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58210821 No.58210821 [Reply] [Original]

Even on a small scale with pocket change? I'd rather burn $10 than $100 right off the bat due to my own stupidity. How hard is it really to make a profit? Is it really something I have to put schizoid research into or is it a viable option to throw a couple bucks into something and hope for the best? Where should I be starting for minimal loss? What site do most of you use for crypto?

>> No.58211115

youve gotta lurk more on here first man. no spoonfeeding, let the autism from this board flow through you.

>> No.58211119

if u have no clue what youre doing then stay the fuck away from memecoins. go for coins in the top 500 or 1000 at least

>> No.58211128

>top 500 or 1000 of a multi thousand scamcoin pajeet crypto mania that is based on nothing and evaporates if the interest rates go up and we have inflation
makes sense. OP stick to the top 1000 at least.

>> No.58211595
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Hey OP, been around a few years so will try to give you some half-decent advice. First off, don't listen to ANY cryptocurrency influencer. A lot of them will just try and sell you the crap they've bought to pump their own bags. I've seen 100s of different crypto youtubers and there's only been 2 that I have seen which are worth watching. Second, do your own research. For the love of god, learn what you're investing your money into. Ideally reading through a coin's whitepaper is a good start. Third, if you want to play it safe, stick to top 100 coins (BTC, ETH, SOL, etc.). Fourth, learn what a market cap is and how it can dictate the price of an asset (for example, bitcoin has a $1.3 trillion dollar market cap) which means for it to 2x from here, you will need another $1.3 trillion dollars into the market cap, a tall order. Lower market cap can mean higher return, but higher risk. Safest coins are usually 1 billion and higher market cap (excluding meme coins). Fifth, figure out your risk tolerance. Everyone is different. There's usually 4 types of tolerance:

- Safe
- Moderate
- Risky
- Dangerous

Safe would just be buying bitcoin and ethereum, which will probably be a 2-3x return within a year or two. Moderate will be buying higher cap alts like ADA, Matic, Link, etc. Looking at a 5-10x return if they do well. Risky would be buying lower cap alts (loopring, iExec, BAT, etc.) stuff between $100 million and $1 billion. Will possibly see a 10-15x return if they do well. Dangerous would be just buying memecoins with your money. Personally, I have 50% of my portfolio in Bitcoin (Safe), 25% in higher cap ALTS (ADA, Matic), 15% on lower cap ALTS (LRC, BAT) and 10% on either very low cap altcoins (less than 100 million) and memecoins. Also, tools like tokensniffer and honeypot.is will help you out if you're into risky plays, as they scan tokens for suspicious contracts. Dextools is also an option. Figure out what works for you anon, just be careful. Good luck.

>> No.58212227

Look, it's not about "making a profit" in fiat terms. You should first of all study about the birth of the monetary system. Study the creation of the federal reserve. Study the removal of the gold standard. Understand why the USD is losing its status as a global reserve currency. Then you will understand why we need a new standard and a new form of money. Then go to bitcoin.com and buy your first 20 dollars of Bitcoin (cash). Then you can use it in many places just like cash, it's almost free to send, it's almost instant, you can send it to anywhere on earth regardless of borders. Good luck.