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58212862 No.58212862 [Reply] [Original]

I have 800k USD worth of crypto atm

My dog is 15 years old, she just started straining to piss, and she’s pissing frequently, and there is some blood clots in the piss

I googled these symptoms and apparently all 3 symptoms mean bladder cancer, and it turns out her breed is in the top 5 dog breeds where bladder cancer is common, so based on the 3 factors of her age, breed predisposition, and symptoms, I am assuming it probably is

That said, even with surgery and treatment for bladder cancer, dogs only last about 6-12 months. Is there really any point in me selling 10-15k worth of crypto for the surgery/chemo when she will only last another 6-12 months? The issue is she will spend a few months to recover from surgery and she’d be on chemo during that time feeling like shit…. So it that extra time wouldn’t even be good for her anyway

What do you think? Pic related

>> No.58212866

Did I get 10 new WRIGGLERS when they put that nasty stink in my car?

>> No.58212878

>What do you think?
it's time to end it. simple as.
captcha: god vv

>> No.58212890

She's had a good life with you, it's time to let her go anon.

>> No.58212894

cancer isn't real, they're trying to rinse you and you're dumb enough to fall for it
your dog is 2 years older than the average dog life expectancy for small dogs and you already figured out (but misinterpreted) that the breed is predisposed to certain diseases, and she now has that disease

tl;dr you're dumb and you'll probably be broke soon too

>> No.58212896

is it possible to do surgery so she can piss properly, but not chemo? just scoop out the tumors so she has some respite? I mean she's 15, if the cancer recurs it won't be for months right

>> No.58212922

Bladder surgery for cancer is really invasive, and at her old age, she would likely not even be able to hold piss in anymore and would be pissing all over OP's house for most of that extra time she gets.

>> No.58212964

change her diet to chicken and rice, try to fatten her up it gives them strength.
enjoy the time you have left with her.

It may not be cancer, try amoxicillin treatment as it cures almost everything thats wrong with dogs and cats.

animals have strong willpower to continue living through sickness if you show you're right there with them.

>> No.58212981
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had a similar sitch last year. diagnosed with bone cancer. first option was to amputate the leg. didnt do it, kept her dosed up with pain meds for 3 months. then she was gone. go to the vet atleast to get a proper diagnoses and make some quality of life meds or something. good luck man <3

>> No.58213001

She’s been eating real food her entire life. She eats way more variety of food than I do unironically. She’s never had “dog food” before. She already has been eating like a bodybuilder does for the last 15 years, chicken, beef, tuna, salmon, etc

I lift weights and eat a lot of meat so she’s always just had what I eat.

>> No.58213006

Fix her and in return don’t donate to poorfags or women. Problem solved.

>> No.58213040

Get the damn ultrasound to find out what it is ya stupid idiot

>> No.58213046
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I'm sorry.
Give her a shitload of fenbenzadol. That might work. (And take her weight into it when determining "a shitload.")
But if not:
When my grandfather was dying from cancer, at a certain point, he just wanted to go. He even asked my father if he would kill him.
There comes a time when we are meant to pass. Prolonging it can be counter-productive. Maybe even "unkind."

>> No.58213070
File: 446 KB, 978x761, west highland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the pic, is she a westie?


>Michigan State University, are conducting research on the genetic susceptibility to transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder in the West Highland White Terrier. This is a devastating disease with genetic underpinnings and our ultimate goal is to identify the genetic variants responsible for susceptibility to this disease. West Highland White Terriers are five times more likely to be diagnosed with TCC than other dogs and treatment of advanced TCC has often been met with disappointing results. Too many Westies die each year as a result of this terrible disease.

Its over

>> No.58213094
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Man your dog is 15 years old already. That's already older than the average dog lifespan of 10-13 years. Even if you get her the best treatment in the world, it might extend her life by about a year at the most.
In other words, whether she has cancer or not, she's very likely to die within the next year or so, and you have to learn to be willing to accept that.
She had a good, relatively long life with you, anon. The curse of owning any pet is that you must accept that it will most likely die before you and you will have to accept that loss. Most of us still find it worthy to live alongside pets regardless of their inevitable death. Sorry for your loss, anon

>> No.58213111

Fucking schizo retard kill yourself, hic ass motherfucker shut your dumbass up.

>> No.58213114

seems like nature is trolling us for making dog breeds that look so ridiculously cute.

but anyways OP: spending a lot on surgeries and shit like that for pets doesn't make sense. end it.

>> No.58213139
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>but anyways OP: spending a lot on surgeries and shit like that for pets doesn't make sense. end it.
My maternal grandfather spent over $20k to put his dog on life support over the span of a week as it was dying... back in 2003.
I honestly don't think he would have done the same for his own wife, lmao
All of them are long gone from this realm now as they were only prolonging the inevitable back then. Everyone and everything in this world will eventually die

>> No.58213164

Tbh OP's dog could just have a basic UTI lol, you can't know until he gets his dog tested for whether or not its just a UTI or bladder cancer.

>> No.58213175

MUMU bull can save him, it will 30x at least

>> No.58213192

Bull saving dogs

>> No.58213199
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Anon the bull and you sck

>> No.58213226

You shouldn't have fucked her anon.

>> No.58213230

don't forget to take your 9th booster

>> No.58213243

This, OP should end his life.

>> No.58213245


>> No.58213254

Where do you get a dog like that?

>> No.58213283

That was my dog back in the day. Unfortunately, it died, just like everyone else's dogs eventually will.

>> No.58213292

Euthanize it dude wtf

>> No.58213317
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just put it down and get a new one

>> No.58213335

That’s what I’m thinking, maybe I am overreacting.

She’s able to piss for now, I’ve been giving her vitamin C, cranberry juice, and chicken broth, so she’s been pissing bigger volumes of urine now compared to a few days ago.

She’s still able to eat, shit, walk, run, etc so I don’t think she’s at put down stage yet.

Vets are closed for Easter for now, I’ll take her in tomorrow to get checked for if it’s just a standard UTI or bladder cancer.

My main question is do you guys think there is any point in me selling 10-15k of my crypto to get surgery and chemo for her if it does end up being bladder cancer considering her age and the fact bladder cancer treatment only extends life by 6-12 months at best

>> No.58213339

Bro she is already 15 years old. Most dogs don't even make it to 12.

It's time to let go, Anon. Instead try to use that money to make your dog's final moments as comfy as possible.

>> No.58213341

Nah I don’t want any dogs or pets in general ever again after this

>> No.58213357

Surgery at that age is brutal man. It's not even guaranteed she would survive the operation.

>> No.58213390

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking, just seems pointless at her age

>> No.58213391

Why not? Because of the pain you are feeling right now?

Just think of it this way, because of you your dog experienced unconditional love its whole life. Isn't that alone worth the pain?

>> No.58213412

Nah I’m actually just kind of over the whole pet ownership thing lol, I miss the old days where I could just do whatever I wanted without having to worry about my dog. It was fun and all but I’m tired of it. Parents never let me have a dog growing up so I got her when I was 20, am 35 now.

>> No.58213431

That answer is up for you to decide, anon. Is it worth it you, to extend your dog's life by 6-12 months at best, in exchange for about 1-2% of your net worth in crypto? We can't possibly answer that question for you. That's up to you to decide, but in my personal opinion, it's best to let go by this point.
I've had to put down many of my own pets in the past, but it was always a thing that needed to be done

>> No.58213476

Yeah the issue isn’t the money, it’s more so putting her through it, the 6-12 month extension doesn’t mean quality of life, it just means they can extend life, but that is the actual longest extension. Having taken into account the recovery for treatments I’m sure that means alot of those extra months would be her in misery dealing with side effects of treatment, so it wouldn’t be a fun 6-12 months for her

>> No.58213484

Yeah I get that. Anyway I hope the best for you and your dog. I'm going to feed my faggot cat now.

Gn bro.

>> No.58213504

My grandparent's dog had to get surgery to have her womb removed because of an infection, and she hasn't really been the same since. She was 5 years younger than your dog as well.

She's still nice and all, but she just mostly lies on the floor now.

>> No.58213507

You are making your dog suffer for selfish reasons. It's time to let the doggo go

>> No.58216766

sorry to hear that anon