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File: 852 KB, 1280x1280, Base Bridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58206170 No.58206170 [Reply] [Original]

Barely anyone has opposed bridging to Base, we could get this done fairly quickly

What results are we expecting, amigos?

>> No.58206171

Reddit sent me

>> No.58206276

You have to go back

>> No.58206286

Vox can bridge me anywhere he wants.

>> No.58206314
File: 52 KB, 736x736, 0b12b427cb064b46c91dc45d48d9fa48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Easter, brother

>> No.58206456

Base is a awesome idea it will pump my hokk to moon vox will be known as genius by bringing hokk to base I so excite he is ryoshi

>> No.58206472

This is not about Vox, it's about HOKK, it's about all of us
We must secure a future for HOKK, and it's bridged offsprings

>> No.58206483

Why you say no to vox? Are you gay? hokk on base is good for pump my bag and we have ryoshi vox to make my dream happen because of his genius

>> No.58206503
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1710418582743882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base is indeed a pretty cool idea

>> No.58206516

I asked you two question, but you no answer

Why you say no to vox?
Are you gay?

>> No.58206524

Bridge me pls, my hokk is ready

>> No.58206532

Okok my hokk is ready how much hokk pump with bridge?

>> No.58206543

I'm not sure if the bridge is going to pump hokk right away, but it's an investment for when eth fees get crazy again.

>> No.58206545
File: 425 KB, 1024x1024, Chilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Vox, I've never been good receiving flattery. Plus, HOKK should be about HOKK, not me

>> No.58206555

Pump with hokk base is all I need to start my real life so excite vox vox ryoshi new shib

>> No.58206557

No way real vox you a genius man only ryoshi can do what you do so you must be ryoshi the real ryoshi vox

>> No.58206561
File: 48 KB, 867x766, jg6694l9ggw81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you look at those numbers

>> No.58206572

Thank you vox digits say that wen hokk pump on base we all get good girls to wear bikinis vox hokk sounds similar? Destiney?

>> No.58206587
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all part of the plan

>> No.58206597

Yes thankyou ryoshi vox your genius plans for good bikini girl makes me very excite hokk vox hokk vox new shib genius ryoshi vox

>> No.58206779
File: 622 KB, 640x1148, FKNFEW9I3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are starting the testing for the bridge, mein bros

>> No.58206796

Hokk vox hokk vox hokk vox genuis work

>> No.58206800

Why are the hokk biz schizos so nice?

>> No.58206818

HOKK going to base? this should be good

>> No.58206828
File: 366 KB, 500x500, GIkloqJWAAA0bUp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If us, schizos, don't unite forces and stand for each other. We will all fall to the psychos of this world. There is more to this life than just money:
Meaning, purpose, a chance to create something worth struggling for should never leave your heart or mind, no matter how bleak the crypto space might be.

>> No.58206840

That's not what I mean Vox, I'm talking about this guy >>58206597 who is not making sense but seems generally positive. The lucky and linu fudders in the other hand, well that's a trip.

>> No.58206844

If u bridge to base what happens to HOKK holders in eth? Do their stacks move to base?

>> No.58206857

I trust vox and his plans to pump hokk for good girls in bikinis and lots of cigarettes for he is the new ryoshi or the real one vox hokk vox hokk base base base pump new shib

>> No.58206884
File: 1.31 MB, 1264x1268, Comfy Pepe HOKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price will be pegged, so buys for Base means Buys for ETH (and vice versa), the arbitrage bot will keep a balance between both

However, as we warned earlier. Please understand this very clearly:
This is being done to allow small buyers to access HOKK without high eth gas fees, it mainly benefits them at this stage since we don't have a lot of money to make a big liquidity pool from the start
It's kinda like getting a CEX, but staying DeFi and without the stupidly high price tags for MM bots + Listing fees

>> No.58206891

You can move around ETH/HOKK and Base/HOKK as you please, while initially there'll be a lot of volatility on Base, eventually the prices will balance out

This is also good for volume, because it creates arbitrage opportunities for people that want to buy cheap one place, and sell higher at another
Which to HOKK holders is gud, cause it means more reflections from volume

>> No.58207285

Vox, you're fucking based. Wish crypto had more people like you.

>> No.58207287

Because we want everyone to make it. I don't want to fight over which dog is better, or frog vs dog, etc. I just want everyone to buy a bag and be rich. Simple as.

>> No.58207793

Vox gave me AIDS.

>> No.58207798

Wagmi, brother

>> No.58207803

HOKK gave me AIDS

>> No.58208566

HOKK on Base is going to make us rich

>> No.58209029
File: 29 KB, 577x447, HOKK is getting Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are testing HOKK base
>0.22 cents for a swap
Its looking gud, brahs
We vill burn ze LP next (Which is small, mind you so please).

This is intended for small buys until we raise funds to add more to the LP

>> No.58209077

LP burnt


>> No.58209095

HOKK is now also on Base, it's live and official

>> No.58209140
File: 147 KB, 2500x639, BASED HOKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome! :o

>> No.58209856

Please fuck my ass..please.

>> No.58210727

Hokk is based

>> No.58211011

Now that HOKK is also on Base how high do we reckon this can go during the bull run?

>> No.58212355

Hokk will be able to use the AVI skybridge to bring everything and everybody completely over to base easily

>> No.58212414

How come?
HOKK is already in Base now, just needs a bigger LP

>> No.58213068

Is avi's bridge even ready?