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58197644 No.58197644 [Reply] [Original]

>earns billions
>still can't stay alive longer than normal

What kind of sick joke is this planet?

>> No.58197652

old ppl caring about money is weird to me

>> No.58197689

Seeing number go up never gets old. Also helps out his family.

>> No.58197749

Family and money is all you care about when you're old.
You are too old to do anything else or care about anything else.

>> No.58198291

dude has anime baby yoda eyes

>> No.58198359

Being old and poor is pretty horrible. Also, money is the one power that you keep when you are old. Strength, endurance, libido, charm, wit, concentration, it all goes. Money stays with you to the end.

>> No.58198371
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as long as men die freedom will thrive

I'm glad that lifespan is the one thing you can't buy, if Warren Buffet could trade places with a random zoomer he would in a heartbeat. Yes, even a nigger but not an indian

>> No.58198570

The keyword "earns" should be changed to creates. The guy just plays the game well, investing is just another form of social engineering but with creative tones.

>> No.58198595

He was almost 100, bad example.
Now with longevity industry growing i think rich people living over 100 years will be a norm.

>> No.58198616

All the better to see line go up, my dear

>> No.58198624

>What kind of sick joke is this planet?
in many ways earth truly is a technological and industrial backwater podunk shithole without intelligent life

>> No.58198626

he was a fuckin billionaire, how much more help did his family need LMAO

>> No.58199432
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>> No.58200624

>spends whole life chasing money
>hardly spends any of it

>> No.58200926

How to make it too 150:
>intermittent fasting, min 48hr cycle
>exercise, the more the better but min 30min/day
>4 times a week 20min or more sauna
>fibre, the more the better there doesn't seem to be any diminishing returns
>regular blood donations (only way to reduce PFAS/microplastics in your blood
>no alcohol, no iron
It's really just that simple

>> No.58200953

In 100 years a billion dollars will be chump change. Every billion made now is one less billion his great great grandchildren will need to make it

>> No.58200971

our grandchildren will need at least $2b to retire

>> No.58200985

This. I hate when people in their 20s are like yolo and save nothing. That shit gets old when you're like 28. I worked with this 50 year old dude that did that, and he was still doing back breaking labor. And he'll never admit that he fucked up. It's not worth it, trust me.

>> No.58201000

>fibre the more the better
holy kekk, literally indigestible slop your body shits out. LITERALLY just a waste product. and most fibre foods loaded with pesticides to boot.

>> No.58201005
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He should have been dead at age 60 with his weak white genes. Money kept him alive for way too long.

>> No.58201013

ghastly physiognomy

>> No.58201018
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What's even the point when cancer may randomly occur to you, not to mention you could get shot in the head by some nigger. Or a car crash. If you enjoy doing all that then good for you
>no alcohol, no iron
What does "no iron" even means? You don't use anything made of iron? Explain it to me like I have profound mental retardation

>> No.58201054

I think he means don't eat red meat (high iron content). He's retarded though, so ignore. He wants to turn you into a soicuck

>> No.58201089


>when cancer may randomly occur to you
Cancer isn't really random, it's a result of aging/unhealthy livestyle, you can reduce the risk of cancer to almost zero
>not to mention you could get shot in the head by some nigger.
Maybe stop living amongs animals?
>Or a car crash.
skill issue
>What does "no iron" even means?
avoid supplementary iron, even if you're at a deficiency, a lot of supplements are also high in iron because they aren't controlled by the FDA so use a decent supplier

>don't eat red meat
In an ideal world yes but it's way too much effort and i haven't read a single study that actually proved red meat causes cancer that doesn't run in the problem of people that eat a lot of meat live less healthy in general
I'm talking about supplements

>He wants to turn you into a soicuck
The way to live longer is to do as little as possible and occasionally shock your body (fasting/Exercise/Sauna or cold/etc), It's your choice if you value that trade-off

>> No.58201099

>regular blood donations (only way to reduce PFAS/microplastics in your blood
Nice try, Dracula

>> No.58201100
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Wtf are you talking about, 99 is way longer than the average lifespan for men

>> No.58201123
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It's still within the normal range for men to live. It's within the realm of what's considered natural and possible. OP is saying his billions didn't make let live to be 500 or something.

You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper.

>> No.58201155

Nobody can live to 500 because our DNA can't replicate that long. By age 60 you are running out of telomeres and cells are becoming senescent. Until we genetically engineer telomerase for humans we are cursed to die

>> No.58201214

>still can't stay alive longer than normal
highest life expectancy country is 83 for men, in hk, retard.

>> No.58201269
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What about celibacy? Don't drop your seed and your body will live longer. I rarely have sex, and when I fap I eat my own cum. I'm 42 and look like my early 30's
t. voluntary celibate incel

>> No.58201337

Enjoy prostate cancer retard

>> No.58201359
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>when I fap I eat my own cum

>> No.58201524


>> No.58201939
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It's not that different from drinking your own piss, to be honest. Everytime you cum, a tiny fraction of your life essence is vanished forever. Ideally you must live like a celibate monk if you want to reach 120 years of age, but that's impossible nowadays there is a lot of coombait in the internet (especially in this peruvian chinchilla farming forum) so one has to eat his own cum so nothing comes out out of your body, a literal life hack

>> No.58201959

Semen is made of a very small amount of protein, fructose and mucus you schizoid homo

>> No.58201974
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>> No.58201985

you think he would have preferred white dudes manhandling him or does he prefer the barbados black type

>> No.58202007
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>t. fag who will only live up to his seventies if lucky

>> No.58202010

People like Huberman & fags are just going to take your money and run. Nobody is living longer because they take a bunch of vitamins. Get real.

>> No.58202016

Literally prevents colon cancer. Enjoy having shit shoved up your ass -- I guess.

>> No.58202022

How do these rich old people stay sharp for so long?

>> No.58202034

Munger read books non-stop.

>> No.58202044

Semen smells like bleach though

>> No.58202077 [DELETED] 
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>guy who swallows semen is calling other people a fag

>> No.58202122

I have been fibermaxxing and taking massive dumps, sometimes 2 or 3 a day, feels good man

>> No.58203792
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> 99 y/o
> smooth skins getting suspicious
> molting time
it's really that simple

>> No.58203850
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Pretty sure thats a statistical falacy or some shit.
Its not that having sec means ur less likely to have a heart attack, its that people who HAVE sex (aka slim, fit, sexually desirable, probably young, still get boners etc) are less likely to have heart issues.
Which is a very

>> No.58203870

He's a bit old for bbc to be honest