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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 204x192, aviator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58177425 No.58177425 [Reply] [Original]

Hi im waiting to explode to the upside like a cascade of good emotions wbu anon?

>> No.58177520

We're gonna pump soon... x
I feel fucking amazing, on set right now earning more with crypto than work lol

>> No.58177522

Another 1.1m sell from Enzo. I cannot wait until this faggot fucks off for good.

>> No.58177885 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know about the other 2 top wallets dumping in the 7 range
You think this will be over once enzo is done? Don't forget he buys back in on any dips in the 5 - low 6 range. The swing trader will not stop until we get more buyers, and by buyers, I mean people who put in more than $20 at a time.

>> No.58177895

>he doesn't know about the other 2 top wallets dumping in the 7 range
You think this will be over once enzo is done? Don't forget he buys back in on any dips in the 5 - low 6 range. The swing traders will continue controlling the chart and it will not stop until we get more buyers, and by buyers, I mean people who put in more than $20 at a time.

>> No.58178061

This coin just doesn't move and Twitter follower count is also really not growing

When are the devs actually going to release something?

>> No.58178078

2 more weeks and 8 more AMAs

>> No.58178101

Devs working hard. Sellers cry. Please be patient or you poor and die of lonely. Thank

>> No.58178105

Another day of 69ing. Please…I can’t take anymore.

>> No.58178180
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>Holder count growing exponentially
>Price crabbing at 69 while market dips
>No marketing yet
>69 mill mc before bridge launch
Oh no it's dead. Surely it won't take off once marketing hits, and we're on Base with the only bridge capable of moving eth projects to Base. oh nooooo....

>> No.58178185


MUMU is much better

>> No.58178188


It ll never pump

>> No.58178195


Omg anon, you ll be a sad sad boy

>> No.58178198
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The bull is the king

>> No.58178317

When will you learn holders mean nothing? 15$ bot buys mean nothing

We need hype and there is none

>> No.58178321

If being early is too boring for you, why not sell now and buy back in after we pass 10k holders?

>> No.58178518

What a retarded take. More holders equals less volatility. The new holders are eating the whales right now, which means better price action in the future instead of mega dumps. If you don't have a million Avi at this point you're a retard

>> No.58178619

we’re imminent from the audit score. but you don’t understand timing the marketing correctly.

>> No.58178636

Why won't this piece of shit ever pump?

>> No.58178660

it is probably going to be like this for another week so just hold on to your scrotum

>> No.58178841

Kek we won't have AMAs anymore until the bridge so it's going to be a LONG ass dead time of this 69.

>devs bullish of 0 price movement and $5 buys.

It's over

>> No.58179154

this. we need something, maybe another empress twitter space

>> No.58179448

smart money waiting for result of Nintendo lawsuit to drop

>> No.58179481

the whales won’t allow this to go over .007 why do they hate us so

>> No.58179600

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.58179640

triple top is bearish, please god release some good news before we actually go down in the 4-5 range

>> No.58179659

I can't help it, I think about the Aviator fox's thick knot every night.

>> No.58179688

>triple top
it's wyckoff, funny enough
This is just a reaccumulation range

>> No.58179709

you guys DID slurp the dip right? The

>> No.58179718

Slurp up the whale shit.

>> No.58179721

>dip eaten in seconds


That was supposed to be our dump!

>> No.58179746

Can anyone give me a qrd on AVI? See it on /biz/ for a while. I have $6k each month I put into crypto.

>> No.58180097

Read the flightpaper fellow degen.

>> No.58180141
File: 238 KB, 819x2048, GJTjoC6XwAAgCF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are releasing a bridge that lets any ETH token/nft bridge to Base and back. They are gonna use that bridge in their arcade which is like web3 newgrounds/steam, so indie devs can publish any game onto it. Everyone is waiting for an audit by Hacken to finish for the bridge for it to be marketed and released. After that this will trade on both Base and ETH

>> No.58180232

>Can anyone give me a qrd on AVI?
Token not needed

>> No.58180261


It's needed for the arcade, L2 -> L1 liquidity for instant bridging, and some other stuff like the DAO and other items.

>> No.58180475


>> No.58180610


>> No.58181060
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We've arrived at an interesting junction, frens. Our time is nearly over. Soon, the various writings - supportive and schizo alike - will no longer have a great effect on our token. Within a week or so the audit score will come out, and shortly after the bridge. The marketing will ramp up, creators like Brian Jung will continue to talk about it, and the normie liquidity will flow in. Nothing we say here will have any sort of impact anymore. It's been a good ride bros, and I'm looking forward to the future.

>> No.58181075
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>> No.58181096

Been here since 2020
This is the first time I have actually felt in my gut like I am early.

3.5 Million

>> No.58181149

Yup. Never been THIS early.
45 million, making it this bull.

>> No.58181177

>the only bridge capable of moving eth projects to Base
lol this is patently false

>> No.58181250


major sell signal

>> No.58181280
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>> No.58181291

Piece of shit coin enjoying the dump? not even brian jung can save this piece of shit crabbing for a month straight

>> No.58181302

I don’t give a single shit about the price dropping from 0.0072 to 0.0066 when it just did 10x in a month. Boo hoo nigga

>> No.58181321

>he thinks these retards will ever do any marketing
>only bridge that can move products from eth to base
i lol'd thanks for the copium laugh anon

>> No.58181338


>> No.58181341

No, you don’t understand. That’s fine. Not gonna keep spoon feeding though, we’ve done that for months on this board already

>> No.58181347

reminder that this whale right here https://etherscan.io/address/0x9e6163a1be37da1b27d345a84d496ef23ff69dcd#tokentxns
has been supressing every attempt to go past .007, he has 167m more tokens btw. you are in a stablecoin now. the top has come retard.

>> No.58181349
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>> No.58181378

I screencapped your post

>> No.58181387


Very poignant way to put it

>> No.58181417

what post retard. when i said id apologize?

>> No.58181419


Kek another Jimmy roasting screencap?

>> No.58181438

I wanted to believe I really did, but these whales are trying to kill us . How am I supposed to make it when they keep selling EVERYTIME we get close to .007 why would they do this, how much longer can this go on for
>our based whales our diamond cocked whales
Fuck off 200+ new holders and our price is lower.

>> No.58181455

The whales turn shrimp into fish when they sell

>> No.58181461


We've had this before many times, chill out. Crabs are just profit taking, and the distribution gets better.

>> No.58181468

Sure, sure. You changed your mind over the course of this thread. You definitely aren't a schizophrenic retard, I for sure believe you

>> No.58181499

whales are nuking price because they know this is the top lmfao. bridge will be delayed to fall LOL

>> No.58181534

You're never going to get the entry you want

>> No.58181545
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>> No.58181556

i still have my 5m tokens lol

>> No.58181570

Sure you do, Jimmy

>> No.58181577

Sell for 404bakery

>> No.58181595

100k stacklet here...hope we at least get to a dollar or more.

>> No.58181599

again, that matt ens is adifferent guy than me, matthew red

>> No.58181607
File: 695 KB, 1440x1800, mccydes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOBObro reporting in to show support to my AVIbros, hope you guys are doing well, our coins seem to be going through some similar motions

>> No.58181608

>this is the top
>I’m not selling my bag

>> No.58181676

I want r34 of this wolf and the general together

>> No.58181774

They are saving this for when marketing starts next week, kerasu is hard at work finishing the details

>> No.58181814

I'm literally leaking thinking about it

>> No.58181845

Linu, apu, lobo, all these random memes trying to attach to Avis success. You guys do you but please stop coming into these threads acting like Avi and any of these memes are a team.

>> No.58181854

I'll allow lobo posting because the wolf is hot

>> No.58181876

You likely have a bag so that’s why you’re biased.

>> No.58181889

No I just saw a pic and he had a thick cock

>> No.58181908
File: 50 KB, 512x512, 1711560836570113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

major ALARM

>> No.58182052

I have some AVI as a coin-flip. Seemed like it could go places, but I've seen more practical projects sink or have to start over. It's ambitious alright. Used to have 3X as much. Think it can get to $1?

>> No.58182057


It's all good imo if they are actually working with AVI. KNS x AVI had a joint AMA, LINU are probably gonna be one of the first to use SkyBridge, etc. I'd welcome any alliance with APU too if they wanted to bridge on it as well. We all grow together (except Matthew Red, who sold for 404 Bakery)

>> No.58182071


No one knows, but there really aren't a lot of good projects on Base yet, and there's nothing like SkyBridge or the Arcade. A lot of people will promote AVI when it's on Base just for the sake of being a good utility token.

>> No.58182082

I think .65 is the top

>> No.58182093

Didn't know all that, in fact, I even forgot about the whole move to Base. That does bode well even if I won't call it 100% guarantee.
Crypto, lending, just the very concept of money rather than directly trading goods, it's an interesting landscape alright.

>> No.58182105

That'd be swell too. Thanks for the thought. Mainly hoping it can pop off before something else does so I can use it to boost another project.

>> No.58182127

Which pic? Asking for a friend.

>> No.58182133
File: 440 KB, 1080x1690, Screenshot_20240325-115815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Judging by the fact we have this dao proposal due this weekend, audit is fully submitted (pending final result), etc. it sounds like the move to Base happens within the next week or two. Exciting times ahead.

>> No.58182139

Saw it in a base thread a few days ago I nutted to it but didn't save it probably got jannied

>> No.58182250

Thanks for the further info. If you have time for one last question, do I need to do anything with the AVI due to the base move?

>> No.58182260

No it's cross chain. You can hold on ETH or base. Same token.

>> No.58182356

> I've seen more practical projects sink or have to start over
Likewise. I’ve been in a couple of those when I first got into crypto several years ago and lost a good chunk of money in them, mostly because I was too new to know any better on risk management. Everything avi has done up to this point is night and day in comparison with those other projects I was in and the core team seems to be competent enough to understand what it takes to be a successful project based on their past experiences.

>> No.58182385


That, and they have the 'veteran shibainu dev' angle going for them, which is like chum in the water.

AVI has all the hallmarks of a full on crypto feeding frenzy. It's going to attract every fish in the sea.

>> No.58182651

look at chart lmfao. its topped out at .007 and a MASSIVE dip rn, whales are exiting. see u at .003

>> No.58182668


Don't worry, this isn't your 404 bakery

>> No.58182679
File: 66 KB, 857x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically hate you but it does look like we'll test a lower support if not multiple. Fucking nigger, you still won't buy though. You'll wait for it toget lower and lower and still be side lined.

>> No.58182680
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>> No.58182708

Shrimp will sell in mass, AVI didn’t even make it to the audit results, sad>>58182651

>> No.58182710

They should get out of that whole "gaming" thing. Nobody cares about gaming in crypto unless it's gambling

>> No.58182745
File: 63 KB, 1080x877, Screenshot_20240328-115713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Audit isn't done yet. Unfortunately this might be the cheapest entry you will ever get at this point. The full audit took like 5 business days so checking the fixes probably won't take more than 2-3 business days.


>> No.58182768

Well according to other anon we’re retesting even lower so I’ll get my entry then

>> No.58182798


The biggest narratives in crypto right now are probably AI, RWA, gaming, and Base. Why do you think so many of the top coins are gaming related.


> trusting meme lines

It also looks a lot more like an ascending triangle, if anything

>> No.58182837

>The full audit took like 5 business days so checking the fixes probably won't take more than 2-3 business days.
Not even memeing, check previous generals from warosu archives. This "oh it's in the next couple days" "its this week" has been said for weeks now if not a month+

>> No.58182839

ive said it like 20 tiems and ill say it again. the team doesnt give a fuck about token price so they will NEVER do marketing

>> No.58182854


No, the only thing ever delayed was first sending the bridge completion. That was only because of a bug with some supersonic bridging stuff. Everything else has been on time or early, including the submission yesterday morning of the audit fixes. Sorry, but I'm not selling and you may only have a day left to buy at cheaper prices.

>> No.58182873

Late reply but thank you for the info once more.

I wasn't in Alliance Block/Nexera when that service they used got hacked (they themselves were fine) but that sure was rough for them to have to redo progress on account of that event.

>> No.58182905

Hacken results tomorrow, the score is what you think it is. bridge release later half of next week. don’t say you were not warned and remember this post in a few days.

>> No.58182909

nah im ok on missing a 2x if it does pump because it'll go higher than that anyways but i am not gambling my eth anymore with hopes that this product is actually a thing. Like it would be nice if the devs PROVE it's working on the test net at least that isn't asking much and it isn't exposing the fucking code as it can still be closed source
good luck though, the gamble might pay off for you guys. but it'll be fucking disastrous if it doesn't play out exactly how we want it to.

>> No.58182942

holy flying fuck this coin makes me wanna end myself on cam on BBC news why is it only dumping and why the fuck are these massive furry faggots bullish when we have 0 anything ZERO fucking delaycoin and fucking american furries

>> No.58182960

the team is so secretive of everything that its clear they're struggling with almost everything. its sad they're stringing everyone along

>> No.58182968


>> No.58182973

brainwashed by the telegram on promises that have yet to be followed through on, hoping for a moon. Reminder Jesse shilled a faulty migration tool but won’t even like a post about aviator.

>> No.58182980

You know you've bought the right coin when some schizo faggot using multible id's to fud and spread bullshit, since he sold at 5mill mcap.

>> No.58182982

i agree. however some furfag will come in and say but we're up 500% in a month. cool retard now we're crabbing for literally 3 weeks. muh bullish coin muh nothing to prove for. imagine them taking this long for a simple bridge that a tranny twitter dev made in one night. now imagine the delays for their shitty arcade. btw the arcade games look insanely retarded lol

>> No.58182991

Fuck this shit yo. Some or y'all have lots of funny money to play with or not enough sense. Inbe4 this "FUD" is bullish. I dont matter anyways I'm a shrimp but some of you guys trust this team too much and that alone compelled me to sell.

>> No.58182993

Yeah pudgy penguins what the fuck? Pudgy penguins is gonna save web3 gaming?

>> No.58182997


Yeah lots of people swarm in here when some swing trader sells because they are BEGGING for a dip. They are trying their hardest for a sell off but every time they waste time in here fudding instead of buying the dip gets slurped up. We're already almost back to the ATH we had last week lol

>> No.58183016

25 second shout out from the Brian guy gave 200+ new holders for FREE now think what we would have if they actually fucking marketed.

>> No.58183018
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Ok bye you won’t be missed

>> No.58183022

Where is the audit I'm dumping my 2.5m if news doesn't come by tomorrow

>> No.58183031

Early next week is what has been predicted in the telegram

>> No.58183032

pudgy penguins are so popular now, not even just the NFT's but they've branched out to social media pages and normies love them

>> No.58183035
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It came out 10 mins now and it didn't look good, better sell now friend

>> No.58183042

Truthfully I know nothing about them so maybe I’m wrong

>> No.58183080

that retard faggot marketing guy kerasu would rather pay e-whores in hopes they send him nudes lmfao so fucking sad

>> No.58183095

team has delivered literally NOTHING for a whole year kek. its over

>> No.58183104

trust the heckin devs guys tho!
they [aiud for the audit with their own money holy heck guys!!!!

>> No.58183122

I sold today. Who else did this on obv double top like minimum price gonna be chopped in half. Textbook pattern

>> No.58183131

I have been tempted to cash in on what is in the wallet. But do you really think a year can dissuade people? I've seen people hold to a crypto project for ages.

>> No.58183133

I think a lot of anons are going to apologize to you next week jimmy. you have been the only one speaking with reason and critical thinking.

>> No.58183138

>Token not needed till the Arcade

>> No.58183165
File: 198 KB, 1280x824, 1601419911337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of sad watching Jimmy now. He's like a cornered animal, tossing out every single cope "fud" that he can think of that's been disproven time and time again. He, and others like him, can feel the walls closing in as we near the completion of the audit and the release of the bridge, when there will be nothing left for him. The desperate cries to try and convince people to sell, knowing that this is his last possible chance to have any sort of impact on the price, is slipping through his fingers. Replying to himself with agreements, lying about still having a stack. He says he'll apologize at one cent, but we all know he won't. He'll be mad forever, but soon his anger will be drowned out by the sea of new holders. A truly depressing tale

>> No.58183172

i will accept forgiveness. i tried my best to warn everyone

>> No.58183184

disprove why jesse would advocate for an unaudited migration tool and not aviator because he wasnt sure if it was legit or not and didnt trust the team. disprove this reasonably and ill apologize

>> No.58183185


Like clockwork a bunch of poorfags come out when a swing trader sells, trying to cause a sell off. They are always wasting their time because they know they can't make it with like $500 bucks lmao. Truly sad because as they fud smart people usually slurp the dip

>> No.58183195

you didnt see the double top and bagheld i kek'd

>> No.58183205

Oh no..only 2.5 mil lmao

>> No.58183208

What is there to say? It's all been said a million times. Everyone knows what happens if the audit sucks or the bridge sucks. Everyone knows what happens if it doesn't. Shit or get off the pot faggots. Now post sexy general pics I want to see his V muscles and veins popping

>> No.58183215

Yet price keeps on dumping. Nintendo lawsuit was final nail. It is over

>> No.58183217

I’m gonna miss reading his ridiculous 60 post fud to tell you the truth, it has been quite entertaining witnessing his mental decline this last month

>> No.58183224

its not a what if with the audit. its a when. and the when is when it comes out under a 6 score or delayed

>> No.58183227

Nah, I'm just wondering. I guess the better question is: they're still making it onto base or is that uncertain?

>> No.58183249

Post sexy general pics please I'm leaking precum just thinking about his big strong arms pinning me into the dirt

>> No.58183273


We get it, you're poor lmao. Not AVI's fault that 500 bucks isn't enough to make it

>> No.58183293

i have a 5m stack retard

>> No.58183307

Jeeze anon just open another tab

>> No.58183312
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no you don't

>> No.58183313


Sure sure. I'm the CEO of Nintendo

>> No.58183344

Its not the same

>> No.58183349

>I’m gonna miss reading his ridiculous 60 post fud
He'll still be here at 25 cents.

>> No.58183352

Tell me why it is needed then?

>> No.58183369

Find a pic on there and make the next thread with it.

>> No.58183410

Whats a good lewd AI generator

>> No.58183439

I don't know, I'm still trying to find a good one. Most porn generators are for humans, hard to find any that do furry porn and none as far as I can find do good furry porn.

>> No.58183453

Tell me why any of these cryptos are needed.

>> No.58183454

Fuck... I'll have to take profit and commission some after the bridge pump

>> No.58183465


download A11111 and find a furry trained model at civitai. Must have a decent graphics card though, especially if you want to render high res.

>> No.58183490


>> No.58183549

>muh double top
You’ve been saying this same shit for the last month now

>> No.58183573

How bout think about what we’ll have WHEN they market. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

>> No.58183592

Lamo all whales mass sold off

>> No.58183601
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I’m taking a nap bros

>> No.58183679

nah theres still 2b tokens whales have ready to rape price down to .00002

>> No.58183688

next stop 0.0000000000002

>> No.58183703

go to 4chan /trash/ and find /msdg/ - Male Stable Diffusion General.

>> No.58183723

So many brokies ITT trying to lower the price into a selloff when three swing traders sell (Enzo + A90E + one other guy). The audit will probably be finished either tomorrow or Monday so this will be their last chance. They are ngmi.

>> No.58183737

and what do you think will make the price go higher even with a good audit score? no one outside biz knows about this shitcoin

>> No.58183742

in b4 muh crypto youtber with 90% bot subs

>> No.58183751

>21 posts by this ID

>> No.58183755

All of you autists are always looking for the “4chan coin” to be early on, it’s right here. You can try some meme token with a cool name Jimbo.

>> No.58183758

no answer to my question, got it.

>> No.58183765


There are lots of big eyes on this want a sure thing (e.g. bigger whales than Brian, who put this on his watchlist for now until the team proves themselves). Shortly after audit is bridge release, and the dao proposal for Base liquidity is due this weekend. It's okay brokie, you gotta leave making money to the experts.

>> No.58183768

Good audit score means the confidence to full throttle market no? I’m gonna miss you when it takes off Jim. I hope you still fud for the love of the game

>> No.58183774

and where is the proof of these "big whales"

>> No.58183788

Not any of those anons but you're being obtuse. Public interest in crypto is picking up again and naturally more milestones are going to be met after this audit is out of the way: bridge, arcade, etc. Obviously the devs have been focused on preparing for this audit leading up to it but there's no reason for demand *not* to increase going forward. I don't know what else you want; as that anon said, this is the "early 4chan coin". Assuming that statement remains correct that should be all you need to know to be satisfied

>> No.58183800

https://youtu.be/AoZXDhMVYnc please fast forward to 18 minutes and 54 seconds.

>> No.58183802

anon, avi has been here since 2023 and they have literally nothing to show for. they move too slow

>> No.58183815

Just ignore the brokies. They need to leave making money to the experts.

>> No.58183883

>still no answer
What do you think happens once the bridge goes live and avi is trending on base + the marketing that will happen along with it? You really think no one outside of biz will notice that? The same shit has been repeated in just about every avi thread, yet you keep insisting that no one has an answer. I hope you’re only pretending to be retarded

>> No.58183895

The formation on the daily chart marked by a tight band of price movement and decreasing volume following a large and sudden increase in price is what is known as a "Bull Flag" in money terms. It means the price is ready to increase bigly and lotsa.

>> No.58183906

u assume they will do marketing kek

>> No.58183919

the poop in the toilet with the pee in the rag is a bull flag anon

>> No.58183931

You ever take a big shit then stand up and pee onto it? That's kino.

>> No.58183937
File: 297 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_4835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga really thinks we care about his schizo posting, or he has no friends and this is the main source of socialization for him.

Anyways I’m gonna be at the rumble to fucking stab magic and Stix, if Jimmy is there even better

>> No.58183944

banned from discord kek

>> No.58183972
File: 60 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_4369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good

>> No.58183988


>> No.58184105

some of you better put some respec on my nigga jimmys name after the audit comes out and still nobody outside of here will care. aviator Twitter will put out a tweet that gets 50 likes just as they always do.

>> No.58184130


>> No.58184265

>says not to buy avi because its up 9000%
>doesnt like it because its not fully dedicated to the bridge
this was your big marketing strat anons? to get shit on? holy fuck LMFAO

>> No.58184279


>> No.58184295
File: 519 KB, 750x681, ropelander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stfu and kys

>> No.58184312

no response again. avi holders are blind moonboys uh oh sisters...

>> No.58184344

>no response again
maybe we'll reply to the next 30

>> No.58184371

Being a side liner now I can see how much the holders worship the devs and how the fuddies are just here to get cheaper bags. Kek.

Unironically comfy on the sideline because even if I miss a 2X, it doesn't matter to me. If this takes off, it'll take off and I'll hop back in. Until then, I'm a side liner though with around 22 eth waiting.

it's either 0.003 or 0.01 by Sunday though, the crabbing is going to stop. People are getting sick of waiting on results. So it either happens, the audit is a 10/10 or even a 9.5/10 and it continues to crab until the bridge is deployed to the testnet(at least, why isn't this a thing btw? why the fuck can't they prove it's real by deploying it on the test net with FAKE ethereum?)
It tanks to 0.001-0.003 or lower because the red weekend is coming.

>> No.58184385

>prove it's real
Huh? If it weren't real then Hacken wouldn't be auditing it

>> No.58184402

Ok then why can't investors see it on any of the various ethereum testnets then? That's pretty standard in serious projects.

>> No.58184424

assuming it's finished, that is.

If it isn't finished, then that would explain why it isn't on the testnet. An audit isn't going to hold that up. The code is either finished and working or it isn't. The purpose of the audit isn't to say "OK THIS WORKS" it's to say "OK this works AND has enough bases covered for security."

>> No.58184441

because it doesnt actually work kek

>> No.58184501
File: 119 KB, 367x834, testnet question response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have other questions you should ask the devs, they're very quick/open to respond

>> No.58184502
File: 189 KB, 673x714, uCzUEht5Zm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry this just seems ingenuine

>> No.58184537

if the purpose of the audit, as you say, is to both show it works and is secure, then it must work if it passes you retard. fuddies are gonna eat fox shit soon and I can’t wait.

>> No.58184546

How is it disingenuous? Also as Stixil brought up Hacken could sue for false claims if they were faking it and they gave them a score under false pretenses. That'd be wildly stupid and unrealistic

>> No.58184560

>testing after audit
>2months untill bridge is out
only fuck we missed the bull

>> No.58184589

Kek that’s quite the blogpost for someone on the sideline. You seem too emotionally attached. Nice try Jimmie

>> No.58184608

No one is going to sue anyone over anything related to cryptocurrency unless you're Taylor Swift or someone so that's a dumb fucking reply.
It's disingenuous because they mentioned they want the product to be audited, why? Why does it need to be audited to be on a public testnet where USERS can test various things and see that it's an actual product?
I mean you should be asking yourself these questions if you seriously have big stacks of this coin. Something just doesn't feel right in my gut with this one based on how the team handles everything so privately. I understand why the code isn't open source to an extent but I still don't understand why we can't test the bridge ourselves on sepolia or something.
Because the audit isn't finished? What kind of answer is that? Who cares. Let the users test shit out with the 'fake version' which would be completely RISK free from all angles WHILE the audit is reviewed and finished.

Because I just dumped earlier today? I didn't have a massive amount compared to a lot of you but it's enough for me to not want to lose 50% of it. Is everyone who asks questions Jimmy now?

>> No.58184622
File: 31 KB, 562x130, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this reply
How is this not giving anyone else bad vibes? "I'd have to redeploy it!" Oh what a pity! Losing your fake ethereum you can get for free from faucets on demand!
Seriously? lol

>> No.58184639

Don’t care, didn’t read

>> No.58184647


>> No.58184652


stfu and die nigger, you haven't been right ONCE. fuck off. Not our fault you were retarded enough to sell at 5mill mcap.

>> No.58184657

Do you guys really buy these tokens by buying eth and then sending it to Metamask and then trading it on a Dex?
Is there no simpler way? I haven't done any defi stuff since 2020 and I'm seeing memecoins pass me by and I just can't handle the headache of swapping ETH.
Good on you bros.
If a token is on BNB I'm going to buy that one over the ETH one any day.

>> No.58184669

so far im right about .007 being the top. notice it hasnt gotten back?
anon dont bother they will call u a schizo fudder even tho u bring up good points. they are all bag holding retards

>> No.58184670
File: 83 KB, 720x720, 1709406200695558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I understand why the code isn't open source to an extent but I still don't understand why we can't test the bridge ourselves on sepolia or something.
its going to be open source and open for testing on sepolia after the audit, though
whats the sense in focusing on redeploying testnets over and over before theyre done with the process of fixing up the hiccups they already know they need to fix, and getting the all-clear from auditors?
literally just wait a few days

>Because I just dumped earlier today?
i see the problem here

>> No.58184673

>muh sideline
>11 pbtid
LOL sorry Matt, still not selling

>> No.58184681

i hate avi but anon ur fucking retarded. any memecoin ur gonna have to use a dex unless its already on a cex, in which case ur lunch money wont do fuck all

>> No.58184686


it's just normal price movements you retard. just dancing between 0.0063 and 0.007

>> No.58184692

im willing to bet it will take them atleast 2 weeks after the audit to put it on testnet

>> No.58184718

>whats the sense in focusing on redeploying testnets over and over before theyre done with the process of fixing up the hiccups they already know they need to fix, and getting the all-clear from auditors?
What do you mean what is the sense? Ideally they wouldn't need to redeploy it that many times if even a couple times. It's also no fucking issue to redeploy anything on any of the public test nets too, it's quite literally free and done with the click of two buttons. One for deploying from something like remix and then one for signing/confirming.
Like, what is the big fear of "Oh our code is too ugly and we'll have to redeploy it completely free of charge with zero risk on the testnet!"
It's a valid point and getting attacked for it from various anons just shows how much more valid it is.

>> No.58184721

>No one is going to sue anyone over anything related to cryptocurrency unless you're Taylor Swift or someone so that's a dumb fucking reply.
Auditing companies live and die by their track record, it's what makes their stamp of approval so valuable. It wouldn't be surprising for them to litigate someone who ruins their reputation with false claims
>it's disingenuous because they want the product to be audited, why? Why does it need to be audited to be on a public testnet where USERS can test various things and see that it's an actual product?
This is a very confusing sentiment. You're basically asking why they would put out a version of their product before making it the best it can be through a professional auditing service. The whole point is to catch potential bugs and exploits - why would they put out a potentially worse version of their product for the public to see? It feels like you're looking for problems that aren't there.

>> No.58184722

That was the point of my post, anon. I used to do it when the last bullrun happened, but it's so time consuming and just a pain. It's like pulling teeth. Or it was, I just wondered if that had improved with L2s and such since then.
I need to buy something on a Dex and it's just reminding me why I hate ETH in the first place.
(I don't actually hate it but it is the least fun Crypto experience you can have).
I'm gonna do it anon, fine. Get off my back, it was partly daunting and also part laziness I suppose.
I don't even want Avi but I'm happy for all those who got good gains from it.

>> No.58184737

but ur gonna have to go through a dex with bnb too anon. if ur buying low cap memecoins

>> No.58184746

and you'll be right here with us, right?

>> No.58184753

>You're basically asking why they would put out a version of their product before making it the best it can be through a professional auditing service. The whole point is to catch potential bugs and exploits - why would they put out a potentially worse version of their product for the public to see? It feels like you're looking for problems that aren't there.

Because it doesn't matter in the end if it's on any of the test nets. What is the big fear? It has bugs? do you guys seriously think this will be bug free when it's finally reviewed by hacken? ALL programming has bugs in it and ALL programming has edge cases even when you have QA gods reviewing your code.
The WHOLE point of the test net is to catch bugs and exploits as well and if a lot of people were trying numerous edge cases then it wouldn't be an issue? What is the point of this too:
>why would they put out a potentially worse version of their product for the public to see
Like it's a test net. Who cares. It's a pride thing? I don't get it. This shit isn't going anywhere though, said my 2 cents. GL.

>> No.58184755

we can bet your 5m avi you refuse to sell

>everyone telling me theres no sense in doing that just reaffirms my belief that it makes sense!
again, literally just wait a couple days
the things already done

>> No.58184760

yes. the team takes forever to do anything. listening to the ama made me realize just how slow they are at everything. plus the speaker's answers were all soon(tm) to everything

>> No.58184773
File: 14 KB, 309x269, 1705265879917196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right anon I know that, but it's less of a headache than ETH by several orders of magnitude. Same token, less headache. That's what I'm going to do, since what I want is on BNB.

>> No.58184782

anon you’re in the tg for the project that you apparently dumped, so why don’t you ask these things in there? Afraid of looking like a retard?

>> No.58184792

Alright, anon. I'm sorry this was enough to get you out, but best of luck
Did you mean to reply to me?

>> No.58184812

oops, youre right
>>58184755 was for >>58184718
was reading your response while typing kek

>> No.58184818

its the same process tho. just more expensive gas on eth

>> No.58185062

another whale exiting the project. because team is afk jerking off to porn all day over

>> No.58185128

The biggest sell I see on etherscan in the past hour is 1.3 million AVI.

That's not a whale anon.

>> No.58185239
File: 409 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Afraid of looking like a retard
They already know who the fudders are. There’s no hiding their retardation. All questions, even the fud questions, have been answered in the TG. These retards repeat the same, already answered, questions in every avi thread as a way to somehow cope at their failure to get people to panic sell after trying non stop for the last 3 months. The amount of hours spent on biz fudding a token they don’t hold and yet it still won’t dump. The closer we get to a bridge release, the more desperate they get

>> No.58185243

Please post pics when you inevitably rope

>> No.58185261
File: 33 KB, 244x180, 1710471190790993 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVI just chillin'

>> No.58185501

whos to say the bridge wont take over a month? have fun bleeding out for that long, i will wait for a better buy at .004 at least

>> No.58185530

I'm financially bored 2 more weeks for every step two more weeks for everything I'm sick of tired of these stupid fucking faggots

>> No.58185548

dont worry anon, 2 more weeks for audit results, then two more weeks for testnet, then two more weeks for fixes, then two more weeks for release (it will still be bugged)

>> No.58185570

Idk who the fuck you are but responding to you brings bad juju. Anyways I need to vent and yes I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach this piece of shit did not move for the past 20 days what did we do wrong AVI sisters I feel like I'm going to puke

>> No.58185596

team thinks the project will magically market itself on twitter and youtube.

>> No.58185621


gens are getting progressively more based, good job AVI-gen-anon

>> No.58185640

621 get confirms
$5 is FUD

>> No.58185680


>> No.58185723

prove it, dump 1 mil.

>> No.58185844
File: 103 KB, 850x838, 1691844962633559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58185952

Hold your AVI's and you may get a base NFT airdrop soon...

>> No.58185966

bleed 80% of ur value for an nft worth literal shit hmm anon lemme think

>> No.58185975

sounds based I'm in

>> No.58186028

Harrowing. I pissed myself

>> No.58186148

Brian Jung is now following aviator Twitter.

>> No.58186153
File: 16 KB, 161x165, 1701969826619411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charts ascending triangle tightening
>volume almost at the end of its major downtrend
>much less overbought now, MAs catching up, whatever the fuck else you might have for indicators look right as rain
>small new buyers still replacing bigger holders
>audit done either tomorrow or next week, bridge soon, perfectly lines up with the chart
>will soon be able to make trades on base
im gonna coom

>> No.58186217

It's literally primed to fucking explode

>> No.58186220
File: 117 KB, 904x864, IMG_2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, the whale that killed linu and hokk is back to kill avi again for the, what, 3rd time now? Aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.58186237


>> No.58186245
File: 22 KB, 460x397, 1707823766599800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the annihilator of aviator...

>> No.58186284
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>> No.58186291

Could this chart pattern be the work of the market maker?

>> No.58186377
File: 1.38 MB, 1239x1907, 1711675225528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*disappears into the shadows*

>> No.58186386

You can check their wallet if you want to find out. I’m sure they’ll be creating buy pressure for the big news though

>> No.58186400

You're excluded from the airdrop!
Give me your wallet address.

>> No.58186436

I'm going to airdrop you into a fucking volcano if you don't give me a sexy avi fox nft

>> No.58186550

for real, didn't Coinbase just announce that they're going to be implementing a bridge for "any erc20 or 721"?

and weren't there rumors about Aviator + Coinbase, at the very least that they've been talking?

read between the lines.

>> No.58186643

This, I want to see AVI's fully erect knotted cock.

>> No.58186803

>implying coinbase isn't working on an in-house bridge
take a step back from the altar before marrying your bags

>> No.58186917

i want someone to give me one reason why coinbase WOULDNT make their own bridge. like holy fuck avi holders are retards

>> No.58186937

i'm holding for the retard pump, but these threads make it hard

>> No.58186955

Jimmy, don't call yourself a retard. Self-hate isn't good for you: >>58183293

>> No.58186961

idk if its gonna retard pump desu. its perma stuck here for 4 weeks. devs dont care about marketing

>> No.58186969

effort, plus its better optics to have the community making shit
why wouldnt they just make their own anything that exists on base
i dont know why i still reply to you jimmy

>> No.58186971

im a retard but not a bag marrying retard

>> No.58186989

ok, now refute how they literally announced their working on an in-house bridge. aka not partnering with someone

>> No.58186993


>> No.58186995

for real, didn't Coinbase just announce that they're going to be implementing a bridge for "any erc20 or 721"?

and weren't there rumors about Aviator + Coinbase, at the very least that they've been talking?

read between the lines.

>> No.58187003

didnt mean to tag that random retard. but some anon just said they announced it recently

>> No.58187019
File: 248 KB, 972x1856, 1711134387418663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, an anon just said that
i looked it up when he posted that and i didnt find anything
unless he sources it i think hes just mistaken

>> No.58187032

I don't remember seeing Jesse say anything about it and I stalk him and go through his trash. I think that anon was having a moonboy delusion thinking skybridge was going to be built into coinbase wallet and replacing their own bridge or something our dearest Jimmy boy. Wouldn't surprise me if they eventually upgrade their own bridge however. Still would have the 7 day withdrawl lockup.

>> No.58187059

fair enough, we will see if the audit score is good in a few days, until then i will be taking a break from my fud

>> No.58187085

You've earned it big boy. You've been putting in hours.

>> No.58187103


> 50 posts by this id

>> No.58187119

thank you

>> No.58187128

fuck yourself

>> No.58187135


> 52 posts by this id
> mattdoescryoto.eth
> 404 bakery

>> No.58187148

not my ens faggot. im matthew red

>> No.58187172


> 53 posts by this id
> 404 bakery

>> No.58187632
File: 11 KB, 640x480, 1709831314915989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek looks like the brokies are still trying to drop the price enough so that their life savings ($500) will be enough to make it. You can tell because the fud today was substantially more stupid

>> No.58187678

clearly its working look at that fucking chart kek

>> No.58187707

>"its good that we're shaking out paperhands! its good that the devs havent done fuck all in 1 month! moon soon! 1$ eow!"

>> No.58187722

Wow Jimmy, you've managed to make up over a fifth of all the replies in this thread. Impressive stuff

>> No.58187729
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1706648573265933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you seriously think I care about this dipping to 0.0062 or whatever. I got this at 0.0002, audit is about to land, bridge about to come out, etc. Some small brokies (like you) don't matter to me. Fucking poorfags spending all day screaming at biz, trying to dip the price a few percentage points. Look at the wallets selling, do you really think you wasting your time has convinced anyone? Do these even look like biz wallets? God damn brokies need a job instead of spending all day here

>> No.58187777
File: 21 KB, 378x357, laughing-pepe-v0-l96v9djegebb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is probably the best use of this brokie's time, even though he has literally zero price impact good or bad
The price doesn't go up, or down, because of him posting in these threads all day. He's just a sad brokie loser trying to find an entry point because he has no money for one. This is literally his life every day. No girlfriend, no kids, just coming here every day because he's a broke, sad as fuck, loser.

>> No.58188176

This fudding started in late Feb around .002. He would have been up over 3x if he bought then.

>> No.58188180


>> No.58188251

a regular bridge is not at all the same as a bridge that will literally work for any ERC20 and ERC721. The only time you've ever heard of this is from Aviator. Coinbase said they are going to be implementing such a bridge.

2+2, it's just that simple.

>> No.58188361


Where did Coinbase say they are implementing such a bridge? If nowhere stop spreading rumors like a retard it's worse than fudding

>> No.58188405

regardless of when you got in, it would make sense you would want to sell the top, and unfortunately .007 was the top that u missed.

>> No.58188424
File: 16 KB, 280x280, 1711144832484583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're still here, brokie? Don't you have anything to do other than comment on this stupid bored morning until night about the same cartoon fox on an airplane? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you think this might be why?

>> No.58188618


>> No.58188775


That's a migration tool (and a shit one in beta that doesn't look to be working properly) and not a bridge. It already caused a massive rugpull

>> No.58188780
File: 362 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_20240325-081541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See also attached

>> No.58189099

Nice slurpertunity right now, are we going any lower Avi bros? I want another mil.

>> No.58189273

Base has been out nearly as long as avi. I want any fudder in here to give me one reason why base HASN'T created their own bridge/deployer that supports all erc-20/721 projects yet. Even if they were working on one, is it even being audited? If so, by who? Hopefully not hacken since we'd end up front running them.

>> No.58189302

>ok, now refute how they literally announced their working on an in-house bridge. aka not partnering with someone
>some anon just said they announced it recently
kek you just refuted it yourself

>> No.58189315

ftfy. His biggest mistake was announcing his sell while using an ens with his name on it.

>> No.58189375
File: 387 KB, 680x708, Pink_Wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58189428

I am officially underwater on my avis. I thought I was comfy accumulating around .006. I want to buy more but I'm scared we've not bottomed yet.

>> No.58189465

why should coinbase integrate skybridge when they would earn way more fees with their own bridge - thinking aviator and coinbase have conversations about skybridge is just laughable

>> No.58189487

See >>58189273. What has stopped them from doing it, and why would Jesse put out a tweet calling for someone to make a tool for them? They seem more than capable of doing it themselves.

>> No.58189508

Support broken see you at 0.004

>> No.58189542


>> No.58189544

Wtf why is this rugging?

>> No.58189555


>> No.58189577

looks like a 70m whale getting out, constant sells

>> No.58189589
File: 282 KB, 1676x683, master and commander hold fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58189683

tfw want to slurp but also don't want to give this faggot any more exit liquidity

>> No.58189687
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 6512651651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slurp, slurp, slurp. mmmmm

>> No.58189688

Coinbase just announced theyre making their own bridge to base. It's over

>> No.58189700


>> No.58189809

heh...feel that fear avicucks? that uncertainty? They called me a madman. In time you will learn to lose.

>> No.58189879

See ya at ath next week. No big deal.

>> No.58189891

every 5th post is you, you need a better hobby

>> No.58191139

woke up and saw the dip at the lowest today still decided to hold off because there is a chance this weekend could be way fucking worse and sunday/monday will be absolutely brutal if the audit takes any longer. Every day past that the audit isn't posted, most likely a couple big whales will be exiting. Even some of the best memers exited already such as LittleJimmyCryBaby.eth and a couple more.

Hope the audit comes through and we get something on the PUBLIC testnet to see that it's actually real and not made up and I'll hop into this bitch with 20+ ethereum. But I'm not dropping anything until we see real shit, until then it's fake IMO.

>> No.58191289

jimmycrybaby still has 70m left to go if exiting completely, should be fun

>> No.58191381

why would i need to worry kek. i got in AVI in august last year. I comfy hodling this another year

>> No.58191407

wasn't the audit supposed to be out today ?

>> No.58191469

No, it could be out today at the earliest or early next week

>> No.58191479

Today was the deadline for returning everything they needed to, that was done earlier this week, result will probably be next week at a guess