun to watch

>> No.58210158

good for you for finally getting out of the link cult. Memes are the rocket for this cycle

>> No.58210238
File: 86 KB, 1534x592, hehehehehheheniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saving this and will be posting it once Link reaches ATH again this year.

>> No.58210243

Even stacklets with 5k link are worth 6 figures, and when you get to that much money, it's not worth it to sell and take the tax hit.
Not to mention that the fud is so pathetic now that you're only going to convince the truly brainless to sell.

>> No.58210247
File: 24 KB, 322x321, file (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all your link
I hope this really is a former top buyer.

>> No.58210271

I Fall 4 fud ID.

Silly fudder retard nigger.

Yes, please buy doggydoodoo coin with it and post screenshot for our enjoyment.

>> No.58210297

Top fucking kek.

>> No.58210665

Looks like me solding triggered everyone, sorry!

>> No.58210786

>157 link bought at $43 years ago
I bet my left nut that even now that you claim to be "out" you will never stop seething about link

>> No.58211039
File: 160 KB, 820x647, 32332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy high sell
>fomo into dog coin
>poorfag stack
Welcome aboard, fellow /biz/raeli

>> No.58211312

its a scam you dummy

>> No.58211417

>I am not poor i sold $3000
Can you please fuck off back to tiktok you broke zoomie faggot

>> No.58211682


>> No.58212011

$3000 is a lot of money

>> No.58212020

Wouldn't be better to wait a bit and try to make even while dcaing into other stuff?

>> No.58212070

Checked and based.

>> No.58212081

Im already up 10% on DOGE

>> No.58212139

>stacklets selling
>think they have a lot of money in link
this is literally and unironically a bottom signal if 3 figure link stacklets are capitulating

>> No.58214099

crab signal

>> No.58214126

He's going to hold out until rope is $100/ft at home depot

>> No.58214135
File: 133 KB, 421x510, 1697940631097434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three figure stacklets that accumulated at $20 USD instead of 20 cents are capitulating.

When LINK skyrockets they will come back and try to their best to reach just 100 link tokens lamo

>> No.58214273
File: 42 KB, 640x633, pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a 10 link suicide stack!

>> No.58215114

The year is 2030
Btc $250,000
Eth $25,000
Link $20.01

Link marines:


nobody, and I mean NOBODY, gets cucked harder, for longer, and comes back absolutely BEGGING for more. Hence the term

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58215146

>when link is $10,000 each
>you: I have a 1 link suicide stack xD

>> No.58215186

Quick math for you: you’re down $4.3M from not rotating back into btc in 2020

In before

Yes we know, youre the richest guy in the trailer park


>> No.58215235

>DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE i i itsthhhh gonna be worth QUADRILLIONS and then I’ll finally get more upvote—ACKKKKKKKK

>> No.58215249

You still not gonna make it because AAST isn't in the picture yet.

>> No.58215316




>> No.58218970
File: 467 KB, 640x606, 1709568672983341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seven figures in crypto, soon to hit eight
You are a poorfag and a histrionic top buyer
Kill yourself, stacklet.

>> No.58219923

Link crashing, i made the right move

>> No.58220253

As a poorfag who has only 34 linkies fuck you

>> No.58220835
File: 35 KB, 586x582, Nigguhj nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Checking 1 minute candles for validation

>> No.58222560

Screw DOGE, go for PEAQ—it's got the most DePINs even before the token launch. Thank me later, Anon.

>> No.58222761
File: 7 KB, 176x287, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually quite like the token.

>> No.58222989
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1701075045032153s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw some DePINs into the mix, then YGMI, Anon. Check out the one that just scored a massive pre-launch funding round led by Generative Ventures, etc.

>> No.58223380

Time will tell, Anon. I'll hold tight and keep owning a fraction of tokenized Tesla on Eloop, raking in profit from their daily revenue stream.

>> No.58224909

No, made everyone kek

>> No.58224964
File: 93 KB, 1538x499, 1694350630586631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sergey keeps manipulating price
lol is Sergey the one who keeps dumping Bitcoin whenever Link pumps?

>> No.58225465

Wouldn't surprise me considering he is satoshi