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58199396 No.58199396 [Reply] [Original]

Still trying to get my normie friends in. It never works. Any stories good or bad?

>> No.58199406

Top signal you are a midwit as most 2017 newfags
This time its price in, check the chart we will significally dump the next few months

>> No.58199415


>> No.58199580

>Still trying to get my normie friends in. It never works.
not even worth it. takes pretty specific kinds of retards to invest in this stuff. you need high risk tolerance, a reason/desire/motivation to get into it, you need to know how to use a computer and know how to not get scammed that doesn't sound like a barrier to entry for terminally online people but the average normie is not going to know how to set up a wallet and can barely access an exchange without giving up. you can tell people that it's easy money to do X, then Y, then buy Z but they're just going to give up at the first hurdle if they even make an attempt. you finally get them into this shit and they end up roping themselves in their first pump and dump or selling something after 2 days of volatility. the average person if they invest they just like their 401ks, their pay check goes right to shekelstein to manage their money for them and they're ok with that.

>> No.58199628

True. But he could just do baby steps of buy 5 sol, sell November next year. I don't expect him to cash in his 401k for Nigolas Cage

>> No.58199635

>trying to people in this desperately

>> No.58199639

retards think halvings magically pump the price. it has already been priced for a long time. demand is the only thing that matters

>> No.58199641

Priced in

>> No.58199648

It wouldn't surprise me if bitcoin went over 100k shortly after the halving, neither would it surprise me if we dumped to 50k. It makes sense to be all in on crypto at the moment, but if your friend did that, and bitcoin tanked 40%, he would treat you like you owe him money. I had this happen with a friend, even after it went back up and he made money, he was so shook by the price tanking I wish I hadn't tried to convince him. Don't give financial advice to friends.

>> No.58199669

>>trying to people in this desperately
Jesus Christ, Rankesh. That's some ESL there..

>> No.58199684

Yeah, you're right. I think this most of the time but fall back to trying to get good people some financial freedom

>> No.58199891

>it goes up
"I'm a genius time to get invested for real"
>it goes down

Why do you want trouble?

>> No.58201210

No you

>> No.58201226

Lol no way solana is higher nov 2025 then now
Every retarded normie sol holder has been told to buy before the bull (which they believe is not here kek) AND SELL BEFORE NOV 2025. That means all the selling is still ahead

>> No.58201290

You're obviously a newfag and shitty friend if you think it's smart get normies into crypto now when the price is elevated. You're supposed to drop subtle hints during the depths of the bear market.

>> No.58201355

when people hate cryptobros, they specifically mean retards like you
fuck off and stop doing this shit, how autistic are you

>> No.58201479

First off, nerding out on them with concepts like the halving is absolutely NOT the way to go.
Sounding like a nerd = instant turnoff, even if everything you are saying is the truth.
>Still trying to get my normie friends in.
They will fomo in at the peak, panic sell the worst crash, and blame you for it.
They are not savvy traders like you, and you cannot expect them to not have paper hands when all they're basing this on is emotion.
Worst case is they do that with their life savings.
Or even worse, they remember you as the guy with bitcoins a cycle or more down the road, and you get mugged for your life savings.
Just don't.
Nothing good can come out of this.

>> No.58201511

you saying you never people in desperately? holy fuck man, what's wrong with you?

>> No.58202813

great advice anon. it's not worth it. just get rich and treat your friends to a nice dinner or something

>> No.58203339

"Yeah man, I dunno, bunch of free money on the internet" is as explicit as I've been when asked about btc and I feel sick thinking I revealed too much
Imagine desperately trying to in normies??

>> No.58203346

I hate messaging apps.

>> No.58203348

Also "so to speak" kek

>> No.58203368

>Me and my terminally online reddit friends hate x therefore everyone in the world does
Get friends irl retard.

>> No.58203376

This. They are your exit liquidity. It is their destiny, like how a cattles destiny is to get butchered into our steaks. You are a fucking fool. Eventually you will learn the the rabble are, simply, the rabble.

>> No.58203462
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am a man of the woods so my circle of friends exclusively consists of wendigos and sasquatches
tried to convince a sasquatch to buy stinky linkies, he just laughed it off and continued eating my ass

>> No.58203505

So they're real? Give proof
This is true. Nothing good will come out of it.

>> No.58203610

Normie friend a POS for sure

>> No.58203649

if everyone knows that halving will happen in the future why do people today not adjust their price accordingly ?

>> No.58203731

Stupid move.

Bitcoin goes to 500K they thank themselves

Bitcoin goes to 20k the hates your guts.

>> No.58203740


>> No.58203741

It's a lose lose situation. Most likely, your friend will lose all their money and blame you for it. Alternatively, they get lucky and get rich and you have to live with the fact your friend is rich because you got them into crypto while you're still poor.

>> No.58203758

Not worth it.

>> No.58203840
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> If they make money, they will for get you.
> If they loose money, they will always blame you.
Idk anon, what do you think you should do.

>> No.58203861

I've been tipping my friend for 8 years on this shit. All he ever did was put like $2k in and he bought the '21 top, wouldn't sell when I sold, and baggied it round trip. I believe he still is holding. He also has some old but not substantial mined eth. Ironically he put me on early to eth but didn't make it. Many such cases.

>> No.58203890

I've really never had this problem. If you're going to make buy calls you need to make sell calls too. I simply tell them what I'm doing and if they go their own way they do so at their own peril.

>> No.58204655

not a good idea "oldfag". investment advice from friends almost always goes sour if you want to help
1. your friend has to first be begging you for advice
2. you explain that anything they buy may go to 0 overnight
3. you explain at no point are you responsible for their positions
4. you say even the most tech saavy make mistakes and lose their positions entirely if they are hacked
5. you tell them it is grueling work and requires months of learning before understanding what and when to buy or sell

>> No.58204698

Then there are some people that manage their own small pile of cash and get lucky from time to time. Beforepay or afterpay or something like that was publicly traded and a family member got a 2x holding it and won't touch bitcoin so to each their own. Money isn't that important anyway, I'm just here for the thrill of it.

>> No.58206432

Lol no, there's no chance during the bear. The price has to be rising for them to have any interest. Best you can do is get them in early-ish in a bull run. Not worth doing though, keep your mouth shut for your own peace of mind.

>> No.58206447


Normies don't understand life

>> No.58206465

>You're obviously a newfag and shitty friend if you think it's smart get normies into crypto now when the price is elevated.
Kek. You are clearly the newfag. Babbies first bullrun. You have no idea the mania that is just about to come. This time 4 years ago ETH was under $150

>> No.58206498

I can't even get my brother to throw in a hundred bucks. He says he has zero interest and won't tell me why.

>> No.58206510

You let them work out how to onboard from watching tiktok videos and reddit threads; you don't personally tell them. Then they blame you when they mismanage their buys and fuck it all up. These people think crypto is just the lottery. You can tell them not to watch the chart because they'll probably panic and do something dumb, but 95% will do this anyway. They're retards.

>> No.58206518

>He says he has zero interest and won't tell me why.
He doesn't respect you. Normies parse judgment through tribal consensus. You're not chad enough within his tribe for him to naturally take you seriously. Not trying to be an asshole, but that's probably the reason. They're all wrong, of course. They don't know whom to really listen to, but that's why they're normies.

>> No.58206519

Game theory

>> No.58206541

Holy fucking midwit take. I bet you bought your first satoshi in 2021. Lmao.

>> No.58206570

>Holy fucking midwit take. I bet you bought your first satoshi in 2021. Lmao
Holy fucking midwit take. I bet you bought your first satoshi in 2021. Lmao

>> No.58206627

> baby steps
this is a ramsey midwit nigger talking about muh halving to his even more retarded friend. we are probably near the top. unironically.

>> No.58206664
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>> No.58206682
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>we are near da top before da halving unironoocalee

>> No.58206690

nice midwit take
can't wait for you to be shaken out

>> No.58206706

There were retards like this saying the same shit in 2020. They have a few thousand rupees in and despise white people and their wealth

>> No.58206712
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pic related

>> No.58206724

>seething and sneeding
This is now a whites only thread. Be gone.

>> No.58206757

theres no buy demand. the only people keeping the price propped up are the whale faggots like saylor who think if they can keep it from crashing for just a few more months theyll be saved when the fed cuts rates and NPCs start spending stimulus money on worthless trash again

>> No.58206820

I've been in this shit since early 2017 faggot. Bow down to my 7 fig portfolio and suck its cock.

>> No.58206861

>presumes I never made it
It's not that hard bro

>> No.58206875

the fact that many of you replying to this like stubborn little reddit kids is a confirmation. push to near 100k before or slightly after the halving and then dump back to 40k area. screencap this. niggers.

>> No.58206880

Please see:

>> No.58206920
File: 47 KB, 669x268, Screenshot 2024-03-31 122452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58206957

Crypto has gotten too big for random people to win. There won't be any free money this cycle. Only funds and insiders will win, retail will lose everything. Forget about getting an x100 on a random /biz/-tier bag

>> No.58207417

>It's like half the world's gold mines being closed down every 4 years.
Yeah except gold has actual real life applications and bitcoin is all speculation and no real use, all the fuzz about it could dwindle in a year and people would move on to whatever other shitcoin or currency

>> No.58207448

>All these people ITT calling the top
Extremely strong buy signal. In 2021 everyone on here was certain we went to $100k. No shit we didn’t. This time everyone is calling $75k, $100k or $150k the top. Leads me to believe that won’t be the top.

>> No.58208047

Yes, it will be below that like last time as people frontrun their own predictions. Diminishing returns every run.

>> No.58208112

Most retail lost last cycle as well. Normies can't control their emotions so they're easy prey for the market. Takes a while to learn not to care about those numbers going up and down

>> No.58208250

kek, that's a good one

>> No.58208371

Why the fuck would you ever want MORE people to get "in", especially normies?? That dilutes the market, and makes it harder for you. Why would you willingly want that? If you faggot ever met me in real life I am the most obnoxious anti-crypto basedjack there is. My lore is I lost $100 back in 2017 on EtherBitCoin and vowed to never touch that scam ever again. It's all for money laundering and crimes anyways. Meanwhile I live rent-free, literally, in a house bough by the gainz I've made during the bullruns.

>> No.58208639

Either below or above. I don’t see any good reason it can’t go above, newfags currently calling the top, institutional money flowing in plus we’re only at like a 3x since last year. In 2021 we did a 10x in one year and every newfag were calling $100k. The cooldown these past weeks just proves we’re on track as halving is approaching. If BTC doesn’t explode to $150k the next few months, the only thing frontrun are memes and Solana tokens. Other altcoins will likely follow, and smart money will convert them to BTC giving it the final push this cycle to six figs.
While I agree on diminishing returns, it’s not some kind of law. Anyone who has been in this space for a good amount of years knows that 2021 was unusually weak. I think the reason was that it just went up too quickly. Right now we’re not, and adjusted for inflation, we haven’t even seen ATH.

Noobs like you will sell early this time. When they FOMO back in, that’s when you really sell.

>> No.58208774

Why would you bother? At most I might mention it and leave it vague. I'm not going to waste time forcing it onto anybody. If you're after clout then them simply knowing you had it when it was cheap and then it explodes is enough. No need to try and force them to learn and make money too.

>> No.58208967

Too soon anon, that was me last cycle. This time I'm only investing in hype and narrative ready to dump on normies