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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58208348 No.58208348 [Reply] [Original]

>called in for work on sunday
>10 bucks an hour

>> No.58208389

you made 80 usd today, be happy

>> No.58208415
File: 60 KB, 750x425, Dp2X7wxU4AEaImp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you made 80 usd today, be happy
Throw that shit directly into sol shitcoins.

>> No.58208468


>> No.58208470

Wow imagine all the stuff you could buy with 80 hecking dollaridooos!!!!!

>> No.58208712

>get job working out of state where boss provides housing
>job takes longer than expected
>boss goes home and leaves son in charge
>son goes home and leaves his dog with me and mess in his room
>ends up not coming back until after our lease in work house is over
>no where to go
>boss tells me to call the landlord ive never met and ask to stay a few more days

>> No.58208723
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>got an offer for a really cool internship
>$7.50 an hour

>> No.58208775
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>Need 2nd job to do on evenings or weekends
>Have zero energy after main job
>Considering saying fuck it and just living on a park bench

>> No.58208782

no life pays well

>> No.58208793

You didnt give your boss a firm enough handshake during the interview.

>> No.58208810

>$10 an hour
Good god, anon. Even McDonalds pays more than that now. I’d quit immediately

>> No.58208931

its more common than you'd think in the middle of the country. i am making 23$ an hour out of state right now, ill be leaving this summer for 3 weeks, have a possible job lined up at a golf course for may-june that pays 10$ plus tips

>> No.58209025
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>working as supervisor at UPS
>hours have been cut massively as the company moves to more automation and spreads more evenly distributes work through new HUBS and distribution centers.
>recently got rate raise with same guaranteed weekly hours
>making $28.8 an hr to do half as much work but still getting basically the same guaranteed hours i would previously

this all seems pretty unsustainable and arbitrary, feel like big layoffs are coming, hopefully my 6 years of seniority keep me off the chopping block.

>> No.58209055

28.80 is nice anon. i get what your saying, ive always been kind of a doomer so im trying to leave that mindset behind but it really does feel like the economy is just waiting for a big downturn. just save up and pray for the best. GL anon.

>> No.58209056

Im an engineer and i make 45 dollars an hour

>> No.58209073

The gap between the top 20 and bottom 80 increased a lot since 2021.

>> No.58209079

That seems low for an engineer.

>> No.58209147

Engineers are phags desu. Imagine what type of loser dork decides to become an engineer lol

>> No.58209153

Half of that goes to Shanita and state funded lgbtq projects in Uganda

>> No.58209155

They paid shit lol. Top 500 richest men arent engineers lol.

>> No.58209160

Migrants gettijg free checks in nyc. Imagine working lol

>> No.58209206

Not everyone is meant to be rich.

>> No.58209225

I make $72 hour from my bed. I dont do anything either

>> No.58209255

Lol. Im retired. But 80% of americans live paycheck to paycheck. And the middle class is disappearing.

>> No.58209284

Amazon delivery drone here.
I got put on standby today, but I have a buffer of PTO, so I don't care.
Yesterday was a 11 mile day though

>> No.58209329

How did you solve the captcha?

>> No.58209342

Shit bro. A 40 hour job is rough on the body and mentally draining. Just like 40 hours from every week missing but the dread on sunday evening is a killer. Its like looking at your weekly timetable and a chunk is for work. Been there done that. Time crawls at work.

>> No.58209371

>A 40 hour job is rough on the body and mentally draining
try 50 to 60 hours 6 days a week. 40 hours 5 days a week seems like heaven.

>> No.58209374

Most of the time I don't mind too much, I can throw on an audiobook and go on autopilot. Plus, where else can an autist make 20/hr without needing to interact with the psychotic general public? And I have 4x10, so I'm pretty ok, all things considered.
Very Carefully.

>> No.58209395

>try 50 to 60 hours 6 days a week.
why would you put yourself through that? unless you are desperate to survive

>> No.58209423

>Most of the time I don't mind too much, I can throw on an audiobook and go on autopilot.
Been there done that. I prefer retirement.

>> No.58209460

10 hour shifts drag on. Those 3 days off are like recovery days. And the problem isnt the job, but the people that work those jobs.

>> No.58209546

If you work less than 60 hours a week, lower your tone

>> No.58209571

I have a $20 an hour job that I haven't been to in 3 months (amazon warehouse ) - been busy with school - I'm considering quitting

>> No.58209640

Stay in school. If you can, stay in school till age 100. Work life is hell. Anyone thats otherwise is coping. Majority of humans make little and the middle class keeps shrinking.

>> No.58209726

When i was in school i wanted to work. When i was working i wanted to be in school. Life cycle of a normie.

>> No.58209922


>> No.58210133


>> No.58210141

take that 80 and put it in dogecoin and it will 10x

>> No.58210194

I mean...if you think about it your basically getting cucked , 10 $ an hour ain't shit

>> No.58210229

I don't know how much I earn hourly; though the work I managed to get was pretty lax despite the low income.
I'm unsure where to go from now on, though I'm looking to see if I can get paid a bit more in April. The only thing I've learned so far is that I do things incredibly well and pick things up fast however I lack a mentor to teach me things hence the lack of direction.

>> No.58210240

honestly this, it hasn't even started yet

>> No.58210278

currently on vacation. I seriously dont want to clock in on thuesday. I dont know how to get out of this shitty loop. I have all the tools to 'make it' but I am to dumb and lazy to use them. instead I am on 4chan whining about my situation.

>> No.58210413

Who cares man. 80 percent of americans live paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.58210415

Your fault for accepting it.

>tolerate it
>deserve it

It's as shrimple as that™

>> No.58210497

Why are you poor but also on vacation

>> No.58210498

this. /thread bunch of 40 hour wagies sipping apple juice from their sippy cups in this thread. lower your tone, the men are talking

>> No.58210532

Exactly. Im not even sure if there are any men in here.

>> No.58210585

Maybe its a bunch of girls in here using their credit cards to buy the 500 dollar stanley tumbler and then filling it up with cheap coffee.

>> No.58210747

I’m in that awkward position where my job is now paying less than when I started due to inflation and a lack of raises and the only jobs I can find locally are all wageslave bullshit like BestBuy or Walmart or being a waiter or trying food delivery. It’s incredibly depressing. I’m trying out selling things locally but everybody is broke and most I hear from are low-IQ ESL scammers or people asking to trade.

>> No.58211040

>Regularly scheduled for Sunday nights
>$24/hr, $36/ot
>No bosses over my shoulder
>Trusted to complete my own work
>Breaks whenever I want so long as I'm ahead on my duties
Sadly it's a physical factory job, dirty and unpleasant, but it gets me by.

>> No.58211091
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>Don't work since green pass
>Back to my parents house after 15 years
>10000k in crypto
>Spend all day training an sending my dick pics to girls on Instagram
>They cross the country an pay the BnB for fuck
>Be happy