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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 524x474, SHADOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58189405 No.58189405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Right in your face, and I'm about to do a 100x. Watch me.
>make anon tx on regular chains
>already working product
>murican dev
>1 mil mcap

>> No.58189408


Fade this and cry snot.

>> No.58189561

Sounds interesting, so if you use their dapp you can send eth and it shows up on etherscan as having went to a dummy wallet essentially? Could be wrong I spent exactly 2 minutes reading their Twitter posts. Isn’t this a new spin on Tornado?

>> No.58189611

Honestly, I don't know exactly how it works, so couldn't tell you. But you can join the tg and ask the dev. But he's probably sleeping now, since it's night in the US.

>> No.58189646

It's a honeypot don't buy, dev can pause selling at any time. Liquidity is not locked

>> No.58189660

Not an expert on this, so I could be very wrong, but I believe this differs in that it is not completely anonymous and not a mixer. It is there to obfuscate the transactions but not make them untraceable. So they won't flag your wallet for money laundering for using it. Again, not an expert but that was the gist of what I read a couple of days ago.

>> No.58189666


There's a medium article where he goes through the whole thing:


Found it in a small group with a lot of big brain whales, and they're really fond of it.

>> No.58189667

can anyone confirm?

>> No.58189672

I don't trust the dev on this one, he gives me a bad vibe, also mods give me a bad vibe too.

>> No.58189674

Why is the token needed? It says on the website that you have to hold some to make transactions and making transactions earns tokens. Are tokens burned in transactions? How much do you have to hold? It sounds inflationary.

>> No.58189675


>> No.58189676

wait... its a Base shitcoin???

>> No.58189680

This isn't FUD by the way, I couldn't find the info on the website and I'm curious.

>> No.58189681

It's fucking bullshit. Just dyor for one minute.

>> No.58189689
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Not a shitcoin, faggot.

>> No.58189702

fuck your cunt mother nigger jeet
every coin launched on base is a shitcoin

>> No.58189703

Yeah, I'm wondering what a small amount is and if they're burned during transactions or only created.

>> No.58189738

The project is pretty new, so give the dev some time to clarify stuff. Only been around for two weeks. There will probably also be some changes here and there as he gets feedback from the community.

Sure thing, Rakesh.

>> No.58189739

I was interested until I saw your pathetic pathetic response. Wasted satanic trips

>> No.58189741

Well, it is pathetic to call it a honeypot, cause it's not. It's a legit project. All this retarded fud is making me fucking boolish, ngl.

>> No.58189761
File: 209 KB, 1183x791, 43646464646464646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% in BaseSwap Locker until 13 May 2024 07:16:06 GMT (44 days 20 hours)

>> No.58189769

Thanks anon. Throwing this thread straight in the trash and shitting on it

>> No.58189771

>using token scanners
They flag good projects and give scams a 100/100 score, lmao. It's almost as if the scammers themselves run these sites.

It's already a working product, you stupid nigger. It's working already, and it's not some rip-off. Go dyor.

>> No.58189774

You should suck the area between my balls and my dirthole

>> No.58189805

Ok but what’s up with liquidity only being locked until may?

>> No.58189824

That's when Sanjay Gupta rugs you, you turbo tard

>> No.58189838

Calm down fag. I’m just giving this jeet a chance to explain it.

>> No.58189962

Looks OK on gopluslabs: https://gopluslabs.io/token-security/8453/0x8ca99727813aF2a45Df365E920F59692DF436EE0

Hard to say, at least it’s a microcap that isn’t an obvious meme/shitcoin I guess.

>> No.58190064

Dunno, I'm not the dev. Found the project yesterday. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about muh locks, cause if a dev really wants to fuck you up, there are a million ways to do so. For instance having bought up a huge % of the supply initially at launch, with bots from dozens of accounts. All these scanners and all these dates and all that shit is useless. The only thing you can do is to check out the dev and see if they're honest people, and if there's substance in the project, and Shadow ticks both boxes.

>> No.58190108

I got in under 500k cap on this and sold over 1m. If you think about it for one minute it's not a good investment. Tornado cash got shut down and that was on ETH, this is on base which is directly linked to coinbase, they aren't gonna help anyone when the feds come knocking. Also I've yet to actually see any proof of it working and why it needs it's own coin.

>> No.58190130

>check out the dev and see if they're honest people
The dev is not anonymous?

>> No.58190141

First, they gotta find him. Second, you can go to the website and try it out yourself. It also supports ETH. You can say the same shit about Monero or a ton of other projects.

>> No.58190140

100% this

>> No.58190155

Yes, but if you aren't a total sperg, you can sort of decode how people are, from what they write and what they do.

>> No.58190192

They found the tornado Dev and he had 100x more incentive to stay hidden. They will rape this guy if it ever takes off at all. And coinbase will not like the drama that it brings to their chain. It's a losing play guys.

>> No.58190211

It's a retarded argument. Project is two weeks old and everything is running smoothly. He's making a Shadow Swap, where you can anonymously swap whatever tokens you like. That alone will take it 50x from here.

>> No.58190219

Come the fuck on detective Downs Syndrome

>> No.58190224

>Project is two weeks old and everything is running smoothly
Oh wow den itz definitely sayf

>> No.58190235

Just admit you're a sperg who can't tell anything from what anyone says. That's why you're spending your time talking shit instead of for instance going to the tg and read pinned messages, or reading the medium article I posted ITT.

You're a retard, and you're not at all interested in investing in anything. All you want to do is to sit and talk shit all day because you lost 40 dollars on a shitcoin 3 years ago and are still butthurt about it.

>> No.58190242

/biz/ sure isn't what it used to be.

>> No.58190257

>/biz/ sure isn't what it used to be
>t. reddit-spacing blogger

>> No.58190266

>tfw i sold 2 days ago

ive made a grave error boys, go on without me

>> No.58190301

>muh reddit spacing
It's literally only newfags who bitch about it. Same goes for typos. Before the 2015/16 election the whole fucking website was much better, but then faggots like you came around and installed your own faggot culture. No one bitched about spacing before 2015. You're the newfag.

>> No.58190424

>2015/16 election the whole fucking website was much better
2015? Newfag m8. Can't bloody stand newfags me

>> No.58190431

Bought after the "rug" when people jeeted at a loss at the bottom at 130k mcap. Thank you my impatient brownoids

>> No.58190439
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Wtf is that?

>> No.58190452

Stay clowny.

Based. Unfortunately, I didn't find it before 800k, but it's still ridiculously undervalued. It's one of those projects that can go 30-50x in a month. Cap is small enough, and the general market conditions are good.

>> No.58190464

See >>58189666

Really good medium article. Also talks about the swap that is soon to come. That's gonna be a gamechanger.

>> No.58190468

>Stay clowny.
reddit moment

>> No.58190474

The dev actually seems extremely sincere. Again it's all online, so I could be wrong, but I have been very impressed.

>> No.58190480

>cause if a dev really wants to fuck you up, there are a million ways to do so.
True but not having a lock for any substantial amount of time is one of the most glaringly obvious ways to do it. Won’t touch it until there’s a decent explanation for it.
That doesn’t address the 6 week unlock tho

>> No.58190489

Dev and mods have a bad attitude, also too much selling going on in that chart, I don't trust them, seen it already 1000 times.

>> No.58190497

>The dev actually seems extremely sincere. Again it's all online, so I could be wrong, but I have been very impressed
Wow yeah. Really giving me Sergey Brin feels. Genuis techno cypherpunk savant. Wow. I'm crying.

>> No.58190504


Shtcoin, get AGRS, Tau has a real project

>> No.58190505

>Dev and mods have a bad attitude, also too much selling going on in that chart, I don't trust them, seen it already 1000 times
Nooo. That's ignorant

>> No.58190509


Ty anon


I ll see ty

>> No.58190512
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Bot are good anon

>> No.58190517

I generally agree with what you're saying, you who knows if this dev is a scammer etc. But I personally would bet that this one isn't. If he is, he's the best actor I've encountered.

>> No.58190529

de.fi/scanner says high transfer tax risk

>> No.58190533

Is that really the best way to spend your Friday?

Maybe it's got something to do with the development. I'm not a developer, so I don't know. I'll ask the dev later when he's online. But as the other anon in here just said, he's very open and seems very sincere. He's also done a shit ton of work. It's a working product already, mind you.

>> No.58190540

I can't think of one thing the dev said that indicated a bad attitude. He's been extremely positive and open.

>> No.58190544

>Is that really the best way to spend your Friday?
Is that really the best way to spend your Friday?

>> No.58190546

>muh scanner
Do you also use your scanner when you meet people in the real world? Does it help you? Try to be less spergy and more human, and you'll get a magical ability to read people you interact with.

>> No.58190552

I'm shilling my bag. You're just a butthurt little faggot talking shit in a thread about a project you seemingly don't give a fuck about. See the difference?

>> No.58190579

I'm saving anons from losing their monies
>am shillin muh bags
Nobody's buying Rankesh. You could have made 40 rupees today if you had have got on your rickshaw and done an honest day's work

>> No.58190610

>1 pbtid
It's generally a dead day. I'm 20% up thus far, so I'm good.

But of course, you're a real samaritan. Spending your entire day on preventing people from being scammed. That's what you do because you're a good person, lmao.

>> No.58190625

Damage control in full swing, dev and mod team are probably from East EU or Russia. They speak good english, but aren't very talkative, seems they don't want people to notice they are not from the western world.
I'd stay away from this.

>> No.58190638

Kek. Dev is murican. You're probably from Pakistan.

>> No.58190701

$Shadow gives me $Barley vibes, probably same Russian team.

>> No.58190746

He's American. You can easily tell from the way he phrases things, and he also says he's American. Don't know what's so hard to understand, it's already a working product, and there's more to come. Especially the Shadow swap. But suit yourself.

>> No.58190782

there's no such thing as privacy on base. looks like big brain whales didnt do their research and read the base terms of service:

6. Acceptable Use

You agree that you will not use the Services in any manner or for any purpose other than as expressly permitted by these Terms. That means, among other things, you will not use the Services to do or encourage any of the following:

- Violate any applicable law or regulation, including without limitation, any applicable anti-money laundering laws, anti-terrorism laws, export control laws, end user restrictions, privacy laws or economic sanctions laws/regulations, including those administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control;

>> No.58190802

This, it's doa.

>> No.58190826

>He's American. You can easily tell from the way he phrases things
This. Just copy pasted this from the TG:
>just got me a pack of smokes
>I know this cute broad
>I'm drinking a cup of joe. Know what I mean?
So American. Put your networth in guys. Confirmed

>> No.58190828

He's behind a dozen proxies, he doesn't care. And it's already working, also on Ethereum. Don't know how it works, cause I'm not a tech sperg. But it works.

>> No.58190837

nerd. we saw what happens to people that flout the law. slap on the wrist, just donate to the dnc.

>> No.58190842
File: 7 KB, 434x132, mur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Russian, jeet or any other who's not American would write like in picrel. Their English is always more chunky.

>> No.58190844

>0/100 on tokensniffer
>copied code from previous rug-pulls/scams
nice try op

>> No.58190853

base devs will just block the contract

>> No.58190869

>No Russian, jeet or any other who's not American would write like in picrel. Their English is always more chunky
You can't be this stupid.
>write retarded paragraph
>paste into chatgpt
>pleez make thus amerikin
You really are from 2015, aren't you

>> No.58190870

You can't block a contract, kek. It's the blockchain.

>> No.58190876

what kind of retards build a privacy project on an american centralized rollup

>> No.58190884

>what kind of retards build a privacy project on an american centralized rollup
Top kek

>> No.58190887

>using tokensniffer

Sure he did. Funny you spend so much energy on something you don't give a fuck about. Doubt it's gonna get much cheaper than this, so your fud is useless.

>> No.58190890


>> No.58190894

Maybe he does it to troll them and show them who's the boss.

>> No.58190895

>>using tokensniffer
>ignores the part about being copies from previous rug-pulls/scams kek

>> No.58190901

You're the retard for spending time discussing a project you (apparently) don't care the slightest about. You're not being very productive, are you?

>> No.58190902

kek this. scammers are fucking retarded.

>> No.58190913

>do your own research
>noooo not like that
lmao this jewkrainian trying to tell people not to scan the coin is peak biz

>> No.58190918

Tokensniffer is a fucking mess. It's just bullshit. Once you get rugged by a project that scores 100/100, you will realize how useless it really is. Dev is very responsive, definitely American, and he's been pushing on and on since the very start.

>> No.58190926

>ignores the part about being copies from previous rug-pulls/scams

>> No.58190931
File: 15 KB, 399x384, 1711609028487369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny you spend so much energy on something you don't give a fuck about
Savings whites from browns is my life's purpose, Rankesh

>> No.58190954

See >>58189962

All you faggots were the same who talked shit about k-n-s for ages, and still do. You just hate good projects, that's all. A bunch of fucking losers.

>> No.58190966

I'm whiter than you could ever dream of, and so is the dev. You're nothing but a zesty nigger who spend your time on negative and unproductive things, instead of positive and productive things.

>> No.58191001
File: 46 KB, 640x455, 532f27e9226d3cc0df8e1ef0b455c49c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58191007
File: 200 KB, 1080x808, handled_PHOTO-2023-11-26-17-41-30_1080_1920_80-(1)1702317130-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the L. You're fudding the shit out if this token and you look like a retard.
Get back in your rickshaw and tomorrow you'll have a few more rupees for another token.
Shhh. Get in.

>> No.58191026

That benchot has seen some miles

>> No.58191038

my basterd!! nice ride

>> No.58191150

there is nothing to discuss about. you just dont build a privacy project on a centralized infra where transactions can be censored. go back to decentralization 101

>> No.58191161
File: 80 KB, 1144x402, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boom. 40k buy, out of nowhere. Imagine when this shit goes mainstream.

>> No.58191170

Wrong thread, kek.

No cryptos are decentralized. This is about privacy, not decentralization. Base, Arbitrum or whatever, it's the same. I think the dev is smart enough to know what he's doing. Read the medium article for starters.

>> No.58191179

one of the whales manipulating Circle price is also accumulating SHDW, not sure if that's bullish or bearing though desu

>> No.58191195

>No cryptos are decentralized.
>This is about privacy, not decentralization
Base will just kick the project off their chain unless you implement kyc for your privacy project.

>> No.58191207

Is there evidence to suggest Coinbase has thia ability?

>> No.58191222

legally, yes. > >>58190782 technically? also yes.

>> No.58191247
File: 28 KB, 518x88, shadow circle whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
