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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5819750 No.5819750 [Reply] [Original]

back to fiat?

>> No.5819895

What about the USD/EUR/GBP/JPY bubble?

>> No.5819937


Ripple was a top 5 coin for the last X months. Not much changed.

>> No.5820000
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I think we're in a general bubble at the moment (global economy) and it will come down very soon

This means crypto is a bubble, but so is everything else - there's a lot of money to be made right now

You just need to make sure you invest your gains in tangible assets as soon as you can

>> No.5820015


>> No.5820056

Definitely a bubble, but IMO rather than go back to fiat I'd make sure you convert into the actually respected currencies like XMR and Stellar Lumens

I think shifting your money into new gen technologies like Raiblocks is a good idea too. Crypto is exploding right now but it will not die for at least a year IMO

>> No.5820059

I'm guessing cryptocurrencies will at least match gold at 7 trillion

>> No.5820074

It's going to be bubble when Bitcoin break $100k, until then it's fucking nothing.

>> No.5820138

I agree. I actually believe when we hit peak bubble, the cryptocurrency market cap will be irrationally much higher than gold

>> No.5820143

>been devaluing since the 1800s
how the fuck is that a bubble

>> No.5820205

What this guy says. If crypto is a bubble, it's definitely the smallest bubble right now. Take a look at stocks, real estate and even fucking art.

Crypto-growth will continue with no looking back throughout 2k18 as well.

Enjoy the ride, anons.

>> No.5820325

EUR no product
USD literal ponzi scheme
CAD, AUD, NZD trivial forks of USD
RMB centralised and censorable

>> No.5820357


>> No.5820385

The total crypto market cap is still peanuts overall, but there are indeed too many successful scams and/or vaporware coins and tokens.
There won't be a "bubble pop" but there will be a great cull.


>> No.5820388

It's been devaluating because they have been printing non-stop. In fact the crypto bubble is a side effect of these insane abundance of traditional currency. The moment crypto bursts it will be because everything else goes tits up too.

>> No.5820448

We can start talking bubbles when total market cap passes at least $2T.

>> No.5820508


ripple at 100B makes me fucking angry
I'm gonna throw some money at real projects to compensate

>> No.5820521
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>> No.5820563

how? you literally can't cash out

>> No.5820651

the good projects with worldwide use will survive , shitcoins like VERGE , Bitcoin gold , bitconnect will be the ones to fall. Just don't be a retard.

>> No.5820713

What about gold? The chart actually looks bretty good

>> No.5820719

tangible assets are in a massive as well, you'd better invest in precious metals and raw resources if you want to save your weatlh if there is a massive sociatal crash

>> No.5820785

extreme premine and centralization, very few people own the majority of the gold and the gold price is heavily manipulated (gold fixing)

it will rise if everything collapses though

>> No.5820792

Crypto will either pop with financial crisis which is coming sooner or later ( im fearing and assuming 2years) or get huge pump from it. Im willing to gamble for the latter.

>> No.5820807

Meme ICO that still doesn't have a blockchain implemented. If gold finally implements a blockchain it will go to 15k/oz.

>> No.5820826


>> No.5820846

>crypto exit plans

>> No.5820853

seriously, some leonardo art piece just sold for like half a fucking billion dollars. All crypto hasn't even broken fucking 1 trillion yet. The Dotcom bubble was what? a couple trillion?

>> No.5820897

>Implying old financial models apply on Crypto

>> No.5820972

Those are all powerhouse economies and people need those dollars to pay their taxes because everyone wants to live there... not a bubble

>> No.5821061


crypto is a niche... unlike stocks and real estate

>> No.5821136
File: 94 KB, 500x373, education money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and people need those dollars to pay their taxes because everyone wants to live there
>need those dollars to pay their taxes
you mean the taxes that are wasted on almost every single thing that they're spent on? you mean giving shaquanduh $54,000 per year with bonus for every niglet she shits out of her crime factory? you mean the schools and universities that are so bloated and disgusting that the people who graduate from them are unable to read and write at what was an 8th grade level?

yeah, nah. the tax meme needs to die

>> No.5821286
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you mean those tax dollars that support
>everyone wants to live there
fuck off

>> No.5821695

i remember seeing alot of bubble fud threads before bitcoin hit 19k.
I guess people don't learn from their mistakes

>> No.5821747

>USD, gay air money, country that prints it is trillion dollars debt
>YEN, the "japanese" USD
>Euros, like USD but bigger, to compensate for small penis
>Canada dollar, trivial USD fork
>Yuan, actual vaporware
>rubble, literally ponzi scheme

>> No.5822021

>crypto exit plans
>back to fiat?
Well, what else if you exit crypto? Trying to buy gold with your coins?