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58187008 No.58187008 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't posted in awhile, I've been declining bad these last seven months, I posted pretty frequently and had some amazing times in my life meeting some of you people, and having a chance to drive like I asked originally, those who know and were here might indeed remember the meta.

I told you guys nothing was lost and the bears were wrong, and we would see a bullrun again soon, it was all suppression.
Anyway my times coming to an end soon, the cancers metasitsized into my lymph nodes and into my central nervous system, inducing schizophrenia like symptoms on top of death, why I stopped posting I needed rest and to stop the cycles of insanity this place was producing inside my mind during my decline.

My life has been god awful but I'm thankful to have been here during the last of my years.

I wish you all goodluck in your lives, be good to each other, try to believe in the best in people they struggle, people are sensitive, this place can bring out some negative cycles in people.

I love you brothers.

These songs are for some of those here that know.

The the piss marines, you'll be vindicated, to the link marines, you guys really pissed me off but I understand why you act the way you do, this place and crypto can bring out the worst in people.

Don't be demoralized, health is the greatest asset you have if you have it.

I doubt I'll ever post here, or much for that matter going forward, I've decided to try and enjoy the very short period I have.


The picture was the first thread I posted here in 2021's image.
I tried many days to moralize you guys and fight off the negative.
and it's nice to see most of you will make it.

and no I wasn't vaxxed this has been going on for while, doctors failed massive in their diagnosis and delayed treatment due to covid.

>> No.58187014

btw op here posting on another pc. forgot to mention i'm gay.

>> No.58187023

stay strong anon

>> No.58187026

Never change 4chan.

>> No.58187043

I just jacked off to a lamp

>> No.58187050

Good journey anon. I hope you find peace in this life with the days you have left.

>> No.58187082

I have mostly, besides the health getting in the way of my mental and life, I've met friends here who helped me survive, and I got to enjoy many hours talking with them, and in the end have had a good journey, the pain is had to separate from the two, but I learned to this last year accepting everything, I told people and others I'd post before I get beyond the point of being able to and now have gotten to the point it's hard to even type or think and they are about to attempt invasive procedures that I doubt I'll survive because what I have is a rare time and it's crossed into odd places like my lungs and mostly neck/eyes.

>> No.58187102
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Why won't you die, Metocare! SOOOOOOOOOWIEEEEEE

>> No.58187122
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I'll pray for your soul and think of you when Bitcoin crashes to zero

>> No.58187147
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godspeed op
death comes for us all

>> No.58187150

God bless brother

>> No.58187159

Explains the cancer honestly

>> No.58187161

Sounds like you’re in a good place to meet death. I respect it.

>> No.58187165

Damn that sucks. If it was ten years later than you would have had a good chance of surviving with mature CAR T-cell gene therapies. Maybe there is some solace in knowing you will be one of the last to suffer from such an awful disease.

>> No.58187178

Indeed it does, and of course going through it has become sort of a way of teaching others that lead to being able to survive a little longer, unfortunately everyone has an expiration date.

But regardless of religion or philosophy it maybe shitty dying, but it's also not as bad as people think at least not yet.

A slow drown out process gives incredible amounts of insight, but insight all that useful short of being able to grasp the reality of life.

The brain slipping isn't nice, during the untreated portion of my disease I was losing it with anger, not because I was dying but it invaded my CNS and started messing with the wiring of my thinking.

An awful experience in that right.

But if anything people who might have had known me or read this might have some solace in whatever they're going through.

>> No.58187207

I hope they use my body to examine things as I've survived longer than the average range with my disease and progression, mostly through self treatment of prescriptions steroids, antibiotics to fight off secondary disease, which I think helped keep me alive to the point I am, but I can actually feel it progressively swelling in size in my throat and eating away, and in my eyes causing them to lose control and me feeling like I'm being pushed off a building.

So I know my times likely within months tops.

>> No.58187335

Cool music video anon, hope you pull through.

>> No.58187352

Unlikely but I do appreciate your guys comments didn't wanna be some spammer and reply to everyone, but thank you guys.
I've learned to live in the present moment versus being worried about my future, which is nice in it's own right.

But it's nice to pop in here and possibly relate to someone or someone who knew me might be lurking and feel some emotion or curiosity be satiated by wonder being put to rest.

>> No.58187403

I wish you well. Were you an insider or something?

>> No.58187420

we will all you soon anon, i can promise you that.

see ya

>> No.58187433

I did use my insight to gleam some good information and give it to you guys, but it was only because of autism, and my enjoyment to be here.
It stopped as my life got worse, and I was a frequent poster here for years but stopped last year around this time.
Something inside myself said to post, and it came forth from my being.
I've also had a journey through Christianity these last 6 months which has been nice and peaceful in many ways.

>> No.58187457

I think I sent you Ethereum Anon. God it has been a while though. Godspeed.

>> No.58187481

anyone have any more of pics like the op? i remember there was a couch one...

>> No.58187482

Ah I see. I must've missed those threads or can't recall them.
Glad you've strengthen your relationship with Christ, anon.

>> No.58187514

I remember you, you sent it for RSO which I ended up getting I figured you would remember through the video, Bless you anon i never thought I'd be able to give you a (you) again.

Yes it's been awhile and I'm quite bad off in comparison to when I was, but thanks you to and others i was able to extend my life for a brief period of time but enough to get my mind closer to right than it was.

I recall you recently had a kid at that point.
I didn't talk it much but sometimes I had to let it out, as life has been very hard with dealing with it and life in general being insanely hard as it for everyone now.

>> No.58187523

Actually I bought some RSO tonight which reminded me of you because I've been in such crippling pain I needed something and the lyrica they give me is making me sicker on top of it just ripping my insides out, but this has given me the ability to think a little clearer albeit in a haze as I took 2/3rd of a gram.

>> No.58187560

Yes I have gotten a very close one, and I like to think I've helped others, once doing so it was the hardest part of my trials as I was hit with nearly everything imaginable ontop of literally dying slowly, in many ways a similar fate to christ a rejection of man and a slow death, we all in a way face this reality of dying like Christ so we must come to understand what he went through to appreciate and love him.

I was always such a buddhist and less christian but having a true understanding lets you forgo the desires of the flesh and enjoy the things god does give to us.

>> No.58187566
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need to fuck that lamp so bad

>> No.58187571

God speed anon. Slay demons when you get off this timeline and protect us, especially those assholes who lied about the origins of covid and shut down our world. I feel our world is only going to get more clownworld. Nice song suggestion.

>> No.58187616

Indeed they have, and nothing done in the dark can stay there.

>> No.58187712


>> No.58187789

I'm glad you enjoyed it, I've enjoyed his work and stumbled upon it, and it helped along with some inner personal battles.
He's a good man.

>> No.58187938

OP this will bring you some peace, please watch all of it.

>> No.58187952
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I'm not religious, so I doubt any praying from me could do you any good.
Best I can do is tell you I hope you are not in too much pain & have people around you who care for you & can give you some comfort.

Money isn't so important I have learned recently
It was silly for me to be sad at times when I had all the things I truly needed; even though there were still bigger things I wanted

Earlier this month I lost one of my dogs to cancer, and it was sudden; he was otherwise healthy.
He was with me nearly 24/7 for 10 years (wfh, never traveled)
I'm making good money now, but all the fire that was within me is gone now; making it is not so important anymore
I would have gladly given it all up just to have him by my side a few more years
Life seems truly absurd if such a strong bond can be so pointlessly broken, but I will carry on and try to make the most of it.
Maybe my whole purpose of being around is to give a good home to some good doggos

Cancer cuts so many good lives short, and I'm sorry that it is about to steal the years of life you might otherwise have had. I hate it, and it eventually comes for all of us if we live long enough.

>> No.58188001

It does, and I understand the pain of losing pets and close ones, I've lost my father to cancer when I was 19 and it was rapid after attempting to biopsy it, my oldest cat who's been by my side through everything is nearly 21 and is skin and bones, likely not cancer but just getting beyond the point they should live and he's a short hair american which don't usually live past 18 but I like to think he's waiting for me to go, which on both our accounts it will be soon.

The time wasn't pointless and I don't prescrbe to the theory that animals don't have souls, I've had so many I lost count and each one had their own personality that was unique in this world, and we're animals as well people tend to forget that.

I do believe we either go to another realm or we come back into this life, so for that matter our bond never truly breaks, just our material flesh breaks down because it's inevitable in the "coding" of this world.

Not evil per se but just how it works.

I use to want money and want more money and more even when sick and become devastated when I'd lose it, now letting go of those attachments to nothing really I can enjoy life more, of course the costs of living especially because I'm alone and the state is pushing back against helping me it makes life annoying but I've overcome my anger over that and just happen when I'm able to eat, medicate and pay my bills which by gods grace mostly been able to, chasing/gambling was killing me faster.

>> No.58188011

I'm sorry for your loss, but your memories and time wasn't in vain it will carry forever, memories shape the world we've made around us, even if we forgot the time on this world can't, it all goes back into the well of knowledge.

>> No.58188036

if you're sick then i'm sorry but if this is a thread about suicide then do it faggot because suicide is fucking weak. you hurt others way more than anything else and it's the most selfish thing a person can do.
if youre sick though, sorry anon.

>> No.58188077

try real powerful substances like theres a bread baked under volcanic ash in iceland idk or a spicy ghost pepper or something

>> No.58188105

No, no reason for suicide and no interest, I had it for awhile mostly just from anxiety from life racking up against me but I've gotten through those thoughts.

>> No.58188107
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tell me that i am strong
tell me that i am worth something

>> No.58188124

You've made it this far so you gotta be tough enough not to kill yourself and survive most disease.
You're always worth something even if your monetary value is nothing.

>> No.58188142

Link marine here. Sorry if I ever pissed you off personally, it's a nightmare posting anything here about it.

>> No.58188163

I understand I was a private for a very brief period of time, and tried to "fight the fud" and it like many things was a futile effort, but like most I think you'll be vindicated.

And it's always alright, I've been mean before and it wasn't right either, we're all suffering this world trying to elevate yourself should be celebrated, maybe someday we will live better.

>> No.58188204

can you briefly recap your relationship/what happened between you and the marines? i’m just curious

>> No.58188218

Someone gave me 15k worth which was the most money i ever had and I held it until around 32k and joined their discord, and was new to crypto and trying to fit in, which they pretty coldly let me around but would be pretty negative because I was poor, and I told them after losing a lot from bitcoin crashing that I was selling because I needed the money and they told me I was dumb and and idiot among some other things like poorfaggot etc etc, there were a few guys one Jason who was nice to me and I was just trying to tell people around 32 dollars it didn't feel like it was gonna get better and I needed to look out for myself.

basically I'm sure there was some other stuff but it was awhile ago.

>> No.58188326

Jason Parser's a great guy

>> No.58188334

Yes he is, he was the only one I really liked and he was very sympathetic to me when others tried to claim I was not sick, that's what really set me off, but I've always been stubborn to prove to people when I was right so it was just little dumb human moments.

He was a really nice man, and nice to me.

>> No.58188353

Fucks wrong with you

>> No.58188355

I know I don't have all the answers. I will not dismiss outright the possibility there is more beyond life. But I try to live my life as though this were all I will have

He raised two pups since they were 4 months old, so his legacy lives on in a way. It saddens me to see them frustrated he is gone, but they probably knew he had cancer, or at least that his health was actually failing.

I'm glad you have your cat friend with you. I'm very much so an animal person & I understand that people can form the same special bonds with dogs, cats, and other animals. They can bring out the best in us.

And on the subject of the link marines, I was in pre-mainnet marines discord for a while. I understand that crowd. Don't trouble yourself with it; encouraging everyone to hold was an important part of their groupthink - it's one of the only things that bound them together.

interesting ID

>> No.58188368

Checked, and I was never married to anything I loved the idea and the crowd but something that's hurting me must be dealt with, and if that's an investment so be it, but I also understand the community brings people through more than money.

Also I was the new guy so you know how people are with groups and crowds, i mean one helped me out a ton, course I lost most of it but it wasn't entirely in vain and it helped me learn and learn more to life, there's silver linings to everything.
It's good to hear his legacy moves on and animals can suspect with others are dying, they know it with my cat and spend a lot of time with him he's very wise for a cat but then again not many live to his age.

I love all animals including us humans though we tend to sure make a lot of mess and noise and make it very hard to love sometimes.

>> No.58188382

What is one life lesson or piece of advice you've learned?

Also, what did you try after your diagnosis and what advice would you give someone in a similar situation?

>> No.58188393

I remember you, anon. I lurked your threads, never posted in them except maybe once when I recommended you check out the /LoA/ threads over on /x/. I'd still suggest spending some time on /x/, it might help calm you in your final days. Death is not the end, the universe is made of frequency and vibration and no one knows what happens after the body gives out, but some part of you will remain. Don't worry about it; you're simply passing into another mode of existence. Wishing you all the best. WAGMI.

>> No.58188411

They haven't done a lot the medical system rags their feet like zombies, and I had to bounce between several doctors for years and wait for the disease to get to the point it was beyond obvious, as labs didn't pick it up because it's in my CNS it's a rare type I presume it was from chemical exposure based off life circumstances.

What I learned is money doesn't do a lot besides are like game tickets, they allow you to ride the nicer riders for a bit but don't bring joy.
Joy comes from helping others, and not monetarily unless that's a dire situation but being there for them, listening to their problems.
Being a shoulder to cry on and letting them know this simple lesson.

We are not our past, and if we spend all our life building for our future we will lose sight of the present moment, the present moment is the middle way and the key to happiness and life.

Enjoy your life, you're only going to be here for awhile, try to mitigate your pain if you're sick but know life is duality and without pain we can't enjoy the moments without pain.

For every action theirs an equal an opposite reaction, so try to be mindful in what you might do or say.

>> No.58188422

>health is the greatest asset you have if you have it.
Damn i should go back to the gym.
Btw, god speed anon, if you can hold up for a bit longer, you might have a chance since AI will be advance enough to cure cancer, or maybe even extend life

>> No.58188425

Ironically /x/ helped get me back into looking into spirituality.
Just passing through it myself like you might have did with my threads.
This specific video but it's a very long winded journey of a story, it's written down so my friends might tell it for me someday, as I'm in hardly any condition to do so, I'm on a heroic amount of thc oil currently which has given me enough strength to post, and my mood and my life won't stay good for long so I'm enjoying the moment.

My condition worsens by the moments and my reality outside of the internet isn't good, but we are only passing and we do make it in the sense that we all go down the same road, I hope you also find your peace and truth in this world.

>> No.58188427

Really sorry to hear about your condition.
Hoping the best for you whatever they may be.
I've seen threads before from people that don't have much time left and it always makes me sad. It's a reminder that all of our time is limited.
Sounds like you have made your peace which I'm glad you have, if you have.
I hate how unfair life can be.

>> No.58188434

Unfortunately I'm quite sure I won't be around much longer, it's metastasized to my eyes and brain most likely going in for an eye and spine biopsy soon to which I'm sure that will spiral it into death quickly, my gut tells me so which I've accepted, as with my father before me.

I've happened to meet some people who know more about AI than you would care to know, and it's not really something that's logical and is even in existence, what we have is something else currently.

>> No.58188439

Think you meant to reply to OP
Know its confusing since I also have a red ID

>> No.58188453

>Think you meant to reply to OP
I did
Meant for >>58187008

>> No.58188470

>I've happened to meet some people who know more about AI than you would care to know, and it's not really something that's logical and is even in existence, what we have is something else currently.
Seem interesting, you have something else to share?, i want to hear more

>> No.58188474

Heh I got what you meant, and it's nice to see you two taking the thread seriously, I'm in pretty awful pain as my neck and brain and eyes are basically attacking myself through cell dysfunction which is causing my nervous system to malfunction, but it always warms my spirit knowing people still do listen.

It's all right brothers, we all walk down this road one day or another I was fortunately enough to live through death as an extended experience so people could gain insight and knowledge through my journey

>> No.58188482

I would but believe me the explanation hurts my brain just reading, to write it out right now would cause serious pain to myself, but basically AI collapses into itself because it's been designed by humans which are corrupt systems to begin with, it's a closed loop not an open one.

>> No.58188487

Some quick rundown would be looking into model collapse.
Some of this is just now being discovered.

>> No.58188516

I love you too brother. Savor every second. I'll live a life worth living, I am already on my way. I'll try not to hurt too many women along the way.

Probably a bit late now, but have you considered starving yourself? Forcing your body to consume itself for energy should direct it's efforts towards misfiring cells.

>> No.58188527

if i understand correctly then, AI will just be at best, another human, and it will never pass that?

>> No.58188540

That's the spirit, we will hurt others but we don't mean to the intention is the key with people.
I've tried nearly every off the cuff trick with no help but fasting helps the most.
I do it often but alas I do need to eat usually fasting comes from being out of money but lately it's been mostly because of the flaring up of the progression causing everything to hurt and eating can relieve some symptoms like delirium, fasting without cancer is a lot easier than with it.

But times I can go 4-5 days without eating I feel less inflammation which makes pain decrease but it's usually temporary.

>> No.58188555

Basically it collapse itself because self limitation and a poisoned well basically, in lamens terms.
It's like a snake that eats it's own tail, it appears to be AI but it's just a good deception that can't do much outside of tricking humans into thinking it exists.

It's a bit ironic but likely not a threat to humanity nor likely a savior.

>> No.58188581

I actually haven't ate much this week one decent meal, few small things like a slice of pizza one day.
Didn't eat today at all besides a small biscuit to put the thc oil on.
Might have to stop posting as I'm starting to get into a cycle of bad pain but if I do I love you too and you'll all find solace in this life sooner or later, the lucky few die swiftly but maybe not, it's hard to tell spiritually anyway.

>> No.58188608

I feel really sad reading your thread here anon. You seem like a good person. I think I may remember seeing you here before years ago, but I can't be certain. I'm going through a stressful period in my life, but reading your experiences have made me more aware of the present. Can you make a video detailing everything in your life? I'd be really interested to see something like that.

>> No.58188625

I'll try I have a friend who's been sort of documenting my states, some of my cycles, some insights and wisdom when I was able.
I told myself I'd dox myself here at the end, I'm not quite there and not sure I'll be able to muster up the strength to do it, because? why not, but now, I feel very tired it's been hard to even focus on typing, and ignoring most friends and loved ones.

I wanted to do one last thread because to be quite honest this place drains a lot from me and life is still stressful even if dying things don't stop so I try to limit myself too much.
I miss the days before this state where typing was easy and I could have five threads open and responding.

Now it actually physically hurts to think much or type and it's like walking through sludge to do so.

But I had a moment, and if I have the strength and time before I get worse I'll try to make a post about it and give you guys all a face to one anon who posted here quite often at one time.

>> No.58188664

Be as good as you can be in this most difficult time. Feel free to make more threads if you want. Not everyone here is a complete piece of trash and unsympathetic. But probably greater than half the people here are. This is the rectum of the internet after all. But obviously some people here do care..
Understandable that you may need to take a break from posting.
I feel for you though.

>> No.58188688

When I wanted money and chased it I spent a lot of time here, now that my times limited for certain and the windows closing moneys become less important, still important as life doesn't stop and things rack up and doing enjoyable things become harder to do or obtain.
But these are fleshly pleasures and soon enough those won't matter so in the end the money doesn't matter, so I find myself less interested in being here just because it's hard to handle more so than it used to be anyway but I'll try if I can/able.

>> No.58188692


Thank you for sharing, those are beautiful thoughts

I've seen people mention treatments outside the medical system, I don't know if that's something you pursued or would want to. I don't know how credible it is but if you do have time, it may be something

I will pray for you. I know you have made peace with it, but I have heard of miracle recoveries and I will pray the same for you. There was a lady named Amita Moorjani who had a battle with terminal cancer and recovered after briefly experiencing the other side. So I will pray the same for you

>> No.58188704

I won't reject it, it can't hurt right, I use to scoff at such things but I myself have seen miraculous things happen before, Thank you kindly.

>> No.58188778


There is an account called @NaturallyFTW that covers some of the alternative treatment stuff, if it is something you want to check out

God bless you and all the best to you

>> No.58188795

Thank you anon I will, and to you as well I hope you all enjoy tomorrow.

>> No.58188840

Can verify, OP here, i love cawks.

>> No.58188883

This is depressing as shit OP, I wish you a merciful end and hope you can cherish your last moments.

>> No.58188926

Same here brother didn't mean to be unrionically.

>> No.58188949
File: 582 KB, 777x999, __shihouin_yoruichi_bleach_drawn_by_kameseru__b8f62319c51e7a89884b92a3bd54d7b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be real with you sir. I watched those two youtube links. That is some of the gayest shit I actually sat down and watched in years. I want my time back. Have a nice death, sir.

>> No.58189070

Id try not eating 30days or something. I know sounds impossible but its you vs it no? Although i have no idea what u be going thru so either way gl niger

>> No.58189111

Why the fuck is everyone giving up and offering comfort to OP as if there’s no remedy to his situation?

stupid nigger newfags.

Op, whatchu got? You can find esoteric health tips in the archives.

Do a full heavy metal blood test panel and come back with the results.

Bet you there’s a least one or two heavy metals that are fucking with you.

If you or your family is a person of interest like a high level politician or a spy then it is over. Otherwise you might make it

>> No.58189159

No Anon, don't fall for the Mafia of Rome's cult, they added the trinity through pressures by the Roman Emperor, theological Chrstianity makes no sense.
What you need is to embrace God's true religion, revealed to Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. Take the testimony of faith and convert to Islam for all your sins to be forgiven.

>> No.58189168

Thank you anon for your service.
this thread gave me very much love, am gonna use it for good.

thank you

>> No.58189208

I remember your threads and comments and actually some days ago I was thinking, wonder where this guy is. Well I've had a parent with really bad cancer pass away, it is terrible but my solace is knowing they aren't suffering anymore and watching over like a guardian angel. I'm glad you got closer to Jesus as well. He's saved my life literally. Dark mind is no more when you got a buddy like Jesus around. Enjoy your days one day at a time as you do and I'm hoping the best for you anon, for more years, no give up.

>> No.58189277
File: 15 KB, 221x249, 431283919_1079061070058173_6848075197327050632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast of piss to you king. I pray you find peace and happiness. See you in the next paradigm

>> No.58189541

See you on the other side anon

>> No.58189617

Godspeed anon

>> No.58190404

does anyone have a qrd on what the things were he said in early threads
also godspeed op

>> No.58190716

Fasting literally kills cancer, but more importantly it is ketosis which you can maintain while eating. purge your body of all glucose and the cancer will die because its the only way it can grow. cancer cells literally ferment glucose to grow.

>> No.58190735

Godspeed, brother. We love you too.

>> No.58190745
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>> No.58190769 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58190923

fuck.... goos bye. I know there's an afterlife.

>> No.58190946
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Godspeed cancer anon. I wish you a pleasant move to the unknown. You will be in my thoughts when I buy my mansion. Seriously, hope you have a happy last few months. Bye

>> No.58190957

Have you read the phaedo? Seems like it would be interesting and possibly a comfort for someone near death.
Goodluck Anon

>> No.58191003

did you read at all?

>> No.58191095

Good strokes song, never heard it before…thanks.

>> No.58191556

Glad you enjoyed it, and my apologies everyone, I honestly didn't expect this to stay up or get as many replies.

I'm humbled by you all and appreciate all your kind words.

>> No.58191583
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Fellow sirs if I go nofap will my brain stop seeing the leg the first glance?