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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58209145 No.58209145 [Reply] [Original]

>he pays rent

>> No.58209157
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Imagine ever doing

>> No.58209191
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imagine thinking you can own a piece of the planet. h-he unironically thinks he owns his house. Nigger, all it takes is a radical change of the government and you have shit

>> No.58209228

I could buy a house right now with what I have but I choose not to
I would rather be all in crypto and multiply my net worth until buying a house becomes a side quest

>> No.58209239

>he loses all his fake crypto wealth
>still no house

>> No.58209269

Or you can take a loan against your crypto and buy a house.

>> No.58209280

i used to laugh at renties. im not laughing anymore

>> No.58209295
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I paid rent until I made enough money to buy my place in cash, because my rent was less than a third of my potential mortgage payment, giving me more money to put into crypto.
Early 20s anons would be wise to rent instead of buying.
Eventually you want to own at least the place you're living in, thuogh.

>> No.58209303
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kek rent baggies

>> No.58209479

rent in cheaper than a mortgage. arbitrage that difference into an investment that appreciates faster than housing, which is very easy

>> No.58209507

I bought a trailer for $20k on land contract when I was 18 in 2011.

No lot rent, acre of land came with the trailer.
Paid it off in 4 years
>no major city nearby
Exactly not a nigger to be seen for at least 50 miles.
>you're just a redneck living in Appalachia
Yeah and I'm richer than any rent fag will ever be.

Rent is a scam, full stop.

>> No.58209534

Post teeth Cletus

>> No.58209630

With todays interest rates you end up paying around 100% of the purchase price in interest.
You need to be at 100% equity just to break even.
After you've payed off your mortgage and broken even with 100% appreciation, then you'll have appreciation gains going forward. But so will everyone else. So you won't be able to buy a better house than you already have for that amount if you sell yours.

Meanwhile renters won't have to cash out a big lump for down-paying a deposit for a loan and can use this money to invest with.
When their income goes up, they can move to a better apartment on a short notice with little to no cost.
When the renter has enough money to buy a good house cash, he can choose to do so, saving 100% on mortgage.

Not everything is about money, and there can be good reasons why you want your own home.

>> No.58209654

yes because i travel for work and am given $1500 per diem a week

>> No.58209685
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Yes. I pay rent.

Now what?

>> No.58209699

How did you meet girls this way?

>> No.58209735

I wish I was still a renter. I miss being able to just pack up and go wherever I wanted once the lease was up. Now I’d have to put my house up for sale, wait a year for a buyer, wait another 3 to six months for it to close, and that’s all if they don’t get cold feet and back out. Property taxes have risen more recently than rents ever would, then repairs and lawn maintenance on top of it all. Jesus Christ. This is what I get for listening to /biz/. I’ve never felt poorer.

>> No.58209767
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>the supermajority of his networth is a 5k sqft cucklot with a cardboard box sitting on it

>> No.58209779
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Here you go champ

>> No.58209782


>> No.58211026
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just say you don't have a job or a house nigga
and if you live in a van you're just a fucking loser. theres no other way to describe it
use your remaining money on necessary shit to live well. Taxes, food, etc. Make sure to save some money, perhaps use some of it to invest on some crypto or stocks if you're into that and hopefully make some profit
Worked for me when i put some on loaf cat for the lols, had to get used to the "buy low sell high" with this one, cuz it has a lot of those lmao, but it made me a x6 easily, so it's all good