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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58203928 No.58203928 [Reply] [Original]

fud me out of buying chainlink without mentioning the price

>> No.58203945

7 years and $2+ billion dollars worth of token sales later and all you have to show for it is price feeds that are still subsidized by team dumps. Congratulations on this. Only half a billion tokens left to go :)

>> No.58203972
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>The average crypto holder on Christmas Day 2024 after the gold bugs go into a bloodthirsty feeding frenzy...

>> No.58203983

Sirgay hates you for all the memes you made of him and will never let this pump.

>> No.58204001
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>> No.58204009

The founder of a disgusting fat fuck.
If he treats his own body this way, how do you think he will treat your investment?

>> No.58204049

Chainlink’s most prominent advisor is one Eric Schmidt - a lifelong democrat who , after retiring from the corporate world not only served in the Obama/Biden White House, but went on record saying that he would be spending his time going forward “exploring new and innovative ways to fund democrat party election candidates and initiatives”

>> No.58204115
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its rank will soon fall below shit like wrapped bitcoin, tron, litecoin, and ICP

>> No.58204215

Everyone said to sell so I bought.

>> No.58204249
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That's easy

>> No.58204320


>> No.58204368

I'm staked on a superior blockchain actually

>> No.58204386

I'm sorry - I know getting you to check was pretty mean.
You don't need to cope here lil guy. Just make half a dozen FUD threads and you'll feel better.

>> No.58204411

The fact that the most vocal haters of the token are its holders.

>> No.58204495

i'll give you 3 reasons:
1) pool
2) is
3) closed

>> No.58204543

I didn't make the thread I'm just pitching in because it's fun to fud linkies

>> No.58204566

>he says, fully knowing that he'll probably be here for the rest of his waking hours angrily making fud threads

>> No.58204654

linkies literally make threads talking about fudders like this one. if there are no fud threads up, you make whiny attention-begging threads titled "fudsisters are awfully quiet since X".

>> No.58204688

Imagine being this schizo

>> No.58204779

This advocate is on a roll! Hope she's getting paid well.

>> No.58204829

lmao i guess i really pissed off the discord
how many more thousands of posts do you reckon you'll need to make before a spot actually does open up for you in the pool?

>> No.58204865

I told you I'm already staked on a superior blockchain

>> No.58204927

>b-buh what about link killer #48257
nope, pool's still closed sorry

>> No.58204989

>all this autistic shrieking about the pool
If the pool is closed its because its Special Adult Swim and id bet good money youre first in the water lmao

>> No.58205010
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Someone should let the advocates know that this fomo staking pool angle doesn't work as nobody is impressed with 4% on a dead shitcoin that has 15% inflation.
I know you really want something to stick but even the failed PAY UP Campaign was better than this despite backfiring on you guys. Poor xer has been spamming the same things in every thread for years straight, hopefully they/them are atleast getting paid for this.
I wonder how much volunteers at the chainlink anti defamation league typically make.

>> No.58205011

I'm earning more than you

>> No.58205022

awww poor fuddies
one even poured his heart out with a little paragraph
maybe try checking the pool now? surely one of those got a spot to open up LOL

>> No.58205098

What's the yield on the pool?

>> No.58205112

for you? 0
because it's still closed and you can't get in lmaooo

>> No.58205114

link marines support apu

>> No.58205122

That's okay I'm staked on a superior blockchain earning much higher than 0

>> No.58205144

Easy mode. In 2017, this was coined the god protocol, something that would be so coveted that nations would hoard it, and that /biz/ wasn't supposed to find, so everyone would be priced out. Fast forward from 2017 to 2024 and there's no enterprises paying for services, no one demanding it like they do AI and ChatGPT, no one falling over themselves to grab GPU's like Nvidia, no one saying smart contracts are needed or useful, and no one talking about it in the press. 7 years, countless conferences and tweets, and nothing of value was made. Sergey is a clown that got away with SBF level fraud

>> No.58205165

>b-buh what about link killer #48257?
musn't actually be that good if you're stuck on biz crying about link holders all day
oh wow check out this little fella wearing his trip - i don't think the e-persona angle is going to be too effective
let's check the pool and see how this worked out for him
oh... oh no

>> No.58205244

Nobody said anything about a link killer you schizo retard, you are free to be a paypig for link if you please

>> No.58205290

>fuddie starts seething uncontrollably
i mean i can't blame you for being upset
i'd be pretty upset too if i had 0 chance of getting free link tokens

>> No.58205298

Touch grass

>> No.58205343
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>LINKies in the pool missing another bull run

>> No.58205371

Nobody is angry here, but failure to recognize emotions is a symptom of autism. Many such cases!

>> No.58205378

>pool status: 4%

oh no no he chose 4% instead of 300%!

>> No.58206365

KENIS is better

>> No.58206375

It's a shitcoin
also if you buy you're helping to pay high salaries to subhuman bolchevik jews like Chainshitgod

>> No.58206389
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>> No.58206394

the link pool is 4%? lol i didnt even know it was that bad. Why not just stake ETH at that point

>> No.58206598

they say the price is suppressed so that institutions can accumulate.
ten thousand institutions banks conglomerates buying half a billion link.
that's fifty thousand link each bank or institution.
if link is 20 bucks verizon or t mobile or citi bank or nz bank get their fifty thousand link for 1 million. or if link is 40 bucks they get their fifty thousand for 2 million.

do you actually believe they are keeping link low so verizon and citi bank and the other 10,000 institutions can save a million each?
because telling the ceo of digital assets verizon it will cost 1 million instead of 2 million to own a part of the future of finance will be what makes him buy link. if you say so.
all basic math any anon can do.

but this is crypto. it's all like that apart from bitcoin. link is a fantastic idea. price isn't being suppressed so corporations can buy though.