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58180733 No.58180733 [Reply] [Original]

>finally hit 6 figures
>dad dies

>> No.58180749


Sorry to hear that, anon.

>> No.58180766

sorry man

>> No.58180776

Take care of yourself, for your father

>> No.58180791

Sorry for your loss Anon.

>> No.58180823

A big hug for you my dear anon, take care

>> No.58180824

Sorry mate

>> No.58180871

sorry for you loss, would you be willing to give us his age and vax status?

>> No.58180878

Sorry for your loss.

>> No.58180888

I know that feel anon, sorry for your loss

>> No.58180981

Damn anon that sucks balls

>> No.58180993

Sorry for your loss anon

>> No.58181010

Sorry for your loss anon

>> No.58181019

Sorry for your loss

>> No.58181039

I'm sorry to hear that man. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.58181066

Big ups cuz

>> No.58181180

damn anon suck me balls

>> No.58181285

God bless you friend. Checked.

>> No.58181309

Sorry for your loss anon, im sure your dad would be happy that you made it.

>> No.58181313

Inheritance status? All in bitcoin.

>> No.58181322
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>stuck in 6 figure hell
>dad dies
>inherit 2 houses
>suddenly 7 figure net worth

>> No.58181325

I'm sorry, anon

>> No.58181375

sorry for your loss OP.

>> No.58181401


>> No.58181520


>> No.58181633

Sorry man. Not everything is money

>> No.58181671

RIP Anon, will pour one out for him tonight

>> No.58181692

Sorry dude. That's a tough loss. You're never ready for it. Life will go on but your memories will last forever.

>> No.58181721

I dread the day that I have to witness this for myself. I don’t think I’d ever be able to fully cope with it. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.58181734

Im sorry for your loss

>> No.58181737

Things will get better, fren. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.58181763

Recently lost my dad also, I feel your pain anon
Stay strong

>> No.58181786

I'd be pretty relieved if my dad died. Not saying that I wish for him to die of course, I wish him long life and prosperity.

>> No.58181790

My condolences anon

>> No.58181833

Pray for him brother. If he’s in purgatory trust me he needs it.
I lost both my parents anon, I’m only 23.
16 dad and 17 mom
I was an orphan legally

>> No.58181844

But i hope it makes you feel better that you will see him again if you have faith in the lord. It does for me. Gods mercy is true and just.

>> No.58181873

Yeah my dad died a few years ago. He'll never get to see me hit 7 figures. Feels bad man.

>> No.58181890

Your dad was a good man and he was proud of you

>> No.58181902

Sorry anon. Life is for the living and we all end up dead. Cherish your memories with him and make sure he would have been proud of your future self

>> No.58182171

Sorry, anon.

Anyway, was he vaxxed?

>> No.58182205
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god gives
god takes

>> No.58182224
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>> No.58182257

Love you anon, take care

>> No.58182360

I hope my family will be still around when/if I make it. They are the only reason for my existence. My condolences.

>> No.58182368


>> No.58182369

How does one deal with such a thing ?

>> No.58182379

Sorry to hear that. I hope you find a way to healthily cope

>> No.58182434

Don't forget to remember the good days, even if you're sad now.

>> No.58182536

Sorry for your loss

>> No.58182662

Same here but I feel like it’s all in vain. All these years of waging my ass off and trying to “make it” can’t bring back all the time wasted on things other than my family. All my loved ones are older, more frail, some even becoming dependent. Regret and depression are a bitch to deal with

>> No.58182670

That’s gonna be a huge Burden on your money goy. Dying is very expensive!!!

>> No.58182715
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>> No.58182855



>> No.58182986

Sorry to hear anon, make him proud

>> No.58183003

rough bro sorry to hear that
been through that just not the 6 fig part

>> No.58183008
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Happy for your wins, sorry for your loss

>> No.58183023

Your daddy is in hell!
>1 hour laugh track

>> No.58183027

t. retard

>> No.58184474

Alright mate it's fucked up. I know it first-hand. Just make sure you remember his legacy and tell lots of stories about him! Also cum in lots of women so he somehow comes back to life in different shapes and forms!

>> No.58184565

Welp, that’s what you get. Should’ve stayed poor.

>> No.58184619

Based reincarnation believer and understander

>> No.58184623

That's bad dude, sorry

>> No.58184625

sorry anon, wish you all the best

>> No.58184642

Reddit: The Thread

>> No.58184654

You learn to accept it as part of life and try your best to honor him in your deeds.

>> No.58184666

Hang in there anon. I’m sure he’s proud of you.

>> No.58184668

sorry to hear that

>> No.58184696
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>> No.58184740
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You're like 35 anon. Everyone's dad is dead here

>> No.58184816

>burger life expectancy

>> No.58184848

mine's still alive, bless him
i want him to live beyond 100

>> No.58184864

no shit
that's why I don't eat all the food they put sugar and other poison in
and I lift

>> No.58185057

Just spend time with them, make experiences. You don’t need money to sit around on a porch and have a good time chatting with them.
Waiting for the “finally I can start my life” moment is a trap, trust me on this one anon

>> No.58185087
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>hit 1 figure hell
>dads alive

>> No.58185121
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What the fuck happened to this website? When did you queers get so soft?? You fucking faggot redditors need to fucking kill yourselves. Fuck you OP, go to tumblr if you want sympathy you fucking pussy.

>> No.58185150

My post mocks him for being sad why are you hurting me

>> No.58185176
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>> No.58185186

You've mistaken what is said on 4chang to be actual malice because you're a pussy that doesn't know how to banter and it hurts for feelings. We actually aren't heartless fucks. Leave you edgy teenager faggot.

>> No.58185196
File: 109 KB, 700x834, What The Heck Did I Just Appreciate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post what shitcoins you own so I can short them

>> No.58185197

Sorry to hear fren

>> No.58185205

kek have sex

>> No.58185231

just accept death completely now everyone is going to die and death is a beautiful thing

>> No.58185234
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>> No.58185446
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That’s rough OP, sorry for your loss. Take solace in knowing you’re making him proud though.


>> No.58185737

Eat a dick you soft little bitch.

>> No.58185911
File: 103 KB, 1080x1072, 6f333878b6a6b549e1da4d8fa069c4ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatherless behavior, neck yourself you niggerfaggot

>> No.58186024
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Faggot chud behavior.

>> No.58186051
File: 88 KB, 741x1024, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mad because you will never relate to people who have experienced parental love
Here's your fucking (You), I'll give you that much

>> No.58186091
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Yea sure bitch. Even good parental figures cannot save your country.

>> No.58186420
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We got old enough to become dads and lose ours

>> No.58186444

Nice but you could've done better. I sacrificed my dad's knees so I could reach 7 figures.

>> No.58186471

>those who act the hardest, are the softest within
Whatever kind of repressed sadness, fear, weakness in your heart you are trying to hide, i hope you heal from it. Don’t let your dad raping you when you were a kid ruin the rest of your life anon. Bless, may you find peace

>> No.58186502

sorry man

>> No.58186504

>says some morbid shit contradicting himself and projecting the stupid quote towards himself as a result but uses padding like “god bless you” to make himself seem like less of a piece of shit.

>> No.58186517

buy link

>> No.58186721

my condolences op, take care and may your fathers soul rest in peace and protect you from the other side

>> No.58186769

That's how it's suppose to be your father leaves this earth before you do. Unless you're a little boy you didn't lose your dad you lost a man who raised you. Please let him go in peace from this wretched earth. Be grateful for your time with him and be grateful he made room for you and your children.

Now make him proud and glad about what he sacrificed for your sake.

God bless. May your pain be the seed for growth.

>> No.58187272
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Sorry nigger but if (You) miss him...

>> No.58187289

condolences anon. be the type of man you and your dad can be proud of.

>> No.58187685


Sorry for your loss man.

>> No.58187703

Sorry man :(
He watches over you now

>> No.58187758

Dave, if this is you, I hope you read my message. Some birds aren't meant to be caged.

>> No.58187851

condolences, sorry for you lost bro. I can't imagine how I will deal with it when it happens

>> No.58188014


>> No.58188406

stay focused anon

>> No.58188524

my condolences anon, i can relate a lot cuz just 5 days ago i finally reached the amount i needed, pretty much investing into everything i could find, even random shit like loaf cat and something called crock idk, to pay the treatment of my grandma.
BUT she collapsed, got worse and when we managed to get all the stuff ready to start the treatment, she had a heart attack and died.
Now i don't know what to do with what's left. It's meaningless to me and i feel like shit

>> No.58188585

My sympathies anon.
It was always going to happen. Sooner or later you would have to go on he would have to stay behind.
Try to go on in a way that makes him proud.

>> No.58188593

Yes, that's literally fatherless nigger behaviour.

>> No.58188595
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>didn't hit 6 figures, yet
>dad still alive
Feel sorry for your loss, tho.

>> No.58188597

That's depressing, sorry for your loss anon

>> No.58188602

KYS faggot
You have no experience with the old 4chan, only second hand ideas of what 4chan is rumoured to be

>> No.58189744

never ever read such a tryhard post
what are you trying to display here

>> No.58189757
File: 19 KB, 260x166, 81c4f01cfdcff9b24fe4eba4ca8036bc2bca3fb45ff251bb20215703fe3f44c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never ever read such a tryhard post
>what are you trying to display here
He is just a tool.

Wish you the best OP, hopefully you recover soon and can live a normal life again.

>> No.58189950


RIP anon's dad. SFYL, OP, today you are not a faggot.

>> No.58190014

My dad was a roided athlete.
At an older age he became vegetarian and it has kind of kept him away from serious disease.
It's the only use of vegetarianism. Increasing the lifespan of old people since they cannot afford good meat anyway.

>> No.58190180

His father died you prick

My condolences anon. Keep going for your father.

>> No.58190611
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>6 figures + inheritance

>> No.58190706


I will pray for you and your father, anon.

>> No.58191259

stay strong anon, invest your money wisely